D.Va has better ults in HotS than OW confirmed. Self-destruct is so bad it's just a normal ability here.
People don't seem to want to do this anymore but I still think a full stack with people playing their mains is what works. But people want to experiment and dick around in Comp now so you get unpredictable team comps and games where you can go from stomping to being stomped. I find that type of play too frustrating to deal with.
I'll say it again, Overwatch's matchmaking in it's current state is what drives this.
1. Ranked needs Team and Solo
2. It needs better Server browser, specifically servers to just dick around in like TF2. Where it doesn't matter if you have 17 Widows.
What should this hopefully do? Rank will be a bit more balanced then. The people who want to purely just dick around move to custom servers that never end. And Quickplay returns to more people trying to win, rather than dicking around.
Because, right now Quickplay is what people do in those never ending TF2 servers. And rank has become more along the lines of, let me experiment with this character and see if it works.
I'll say it again, Overwatch's matchmaking in it's current state is what drives this.
1. Ranked needs Team and Solo
2. It needs better Server browser, specifically servers to just dick around in like TF2. Where it doesn't matter if you have 17 Widows.
What should this hopefully do? Rank will be a bit more balanced then. The people who want to purely just dick around move to custom servers that never end. And Quickplay returns to more people trying to win, rather than dicking around.
Because, right now Quickplay is what people do in those never ending TF2 servers. And rank has become more along the lines of, let me experiment with this character and see if it works.
I would love something like League has where you pick your roles prior to entering the queue. Then you dont have the salty guy who wants to play dps and is forced to support horribly because hes mad he didnt get to pick soldier.
zen skin pls blizz
i'll play your stupid moba
oh god she's doing shy shy shyI know D.va just got a skin but I hope Goliath pilot D.va makes it in at some point. (It won't)
I know D.va just got a skin but I hope Goliath pilot D.va makes it in at some point. (It won't)
I like how it was at the start of the season too. Randoms dont mess around.
This season was just bastion but after it got patch it was goodThe start of a Season is just as bad. People always want to try the new hero or new balance changes.
I would love something like League has where you pick your roles prior to entering the queue. Then you dont have the salty guy who wants to play dps and is forced to support horribly because hes mad he didnt get to pick soldier.
This season was just bastion but after it got patch it was good
When orisa came out it wasnt available in comp until a week later too and quickly ppl drop her lol
I'll say it again, Overwatch's matchmaking in it's current state is what drives this.
1. Ranked needs Team and Solo
2. It needs better Server browser, specifically servers to just dick around in like TF2. Where it doesn't matter if you have 17 Widows.
What should this hopefully do? Rank will be a bit more balanced then. The people who want to purely just dick around move to custom servers that never end. And Quickplay returns to more people trying to win, rather than dicking around.
Because, right now Quickplay is what people do in those never ending TF2 servers. And rank has become more along the lines of, let me experiment with this character and see if it works.
Yeah I saw you and got depressed.
I was like, "if Twrecks is dropping, what hope is there for me :"
I love this game but I'm just burnt out at this point, and it doesn't get easier as we get closer to season end where people just play like idiots. I played 3 games yesterday (my friend insisted on OW, I wanted rocket league, he won that argument), 2 of them were great games, great communication and games were fairly close. For awhile it felt like I could play at least 3-4 more games, but then we get to the 3rd game... absolutely the least fun I had this weekend (no hyperbole and it was only 20 minutes of my time!). All I could think to myself was "Now I remember why I don't regularly play this on a daily basis anymore", that game was enough for us to go to get off and play some rocket league.
Yea. I agree. The issue is not enough switching.Yeah there's just no way that forcing people into roles is a viable option in this game, it will never happen because it doesn't make any sense.
When is Overwatch going to get cross-over skins? That Goliath D Va. skin is too perfect. Widowmaker Kerrigan, Rein Marauder. There is a lot of cool stuff they could do.
Normal people don't know about blizz loreWhy do people think Widowmaker should get Kerrigan treatment? Because she has blue skin? Clearly Mercy deserves it as her kit already has wings.
Kind of wish the Avoid Player option made a return honestly. It might help some issues of matchmaking.
Man, HotS did the E.va skin.
They need more varied modes and maps. I think people are just burnt out and want more new content. I think they need to rework the ranks and SRs. The majority doesn't seem to give a shit especially with smurf accounts.
When is Overwatch going to get cross-over skins? That Goliath D Va. skin is too perfect. Widowmaker Kerrigan, Rein Marauder. There is a lot of cool stuff they could do.
Kind of wish the Avoid Player option made a return honestly. It might help some issues of matchmaking.
I really wish this was in the game. The idea I have is probably to complicated to implement, but basically the "avoid this player" option would mean that the selected player wouldn't be in your team but could still be in the game. This would guarantee that you only pick bad players/trolls and not use the option to avoid getting placed against great players like it was used before. They would also have to limit the number of players you could put on the "avoid list". But I have no idea how hard it is to do something like this.
We can't report them so they should allow us to avoid them.
I wouldn't be surprised if they made Goliath D.va the Blizzcon skin this year.
Also, her other default recolor is called Major and gives her purple hair, I see you Blizzard.
genji has one too
genji has one too
Kind of wish the Avoid Player option made a return honestly. It might help some issues of matchmaking.
Why do people think Widowmaker should get Kerrigan treatment? Because she has blue skin? Clearly Mercy deserves it as her kit already has wings.
We can't report them so they should allow us to avoid them.
I can appreciate the fact that Overwatch has a bunch of issues but a month ago we went like 9-1 in a day as a stack and overall we were having way more success. And since then It's been awful. We are definitely doing something wrong that I'm sure we can fix.