Are tournaments today or tomorrow?
played w/ a diamond level Zarya that was insanely OP and wrecking all the shit. They had ult up for our first push (what?!), and seemed to have it up during every subsiquent skirmish. It was the most amazing Zarya play I had ever been a part of. Afterwards I checked their stats: they're a master that slipped to diamond, and not even a Zarya main! Zarya was like their 10th most played overall (3rd in S2, behind Genji and Rein), w/ Genji at the top and Widowmaker 2nd.
and we won. LOL
Are tournaments today or tomorrow?
Russia vs China happens in three hours.
ThanksRussia vs China happens in three hours.
Russia vs China happens in three hours.
Against France no ?
A Sombra image allegedly taken from a backstage presentation at Blizzcon. Looks like previz work for a short.
I'm already wondering what he alt costumes are going to be.
I bet they took a hiatus and their SR fell down.
That happened to be when Destiny's Rise of Iron Came out. I fell like 500 SR rank and my next couple of games were quite enjoyable.
My dream for the whole crew is to have casual skins. Tracer in jeans and a T-shirt, Mercy, Rein and McCree in crisp collared shirts, Mei in a hoodie...
Reinhardt with cargo shorts and a Hawaiian shirt perfectReinhardt, Lucio, and Pharah might pose a problem with that. I love the idea of casual day skins for the heroes. Winston would be perfect for this.
Fucking Bratz doll.Okay.
The Overwatch panel won't be viewable unless you have a Virtual Ticket, right?
lmao, peeps are so mad about Sombra's design... imagine if she 'sounds too old' too... RIP
*goes to hug his Bastion skin*
hanzo main here! I'll probably join in for some games if my friends don't play. Haven't touch ow since last weekend. need to practice my tree trunk shots!i'm looking for a few more PS4 friends to compensate for Sombra.
PSN: Owzers
Preferably nice people who are good at the game. Or at least think they are good at the game. Or it's at least possible they are good at the game. Comp voice chat? Hanzo mains?
I bet they took a hiatus and their SR fell down.
That happened to be when Destiny's Rise of Iron Came out. I fell like 500 SR rank and my next couple of games were quite enjoyable.
I'm already wondering what he alt costumes are going to be.
Well at least now we know Sombra takes makeup very seriously.
Nah she's just going full Cybergoth. And I suppose it suits her thematically.
i mean were peeps mad about Zarya's alt outfit + makeup? LOL
Well here's why: It looks like shit. I -LIKE- Cybergoth and Cyberpunk as styles quite a lot, but Zarya's skin is trash.
Everyone can watch opening ceremony? We don't need a ticket for it? Is that right?
I hope that they will reveal Sombra first, i don't care about the rest.
Which is exactly why they'll show her last.
Are tournaments today or tomorrow?
can't all be a natural beauty like Ana.... some peeps need haaaalp. ;P
OvercrackSolo competitive is just 1 step forward, 6 steps back, every night.
Yet I still want to keep playing lol.
This is Overwatch.
I'm out ATM, if I post my phone number can someone text me when Sombra is unveiled?
im never posting my number on this site