I don't like the open part of Genji's skin, I want his entire body to be covered. More stealthy that way and it offers protection which is really the main purpose of that suit.
I don't like the open part of Genji's skin, I want his entire body to be covered. More stealthy that way and it offers protection which is really the main purpose of that suit.
i mean...I don't like the open part of Genji's skin, I want his entire body to be covered. More stealthy that way and it offers protection which is really the main purpose of that suit.
;DIt looks really amazing.
For comparison:
If only I liked to play as him...
Komaru is probably happy right now.
I can't wait to miss every shot with a new gun.
Amazing recolor
Amazing recolor
The one main point is right. Just focus on playing well and winning the matches you can. Can't win em all, just play well and hope an opening pops up or throw it away.
I've never lost more than 150-200SR in a night and always get it back p easily the next day. I don't tilt into massive lose streaks either though. The couple times I've lost that much is when it's like win one, lose two on repeat for an hour or so.
Tbh I think people focus too much on "unlucky" streaks. You don't get unlucky more than 3-4 times in a row. If you go on a streak that bad you fucked up somewhere along the line. I do think the swing heavy SR gain/loss is a problem, but if you're losing that much that's a fuck up.
there's a little Torbjorn on his ipod
I mean tbh the streak stuff could be handled in a number of ways by reviewing the entire ranking systems. The streaks are a symptom of DQ + massive elo gain/loss.
i feel like streaks were just invented to get smurfs up to their levels quicker or something
This way the enemies can be hypnotized by his nipple.
I mean sure there's edits and I'm just being critical, but it's just a slightly modified base McCree skin. They could do more for him.LOL it's not a recolour but ok.
I mean sure there's edits and I'm just being critical, but it's just a slightly modified base McCree skin. They could do more for him.
Well, yeah. You kind of want early streak modifiers on new accounts to get them higher ranked if they are smurfs or just gifted enough to stomp low ranks. That's actually a pretty normal thing. The fact this isn't limited to accounts with very few games played is baffling though. The fact that to compensate for this downstreaks hurt so hard is also kinda crazy.
At the end of the day, slight streak modifiers on new accounts isn't a huge issue. Note I said slight. There are 2 big problems that keep coming up though:
A) SR gain/loss is actually massive in general to such a degree you can skew the system easily.
B) Dynamic Queue allows you to too easily manipulate matches to take advantage of those massive gains along with streak bonuses.
Like, it's really easy in an evening to queue up with people better than you and gain 1k SR. Get a streak going and have like a 70% winrate in an evening and you will actually gain that much SR. Whether you meant to or not, now you're actually boosted. Lo and behold, at some point you eat a big fat loss streak and dump all your SR. It leaves people all over the place.
The worse offshoot effect of all this is it makes game quality unpredictable. Since ranks and MMR in general are so unstable you never know which team is better just looking at the numbers. It's possible to eat loss streaks a bit out of your control because in general game quality is on the poorer end these days, and the results is you end up with lower sR than you wanna be at for a day or two. That's the kinda shit that makes people not wanna play your ranked mode. Putting people in lower and more stable ranks won't make them stop, but having low game quality and unpredictable ranks across the board will.
Aside from Mei, I really want a Zarya & Lucio Nendoroid.waiting for lucio or zen. dva if they do one will probably be butt expensive lol
Aside from Mei, I really want a Zarya & Lucio Nendoroid.
I'm curious to see how Zarya's design will look like, as she's pretty beefy, and muscle heavy characters usually don't translate well into chibi form. Surprised D.Va hasn't been announced yet.
Awesome games everyone. That Hollywood match was everything great about Overwatch.
Awesome games everyone. That Hollywood match was everything great about Overwatch.
Sounds like you just aren't carrying hard enough. /sCould make an edit, but fuck it. On my own personal level, I don't feel like interacting with the ranking system because it's massively swingy and unpredictable at 4k+ elo. I feel that's where it should be the most stable, but it's where I see the most swings. Like, I see people I know sit at around 4200-4300 go down to 3700. I see them again later in the week and they are back at 4400 or something. That's a failure of a ranking system from my perspective.
Then you turn around and you see people that gained 1k SR to go from like 3400 to T500 in the course of under a week, then they fall back down massively. It feels like a huge waste fo time to interact with the ranking system when I see that type shit.
And then game quality is a bit of a 50/50 on top of that. The game is pretty momentum heavy and swingy anyways, but the amount of stomps is higher than it probably should be. Then you have people who get boosted up to T500 range and then just troll and throw their way back down. I don't mean be bad. I mean go "oh the ranks don't matter to me at this point" and they pick Torb and jump off the map tier trolls.
Agreed, that was amazing. Played like shit in the first round, but thankfully we were able to turn it around. The koth games were also pretty good, we got 3 in a row.
And sorry buttchin for leaving you alone with a full charged zarya in a tight room lol, as soon as I saw her shining I just got the fuck out of there without noticing you were behind me, but with the two of us and her discorded we would've got her for sure.
Also, Hog and Winston are the shit. Zen can be terrifying playing as winston though.
Agreed, that was amazing. Played like shit in the first round, but thankfully we were able to turn it around. The koth games were also pretty good, we got 3 in a row.
And sorry buttchin for leaving you alone with a full charged zarya in a tight room lol, as soon as I saw her shining I just got the fuck out of there without noticing you were behind me, but with the two of us and her discorded we would've got her for sure.
Also, Hog and Winston are the shit. Zen can be terrifying playing as winston though.