How do you report cheating on psn.
i-amnotcreativ rocking a solid 100% weapon accuracy with Hanzo lol
How do you report cheating on psn.
i-amnotcreativ rocking a solid 100% weapon accuracy with Hanzo lol
How do you report cheating on psn.
i-amnotcreativ rocking a solid 100% weapon accuracy with Hanzo lol
Some kid sent me a video message saying I had no thumbs as Ana. I get so much abuse when I play her. I don't even think I'm doing that badly lol
Do you think you'll get your thumbs back before the next season starts?Some kid sent me a video message saying I had no thumbs as Ana. I get so much abuse when I play her. I don't even think I'm doing that badly lol
Do you think you'll get your thumbs back before the next season starts?
Sounds like a threat.Do you want to queue?
As long as I don't play Ana maybe. I'll need them to play OrisaDo you think you'll get your thumbs back before the next season starts?
Sounds like a threat.
If I play tonight, which I hope to, it will probably be qp working on my Sym main powers, but only if people are on otherwise more Horizon.
I've been living vicariously through anti while he climbs the ladder
Maybe I should just go maim one hero too and see what happens next season.
I already carry as rein now
It's fucking draining being the shield that many times but I can carry easily with him, 76, dva. But I'm curious how far I can get with a one hero only rule 🤔I mean, thats who I plan on taking to GM. 3250 now
Stick with him!
Well hello SgtWiggles, I see that you main Reinhardt...Rein is fun to play (And easy to carry with) so long as your heals or damage dealers are decent. Otherwise I want to cry when my shield is constantly in the low hundreds, and I can't swing my big hammer or fire strike because the other Rein is getting pocketed while I'm getting focused by their entire time.
I hate that I have the most hours with him this season. I keep getting forced into playing him which keeps giving me more hours as him.....
Some kid sent me a video message saying I had no thumbs as Ana. I get so much abuse when I play her. I don't even think I'm doing that badly lol
While I was playing Ana in QP some idiot sent me this. I took a screenshot of his overbuff stats and send them back. He was apparently a QP only support main.
I love playing aggressive with rein but yea it's becoming more a "well I'm not good at rein" making me play him then me playing him because I want to. I almost rather do the job then someome that cant.Rein is fun to play (And easy to carry with) so long as your heals or damage dealers are decent. Otherwise I want to cry when my shield is constantly in the low hundreds, and I can't swing my big hammer or fire strike because the other Rein is getting pocketed while I'm getting focused by their entire time.
I hate that I have the most hours with him this season. I keep getting forced into playing him which keeps giving me more hours as him.....
While I was playing Ana in QP some idiot sent me this. I took a screenshot of his overbuff stats and send them back. He was apparently a QP only support main.
Dude sent you hate mail for QP? LOL
Also, I'm gonna add you.
Well hello SgtWiggles, I see that you main Reinhardt...
I played a complete game as Ana with >90% accuracy once. It's strange but it's possible, especially in quick play.How do you report cheating on psn.
i-amnotcreativ rocking a solid 100% weapon accuracy with Hanzo lol
I've realized that I enjoy playing Zarya most, but that shes also the most intense for me too lol
Ran into some really toxic players in QM last night. Crying they weren't getting healed while I'm holding it down solo and they're not doing anything to defend me. The number of times one of them was crying "HEAL ME" while they had the orb above their head was hilarious. I still somehow won them the game with that trusty Zen ult and managed 10,000 healing in a single round.
This is also the second time someone was so tilted at me, they tried to add me after the game. Lol. Sure buddy, I'll accept that real quick.
Quick play, more like bad play.
Barely got any symmetra rounds in.
This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us, Owzers! Play Orisa!"... and I'll whisper "Yeah, okay. Sure!"They will beg me to switch to Orisa.
And I'll do it.
You made omnicpro play soloq, the very worst of q.Yea.
Sorry if I tilted anyone out with my complaining about QP tonight.
Sorry if I tilted anyone out with my complaining about QP tonight.
You made omnicpro play soloq, the very worst of q.
You made omnicpro play soloq, the very worst of q.
Playing as Winston when you jump in a room with their squishies and have ult
When there is nothing left to learn your time will be over.Eh it's cool, I really honestly only logged on to help Owzers with his Sym, I just did one comp match then got in bed lol.
I dunno man, ranked kings row never missed a shot and led the kill feed.. Some shots fell in crazy successionI played a complete game as Ana with >90% accuracy once. It's strange but it's possible, especially in quick play.
Depends. Is the teleporter still glitched? I haven't heard it fixed yet.Watching Seagull win with an Sym one-trick on his team, Sym was actually part of the reason they one, twice. Sym would actually be a very strong hero (on offense too!) if she was actually a support and had some means of mitigating damage to her team.
One 2CP, final points especially, the enemy team has to go to point when you're capping. They don't have time to hunt down tele.
Attack teleporter is actually very strong, just the rest of the hero is subpar.