For real, outside of like Anne and antitrop, our weird little PS4 OW family owns this thread, but our discussion here is often commenting on how our games went. We do very little theory crafting, and I think we could stand to do some more.
Batman has a good point regarding our inability to react, because what usually happens is the team will ask only one person to switch because the comp is 'mostly' working. The issue is that no one knows who should swap, and it's even more confusing and debilitating if multiple swaps have to occur because a crucial tank, DPS, or support has to change. So maybe instead of floundering with singular changes, the moment a comp stops working for us we switch paradigms entirely and choose different roles for everyone. Like, some straight up, tryhard, "TEAM, WOLFSTRIKE FORMATION AROOO" shit.
So for example, we try a typical dive comp, and it's not working. Someone makes the call to go to deathball, and then everyone immediately knows which hero to change to.
What is everyone's hero pool, and who's in our regular groups? We gotta figure that out first. Off the top of my head (correct me if I'm wrong):
- Buttchin: Genji, Zenyatta, Rein, Sombra
- Batman: Tracer, Lucio, Zarya
- ND: Rein, Zen, Torb, Soldier, Genji
- Ultima: Mercy, Pharah
- Lik: Junkrat, D.Va, Soldier, Lucio
- Owzers: Rein, Mercy, Orisa, Winston
- Komaru: ...Hanzo?
- Scrub
- Phazon
- Cappa
(I couldn't remember who some of you guys played, and forgive me if I forgot anyone)
Zarya is best pony.i feel lost if i cant play Zarya. I think ive become a one trick lol
I feel ya. With how composition-dependent the game is, and being that it is an FPS at its core and you can't fault that people want to just run 'n' shoot, it becomes a real drag. It's why I really can't play Overwatch outside of comp, and if I'm just looking for a quick anytime anything goes match, I start up Siege.Quick Play becoming 5 DPS mandatory 'i'm gonna carry dude' is making me not want to play the game anymore.
Quick Play becoming 5 DPS mandatory 'i'm gonna carry dude' is making me not want to play the game anymore.
like i'm fucking sick of it. I mostly play quick play because thats how I played TF2 and I don't like the time investment involved in comp. I like QP because its... quick. I go into one game and pick Reinhardt after everyone else intalocks genji, widow, mccree, 76 like they ALWAYS do. The last person picks Ana. The enemy team has Mercy AND Zenyatta. The enemy team having 2 supports and mine only having 1 being a pretty normal thing at this point. The Ana ragequits after her first death. Replacement comes in, HANZO AT YOUR SERVICE. So now we have no healer. We take the first point because I fucking killed the Mercy, Zarya and Mcree that were over extended with an earthshatter. Still no point b and the ONLY reason we got point A was because of the long walk back. There was no way we were going to take point B ov Volskaya with all their sustain and all our DPS and me as the sole tank.
So after about the third try, I just switched to Sombra. Fuck it at this point. I'm tired of trying to fix it so everyone else can 'have fun' while I'm stuck with this shit because no one wants to play the team based game like its a team based game. Just because its quick play doesn't mean it stops being a team based game. And this happens CONSTANTLY this whole last weekend has been full of situations like this Only difference is I switched to healer before to try to make it work like a fucking team. But I give up, selfish people don't want to be flexible then why the fuck should I? Like I said, its the mode I play most and the community is ruining it for me and ruining the game for me with that.
Hehe. Been practicing McCree in QP and he's fun. Got a lot better with him now. My alt for hitscan if a random insta-locks Soldier and we have enemy Pharah problems.
I always double check my portrait to make sure I didn't accidentally queue for Comp when that happens. I have little patience for ragers in Comp even, but QP is just like... what are you doing with your lifeLmao, people who try hard and rage in freaking quickplay are the worst fucking people.
The amount of Lucios who think they can 1v1 my DPS heroes post patch is downright adorable.
Your out is good aim. Get those headshots loser.I really should practice McCree but I hate that he has no outs once he's used his flashbang. If you end up in a bad position, you're just dead.
Tracer is so much more forgiving, imo, and I can still give Pharah problems - even if I can't like, terrify her.
And there's no hesitation, they just dive right in to 1v1 the worst matchups. It's like the update flipped the "I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds" switch in their brains.
And there's no hesitation, they just dive right in to 1v1 the worst matchups. It's like the update flipped the "I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds" switch in their brains.
Servers seem down for me (EU).
Ill be on maybe. Gotta cut off at 9 central.
Works fine here.
What is everyone's hero pool, and who's in our regular groups? We gotta figure that out first. Off the top of my head (correct me if I'm wrong):
- Buttchin: Genji, Zenyatta, Rein, Sombra
- Batman: Tracer, Lucio, Zarya
- ND: Rein, Zen, Torb, Soldier, Genji
- Ultima: Mercy, Pharah
- Lik: Junkrat, D.Va, Soldier, Lucio
- Owzers: Rein, Mercy, Orisa, Winston
- Komaru: ...Hanzo?
- Scrub
- Phazon
- Cappa
(I couldn't remember who some of you guys played, and forgive me if I forgot anyone)
Got every skin from the event except Talon Widowmaker and that new Mercy outfit.
I just need Tracer and Widow.
For real, outside of like Anne and antitrop, our weird little PS4 OW family owns this thread, but our discussion here is often commenting on how our games went. We do very little theory crafting, and I think we could stand to do some more.
Batman has a good point regarding our inability to react, because what usually happens is the team will ask only one person to switch because the comp is 'mostly' working. The issue is that no one knows who should swap, and it's even more confusing and debilitating if multiple swaps have to occur because a crucial tank, DPS, or support has to change. So maybe instead of floundering with singular changes, the moment a comp stops working for us we switch paradigms entirely and choose different roles for everyone. Like, some straight up, tryhard, "TEAM, WOLFSTRIKE FORMATION AROOO" shit.
So for example, we try a typical dive comp, and it's not working. Someone makes the call to go to deathball, and then everyone immediately knows which hero to change to.
What is everyone's hero pool, and who's in our regular groups? We gotta figure that out first. Off the top of my head (correct me if I'm wrong):
- Buttchin: Genji, Zenyatta, Rein, Sombra
- Batman: Tracer, Lucio, Zarya
- ND: Rein, Zen, Torb, Soldier, Genji
- Ultima: Mercy, Pharah
- Lik: Junkrat, D.Va, Soldier, Lucio
- Owzers: Rein, Mercy, Orisa, Winston
- Komaru: ...Hanzo?
- Scrub
- Phazon
- Cappa
(I couldn't remember who some of you guys played, and forgive me if I forgot anyone)
Tracer's is goin' straight into the closet once Uprising's over. It's no Rose.
winky faceTracer's is goin' straight into the closet
winky face
I'm not on this but I'm adding myself because I'm going to force my way into the PS4 OW family if it kills me lol
According to Overbuff my 5 best heroes are...
-Soldier: 76
There's other heroes I can play but those are probably the ones I'm most comfortable with.
Disconnected from the game, I didn't even get the symbols, game was perfectly fine and I got immediately kicked out.
Can't even enter the game now, just stays on the "entering game..." screen. Everything's fine with my net, guess it's a problem with my region.
Oh well. 2-1 we got off but will be back on in a couple hours.Disconnected from the game, I didn't even get the symbols, game was perfectly fine and I got immediately kicked out.
Can't even enter the game now, just stays on the "entering game..." screen. Everything's fine with my net, guess it's a problem with my region.
That's a really useful pool
Once we raise ourselves like 700 SR lol
We just needed one alt to turn things around.We got curbstomped. It was pretty bad.
Whenever I end up playing with you guys I'm only going to play Genji though.
Mada Mada
We need a good Genji, tbh.
We need a good Genji, tbh.
Oh well. 2-1 we got off but will be back on in a couple hours.
We got curbstomped. It was pretty bad.
I'm going to primarily be playing him on my smurf! So it's not an unrealistic thing to happen in the future.
I have no idea where I'm at now with him though because I have played a total of maybe 5 games on him collectively in competitive and haven't played him at all this season.
Let us know your smurf then! You'll level up way quicker in a group anyway.
Sometimes you'll see the group playing QP for a bit anyway... especially since Ultima is refusing to play 6 stacks anymore!
We need a good Genji, tbh.
Lucio... I know that name..[IMG][/QUOTE]
You were doing great as hog, sorry for saying that we needed a but we didn't have anyone to contest the higher ground there and we were being melted from above. The random wasn't helping our problems too :\
Honestly playing this game soloq just made me realize again of how much fun the games are when we have a big stack, if we are willing to change characters. Even omicronpro that doesn't play bastion had a killer game with him just doing target practice since they didn't have anyone to counter him... there's no need to be a pro at the characters to be able to exploit the enemy team's weaknesses when they are obvious like this.
You were doing great as hog, sorry for saying that we needed a but we didn't have anyone to contest the higher ground there and we were being melted from above. The random wasn't helping our problems too :\
Honestly playing this game soloq just made me realize again of how much fun the games are when we have a big stack, if we are willing to change characters. Even omicronpro that doesn't play bastion had a killer game with him just doing target practice since they didn't have anyone to counter him... there's no need to be a pro at the characters to be able to exploit the enemy team's weaknesses when they are obvious like this.
You were doing great as hog, sorry for saying that we needed a but we didn't have anyone to contest the higher ground there and we were being melted from above. The random wasn't helping our problems too :
Honestly playing this game soloq just made me realize again of how much fun the games are when we have a big stack, if we are willing to change characters. Even omicronpro that doesn't play bastion had a killer game with him just doing target practice since they didn't have anyone to counter him... there's no need to be a pro at the characters to be able to exploit the enemy team's weaknesses when they are obvious like this.