Filled in mine.- Cappa - mei
(I couldn't remember who some of you guys played, and forgive me if I forgot anyone)
Filled in mine.- Cappa - mei
(I couldn't remember who some of you guys played, and forgive me if I forgot anyone)
This is the biggest problem imo. The best swap for the team is very hard to figure out because it seems that no one ever seems to want to admit that something isn't working. It's so aggravating between rounds when no one speaks up when we ask what didn't work. Like we would be mad at them or something. Even more aggravating when we assume what didn't work (because no one said anything) and the person we are now asking to switch doesn't say 'no, I definitely wasn't the problem.'
I've said Tracer isn't working when I've had three golds, and I've known that it IS working when my medals don't look great. We've all played the game so much that I refuse to believe that people just don't know if something isnt working. We HAVE to talk about that stuff.
If im Tracer and you're Mercy and we need a Pharah the switch is not necessarily me to Pharah just because I'm currently a DPS. It's much more likely that you should go Pharah and I should go Zen, but those dramatic swaps can't happen without communication.
That's the thing tho. We can have Zen with Mercy as I don't think anyone is quite pro Lucio our stack as I am at Mercy level.
But that might be ego talking. Certainly I could go Zen but I am pretty rusty with him.
Off the top of my head (correct me if I'm wrong)
I agree with your overall point, but my oh my is this our issue in a nutshell. I can only speak for myself but I'm guessing that like me you guys can play more than 3 or 4(!) Out of 23(!!) characters efficiently.
Yea everyone has their best, but if the comp was reliant on it I am comfortable with SO many more than those three.
Zen may very well be my best hero
No one knows I play a mean Dva?
My Winston is passable
My Soldier is very solid
Pharah and Mcree are decent
I can play Mei
I can play Symmetra (can't anyone?)
Reaper? Easy
Bastion? Sure
Heck even my Rein isn't that bad.
And yet it's assumed that I play Tracer, Zarya, and occasionally throw with Lucio. Everyone else is probably short changed too. We know the game, we should stretch our damn wings a bit. If their are some growing pains then honestly who cares? No one is setting any career high SR's at this point.
Play him more often on attack then. If they don't have a Tracer or Sombra behind our backs being annoying you can do a lot of damage while providing half the healing that Mercy does, while not putting yourself in danger. His ult is also much better to counter the enemies ults, why risk it waiting for everyone to die when you can prevent the deaths and get some kills while "invulnerable" at the same time in the first place? It's more useful on attack imo.
I hardly hide and let you guys die.
Zen is just so boring. Throw harmony here... Throw discord there. Hope you guys capitalize on the discord. Wait for Ulta to use transcendence.
EDIT: So the two I play are in barrier watch...
I could do any of those and feel comfortable. Obviously some are better than others. But most characters are mechanics oriented anyway and I know the mechanics of the game.Ok, well then let's discuss team comps and fill those with people instead.
Genji -
Tracer - me
Winston - me
Zarya - me
Lucio - me
Zenyatta - me
Reinhardt -
Roadhog - me
D.Va - me
Ana/Mercy - me
Lucio - me
Soldier - me
Reinhardt - me
Orisa - me
Soldier - me
Pharah - me
Mercy -
Zenyatta - me
Choke breaker:
Lucio - me
Sombra - me
Reinhardt - me
Soldier - me
Hanzo/Junkrat/Roadhog/McCree (2) - me(2)
Those are some quick ideas
I hardly hide and let you guys die.
Zen is just so boring. Throw harmony here... Throw discord there. Hope you guys capitalize on the discord. Wait for Ulta to use transcendence.
EDIT: So the two I play are in barrier watch...
Zen follows up on his own Discords. A Discorded body shot is 60 damage, just barely less than a shot from McCree at his most effective range.
I hardly hide and let you guys die.
Zen is just so boring. Throw harmony here... Throw discord there. Hope you guys capitalize on the discord. Wait for Ulta to use transcendence.
EDIT: So the two I play are in barrier watch...
I like the idea, but it still feels too static.These are just ideas, please feel free to mix them up as you like
I can talk more, but I feel like I'm very annoying sometimes as it is lol, and then I feel bad for it.
It's also harder when I'm support and the change has to be made by the tanks/dps, and they might not be used to play the character that's needed. It can be complicated, and as a support I really don't like to ask another person to change to it so I can go dps/tank instead. That's on me though.
Cancer defense
Symmetra -
Torbjorn -
Mercy -
Reinhardt -
Soldier/Pharah -
Mei -
Soldier -
McCree -
Zenyatta -
Mercy -
Winston/Orisa/Zarya -
Reinhardt -
Roadhog -
Reaper -
Junkrat/Hanzo -
Zenyatta -
Orisa/Reinhardt -
Lucio/Mercy/Ana -
Split comp
Genji/Tracer -
Winston -
Lucio -
Pharah -
Reinhardt -
Mercy -
It's an issue but we shouldn't just brute force our way trough the problem.@Batman, I agree with you, we need more variety in the team comp. But more importantly, it all comes down to our DPS guys being comfortable in their position. We have a lot of tank/support mains, we only usually have one DPS main who's comfortable switching to another DPS, we need people to start flexing their QP experiments during matches when necessary!
:'(And let's be real... Some of us are better than others. I know no one wants to say it lol
I like the idea, but it still feels too static.
When you go Sombra our reaction shouldn't be "oh Buttchin so quirky,
And then just go about our business with regular picks.
We need to get aboard the Sombra train:
Need discord, Zen
With a Winston we could wreck havoc on the back line.
Mercy probably won't work in this comp, let's go with Lucio
Whoa looks like we've somehow made this crazy dive team, maybe a Tracer or Genji will fit in
Zarya is always good!
There are tons of combinations that become available if we are just confident in our picks.
Instead our comp just looks normal with a Sombra replacing Soldier and the results are predictably awful.
Same shit with Orisa, if it's happening then get onboard folks. And if it doesn't work then we can change everything. But if the other team is anything like us, then the weird ass comp has a great chance of completely crippling them.
What I lack in skill I make up for in....uh... well... making fun of Owzers? And nano boosting Buttchin when he has no ult.
I'm essential!
The one role everyone feels comfortable with.:'(
What I lack in skill I make up for in....uh... well... making fun of Owzers? And nano boosting Buttchin when he has no ult.
I'm essential!
And let's be real... Some of us are better than others. I know no one wants to say it lol
@ultima, I can play support if necessary! Except, ND & Batman hate when I go support :/
(main account stats)[img][/QUOTE]
When you are such a good zarya, besides playing a lot of other characters, I feel like it's a waste.
[quote="jam86, post: 234104533"]You had some good points yesterday... The last point on kings row with the super late switching, it was harsh but needed to be said. "You know what just happened right there.. that can never happen again." LOL
Also, you made a very good point about when we switch the team comp. Even when we switch to a different team composition, there are times that we're lost in the game plan so we're stuck playing the choke point game... without a Rein. The times that we do have a game plan/adapt on the fly, we've been able to score some wins.[/QUOTE]
And then I feel like a dick after saying stuff like that lol
But yeah, if the tanks/dps are confortable with a lot of picks and know what they are supposed to do with them in the current situation then it's easier to adapt to the other team and win games more frequently.
I will always try to provide ideas of what we should be doing and telling owzers not to charge into the enemy team. You can count me on that.
[quote="Vault Dweller 111, post: 234105549"]:'(
What I lack in skill I make up for in....uh... well... [B]making fun of Owzers?[/B] And nano boosting Buttchin when he has no ult.
I'm essential![/QUOTE]
If nothing else I know that at least I'm pretty good at that.
Pharah is like a worse Junkrat if she plays with/behind her team. She needs to flank to be effective.Know the best thing about Pharah. Play her safely and she is golden. Ultimate team harasser since she just can sit back and fire rockets safely, where the only way to get her would be a Widow... but no one is going to switch to Widow! Pop up, fire rocket. Pop up, fire rocket, repeat every 3 seconds.
D.Va is essential for anti-Pharah. She shuts down her ult completely, harasses her very well, and is almost impervious to her as long as she's reasonably close to a healer.dva is not bad for anti pharah too
What role were you playing? What was the SR difference between the two teams?I just started counting my loss and wins on SR and holy fuck it's astonishing how weird the algorithm is.
2712>2686 - 26 pt loss
2686>2663 - 23 pt loss
2663>2682 - 19 pt gain
2682>2700 - 18 pt gain
2700>2672 - 28 pt loss
How the fuck did I lose 28 pts!!! WTF. And I won two prior, that's so much SR to lose, imo.
Pharah is like a worse Junkrat if she plays with/behind her team. She needs to flank to be effective.
D.Va is essential for anti-Pharah. She shuts down her ult completely, harasses her very well, and is almost impervious to her as long as she's reasonably close to a healer.
What role were you playing? What was the SR difference between the two teams?
It's an issue but we shouldn't just brute force our way trough the problem.
I'm not going say that it's easier to win if we don't have anyone in a six stack who wants to DPS but there are options. Give a monkey Soldier 76 and tell him to shoot the shields and in the direction of the enemies and he's doing a decent job.
No DPS but love tanks? Triple (quad?) tank time. Okay but now you need more damage, discord orb! Need even more damage output? Okay Rein you're benched, Orisa has a gatling gun. Ana makes her glorious return!
There are ways to do it. Not saying it's ideal, but probably more ideal than telling someone who wants to be Winston to play Pharah instead because we NEED 2 DPS.
Mostly DPS/Tank and Support in one match.
Never really looked at SR difference. Anyways down to 2651 now due to a widow and junkrat stack that decided to troll.
I wasn't there last night! My example didn't pertain to anything specific.We've done triple tank before, but I think it's just the way we ran it that might of been an issue. We didn't change up our tactics and positioning, which is exactly what ND was referring to... we end up using a Rein strat without the Rein and it usually never works.
The pharah example you gave is weird, if you were there last night, you would of seen 4-5 people fighting to play her! Sometimes we do need more than 1 real DPS though, and we all have QP only heroes that we actually do well with enough that we should try it out in comp. Instead, we get the dry classic meta picks cause everyone is too afraid of getting blamed for the loss (this includes me, I'm Zarya 95% of our gaf matches).
I wasn't there last night! My example didn't pertain to anything specific.
Can we get a stack going? I want to try some weird comps.
I'm going to get on now, pacers cavs in an hour, don't make me play Zelda instead.
Patch Notes for new page:
Fixed a bug preventing the Null Sector bots from spawning during the payload escort phase of the Overwatch Uprising brawl
Of course east coasters would be on now :/
I'll be on in a couple of hours.. if anyone is still on.
I'm going to get on now, pacers cavs in an hour, don't make me play Zelda instead.
Whats wrong with Mei? I heard it a few times she was broken but nobody that I played with that played Mei seemed to notice anything.
Whats wrong with Mei? I heard it a few times she was broken but nobody that I played with that played Mei seemed to notice anything.
Her m1 and ult didn't slow people down. It got patched today on PC but not sure how they never noticed it.
This was on console. Did it somehow not make it on there?
Pharah is like a worse Junkrat if she plays with/behind her team. She needs to flank to be effective.