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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

Speaking of avoiding players, Blizzard REALLY needs to get their shit together and make a report player function on console.

Last night I had a game where we lost the first point on Lijiang with only one healer for the whole round. I was telling someone to switch but it wasn't happening. I was the only tank so I couldn't do it either. I figured that solo healing with Mercy wasn't the worst team comp, so I let it slide. This other guy on my team starting getting really tilted and was calling everyone out. The round ends and he decides he's gonna throw the rest of the game, so he switches to Mei and continually Ice Wall's the spawn door. He wouldn't leave until like 10 minutes later when the entire game was almost over, and no one else wanted to leave and get penalized for it. It was probably the most vocally angry in team chat I have ever been, but he eventually turned his mic off and no one else had their mics on either.

It was quite obvious he was a smurf too, his name was something like C9 Surefour, which is kinda funny to be honest.


Yeah avoid would be a much better option imo, report is harder because for example you can't really report some player just because he played widow during the whole game, technically nothing is wrong with that. But I sure as hell would use the avoid option on him lol

Owzers actually landed some pins that day. It's all decided by that, he's the one that decides our fate when he clicks the charge button.
All this overwatch talk makes me want to play overwatch tonight. No good can come from this.
Speaking of avoiding players, Blizzard REALLY needs to get their shit together and make a report player function on console.

Last night I had a game where we lost the first point on Lijiang with only one healer for the whole round. I was telling someone to switch but it wasn't happening. I was the only tank so I couldn't do it either. I figured that solo healing with Mercy wasn't the worst team comp, so I let it slide. This other guy on my team starting getting really tilted and was calling everyone out. The round ends and he decides he's gonna throw the rest of the game, so he switches to Mei and continually Ice Wall's the spawn door. He wouldn't leave until like 10 minutes later when the entire game was almost over, and no one else wanted to leave and get penalized for it. It was probably the most vocally angry in team chat I have ever been, but he eventually turned his mic off and no one else had their mics on either.

It was quite obvious he was a smurf too, his name was something like C9 Surefour, which is kinda funny to be honest.

I find this kind of thing funny because the smurf will be the first one to say "this is just my smurf, I don't care about my SR", but throughout the match will be the first one to holler and complain about just everything. "You think I care about this account? I'll fucking throw!". For people who claim they don't care about their account, they sure like to make it a point every time they talk when shit isn't going their way. It can't be their fault, I mean they're GM/top 500 on their main account, clearly it's everyone that is around them that's at fault. I can only imagine how toxic they are when they actually care about their account.
I don't play support for the good of the team but then we end up with Ana/Zen/Mercy not good.

It could be worse.

Owzers sym without turrets :DDD

I'll take Mercy a million times over Ana. No one on our teams is good enough with Ana to make her viable.

Depending on the comp it should be Lucio and Zen/Mercy every time.


I also really like the Mercy/Sym combo on defense (2cp/hybrids first point, though shield generator can work on the 2nd).

Ana is very hard to play on console unfortunately and the nerf only made things worse. She can still work on attack if we need heavy healing with triple tank, though choice between having a rez or nanoboost... usually I don't like rez on attack but sometimes it's very good on 2cp due to the spawn advantage on defense.


Is there a trick to staying in the air longer for Pharah? I'm watching people play her and they seem to be able to stay in the air a lot longer than me.

Do I simply hold down the air jet hover button continuously? Or pump the button continuously?


Is there a trick to staying in the air longer for Pharah? I'm watching people play her and they seem to be able to stay in the air a lot longer than me.

Do I simply hold down the air jet hover button continuously? Or pump the button continuously?

Yea, pumping.
Is there a trick to staying in the air longer for Pharah? I'm watching people play her and they seem to be able to stay in the air a lot longer than me.

Do I simply hold down the air jet hover button continuously? Or pump the button continuously?

You can jump higher if you fire a rocket at the ground before jumping.


Don't know if you can do this on console, I tried on practice range and couldn't do it, but maybe it's just bad timing on my part. And yeah, pump the button.

I'll be on in like half an hour before I half to watch the Jazz get swept. I feel I have to solo Q then all of you are to blame.

Look. She's not on the level of my Mercy but I'm gonna get her there. I typically go Mercy on defense anyways when we play. Only thing is getting the healing up a bit.

I took a quick look at stats and I think Nuno is our only other Ana player... He has a win percentage of 26 vs my 35.

You have 26 minutes with Ana for a win percentage of 38 percent.

Being Mercy a lot there's some things PS4 GAF needs to work on as well. You guys find yourselves in precarious positions a lot. We need to work on call outs. I've been mum lately but I'm trying not to be. And yes you're right I need to do a better job of calling out a sleep ahead of time.
Stats only tell half the story.

Uh exactly.

Lots of my grenades have given you guys the edge and nap boosts pushed if forward each time last night.

I feel like you guys are too used to a health hose keeping you alive as you take out 3 guys and then call yourself awesome.

I even asked last night if people wanted me to remain Mercy so it's not like I'm not a team player here.
The character I play the most correctly is easily Dva.

I destroy Soldiers, kill flankers and others on high ground. I eat ults, I protect supports. I get in close. And yea the healing on me is usually great. Which builts more ults.

Just let me play Dva.


I've been playing OW competitive seriously for the first time since Season 1. Went into it promising to myself to not chase SR and simply focus on improving my personal performance. I've been semi-successful with this and feel like I've really stepped up my Lucio game yet I can't help but be crushed by a similar SR pattern that happened to me in S1. Grinded from 1900 up to 2350 only to then get my face smashed in repeatedly all the way back to 2000.

Do I just need to expand my rolodex of heroes I can play proficiently? I've been pretty much exclusively playing Lucio but have begun to dabble with Soldier and Roadhog. It feels like a 'damned if I do, damned if I don't' scenario. When I don't play Lucio, I feel our team suffers from bad/no heals. When I do play Lucio, we get annihilated by the opposing Pharah.

I'm probably just describing everyone's experience with this game.


I've been playing OW competitive seriously for the first time since Season 1. Went into it promising to myself to not chase SR and simply focus on improving my personal performance. I've been semi-successful with this and feel like I've really stepped up my Lucio game yet I can't help but be crushed by a similar SR pattern that happened to me in S1. Grinded from 1900 up to 2350 only to then get my face smashed in repeatedly all the way back to 2000.

Do I just need to expand my rolodex of heroes I can play proficiently? I've been pretty much exclusively playing Lucio but have begun to dabble with Soldier and Roadhog. It feels like a 'damned if I do, damned if I don't' scenario. When I don't play Lucio, I feel our team suffers from bad/no heals. When I do play Lucio, we get annihilated by the opposing Pharah.

I'm probably just describing everyone's experience with this game.
If you want to heal your team AND help deal with Pharah, try picking up Zen.


Comp on Ps4 is a mistake. Complete dumpster fire. Something must be done about the matchmaking and I have no clue how they fix it. There is a huge misalignment of incentives on blizzard's end and individual players. I swing wildly in comp SR and I feel that it is completely out of my control and is based primarily on luck.
If you want to heal your team AND help deal with Pharah, try picking up Zen.

Seconding this as someone who hasn't played seriously in awhile.

I felt like my aim wasn't good enough with Ana to be reliable in solo q, so I picked up Zen. Still garbage with him but I'm slowly getting better.
Stats are important imo, though they only mean something if they take in consideration a good amount of games/time. I usually see it like this, stats of a certain hero are good overall but the winrate is shit... bad luck with the games while playing that hero. Stats are only decent but the winrate is positive... you're are doing your job, keep at it. Winrate and stats are good... perfect.

Naw I'm good.

You guys just wake up all my sleeps.

It's hard to stop in time if we are focusing on that target. From my experience usually it only works with nanoboosted targets because everyone decides to just run away instead of focusing fire on them, with "naked" ults like s76 or genji usually they end up awake anyway.

It sucks but I can't really blame anyone if it happens right after the slept.

I took a quick look at stats and I think Nuno is our only other Ana player... He has a win percentage of 26 vs my 35.

Lies! Overbuff is at 30% lol

Not really proud of my stats with her this season even though some of them are pretty good. Last season's ending was probably my best time with her. I still like to play her on attack in some maps and koth if I'm being destroyed by flankers as Zen (in case Lucio is taken), though lately I'm open to the possibility of doing pharmercy if it also doesn't work out with Ana depending on the team comp.

And yes you're right I need to do a better job of calling out a sleep ahead of time.

I don't think that's an easy thing to do, I normally use it on instinct, there's no time to warn anyone.
Stats are important imo, though they only mean something if they take in consideration a good amount of games/time. I usually see it like this, stats of a certain hero are good overall but the winrate is shit... bad luck with the games while playing that hero. Stats are only decent but the winrate is positive... you're are doing your job, keep at it. Winrate and stats are good... perfect.

It's hard to stop in time if we are focusing on that target. From my experience usually it only works with nanoboosted targets because everyone decides to just run away instead of focusing fire on them, with "naked" ults like s76 or genji usually they end up awake anyway.

It sucks but I can't really blame anyone if it happens right after the slept.

Lies! Overbuff is at 30% lol

Not really proud of my stats with her this season even though some of them are pretty good. Last season's ending was probably my best time with her. I still like to play her on attack in some maps and koth if I'm being destroyed by flankers as Zen (in case Lucio is taken), though lately I'm open to the possibility of doing pharmercy if it also doesn't work out with Ana depending on the team comp.

I don't think that's an easy thing to do, I normally use it on instinct, there's no time to warn anyone.

Haha. I checked the stats via Overwatch directly since I was on.

Yea sleep darting is kind of heat of the moment but I probably could have called out the Bastion Ult sleep I did that was then woken up to kill two people.
Y'all are gonna sleep on my Ana huh.

90th percentile in hero rank on Overbuff and 99th percentile in enemies slept with a little over 12 per game (I also have a 40% win rate with her but that doesn't matter).

Put some respek on my name.
Y'all are gonna sleep on my Ana huh.

90th percentile in hero rank on Overbuff and 99th percentile in enemies slept with a little over 12 per game (I also have a 40% win rate with her but that doesn't matter).

Put some respek on my name.

You no longer count TWrecks. You're so far ahead of us.

It's gonna be lonely at the top.


They should probably do something so you can choose to queue up as a primary role or something and try to make teams a bit more balanced. Right now game quality is a bit of a mess because you never quite know what you'll get.

Biggest thing is right now once you get to around masters~ or higher, you start to run into this problem where people are in matches where they are expected to be good at the game and they just aren't outside of their niche. You can literally get to 4k+ SR only playing Mercy and never firing a gun. You can do that with Rein while never aiming anything but firestrike. Etc. You get a couple people on a team like that and shit goes south so fast it's stupid. It's actually pretty common too.

The fact you can also spoof SR with group queue isn't helping either. It's totally possible to select "primary roles" with the caveat that you're not locked into 2/2/2, Blizzard just needs to figure out a way to communicate that to players. They're historically pretty terrible at teaching their players how to play games (my experience with hots has been hilarious because of this btw), but I think they can step it up at some point.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I managed to suffer through 10 HotS games and I finally have my Dva skin! Now the question is can I be bothered to do 10 more for the loot crates...


So HotS immediately gives D'Va the skin people have been asking for since the start of Overwatch, the Goliath skin... And Overwatch get some random garbage police skin. Just fuck....


So HotS immediately gives D'Va the skin people have been asking for since the start of Overwatch, the Goliath skin... And Overwatch get some random garbage police skin. Just fuck....

That's because they're saving the REAL skin everyone wants for later!


....blizzard, pls


I can't queue with almost everyone here so, yes.

/cries in the corner

This is why I need you all to increase your rank so I won't be lonely anymore lol

You could always make an alt account and play with lower rank people that way. That's what I did last season.
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