the holder of the trombone
Nah. Junkrat does it faster, safer, and more consistent than Roadhog does. Roadhog gets a max of 675 damage over 3 seconds with his Scrap Gun if all the pellets hit but that has to be point blank for him to be guaranteed otherwise you might lose a bit with shots going over Rein or going into the ground. Junk gets 600 damage in 3 seconds with his grenades and because of the bounce mechanic, as long as you aren't shooting over him. will land for for the damage. He can do this farther than Roadhog as well because the arc and can be done behind a Rein for max damage or around corners to protect himself. There's also Junk's concussive mine too
You also kind of want to save shots with Roadhog so you can hook folks when Rein's shield goes down, lol
If they gave Junk a new Ult instead of the tire or just gave him an explode on impact alt-fire, he'd be pretty good after the Ult charge changes.
People seem to forget roadhog's right click exist.
That gives him more than enough range to shred shields. Also you should honestly be really good with his right clicks.
Also roadhog is just so much better at team fights. He can actually finish people off reliably.