That was a really interesting article. It simultaneously feels weird and yet makes sense, especially when they're good players. I'm reminded of the old Penny Arcade about hiring someone to beat Halo.
That was a really interesting article. It simultaneously feels weird and yet makes sense, especially when they're good players. I'm reminded of the old Penny Arcade about hiring someone to beat Halo.
Discord is great and yes, a great way to target people. I really don't like people announcing who they Discorded, tbh. I can clearly see it.
I wish this were the case. Typically if you discord a Pharah in 1800s on PC, you have to scream into the mic DISCORD PHARAH for someone to have a chance of shooting into the air.discord orb is the ultimate subconscious target caller for unorganized teams
I wish this were the case. Typically if you discord a Pharah in 1800s on PC, you have to scream into the mic DISCORD PHARAH for someone to have a chance of shooting into the air.
I don't know how balanced he is on PC, but I'm so over Soldier on consoles at this point that he's the only character I genuinely, without joking, want to see deleted from the game.
19 damage should help, but I would also take away some of his healing station. Maybe give it a greater CD or significantly lower it's heals per second. It's so frustrating when you get him almost down to zero and he pops the station and gets ALL of it back in a few seconds
Edit: actually, what they should do is make it destructible. It will give the enemy a solid chance to counter it instead of just being "Lol, fuck yo damage"
So the next hero has to be some kind of shield buster right? The amount of shields at this point is super annoying and they are buffing Orisa's shields even more. I feel like it's too much some times.
Good news, we already have one! Just play Sombra and dominate.So the next hero has to be some kind of shield buster right? The amount of shields at this point is super annoying and they are buffing Orisa's shields even more. I feel like it's too much some times.
Is there a PS4 gaf group for like 2000ish SR?
Good news, we already have one! Just play Sombra and dominate.
Do we even have enough 2000-ish PS4 players? Seems like most of them are Plat/Diamond range.
With the losing streak I've been on, I'll be hitting 2000 soon!
Oh sorry, neither of us mentioned platform. I'm on PC so I don't think cross-play works.
Is there a PS4 gaf group for like 2000ish SR?
I dunno if I'll be able to get to Masters by the end of season. I'm at 3300 even right now and just can't seem to make consistent progress. :/
With the losing streak I've been on, I'll be hitting 2000 soon!
Become a Reinhardt/Zarya player.
The Oasis game felt like 3 losses in one.It didn't feel like we were 6-1, I should have been Mercy more.
It didn't feel like we were 6-1, I should have been Mercy more.
These matches were better than weird ones earlier. Three points away from new career high. So many yolo reins at this level lmao
All I need is another chance.
Lovely games, felt good getting carried in the hanamura game after being killed by random spam 4 or 5 times at the door, I think I missed every single fight in that game lmao
Spawn camping that symmetra on eichenwalde almost made it up for all the times I got killed by the stupid beam or turrets, feels good.
Had a shit ton of fun playing dps all games so thank you guyseven junkrat :O
Batman's orisa is legit.
The only game you lost was when you picked her lol
You should be renamed to torbrein.
The ones we faced in volskaya and hanamura were awful, they really like that charge button.
Good games.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂The only game you lost was when you picked her lol
that volskaya match ws so tilting for me because some random Rein was always behind when im trying to kill his team which leads me to get solo shattered or charge randomly. BS all around. lol at the pharah on hanamura tho. idk what she was doing.
Ah, a third Zen main. This is good shit right here. At least it's good anecdotal evidence that you shouldn't play Zen if you want to climb to Plat?
Considering shields negates Zeny orbs , and the current meta is drowning on shields I dont like using him alone
No matter the comp you should never have solo healer.
Considering shields negates Zeny orbs , and the current meta is drowning on shields I dont like using him alone
If I had played six more Mercy games tonight I'd be 6-1 with her and his wholllllllllle discussion would be flipped.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I'm a Zen main in comp, I'm diamond. I honestly do not think any of the supports are not viable if you want to climb anywhere.