Diamond players have feelings too you know.
Every diamond player is top 500 but their teammates hold them back.
Diamond players have feelings too you know.
I mean, some of them... might. I haven't seen any proof of that myself.Diamond players have feelings too you know.
Don't take this the wrong way, but the first step to genuine improvement is to admit to yourself that you do belong at your current rank. Try to focus on your own play and how you can personally improve. Watching guides and analysis videos from people at higher ranks can be really helpful too.
Ive said it since season 2, but diamond is the worst group to play. You still get those games in master and GM, but its not as frequent as in diamond, where some random asshole gets the perfect comp set up with like 2 tanks, 2 dps, and 1 healer, and elects to go Hanzo or something. Diamond players all seem to think theyre super good too which is so weird to me. Most of them have the skill but lack situational/compositional awareness to move on and are too egotistical to understand optimal picks. Theres a huge difference between a viable pick and an optimal pick and understanding those differences are huge to ranking up.
Sounds like Gold too (currently Gold). Could have fooled me!My favorite comp is when we have 3 dps and none of them are good against pharah.
Had one comp: Rein, Roadie, Sym, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy (me)
Me: "Guy's just a heads up, we don't have anything to counter pharah, so one of the DPS might have to switch if we get creamed on this first point".
Junk: "No problem, if hanzo can shoot a limp arrow into her, I'll finish her off real easy"
-loses point A in 20 seconds-
Me: "Can we get someone to switch to another healer or a hitscan for that pharah?"
Junk: "Not me, I have gold damage"
Hanzo: "Dude, I have gold elims, I was getting picks, I'm not even sure how you guys died so easy. I even took out that pharah".
Junk: "I don't think we need a symettra anymore, she's useless on point B"
Sym: "Ok, you guys are blaming me... whatever... it wasn't my fault you guys can't stay alive"
-switches to Lucio-
Hanzo: "Umm can we not have Lucio, we need someone like Zen to discord that Pharah".
Lucio: "I don't play Zen, you play him, I can soldier"
Hanzo: "Naw dude, I'm fucking destroying them right now. I'm on my second dragon in 2 minutes"
Hanzo: "FUCK! Someone needs to do something about that pharah, I was about to ult then she solo-ulted me, she knows I'm the real threat of this team."
-loses match a few minutes later-
Junkrat: "Gold damage, silver elims. You guys fucking suck dick, I hope I NEVER team with any of you guys ever again" -disconnects-
Hanzo: "nothing I could do there, we had a junkrat who didn't do anything the whole round, a symmettra who didn't put down her tp and mercy who couldn't heal for shit."
Or there needs to be actual consequences for not taking it seriouslyI feel like comp needs a better reward system, then people might care a little more.
You shoulda pull a 4dps meta and go soldier!My favorite comp is when we have 3 dps and none of them are good against pharah.
Had one comp: Rein, Roadie, Sym, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy (me)
Me: "Guy's just a heads up, we don't have anything to counter pharah, so one of the DPS might have to switch if we get creamed on this first point".
Junk: "No problem, if hanzo can shoot a limp arrow into her, I'll finish her off real easy"
-loses point A in 20 seconds-
Me: "Can we get someone to switch to another healer or a hitscan for that pharah?"
Junk: "Not me, I have gold damage"
Hanzo: "Dude, I have gold elims, I was getting picks, I'm not even sure how you guys died so easy. I even took out that pharah".
Junk: "I don't think we need a symettra anymore, she's useless on point B"
Sym: "Ok, you guys are blaming me... whatever... it wasn't my fault you guys can't stay alive"
-switches to Lucio-
Hanzo: "Umm can we not have Lucio, we need someone like Zen to discord that Pharah".
Lucio: "I don't play Zen, you play him, I can soldier"
Hanzo: "Naw dude, I'm fucking destroying them right now. I'm on my second dragon in 2 minutes"
Hanzo: "FUCK! Someone needs to do something about that pharah, I was about to ult then she solo-ulted me, she knows I'm the real threat of this team."
-loses match a few minutes later-
Junkrat: "Gold damage, silver elims. You guys fucking suck dick, I hope I NEVER team with any of you guys ever again" -disconnects-
Hanzo: "nothing I could do there, we had a junkrat who didn't do anything the whole round, a symmettra who didn't put down her tp and mercy who couldn't heal for shit."
Plenty of people don't belong at the rank they're at. The system isn't perfect. I got out of plat specifically by ignoring my teammates' lack of judgement and just picking Pharah every game. Now that I'm in master I'm okay with healing again because my teammates are actually competent.
I got stuck in Diamond S3 because I was healing people who, as it turns out, were much worse at the game than I am.
On Console, does Triple Tank work well still? Is it better or worse than PC?
I feel like comp needs a better reward system, then people might care a little more.
Diamond players have feelings too you know.
So much of this is too real. I hated having to explain to them that we always need at least one hit scan unless were going with a dive for opening point or something. I absolutely hated seeing tracer/reaper/genji making up the dps in that rank. Also yeah, anyone throwing out the gold damage argument is straight up worthless. Most pointless stat of all time-especially so if youre playing a dps role....I expect nothing less from you.My favorite comp is when we have 3 dps and none of them are good against pharah.
Had one comp: Rein, Roadie, Sym, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy (me)
Me: "Guy's just a heads up, we don't have anything to counter pharah, so one of the DPS might have to switch if we get creamed on this first point".
Junk: "No problem, if hanzo can shoot a limp arrow into her, I'll finish her off real easy"
-loses point A in 20 seconds-
Me: "Can we get someone to switch to another healer or a hitscan for that pharah?"
Junk: "Not me, I have gold damage"
Hanzo: "Dude, I have gold elims, I was getting picks, I'm not even sure how you guys died so easy. I even took out that pharah".
Junk: "I don't think we need a symettra anymore, she's useless on point B"
Sym: "Ok, you guys are blaming me... whatever... it wasn't my fault you guys can't stay alive"
-switches to Lucio-
Hanzo: "Umm can we not have Lucio, we need someone like Zen to discord that Pharah".
Lucio: "I don't play Zen, you play him, I can soldier"
Hanzo: "Naw dude, I'm fucking destroying them right now. I'm on my second dragon in 2 minutes"
Hanzo: "FUCK! Someone needs to do something about that pharah, I was about to ult then she solo-ulted me, she knows I'm the real threat of this team."
-loses match a few minutes later-
Junkrat: "Gold damage, silver elims. You guys fucking suck dick, I hope I NEVER team with any of you guys ever again" -disconnects-
Hanzo: "nothing I could do there, we had a junkrat who didn't do anything the whole round, a symmettra who didn't put down her tp and mercy who couldn't heal for shit."
Sounds like Gold too (currently Gold). Could have fooled me!
You shoulda pull a 4dps meta and go soldier!
Eh, what I said was more of a psychological thing than the absolute truth. I only say it because your rank is your rank, you must be doing something better / worse than other players to end up where you're at. That sounds really incoherent but hopefully you understand what I'm getting at.
Meta comp requires coordination and you won't find that in normal games much unless it's a full stack with teams that play together often and know their roles.
If there's a meta comp, why wouldn't you find them in normal games? Isn't the meta comp supposed to be the most common team you see in ranked?
Already back to 3950.
I played with Hydration's smurf in one of the games (main account is 4669 rank #12 atm), so that was lucky.
so two more wins for 4k?
Here's a little speech I have been giving lately with great success:My favorite comp is when we have 3 dps and none of them are good against pharah.
Had one comp: Rein, Roadie, Sym, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy (me)
Me: "Guy's just a heads up, we don't have anything to counter pharah, so one of the DPS might have to switch if we get creamed on this first point".
Junk: "No problem, if hanzo can shoot a limp arrow into her, I'll finish her off real easy"
-loses point A in 20 seconds-
Me: "Can we get someone to switch to another healer or a hitscan for that pharah?"
Junk: "Not me, I have gold damage"
Hanzo: "Dude, I have gold elims, I was getting picks, I'm not even sure how you guys died so easy. I even took out that pharah".
Junk: "I don't think we need a symettra anymore, she's useless on point B"
Sym: "Ok, you guys are blaming me... whatever... it wasn't my fault you guys can't stay alive"
-switches to Lucio-
Hanzo: "Umm can we not have Lucio, we need someone like Zen to discord that Pharah".
Lucio: "I don't play Zen, you play him, I can soldier"
Hanzo: "Naw dude, I'm fucking destroying them right now. I'm on my second dragon in 2 minutes"
Hanzo: "FUCK! Someone needs to do something about that pharah, I was about to ult then she solo-ulted me, she knows I'm the real threat of this team."
-loses match a few minutes later-
Junkrat: "Gold damage, silver elims. You guys fucking suck dick, I hope I NEVER team with any of you guys ever again" -disconnects-
Hanzo: "nothing I could do there, we had a junkrat who didn't do anything the whole round, a symmettra who didn't put down her tp and mercy who couldn't heal for shit."
I've been preaching this for a long time, most people brush me off though. I get a lot of excuses like "my team is shit" or "I get a thrower/leaver every single game". The reality is the game tries to pair you with a team it thinks that's on your level (or at least thinks you can be able to soft carry). As for the leaver/throwers, everyone I've ever played with has dealt with this, it's not specific to one person, some people might be unlucky and get leavers more often but let's not pretend it's a unique problem. In the past month I must have lost at least 100 SR from leavers/throwers alone, but my SR still floats around the same ballpark. I can't 100% say that if I didn't have leavers/throwers that I would of won those matches. On the flip-side, I must have won at least 60-80 SR from people throwing/leaving on the other team.
I had this exact kind of player last night.Some people def want to get the Diamond emblem then decide they don't give a shit anymore. Seems to be way more of an issue in this season. Probably why so many people are throwing or being assholes.
My problem is I keep getting people that get way too comfortable and switch roles when we have a lead that put the team a disadvantage. Particularly support players have been doing this, or tanks.
Anyone on PS4 wanna play?
My favorite comp is when we have 3 dps and none of them are good against pharah.
Had one comp: Rein, Roadie, Sym, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy (me)
Me: "Guy's just a heads up, we don't have anything to counter pharah, so one of the DPS might have to switch if we get creamed on this first point".
Sym: "Ok, you guys are blaming me... whatever... it wasn't my fault you guys can't stay alive"
HYPERLULAnyone on PS4 wanna play?
I'm shocked people are still trying hard at ~2700 SR. I think they really want Diamond and it's kind of nice when they build around insta locked duo snipers (Hanzo+Widow) and don't say anything apart from maybe one line in chat/voice to ask that we swap to something else.
It's underrated if both players aren't bad I think actually.I have a positive WR right now opening games like that in comp.
If enemy runs dive comp we swap.
Also I'm actually enjoying playing this instead of just locking Soldier or filling. Feels good.
People aren't familiar with countering it if they are running a standard lineup that isn't a good dive comp. Widow actually can kill Pharah and backline healers. Hanzo is basically an evasion tank in the frontline :^)Seeing people make those kinds of picks and having someone else encouraging it in a comp game.....
I'm not 100% on this but I'm pretty sure if you've got the diamond emblem, you can't queue for a placement match. It doesn't matter if you drop below 3000.
Anyway, sometimes the emblem is bugged, especially during/after placement. I saw a guy with a master emblem despite still being in placements.
I have a lot of those days. The degree to which this game would be better without super BM players shitting on matches is staggering.
How was Jellie's return to console?
It's on going. First placement game done though.How was Jellie's return to console?
Needs Metal Gear Solid musichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBaQEPcqrCQ
So this is the power of sneak capping + no one on console communicating
Needs Metal Gear Solid music
LiK should drop to plat to play.Join Jellie and me.
Oh right he's still placing.
LiK should drop to plat to play.