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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do

That's all well and good but your stats will invariably shit the bed when your competition becomes competent, and it won't be because you're playing worse.

Decisionmaking is what separates good players from bad, not elims or any other stat. You might as well just be direct and work on that.

Yeah individual plays and picks matter more. You can have shit stats overall, but if you were like taking out a high priority target consistently every team fight or having team-winning ults, stats won't show it.

You can get elims at the wrong time without pushing as a team yeah. A lot of people farm stats and complain instead of pushing as a team. It doesn't matter if you a DPS running around killing whatever your team did work on then dying and blaming your team because you were not in position to focus targets and listen to call outs.

The thing that I notice a lot is Junkrat players bringing out the gold elims card EVERY time the team loses. Yeah you are doing trash damage and sharing elims not solo kills or final blows. Not really contributing directly to pressuring the team and focusing on the proper targets. Just trash damage and then "I have gold damage and elims".


Junior Member
Joined up with kids aged between 11 to 15

We need two tanks

Me: I can only play d.va and she's taken

We need two tanks

Me: mercy and tracer are taken too...hmm...ok gonna go bastion


Won three games in a row

Listen up kids. Stop telling others what the 'meta' or what the team needs. I don't know what's with ppl obsession in this game with team comp. As long as we win I don't give a single fuck if we have a widow or torb on attack.


If we're talking relevant stats, I think Deaths and Win Rate are the ones. Assists are really important for Supports, too.

The way I improved at support was to stat-whore assists, not being a passive support.
If we're talking relevant stats, I think Deaths and Win Rate are the ones. Assists are really important for Supports, too.

Why are deaths important?

I've suicide so many times to respawn with my team and also rushing to my certain death in overtime, why should we pay attention that stat?


Why are deaths important?

I've suicide so many times to respawn with my team and also rushing to my certain death in overtime, why should we pay attention that stat?
I think deaths are important to compare between the heroes you play, not against other people's averages.

Like, last season my average deaths with Zen and Mercy were ~6, but Ana and Lucio were ~10, so that clearly indicated to me that I was doing things wrong on those two heroes that I wasn't on the others I play.


Joined up with kids aged between 11 to 15

We need two tanks

Me: I can only play d.va and she's taken

We need two tanks

Me: mercy and tracer are taken too...hmm...ok gonna go bastion


Won three games in a row

Listen up kids. Stop telling others what the 'meta' or what the team needs. I don't know what's with ppl obsession in this game with team comp. As long as we win I don't give a single fuck if we have a widow or torb on attack.

Fellow attack bastions we out here

Also I think you're giving people older than 15 too much credit. Have met way too many dudes in their 20s that do just the same thing, but worse lol.
I think deaths are important to compare between the heroes you play, not against other people's averages.

Like, last season my average deaths with Zen and Mercy were ~6, but Ana and Lucio were ~10, so that clearly indicated to me that I was doing things wrong on those two heroes that I wasn't on the others I play.

That makes a lot of sense, never thought of looking at the death stats that way.
Had a team that was willing to work with off meta and switch when needed.

Gibraltar attack we got to each checkpoint on overtime. On defense we got steamrolled till everyone did a complete comp switch and held the last point.

Literally went soldier hanzo dva Winston mercy zen to McCree genji rein Zarya ana lucio


I have recently come around to viewing the game in a bit of a different way.

Let's say you're playing DPS. You're going to put out a certain amount of damage based on the character that you're playing, and most people within the thicker parts of the skill bell curve are going to do roughly similar amounts of damage over time; there isn't fundamentally too much you can do to improve your total damage dealt for a given game if you're already doing things like showing up to the fight, ulting at vaguely appropriate times, and achieving good accuracy numbers. What you can do to differentiate yourself from what other players would achieve in the same scenario and playing the same character boils down to two things:

1. Focus your damage in the right place and
2. Take as few unnecessary deaths as possible

As it turns out, these are rather difficult things to do but it's helped me stay focused on the right things to do instead of, say, firing pointless damage into a full health Zarya.
If we're talking relevant stats, I think Deaths and Win Rate are the ones. Assists are really important for Supports, too.

The way I improved at support was to stat-whore assists, not being a passive support.
Assists are a decent stat and deaths have some relevance to support players but I'd say they're pretty useless for just about everyone else. Ideal tanking involves deliberately putting yourself in harm's way and giving it up to the healers to keep you alive; if you're playing optimally in a situation but the healers aren't, it's you who's going to take the death. Similarly, flankers who make a lot of risky plays are going to die more than more passive ones but are probably going to get more wins (to an extent) due to more opportunities for playmaking. Yes, you could just alternatively become an unkillable god and successfully flank every time but that's not really realistic.

If I were a Mercy player, though, I'd care a lot about deaths. Her character is based more or less entirely around uptime since while you're alive your output is more or less fixed and while you're dead it's 0.

Like the other stats, even win rate can vary a lot from season to season without the way you play changing. They are just different games with different teams.
This is only true to a certain degree. The more games you play, the more likely your win rate is to reflect your ability to put a game in the W column assuming you don't experience any significant and abrupt changes in skill level (which is possible although this is probably something you'd notice). Any player with a significant number of games played - let's say 200, but really I'm just making that number up - will have, in all likelihood, experienced a roughly equal number of throwers/leavers on and off their team and will have played enough games that their win rate over time is fairly stable.

...That's the idea, anyway. The SR system really fucks this up by "guessing" players into places they shouldn't be. I'm at around 200 games now and my win rate is still far from stable. This creates weird situations where it's hard to use win rate because, while I'm at 3900 or so and my win rate is 60%, my win rate isn't 60% at 3900; that number includes a lot of games played well below where my rank should be because of my low placement. For players who drop, the opposite happens: A player with a career high much above yours with a poor win rate may nonetheless be better at winning than you at your common rating.

Regardless, it's still by far the most useful stat by itself, even if it's not especially useful.


Junior Member
Fellow attack bastions we out here

Also I think you're giving people older than 15 too much credit. Have met way too many dudes in their 20s that do just the same thing, but worse lol.

Hahaha yes.

Kidsin general are really good at this game. I usually win with them.


Joined up with kids aged between 11 to 15

We need two tanks

Me: I can only play d.va and she's taken

We need two tanks

Me: mercy and tracer are taken too...hmm...ok gonna go bastion


Won three games in a row

Listen up kids. Stop telling others what the 'meta' or what the team needs. I don't know what's with ppl obsession in this game with team comp. As long as we win I don't give a single fuck if we have a widow or torb on attack.

Just because it worked doesn't make it a good pick. It just means you were playng against a team that was equally lost on how to build a team comp to best take advantage of yours.
Playing on an account that was in ~1100 SR. Still climbing on the account with a 76% win rate on Mercy in silver. Totally not my elo but whatever. Can't believe how many comments I hear in game about silver/bronze/gold being elo hell. Probably wont be playing this much this week since GDQ is going on.

Anyone in this SR range that wants to play? I'd be down to play some games with you.



Junior Member
Just because it worked doesn't make it a good pick. It just means you were playng against a team that was equally lost on how to build a team comp to best take advantage of yours.

Maybe. But they all focused on me and ignored the others just like when folks switch to counter pharmercy and ignore folks running havoc on the ground.

One of them reached Platinum and the other Diamond so all is well.


Just because it worked doesn't make it a good pick. It just means you were playng against a team that was equally lost on how to build a team comp to best take advantage of yours.

I must be playing against shitty diamond on Xbox then. I'll keep doing it till they realize the soldier/mcrees on my team are just a distraction to who the real DPS is.


For all of you supposing that things get better in regards to character selection and whatnot at higher ranks, I'd like to say that I just played a game of GM-average comp with a bastion one trick and a torb one trick on my team. We also had no healer for about half of the game.

We won.


I've played on and off since release with two friends, we've started playing again recently and decided to give competitive a go. We usually do pretty well in quick play, we played our first two placement matches last night and absolutely got wrecked in both games haha.

We're hoping it will level out once we've finished the ten matches, it was pretty frustrating playing against guys leveled way higher than us, we didn't score one point over both games.
There's a fake Beardy in the Discord.

Real me is Beardy#2074

Did you report him to the mods? I hope he gets banned.

For all of you supposing that things get better in regards to character selection and whatnot at higher ranks, I'd like to say that I just played a game of GM-average comp with a bastion one trick and a torb one trick on my team. We also had no healer for about half of the game.

We won.

1vs1 me. Your Pharah is plat at best.


Just because it worked doesn't make it a good pick. It just means you were playng against a team that was equally lost on how to build a team comp to best take advantage of yours.

Bastion is tank-lite. 300 hps, 100 of it armor. Self pocket Mercy. 20% more defense in turret mode. Attack Bastion often works better than on defense because you're less inclined to sit in one place in turret mode. I think he was probably a fine pick in that instance. Is Roadhog anymore effective than Bastion at this point?

Orisa, Winston, and Rein barriers are a real pain and he shreds them. DVA has to always focus all four seconds of her defense matrix towards Bastion anytime they're within LOS of each other.

Bastion isn't where he should be quite yet but he can still wreck, especially on console. There are plenty of other picks I'll question more. Widowmaker on console. Ana as solo support on console. Attack Symettra on payload. Roadhog as only tank. Junkrat when the enemy has a Pharah wrecking which Bastion would be better against.


Junior Member
Just lost a game. We had a weak team but I solo rez in the end because a Winston was on my ass. Should have took the beating and rez my team after respawning I guess.

18k healing ain't bad to remember though.


Maybe. But they all focused on me and ignored the others just like when folks switch to counter pharmercy and ignore folks running havoc on the ground.

One of them reached Platinum and the other Diamond so all is well.

I must be playing against shitty diamond on Xbox then. I'll keep doing it till they realize the soldier/mcrees on my team are just a distraction to who the real DPS is.
Lol I mean Ive said it probably 20 times in this thread and I'll say it again, diamond is easily the worst rank to be in because people have the skill to climb further but refuse to understand composition and basic fundamentals of the game to get any further. And if your soldier and mcree arent the real dps, then you have a problem on your team haha.
Bastion is tank-lite. 300 hps, 100 of it armor. Self pocket Mercy. 20% more defense in turret mode. Attack Bastion often works better than on defense because you're less inclined to sit in one place in turret mode. I think he was probably a fine pick in that instance. Is Roadhog anymore effective than Bastion at this point?

Orisa, Winston, and Rein barriers are a real pain and he shreds them. DVA has to always focus all four seconds of her defense matrix towards Bastion anytime they're within LOS of each other.

Bastion isn't where he should be quite yet but he can still wreck, especially on console. There are plenty of other picks I'll question more. Widowmaker on console. Ana as solo support on console. Attack Symettra on payload. Roadhog as only tank. Junkrat when the enemy has a Pharah wrecking which Bastion would be better against.
Without knowing the whole team comp I can't say for certain but if youre running in with one tank on offense and bastion as your second "tank" the other team can essentially counter your whole squishy comp with a single roadhog to pull you out of position, even with his nerfs.
I would rather have a Bastion that only uses Recon Configuration than a Roadhog, at this point.

Don't remind me haha.


Orisa bug is annoying me, might take an overwatch break to keep playing Horizon which I now realllllly like. I didn't buy any weapons early and it was kinda dull but now I'm lvl 29 with a couple weapons doing lvl 15 story quests...it's like being Roman Reigns. This is my yard now!
Orisa bug is annoying me, might take an overwatch break to keep playing Horizon which I now realllllly like. I didn't buy any weapons early and it was kinda dull but now I'm lvl 29 with a couple weapons doing lvl 15 story quests...it's like being Roman Reigns. This is my yard now!

the orisa ult charge bug is still a thing? lol
Overwatch: don't worry, they'll fix it in three weeks, maybe.
lol with the money that they're making there's really no excuse for a simple hotfix to take weeks
I was going to say "But I thought they already fixed that?", but they still haven't fixed Reinhardt's hammer swings and such.
LOL they haven't fixed that either?
I would rather have a Bastion that only uses Recon Configuration than a Roadhog, at this point.

I picked a great time to uninstall this game and play my backlog lol
Orisa bug is annoying me, might take an overwatch break to keep playing Horizon which I now realllllly like. I didn't buy any weapons early and it was kinda dull but now I'm lvl 29 with a couple weapons doing lvl 15 story quests...it's like being Roman Reigns. This is my yard now!

Horizon is fucking great.

There's an Orisa in every KOTH I play and every other non KOTH.

They all play the same way in KOTH...corner up.


It's been fixed on PC since Tuesday.

Nope. Same thing goes with people getting bounced off when I try to charge into them (an Ana player that was a bee line into my charge flew into the opposite direction), or on the opposite end, having someone that is 20 feet away get magnetized into Rein's charge.

And there are still audio bugs, such as the voice lines in the loot boxes not playing or several voice lines not working when you select them in-game.


Nope. Same thing goes with people getting bounced off when I try to charge into them (an Ana player that was a bee line into my charge flew into the opposite direction), or on the opposite end, having someone that is 20 feet away get magnetized into Rein's charge.

And there are still audio bugs, such as the voice lines in the loot boxes not playing or several voice lines not working when you select them in-game.
I'm talking about Orisa. It's been fixed since Tuesday.


I thought they fixed Rein with the reaper and mccree last patch.

the fix for rein is in the ptr because lul i have to put a fix for a character who was nerfed by mistake and not even mentioned in the patch notes in testing first just cuz

fuck this company


Lol I mean Ive said it probably 20 times in this thread and I'll say it again, diamond is easily the worst rank to be in because people have the skill to climb further but refuse to understand composition and basic fundamentals of the game to get any further. And if your soldier and mcree arent the real dps, then you have a problem on your team haha.

Lol. I mean yeah. Why do you think I'm caping for Bastion? And that mentality of people not understanding comp has been the precedent since gold tier. And especially platinum. I'd love to see it change if I ever hit master. people are stubborn, and people who lock DPS characters tend to suck.

I feel like I've had no issues subbing Soldiers or Mccrees out and filling their role as a bastion


played some QP as Sombra against this gm Tracer main. They had to be tilted the amount of times they got hacked in those matches. It go so bad they actually switched off to Mccree lmao. I wish I could one trick Sombra in comp but i dont have the heart to :(
Joined up with kids aged between 11 to 15

We need two tanks

Me: I can only play d.va and she's taken

We need two tanks

Me: mercy and tracer are taken too...hmm...ok gonna go bastion


Won three games in a row

Listen up kids. Stop telling others what the 'meta' or what the team needs. I don't know what's with ppl obsession in this game with team comp. As long as we win I don't give a single fuck if we have a widow or torb on attack.

Whenever someone bullies someone else off a character I switch off who I'm playing to that character (I play tank/healer 95% of the time so this really sets off the hissy fits).

Fuck that shit.
This is only true to a certain degree. The more games you play, the more likely your win rate is to reflect your ability to put a game in the W column assuming you don't experience any significant and abrupt changes in skill level (which is possible although this is probably something you'd notice). Any player with a significant number of games played - let's say 200, but really I'm just making that number up - will have, in all likelihood, experienced a roughly equal number of throwers/leavers on and off their team and will have played enough games that their win rate over time is fairly stable.

...That's the idea, anyway. The SR system really fucks this up by "guessing" players into places they shouldn't be. I'm at around 200 games now and my win rate is still far from stable. This creates weird situations where it's hard to use win rate because, while I'm at 3900 or so and my win rate is 60%, my win rate isn't 60% at 3900; that number includes a lot of games played well below where my rank should be because of my low placement. For players who drop, the opposite happens: A player with a career high much above yours with a poor win rate may nonetheless be better at winning than you at your common rating.

Regardless, it's still by far the most useful stat by itself, even if it's not especially useful.

You're probably right. From my experience, even if I'm playing better than before with a certain character my WR will still vary a lot from season to season without me being able to do much to change it (at least it's how I feel in most cases). I'm talking mostly about characters that are usually viable no matter the enemy team comp (S76, Tracer, Lucio, Hog
, etc). Though it's true that last seasons I haven't been playing that much so my games sample is kinda small.

played some QP as Sombra against this gm Tracer main. They had to be tilted the amount of times they got hacked in those matches. It go so bad they actually switched off to Mccree lmao. I wish I could one trick Sombra in comp but i dont have the heart to :(

You have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you.

Just use your alt. And since a lot of times no one wants to play healer at least this way they'll have the hacked health packs.


I got bitched at for playing Mercy in QP. Ya ya, I get boosted Mercy mains are ruining your Top 500 games and shit, but give me a fucking break.
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