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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


Veelk, my man, never leave a comp match, for any reason. I have had the temptation, so I understand, but it promotes the toxicity.

I know. I ended up rejoining, but by then 2 other guys left.

There is something wrong here. If I win the next 2 matches, then I'm sitting at a 33% win rate. That is atrocious and the worst I've had of any of my seasons by a mile. What is going on? I'm not asking that rhetorically, there is something seriously off here because this shit didn't happen in season 5.
I know. I ended up rejoining, but by then 2 other guys left.

There is something wrong here. If I win the next 2 matches, then I'm sitting at a 33% win rate. That is atrocious and the worst I've had of any of my seasons by a mile. What is going on? I'm not asking that rhetorically, there is something seriously off here because this shit didn't happen in season 5.

I know how that feels. We all do. Everyone here has had a completely bullshit string of luck at one time or another. Grind it out, keep your head up. Or go play something else for a few weeks if you need to.
But don't let the game ruin your enjoyment of playing the game. It will always be just a game.


Finally did my placements and finished 7-3 while getting either multiple gold's and silvers every match and placed 80 points higher than last seasons high. Kinda done with competitive this season.
I've noticed a pattern of when I play Symmetra on Defense, I usually have Gold Elims and contribute a lot to all the kills my team gets, and we usually have a successful hold. But then when I have to play a healer support on Offense my team gets nowhere and we usually Draw or Lose.



I've noticed a pattern of when I play Symmetra on Defense, I usually have Gold Elims and contribute a lot to all the kills my team gets, and we usually have a successful hold. But then when I have to play a healer support on Offense my team gets nowhere and we usually Draw or Lose.


Play symm on attack.
Two more placement match. I hope I'm ranked in bronze. Just to see lol

Bro...you absolutely don't want that. From what I've seen in past seasons, just dropping into high silver is a fate worse than death.

OT: my profile is stuck in 'appear offline' even tho online is checked. Anyone had this happen, or know how I can fix it?


Played a few more games, won them all. I'm slowly repairing my tragic wr. Usually I continue on a winning streak until it breaks, but in this case, I need to end on a high note.

Those D.Va changes cannot come soon enough.
In Overtime, pushing the payload the last amount, trying to tie the other team who also got it pushed to the end in Overtime, we're almost there, and one guy comes out of the spawn and everybody gets off payload to chase them down, leaving me as the only person pushing it.

It starts a chain reaction that ends with us missing getting the payload to the end by less than 5m. If everybody had stayed on and we had pushed it at max speed, we probably would have made it. I just don't understand how people still don't fucking understand to STAY ON THE PAYLOAD, ESPECIALLY IN OVERTIME.

I was hoping that all the idiots would get distracted by Destiny 2, but it seems like all the good people went to play it instead and left Overwatch with the brain dead.

Play symm on attack.

I may start.
Bro...you absolutely don't want that. From what I've seen in past seasons, just dropping into high silver is a fate worse than death.

OT: my profile is stuck in 'appear offline' even tho online is checked. Anyone had this happen, or know how I can fix it?
Just placed 2265. I honestly expected much lower considering The only season I played was s1 with 7 hours and across all game mode lucio is at 11 hours lol.
I spent the better half trying to learn to play with a controller again lol.
Just placed 2265. I honestly expected much lower considering The only season I played was s1 with 7 hours and across all game mode lucio is at 11 hours lol.
I spent the better half trying to learn to play with a controller again lol.

I have 2 different accounts that play comp (and one that I haven't yet, but maybe), but haven't placed in either yet. One is for sure going to be high silver, but I'm really interested in the other. It's mid-gold, and I really want to know if OW will bump me up to Plat, even though they've used SR gains and losses to bracket me in gold for the past 2 seasons.
I need a good headset.i thought I could use the PC one. while it works the sound is low and the mic barely pick up unless I'm screaming into it


Unconfirmed Member
Saw this in Reddit. Is it missing anything?



I should have never soloqed latewatch, just two awful games. We lost easily to a bastion two snipers hanamura attack.

Honestly fuck bastion. What a shitty cheap character that everyone ends up having to focus on to kill and just takes forever to kill. Also yeah soloQ is really random.
Went 3-4-1 tonight in solo queue. Had climbed up steadily after placements and pretty much lost all progress and then some between tonight and yesterday when I lost 2 more.

I think Blizzard seriously needs to make a mandatory tutorial that plays before people's first competitive match every night if they're Platinum or below. Just a 5 minute unskippable tutorial that goes over basics like "group up, don't try to go in solo," "proper positioning is the key to winning fights," "if you suck at DPS don't play it because your Lucio is healing his ass off and yet nobody is getting any kills," and my personal favorite "don't Zarya ult when it's a 1v6 on the point and the rest of your team is dead or coming back from spawn."

On the other hand, I've come back around to really enjoying KOTH but hating 2CP. I think I've won one 2CP this season total, every other one has been my team just farting around and not able to take the first point. Also I think they must have boosted Horizon's rate of being chosen this season because I've played on it more than any other map this season.


Is it even possible to get a nonfucked team comp in quick play on both sides? Will your game console explode if it happens, is that why people don't do it anymore?

I feel like that scenerio is less likely to happen than finding a unicorn at this point.
I should have never soloqed latewatch, just two awful games. We lost easily to a bastion two snipers hanamura attack.

I always solo Q latewatch, usually the best games for people on mic as well for wutever reason.

Psn still stuck on 'appear offline' and it's honestly fuckin annoying.
Have you shut down your PS4 and started it up agian? That has solved literally all my issues in the past.

Yeah dude, that's always my go to as well.

I restarted, signed out, powered off, unplugged, rebuilt database and some more shit I prolly forgot. I'm not sure where to go from here, hopefully it's a psn server thing that fixes itself.


yeah, solo q late watch has been great to me. People usually come to voice chat unlike every other time. That helps a ton.


So some person was screeching at me tonight for "Tryharding".


I don't really know what he meant by that...

If I see you I'm going to shoot you; you should probably get out of my way if you don't want to be shot.... right?
Or just not play the game at all, because competition is kind of the point of a pvp game.

What the fuck is tryharding?


So some person was screeching at me tonight for "Tryharding".


I don't really know what he meant by that...

If I see you I'm going to shoot you; you should probably get out of my way if you don't want to be shot.... right?
Or just not play the game at all, because competition is kind of the point of a pvp game.

What the fuck is tryharding?

Tryharding is when you're beating him resoundingly. It means you're a no-life player in comparison to him.
So some person was screeching at me tonight for "Tryharding".


I don't really know what he meant by that...

If I see you I'm going to shoot you; you should probably get out of my way if you don't want to be shot.... right?
Or just not play the game at all, because competition is kind of the point of a pvp game.

What the fuck is tryharding?

Tryharding means you were shitting on him all game long and there was nothing he could do about it.


Tryharding is when you're beating him resoundingly. It means you're a no-life player in comparison to him.

I get it if Creepy was yelling at that player and has the mentality of winning (or having a high kill/death ratio) is more important than just having fun.

But it sounds like that nincompoop was calling him out for all the wrong reasons.
I may start.
It's a whole different type of game on attack. Symmetra works amazingly well when they have to come to you. It allows you to stay around corners, which eliminates their range advantage, it allows you to set up all of your turrets to complement you, etc. Those aspects are pretty much absent when you're the one on the offensive. When you attack, you're a Reaper without any of his mobility or escape options.

Saw this in Reddit. Is it missing anything?

People walking to the Attacker spawn to serenade them with Hellos and Mada madas


Funny, a few days ago I was called a "useless pharah" for not being able to take out a turret repeatedly while I had a bastion and a widow focusing me.
Their defence was rock solid but it was all my fault our attack failed, silly me.

Now I'm a "tryhard" and "pure cancer(?)" because I kill too well.

I love the game but the people you encounter can be real jerks for no reason... really dampens my enthusiasm to play.

I get it if Creepy was yelling at that player and has the mentality of winning (or having a high kill/death ratio) is more important than just having fun.
But it sounds like that nincompoop was calling him out for all the wrong reasons.

I've never yelled at or been rude to another player, If people start up at me I just block them. I see no reason for all the aggression that permeates online gaming.


I should have never soloqed latewatch, just two awful games. We lost easily to a bastion two snipers hanamura attack.

I woke up a bit early to see if you guys were on so I could play before work but didnt see anyone on so went back to sleep lol


I love the game but the people you encounter can be real jerks for no reason... really dampens my enthusiasm to play.

Welcome to online multiplayer.
Though Overwatch is a different kind of beast, definitely. Every season I have less and less fun with it.

Anyway, played a bunch of duo matches with my friend (he's gold, I'm high plat). The games themselves were alright but we went 4-2 and I ended up at exactly the same SR i startet at (2940). Looks like only solo queue can get me higher, which sucks bigtime.


Junkrat is my most played hero this season. What a time to be alive. He is just so gud, almost against anything. Who would've thought that tire could be one of the easiest ways to delete Pharmercy lmao


So me and a couple of friends played a whole bunch of QP yesterday and... what the fuck has happened there?

These matches were the most friendly and coordinated matches I've had in a long time.
No complainers, no griefers, no AFKers, no throwers, no leavers, the Widows were good, the Hanzos were good, the Reinhardts shielded, people stood behind said shield, the Genjis took care of themselves...

I am legit scared. This is not the QP I remember. D=

Junkrat is my most played hero this season. What a time to be alive. He is just so gud, almost against anything. Who would've thought that tire could be one of the easiest ways to delete Pharmercy lmao

JR is awesome with these buffs. And yeah, had a Pharmercy combo on Oasis that never expected the tire to come from above them. Space tire is best tire.
Saw this in Reddit. Is it missing anything?


It's missing "maybe if a teammate runs onto the point by themself it'll work this time."

Also, when you're contesting a point in overtime and you and 4 other people are dead, and you watch the last guy on your team run away from the point rather than trying to at least make an effort to hold it. It's also usually a Genji flipping over a wall to get away.


Junkrat is my most played hero this season. What a time to be alive. He is just so gud, almost against anything. Who would've thought that tire could be one of the easiest ways to delete Pharmercy lmao

The most annoying thing now is when mediocre/shitty Junk players instalock him and they keep dying or they suck at killing. This is especially annoying after I destroyed with Junk in a previous round so they think they could do as well as me. It's happened in a few matches.


The most annoying thing now is when mediocre/shitty Junk players instalock him and they keep dying or they suck at killing. This is especially annoying after I destroyed with Junk in a previous round so they think they could do as well as me. It's happened in a few matches.

Ha, sounds like the same Junkrats I get on my team in comp


Lol, I saved this because I thought it was a nice kill. Upon looking back I see I miraculously dodged a Junkrat trap in the chase that I didn't even notice.

With all these Junkrat players around now I have to learn to look at the ground. I always get myself stuck in the traps. Dodging this one was pure luck.



Has problems recognising girls
Lol, I saved this because I thought it was a nice kill. Upon looking back I see I miraculously dodged a Junkrat trap in the chase that I didn't even notice.

With all these Junkrat players around now I have to learn to look at the ground. I always get myself stuck in the traps. Dodging this one was pure luck.


There's three different Junk players - the one who throws the trap on blind & tight corners, the one who throws the trap on/near health kits, and the one who randomly throws it in path patterns.

The first two players are ones who tend to keep a mine near the trap so you've got two visual aides to avoid being trapped. It's the random ones you need to be wary about and usually pose a coin-flip essence of danger.

The most annoying thing now is when mediocre/shitty Junk players instalock him and they keep dying or they suck at killing. This is especially annoying after I destroyed with Junk in a previous round so they think they could do as well as me. It's happened in a few matches.

Yeah, it's a little disheartening at times seeing heroes decimate the team you're on when they should have been nullified by a Junkrat. It reminds me of TF2's glory days on Engineer chokeholds or even being blocked by a great Heavy/Soldier & Medic duo. All it takes it a few blind tubes in perfect areas from a capable Demo that can destroy the position or synergy and the team moves on.
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