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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


So, what is Roadhog supposed role now? Whenever I played Hog, I treated him as a bodyguard from the flankers that try to harass the backline, and I rarely flank with him.

He can't protect people like a classic tank. He can't kill people like a DPS. His only good ability is his hook, but the rest of his kit doesn't put him in any place where he is better at something than any other hero. (He isn't the best at killing; he isn't the best at protecting, he isn't the best at distracting; he isn't the best at zoning; he isn't the best at breaking shields).


I'm at 3462 SR and I want to die.

I'm so close :(
You're going to gain and lose that emblem a nauseating amount of times. Don't sweat it. Diamond is a minefield.

Has Mercy suddenly become broken or something? I've been mostly away from the game for a couple of weeks so I'm out of the loop.
The complaining about her toolset is of much the same nature as it has been since launch and ignores the fact that Mercy is actually a pretty weak character, although perhaps not on console.

What's relatively new is that her SR gains are very inappropriate and tend to reward poor play, causing a lot of inappropriately ranked Mercies.


One shots don't belong on tanks, glad hog got nerfed.


Recent changes towards many tanks has shown Blizzard wants to make tanks as boring as possible to play, giving them more barrier-based abilities (while nerfing their damage) so that their guns are just there for decoration. D.Va, Orisa and Hog all got this treatment (except they forgot to give Hog tanking abilities).
Has the lock on for things like Zarya's projected barrier, Mercy's flight, and Zenyatta's orbs been altered at all on PS4?
I use the default settings, but it's felt off for me after the patch that added Horizon.


Has the lock on for things like Zarya's projected barrier, Mercy's flight, and Zenyatta's orbs been altered at all on PS4?
I use the default settings, but it's felt off for me after the patch that added Horizon.

Felt fine to me. I play Zarya and Zen. You can adjust the lock on settings if it feels off to you.
Felt fine to me. I play Zarya and Zen. You can adjust the lock on settings if it feels off to you.

Unless it's just rust then. Zenyatta's my most used, but I've been playing D.Va and Lucio this season for a change.

I guess it could also be my controller maybe, as it seems to be approaching the end of it's life, as the sticks are sticking, and there's been a few instances where button presses haven't registered.


Unless it's just rust then. Zenyatta's my most used, but I've been playing D.Va and Lucio this season for a change.

I guess it could also be my controller maybe, as it seems to be approaching the end of it's life, as the sticks are sticking, and there's been a few instances where button presses haven't registered.

Yea, might be controller issue.
Oh yeah let me turn it on aaannnddd it's over.

Lunatic Hai too good

Im so sad the match should have ben way more competitive.

Pine wasnt playing bad but for some reason they kept him on instead of starting with LW Blues actual support player Luna.

Flow3r was also playing really off felt like he tilted as the matches went on he solo ulted winston and mei lol.

Janus also just came out of the hospital cause of the collapsed lung 😔😔😔

Gido was stepping up so i cant all say LW Blue was bad.


is the nerfing of hog to make way for another character perhaps? i felt hog was fine as he was; you really only got punished for being poorly positioned.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I've seen some funny/wtf Overwatch videos where Roadhogs just spin like crazy when they hook people. What for? To confuse their target? Just for laughs? I can't imagine this helping the Roadhog player to hit his target.
Hm. I think I like playing Mercy now. She's finally clicked with me.

I've stopped following heroes who just blindly rush. I prefer to stay back now so that I'm safe and can keep as many heroes on my screen as I can. I like to keep an invisible barrier between me and the defence line so thst I'm a constant source of reliable health to fall back on. Occasionally poking my head forward.

Above all else I'm prioritizing Mercy' survival over everything else. I think a good Mercy is one who uses her servants and not the other way round. I'm not going to give you a constant stream of excess health just cuz you're spamming me. After I'm done injecting you I'm already healing the next person and then the next.

My old Mercy had tunnel vision and that's why I sucked with her.
Did they nerf High Noon damage in exchange for the speed increase?

I seem to only kill the lower health heroes with it despite full lock on, unless a high hp one has been hurt already.


I've seen some funny/wtf Overwatch videos where Roadhogs just spin like crazy when they hook people. What for? To confuse their target? Just for laughs? I can't imagine this helping the Roadhog player to hit his target.

Yeah, it's mostly to disorient their target & then you can kill them while they are trying to process what happened. It's honestly the only way to be effective with pig boy now.
Ana weakness on console is players not having good enough aim.

How could you fix that?

Ana is falling even among higher ranks. Her problem is her lack of mobility to help dive players sufficiently. D.Va on defense can deny her shooting into the front line for heals.

I know she's an old women, so not sure how they can modify that. Mobility, moreso than dive is really the meta right now. Winston, Genji, Tracer, D.Va, Lucio can dance all around other teams and it's leaving the slower plodding characters behind.
How many losses

It wasn't even the losses that broke me - I think we went 2-2-1. It was a stupid draw on Hanamura where we had 6 minutes to take one tick on point B to win and nearly every time we pushed we got picks and were winning the team fights and somehow it still ended up a draw. It was ridiculous.

The worst part was nobody on our team was doing anything wrong. We just weren't confirming the last kill we needed every freaking time. That match was the worst case of Overwatch blue balls I've ever had - we should have won it five times over.

Has Mercy suddenly become broken or something? I've been mostly away from the game for a couple of weeks so I'm out of the loop.

Mercy has become so ubiquitous that every team fight boils down to "get the Mercy first" - and even then if the fight last too long Mercy can still come back and Rez everyone. Even when Lucio/Ana were always healers, the team fights didn't consist of everyone yelling "where's the Lucio? Get the Lucio! Find the Ana, kill Ana first!" Etc. But that's every match with a Mercy now, which is nearly every match. And it's made worse because it's a legit strategy for Mercys to hide if they have Rez, so you have to actually play the game of hunt for the Mercy hiding spot while a team fight is happening.

On top of that, the higher levels of play are starting to get filled with one-trick Mercys who don't actually know how to play anything else, which is causing consternation among the actual good players who are up there.


It wasn't even the losses that broke me - I think we went 2-2-1. It was a stupid draw on Hanamura where we had 6 minutes to take one tick on point B to win and nearly every time we pushed we got picks and were winning the team fights and somehow it still ended up a draw. It was ridiculous.

The worst part was nobody on our team was doing anything wrong. We just weren't confirming the last kill we needed every freaking time. That match was the worst case of Overwatch blue balls I've ever had - we should have won it five times over.

Super close matches that ened in draws/loss is the def worst. Just as bad as being steamrolled.



Recent changes towards many tanks has shown Blizzard wants to make tanks as boring as possible to play, giving them more barrier-based abilities (while nerfing their damage) so that their guns are just there for decoration. D.Va, Orisa and Hog all got this treatment (except they forgot to give Hog tanking abilities).

Tanks are not supposed to one shot heroes. Easy as that and I am glad they finally changed that.


Ana weakness on console is players not having good enough aim.

How could you fix that?
Ana is an interesting case. Winning with her is highly aim-dependent, and aim improves with SR. Accordingly, it is not surprising that her win rate correlates pretty strongly with SR and that at low ranks she's a very weak pick.

If you look at her numbers, however, only a very small group of players are actually playing her well enough to bring her aggregate win rate above 50%.

On console, her win rate is dismal at all levels. It's the lowest of any support and I believe also the lowest of any hero in general. On PC, her win rate is below 50% at all levels of matchnaking except GM, where it is just barely above 50 without accounting for the bias towards higher win rates that GM has.

One way to interpret this is that Ana is only really balanced for a very small subset of the game's population - the top one percent or so of PC players. This isn't necessarily fixable on PC without changing the character, but on console it seems to make sense to me to buff her numbers.
Im so sad the match should have ben way more competitive.

Pine wasnt playing bad but for some reason they kept him on instead of starting with LW Blues actual support player Luna.

Flow3r was also playing really off felt like he tilted as the matches went on he solo ulted winston and mei lol.

Janus also just came out of the hospital cause of the collapsed lung 😔😔😔

Gido was stepping up so i cant all say LW Blue was bad.

I don't even think it was really LW Blue at fault, I just think Lunatic Hai is the smartest team in the world and we're incredibly prepared for everything that was thrown at them. I feel smarter at Overwatch just from watching the VOD.
One way to interpret this is that Ana is only really balanced for a very small subset of the game's population - the top one percent or so of PC players. This isn't necessarily fixable on PC without changing the character, but on console it seems to make sense to me to buff her numbers.

I don't think that's necessarily a problem to be fixed though - characters having varying skill requirements, with the harder characters providing potentially better results, is preferable to having every character be homogeneous. And it's certainly superior to a character having low skill requirements but still being able to hang at the highest ranks, as is the case with Mercy right now.


It wouldn't bother me too much if McCree's dropoff was decreased, but the range at which McCree does that little damage is also very far out of Pharah's effective range; she's not killing anything moving from that far away.

Very far out of Pharah's effective range?

Going to have to strongly disagree there. Spamming rockets, particularly damage boosted ones, from any distance is effective. You're not necessarily getting direct hits, but keep in mind Pharah these days is more often than not accompanied by a diving Winston/Genji or Winston/Tracer, or both in a 3 DPS line up.

People can't exactly focus on strafing your rockets when they're getting jumped on by the rest of your team.

I say this as someone who was ranked in the 98th percentile with Pharah in season 4 (according to Overbuff at least), so I don't want her nerfed or anything...I'm really more tired of playing against Mercy.

When I play Tracer/Genji lately Overwatch basically just amounts to "Chase the Mercy!". Really killing my enjoyment of the game.


It's that Mercy players get lots of SR depending on the number of rezzed players even if the rezz was pointless and badly timed.

And as result, ruining Masters and GM games. So now the YouTubers and some popular OW streamers are pointing out how annoying these types Mercy players are and how it ruins the games.

The complaining about her toolset is of much the same nature as it has been since launch and ignores the fact that Mercy is actually a pretty weak character, although perhaps not on console.

What's relatively new is that her SR gains are very inappropriate and tend to reward poor play, causing a lot of inappropriately ranked Mercies.

Mercy has become so ubiquitous that every team fight boils down to "get the Mercy first" - and even then if the fight last too long Mercy can still come back and Rez everyone. Even when Lucio/Ana were always healers, the team fights didn't consist of everyone yelling "where's the Lucio? Get the Lucio! Find the Ana, kill Ana first!" Etc. But that's every match with a Mercy now, which is nearly every match. And it's made worse because it's a legit strategy for Mercys to hide if they have Rez, so you have to actually play the game of hunt for the Mercy hiding spot while a team fight is happening.

On top of that, the higher levels of play are starting to get filled with one-trick Mercys who don't actually know how to play anything else, which is causing consternation among the actual good players who are up there.

I see.

In that case, I support the proposed changes for rez. Mercy is one of the three I play as most (the other two are Tracer and D.Va), so I'm fine with a rez nerf - so long as they keep the invincibility.

To be honest, I've never been particularly good at stealthing with Mercy anyway, and I always kick myself if I rez people and it turbs out pointless. Anything that encourages smarter play is a plus.

Perhaps they could speed up Guardian Angel's travel time to compensate? Or give her a brand new ability?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yes. Her Ally hitboxes are bigger, but even that isn't enough to compensate for your team spam jumping everywhere.

Even on PC, it's not always easy to hit your allies when they keep moving & jumping all over the place. I can't imagine how frustrating it can be on consoles sometimes.


Even on PC, it's not always easy to hit your allies when they keep moving & jumping all over the place. I can't imagine how frustrating it can be on consoles sometimes.

Basically just miss most of the time or shoot the wrong dude. Even the Ana mains on console aren't that great from my experience. She needs some tweaks on console for console only.
I feel like horizon is the best Sym/torb map. They seem unstoppable there

That was my first comment after playing the map. A good Torb turret REALLY helps on defense.

So after a hundred hours on Zarya I saw something new today.

The enemy team was super bunched up on point after the used rez. No Rein, No D.Va so I announced the grav and launched it. Got every single person trapped & my team moves in for the kill.

But they had a Winston. He bubbled, and their Reaper ulted. Wiped our whole team.

I'm back down to lowly gold, but damn if I wasn't impressed.
One of the most refreshing things about my group in comp last night was that we didnt have a Mercy on our team and played against one in every game.

Alot of people treat rez as get out of jail free card but countering it with an another ultimate is super effective. Lining up an earthshatter and wiping out the three enemies immediately after theyre rezzed is so satisfying.
Last 2 games last night was just hilarious overwatch. First game, everyone is talking, working together and we go 3-0. Next game is 4 dps insta-lock, no talking, and we lose 0-3 to a well balanced team working together. Stick to freaking quick play dammit.
I don't even think it was really LW Blue at fault, I just think Lunatic Hai is the smartest team in the world and we're incredibly prepared for everything that was thrown at them. I feel smarter at Overwatch just from watching the VOD.

Yh LHs coach is really good and you can see that whenever his twitch vod reviews are translated.

Still LW Blue should not have lost as bad as they did.

They have all the scrim bux but dont perform aswell when on stage.
I climbed out of high bronze mostly playing zen. Then once I got back in plat I switched to Ana. I'm close to diamond.

I have roughly 18 hours on both Ana and zen each this season.
Even on PC, it's not always easy to hit your allies when they keep moving & jumping all over the place. I can't imagine how frustrating it can be on consoles sometimes.


"I need healing!"
Can anyone recommend some good Overwatch YouTubers?

I currently only follow Your Overwatch and some of the hosts are becoming super annoying. I really don't like how they go full on fanboy by calling the game director "Daddy Jeff" all the time, and mostly siding with the developers when there are issues with OW (some hosts argued that the lootboxes are just fine and the community is overreacting especially with the anniversary boxes).


Can anyone recommend some good Overwatch YouTubers?

I currently only follow Your Overwatch and some of the hosts are becoming super annoying. I really don't like how they go full on fanboy by calling the game director "Daddy Jeff" all the time, and mostly siding with the developers when there are issues with OW (some hosts argued that the lootboxes are just fine and the community is overreacting especially with the anniversary boxes).

Everyone calls him daddy Jeff now. It's become a meme.


I don't think that's necessarily a problem to be fixed though - characters having varying skill requirements, with the harder characters providing potentially better results, is preferable to having every character be homogeneous. And it's certainly superior to a character having low skill requirements but still being able to hang at the highest ranks, as is the case with Mercy right now.
Me neither, at least not on PC.
Very far out of Pharah's effective range?

Going to have to strongly disagree there. Spamming rockets, particularly damage boosted ones, from any distance is effective. You're not necessarily getting direct hits, but keep in mind Pharah these days is more often than not accompanied by a diving Winston/Genji or Winston/Tracer, or both in a 3 DPS line up.

People can't exactly focus on strafing your rockets when they're getting jumped on by the rest of your team.

I say this as someone who was ranked in the 98th percentile with Pharah in season 4 (according to Overbuff at least), so I don't want her nerfed or anything...I'm really more tired of playing against Mercy.

When I play Tracer/Genji lately Overwatch basically just amounts to "Chase the Mercy!". Really killing my enjoyment of the game.
Pooping rockets from a thousand miles away at an active fight is basically never ideal Pharah play and besides, I'm not sure it even makes sense for McCree to be able to kill her at that range.

Honestly I'm struggling to envision what situation you're imagining here where:

a - McCree is doing his minimum damage
b - Pharah is participating in a fight from a range at which McCree can only reasonably do minimum damage but where Pharah's participation is not just spamming
c - McCree doing minimum damage cannot be attributed to poor/unprepared positioning

Like yeah if McCree is coming out of spawn on Anubis attack and he's getting hit by a Pharah on the ledge, he really should do minimum damage. Similarly, if Pharah dives the back lines and McCree tries to cap her from Narnia then his poor positioning deserves to be punished.

If anything, high skill hitscans are too viable against Pharah when there's no Mercy in play, and her dependence on Mercy defines their awkward place in the meta.
Can anyone recommend some good Overwatch YouTubers?

I currently only follow Your Overwatch and some of the hosts are becoming super annoying. I really don't like how they go full on fanboy by calling the game director "Daddy Jeff" all the time, and mostly siding with the developers when there are issues with OW (some hosts argued that the lootboxes are just fine and the community is overreacting especially with the anniversary boxes).

The Scottish comedian Brian "Limmy" Limond.

He's not the greatest player, but his streams are always fun.
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