Insanely corny, pls never bring to OW.
It'll be fun to see when HotS get that too, and we get post delivery D'va or some other crap like that.That's because they're saving the REAL skin everyone wants for later!
....blizzard, pls
Comp on Ps4 is a mistake. Complete dumpster fire. Something must be done about the matchmaking and I have no clue how they fix it. There is a huge misalignment of incentives on blizzard's end and individual players. I swing wildly in comp SR and I feel that it is completely out of my control and is based primarily on luck.
Yeah avoid would be a much better option imo, report is harder because for example you can't really report some player just because he played widow during the whole game, technically nothing is wrong with that. But I sure as hell would use the avoid option on him lol
Owzers actually landed some pins that day. It's all decided by that, he's the one that decides our fate when he clicks the charge button.
the only thing about avoid player option is that people can abuse it for avoided top500 players. now if they add some kinda 10 report = trigger a admin to look at the player kinda thing, then i would rather suggest them adding a better report a player function instead.Speaking of avoiding players, Blizzard REALLY needs to get their shit together and make a report player function on console.
Last night I had a game where we lost the first point on Lijiang with only one healer for the whole round. I was telling someone to switch but it wasn't happening. I was the only tank so I couldn't do it either. I figured that solo healing with Mercy wasn't the worst team comp, so I let it slide. This other guy on my team starting getting really tilted and was calling everyone out. The round ends and he decides he's gonna throw the rest of the game, so he switches to Mei and continually Ice Wall's the spawn door. He wouldn't leave until like 10 minutes later when the entire game was almost over, and no one else wanted to leave and get penalized for it. It was probably the most vocally angry in team chat I have ever been, but he eventually turned his mic off and no one else had their mics on either.
It was quite obvious he was a smurf too, his name was something like C9 Surefour, which is kinda funny to be honest.
did you immediately after shooting the rocket, you look forward (or up with pharah) with the camera angle?You can jump higher if you fire a rocket at the ground before jumping.
Don't know if you can do this on console, I tried on practice range and couldn't do it, but maybe it's just bad timing on my part. And yeah, pump the button.
Look. She's not on the level of my Mercy but I'm gonna get her there. I typically go Mercy on defense anyways when we play. Only thing is getting the healing up a bit.
I took a quick look at stats and I think Nuno is our only other Ana player... He has a win percentage of 26 vs my 35.
You have 26 minutes with Ana for a win percentage of 38 percent.
Being Mercy a lot there's some things PS4 GAF needs to work on as well. You guys find yourselves in precarious positions a lot. We need to work on call outs. I've been mum lately but I'm trying not to be. And yes you're right I need to do a better job of calling out a sleep ahead of time.
Comp on Ps4 is a mistake. Complete dumpster fire. Something must be done about the matchmaking and I have no clue how they fix it. There is a huge misalignment of incentives on blizzard's end and individual players. I swing wildly in comp SR and I feel that it is completely out of my control and is based primarily on luck.
You could always make an alt account and play with lower rank people that way. That's what I did last season.
They fixed it on PTR?I'm finally getting good at Roadhog again. Can't wait for the annoying aerial hook glitch to go to live when I've got muscle memory of immediately pointing downwards.
They fixed it on PTR?
I made a smurf a few weeks ago but I'm quite lazy about ranking it up lol
So HotS immediately gives D'Va the skin people have been asking for since the start of Overwatch, the Goliath skin... And Overwatch get some random garbage police skin. Just fuck....
Insanely corny, pls never bring to OW.
3 DPS on defense (McCree,Soldier,Sombra) and they got outkilled by me as Symmetra and Zarya. Of course they pick the same ones on offense too.
you sound like a blackpink stan
Spam other characters on the pre-round select until they switch!
Winky face
Yeah that's what the patch note imply. Also means that Roadhog's hook probably has another new bug like it enters another dimension when you hook Orisa's Supercharger or something,
The aim smoothing has helped Ana be better in consoles.
Where are you getting that from? I'm looking at:
And I CTRL+F for Roadhog and hook without results.
I made a smurf a few weeks ago but I'm quite lazy about ranking it up lol
Symmetra legendary incoming
I wouldn't be surprised if they made Goliath the Blizzcon skin this year.
Also, her other default recolor is called Major and gives her purple hair, I see you Blizzard.
Man, HotS did the skin.
There are definitely alot more people not giving a shit on ps4 comp. I think honestly it's reached that point like other console shooters where the community is dwindling and slowing down. This lasted longer then cod which usually falls off after the first DLC in the spring. I think the fact dlc is free helps and having big events and new character launches help too.
I'm expecting the year 1 boom to help out alot.
Just spend less time on event skins and lame PvE shit and give us more maps characters and game modes.
There are definitely alot more people not giving a shit on ps4 comp. I think honestly it's reached that point like other console shooters where the community is dwindling and slowing down. This lasted longer then cod which usually falls off after the first DLC in the spring. I think the fact dlc is free helps and having big events and new character launches help too.
I'm expecting the year 1 boom to help out alot.
Symmetra legendary incoming
Symmetra legendary incoming
Escape with your life and forget it ever happened.Uh gg? That last match was brutal
:needhealing:New things for the best character on attack.
Uh gg? That last match was brutal
That's because they're saving the REAL skin everyone wants for later!
....blizzard, pls
the only thing about avoid player option is that people can abuse it for avoided top500 players. now if they add some kinda 10 report = trigger a admin to look at the player kinda thing, then i would rather suggest them adding a better report a player function instead.
did you immediately after shooting the rocket, you look forward (or up with pharah) with the camera angle?
seems like you can only rocket jump with soldier and zarya only if after you rocket the ground and simultaneously look forward while jumping will give you the rocket jump effect. rocket jump doesnt work for me if i stay looking at the ground even after i rocket and jump afterward.
I made a smurf a few weeks ago but I'm quite lazy about ranking it up lol
Just spend less time on event skins and lame PvE shit and give us more maps characters and game modes.
Uh gg? That last match was brutal
I don't know if I can give up on Vishkar
Alot of people that play now are more or less set in there ways at this point especially in going up the ladder. Having a diamond ensigma is enough for people nowadays. Yea some will try to reach top 500 but for the most part diamond is "good enough".Wouldn't it be the opposite? Why would the people who have stuck with playing this long not give a shit in comp?
If you're outhealing Mercy, then that player's trash. Plain and simple.
Lik, guess what's hold me back from getting gm status on oversumo for the junkrat plays i did a few weeks ago with Jellie on pc eu server.
dps ana!