30 million players!![]()
This... isn't allowed. The game won't let you queue for a placement match with a diamond (or anything above diamond) in your party.I haven't played properly in a while but decided to do some Rank Placement matches after recent changes to Siege.
Noticed something that really shouldn't be allowed. A guy (during placement matches) had partied up with his friend who was a Diamond and proceeded to stomp all over my team (who were mostly made up of low-levels ((sub-Level 30)) ).
I thought Blizzard had all those strict rules with you're not allowed to play Ranked matches with people who have too different an MMR to you, even if they're your friends. Why is someone allowed to party up with a Diamond and bring them in to Placement matches?
I play a looooot of 3v3 and I don't think that Roadhog is nearly as problematic as he's made out to be. I have won with a lot of characters that aren't conventional 3v3 picks (mainly Mei and Pharah); all it takes is a little team co-ordination.This needs to happen.
I feel like 3v3 has been "solved", with the clearly superior comp being Roadhog, Ana and Zarya. You might be able to get away with replacing Ana or Zarya with someone like Soldier or Tracer depending on the situation, but that's about it. Luckily people aren't playing the mode just for the wins so you see a lot of Hanzo, Widowmaker, McCree and Genji too. But someone always picks Roadhog and if the other team didn't pick him too they probably already lost.
The best comp is short range though, so you could try to counter with poke, but that often ends in a standstill where Roadhog's team won't come out in the open and the other team won't go in. Eventually someone gets bored, tries to do something and gets killed.
The most likely scenario is that the two people had already finished their placements; just because you're in a placement match doesn't mean they are. Or, if by "was a diamond" you mean "was a diamond last season", then this *is* allowed despite being highly inadvisable for the diamond player..
They guys current rank is probably below diamond. They just get to keep the emblem after reaching diamond.Hmm, I don't think I'm that good. I'm pretty much a low Platinum.
Basically, nobody in the match had a rank except the Diamond player (they had the shimmering Diamond symbol below their character icon, yeah?) and they were partied with one of the unranked players. Maybe something else was afoot, I'm not that familiar with the MM anymore.
I had one of those games yesterday where we full hold the enemy on defense and then two people get into a petty argument about absolutely fucking nothing and one of them declares they're throwing, to force a Draw. Guy goes Hanzo and stands at the main gate firing arrows until he dies.
They guys current rank is probably below diamond. They just get to keep the emblem after reaching diamond.
Some people def want to get the Diamond emblem then decide they don't give a shit anymore. Seems to be way more of an issue in this season. Probably why so many people are throwing or being assholes.
I'm not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure if you've got the diamond emblem, you can't queue for a placement match. It doesn't matter if you drop below 3000.They guys current rank is probably below diamond. They just get to keep the emblem after reaching diamond.
I have a lot of those days. The degree to which this game would be better without super BM players shitting on matches is staggering.I had one of those games yesterday where we full hold the enemy on defense and then two people get into a petty argument about absolutely fucking nothing and one of them declares they're throwing, to force a Draw. Guy goes Hanzo and stands at the main gate firing arrows until he dies.
I actually hate Competitive Overwatch. All of my games yesterday were shit, even the ones I won. I had no fun games yesterday at all.
I had one of those games yesterday where we full hold the enemy on defense and then two people get into a petty argument about absolutely fucking nothing and one of them declares they're throwing, to force a Draw. Guy goes Hanzo and stands at the main gate firing arrows until he dies.
I actually hate Competitive Overwatch. All of my games yesterday were shit, even the ones I won. I had no fun games yesterday at all. Most of my wins were just stomps where it felt like someone on the enemy team was throwing. Nobody gives a shit.
I don't even care that I lost 70SR, I care that I played this game for 8 hours yesterday and didn't have any fun.
I have a lot of those days. The degree to which this game would be better without super BM players shitting on matches is staggering.
Some people def want to get the Diamond emblem then decide they don't give a shit anymore. Seems to be way more of an issue in this season. Probably why so many people are throwing or being assholes.
Ana (46%), Zenyatta (33%), Mercy (14%)
This is nice to see, it's better than it was a few months ago. Still a shame about Lucio, though.
7+ hours of APEX, only 55 minutes of Reinhardt
Top ten heroes are Lucio (94%), Winston (90%), Tracer (84%), D.Va (72%), Genji (60%), Ana (46%), Soldier (42%), Zenyatta (33%), Mercy (14%), Sombra (13%)
Reinhardt (13%)
Pharah (12%)
Roadhog (7%)
Zarya (6%) <----- wowowowow
Widowmaker (5%)
McCree (4%)
Mei (2%)
Reaper (2%)
Torbjorn (1%)
Hanzo (0.8%)
Orisa (0.6%)
Bastion, Junkrat, Symmetra (no picks)
I have played with players of all levels of skill (got friends in bronze/silver, my account's a bit below GM after being placed in high gold) and I'll take the high level players over the others any day.As much as I want to get good at this game, I also don't want to get -good- you know? Too many horror stories of high-level play. I like hanging around mid-Platinum. Games are usually fun and I can play with most GAFers as long as they don't take off into Master.
7+ hours of APEX, only 55 minutes of Reinhardt
Top ten heroes are Lucio (94%), Winston (90%), Tracer (84%), D.Va (72%), Genji (60%), Ana (46%), Soldier (42%), Zenyatta (33%), Mercy (14%), Sombra (13%)
Reinhardt (13%)
Pharah (12%)
Roadhog (7%)
Zarya (6%) <----- wowowowow
Widowmaker (5%)
McCree (4%)
Mei (2%)
Reaper (2%)
Torbjorn (1%)
Hanzo (0.8%)
Orisa (0.6%)
Bastion, Junkrat, Symmetra (no picks)
Pharah with that low percentage
I thought she was broken guys :>
Theres no future on console for ana. Givein the darkside if you wanna ana!I still give a shit. I just wanted to be something else than the Mercy saving everyone's ass all the time. I want to be the Ana saving everyone's ass and then only way to get good at Ana is by doing it in comp and not the trash that is QP.
And I am.
Also end of season is nearing so you're getting the throwers and trolls and all that we had at the end of Season 3.
Pharah with that low percentage
I thought she was broken guys :>
Widow isn't the greatest Pharah counter. If Pharah gets a chance to approach Widow is basically dead or forced out of position.tell me when i get pro widowmakers on my team
Tell me when you're up against pro pharahs, also if widow is the thing stopping pharah why aren't their numbers the same or even closetell me when i get pro widowmakers on my team
a bad pharah is going to have a much easier time than a bad widow. it's why widowmaker is a high skill floor character. because widow excels at things other than killing pharah as wellTell me when you're up against pro pharahs, also if widow is the thing stopping pharah why aren't their numbers the same or even close
The best way to get better is to practice and work on identifying your mistakes.Holy Jesus, what's the best way to improve in this game? Got up to 2300, fell to 1600, got up to 1950 or so and I'm starting to think I'm never gonna get any higher. I don't think I'm that bad. But how the fuck are people getting to 4000?!? It's hard for me to imagine that.
I had one of those games yesterday where we full hold the enemy on defense and then two people get into a petty argument about absolutely fucking nothing and one of them declares they're throwing, to force a Draw. Guy goes Hanzo and stands at the main gate firing arrows until he dies.
I actually hate Competitive Overwatch. All of my games yesterday were shit, even the ones I won. I had no fun games yesterday at all. Most of my wins were just stomps where it felt like someone on the enemy team was throwing. Nobody gives a shit.
I don't even care that I lost 70SR, I care that I played this game for 8 hours yesterday and didn't have any fun.
Isn't the season ending in a few weeks? It feels like that time of the year or near the end of the season rather.I'm not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure if you've got the diamond emblem, you can't queue for a placement match. It doesn't matter if you drop below 3000.
Anyway, sometimes the emblem is bugged, especially during/after placement. I saw a guy with a master emblem despite still being in placements.
I have a lot of those days. The degree to which this game would be better without super BM players shitting on matches is staggering.
bumper jumperQuestion,on consoles how do you wall ride several walls as Lucio? I cant jump and ride another wall
Record your gameplay and critique it or find some1 to critique it.Holy Jesus, what's the best way to improve in this game? Got up to 2300, fell to 1600, got up to 1950 or so and I'm starting to think I'm never gonna get any higher. I don't think I'm that bad. But how the fuck are people getting to 4000?!? It's hard for me to imagine that.
Question,on consoles how do you wall ride several walls as Lucio? I cant jump and ride another wall
Holy Jesus, what's the best way to improve in this game? Got up to 2300, fell to 1600, got up to 1950 or so and I'm starting to think I'm never gonna get any higher. I don't think I'm that bad. But how the fuck are people getting to 4000?!? It's hard for me to imagine that.
Question,on consoles how do you wall ride several walls as Lucio? I cant jump and ride another wall
Some people def want to get the Diamond emblem then decide they don't give a shit anymore. Seems to be way more of an issue in this season. Probably why so many people are throwing or being assholes.
I had one of those games yesterday where we full hold the enemy on defense and then two people get into a petty argument about absolutely fucking nothing and one of them declares they're throwing, to force a Draw. Guy goes Hanzo and stands at the main gate firing arrows until he dies.
I actually hate Competitive Overwatch. All of my games yesterday were shit, even the ones I won. I had no fun games yesterday at all. Most of my wins were just stomps where it felt like someone on the enemy team was throwing. Nobody gives a shit.
I don't even care that I lost 70SR, I care that I played this game for 8 hours yesterday and didn't have any fun.
bumper jumper
What exactly are you having trouble with
Jumping while wall riding? Sticking to another wall?
Hold down your jump button while wall riding, then let go of the jump button, then press it again to jump off. I'm not sure if this is technically what you are supposed to do but it works for me. Try practicing on the practice range or in quick play until you can get it down.
Pro-tip: Remap your jump button onto L1 instead of X (Use subsequent buttons if on Xbox) so you can aim while wall ridiing.
EDIT - If it wasn't obvious make you sure you put Crossfade onto X, in general you don't need to aim while switching auras.
This is why I quit after I hit Diamond. Would have loved to go all the way to Master but the games I've had in Diamond have been so toxic and unfun. Literally felt unhealthy to me.
This is why I quit after I hit Diamond. Would have loved to go all the way to Master but the games I've had in Diamond have been so toxic and unfun. Literally felt unhealthy to me.
Honestly wouldn't be so bad if Quick Play wasn't such a fucking dumpster fire. Once you hit Diamond it feels like your 6v6 choices boil down to either Toxicity / Troll / Thrower infested Competitive mode or Shitty Attack Widow / Hanzo / Terribad comp Quick Play.
Some people def want to get the Diamond emblem then decide they don't give a shit anymore. Seems to be way more of an issue in this season. Probably why so many people are throwing or being assholes.
Sticking to another wall
I jump to a wall and press X, Lucio starts to wall riding, I try to jump to another Wall but lucio dont grab the wall.
Eh, I stop pressing X then Press X again to jump but nope he just fell , maybe a third X?
With me on your team you'll never have to worry about getting good.As much as I want to get good at this game, I also don't want to get -good- you know? Too many horror stories of high-level play. I like hanging around mid-Platinum. Games are usually fun and I can play with most GAFers as long as they don't take off into Master.
Well that's dumb.
Also been meaning to ask you, wanna play Destiny sometime?
Plenty of people don't belong at the rank they're at. The system isn't perfect. I got out of plat specifically by ignoring my teammates' lack of judgement and just picking Pharah every game. Now that I'm in master I'm okay with healing again because my teammates are actually competent.Don't take this the wrong way, but the first step to genuine improvement is to admit to yourself that you do belong at your current rank. Try to focus on your own play and how you can personally improve. Watching guides and analysis videos from people at higher ranks can be really helpful too.
Ive said it since season 2, but diamond is the worst group to play. You still get those games in master and GM, but its not as frequent as in diamond, where some random asshole gets the perfect comp set up with like 2 tanks, 2 dps, and 1 healer, and elects to go Hanzo or something. Diamond players all seem to think theyre super good too which is so weird to me. Most of them have the skill but lack situational/compositional awareness to move on and are too egotistical to understand optimal picks. Theres a huge difference between a viable pick and an optimal pick and understanding those differences are huge to ranking up.
I'm pretty much done with Destiny 1. Don't even have the urge to get the last trophy I'm missing.
But they dont got a heart of goldDiamond players have feelings too you know.