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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

Discord is great and yes, a great way to target people. I really don't like people announcing who they Discorded, tbh. I can clearly see it.

I hate talking on mic, but I get on and dutifully call Discords when I play Zen in Comp. Very few people at my level notice the Discord, or even know what it means. I give a quick explanation in Spawn, and then call them, mostly as a defense measure against the in-Spawn calls for me to switch to Mercy (nope) or Ana (I can't snipe).
I don't know how balanced he is on PC, but I'm so over Soldier on consoles at this point that he's the only character I genuinely, without joking, want to see deleted from the game.

19 damage should help, but I would also take away some of his healing station. Maybe give it a greater CD or significantly lower it's heals per second. It's so frustrating when you get him almost down to zero and he pops the station and gets ALL of it back in a few seconds

Edit: actually, what they should do is make it destructible. It will give the enemy a solid chance to counter it instead of just being "Lol, fuck yo damage"

I would say soldier's greatest strength is not in his damage (although his sustained damage is certainly great) and certainly not his healing (its what, 15 hps?), but his ability to constantly rotate and reposition due to his sprint mobility. Watch amazing dps players like dafran play and his movement, positioning and constant rotation is what puts it over the top.


Is there a trick to cancel soldier's sprint? As far as I can tell, you can't shoot for a long period of time after you finish sprinting, like 0.7 seconds, which makes me a sitting duck.

Also, is there any trick about whether to burst fire or control recoil CSGO-style? I can't hit any sort of distant enemies like pharah unless I do tiny bursts and wait for recoil to go down, but I feel like that means I'm not doing damage most of the time.


Yeah, Soldier is really good but it has little to do with his damage. Most pros think the damage nerf on PTR won't do anything since all the shit that makes him good is still there. I'm a bit eh on it. I think it's enough to make other options slightly more appealing, but he'll still be around doing the same old shit.

Hanzo buff is super good btw. Expecting him to be a lot more viable if that sticks.

Dunno about Orisa. Hesitant to comment on big lateral changes after everybody guessed wrong on Lucio.


So the next hero has to be some kind of shield buster right? The amount of shields at this point is super annoying and they are buffing Orisa's shields even more. I feel like it's too much some times.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So the next hero has to be some kind of shield buster right? The amount of shields at this point is super annoying and they are buffing Orisa's shields even more. I feel like it's too much some times.

they could have just kept the discord orb change


So the next hero has to be some kind of shield buster right? The amount of shields at this point is super annoying and they are buffing Orisa's shields even more. I feel like it's too much some times.
Good news, we already have one! Just play Sombra and dominate.


As good as barriers are in this game, the rise of this whole Winston nonsense has moved the game away from Rein/Zarya all the time to a game about mobility and spacing. I wouldn't mind better anti-barrier stuff being in but it's really not that bad right now since counterplay has turned into just running past them.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
there are two dps players in quick play

dps that only play one dps
dps that will switch off..... as long as its to another dps
Why has PS4GAF forsaken me tonight? Finally on to play OW and nothing but losses all night...comp...QP..except one win on Nepal as Hanzo just spamming arrows.

Well I guess there is only one course of action now.

Edit: Two victories in a row as Hanzo now.


These matches were better than weird ones earlier. Three points away from new career high. So many yolo reins at this level lmao
With the losing streak I've been on, I'll be hitting 2000 soon!

Ah, a third Zen main. This is good shit right here. At least it's good anecdotal evidence that you shouldn't play Zen if you want to climb to Plat?

But seriously, I can play any Tank or Healer not named Zarya or Ana well enough for government work. I have no desire to play Defensive heroes and DPS simply never, ever comes up, which is good, because I only play them situationally (counters to Bastion, Pharah, etc).
Become a Reinhardt/Zarya player.

I usually just rock Tracer/Soldier because I find the teams I play with can't DPS for shit. Pretty much the sole reason I'm not advancing right now is because of throwers/trolls. Every good game I get is followed by a game with "KekxDD69" 1-trick Symmetra main or something of that ilk. It's infuriating. I try to play around them as best as I can but my team either won't have any of it or the troll is genuinely trying to throw the match.

I don't know what it is about this game that attracts such people to it. I've played many, many online games but something about this one makes throwing/trolling so common. The amount of times a match has started and I'm immediately greeted with "WELL HELLO MY FELLOW *racial slur/offensive term*, WHAT IT IS??!!" as they instalock attack Torbjorn...
Lovely games, felt good getting carried in the hanamura game after being killed by random spam 4 or 5 times at the door, I think I missed every single fight in that game lmao

Spawn camping that symmetra on eichenwalde almost made it up for all the times I got killed by the stupid beam or turrets, feels good.

Had a shit ton of fun playing dps all games so thank you guys
even junkrat :O

Batman's orisa is legit.

It didn't feel like we were 6-1, I should have been Mercy more.

The only game you lost was when you picked her lol


You should be renamed to torbrein.

These matches were better than weird ones earlier. Three points away from new career high. So many yolo reins at this level lmao

The ones we faced in volskaya and hanamura were awful, they really like that charge button.

Good games.


Lovely games, felt good getting carried in the hanamura game after being killed by random spam 4 or 5 times at the door, I think I missed every single fight in that game lmao

Spawn camping that symmetra on eichenwalde almost made it up for all the times I got killed by the stupid beam or turrets, feels good.

Had a shit ton of fun playing dps all games so thank you guys
even junkrat :O

Batman's orisa is legit.

The only game you lost was when you picked her lol


You should be renamed to torbrein.

The ones we faced in volskaya and hanamura were awful, they really like that charge button.

Good games.

that volskaya match ws so tilting for me because some random Rein was always behind when im trying to kill his team which leads me to get solo shattered or charge randomly. BS all around. lol at the pharah on hanamura tho. idk what she was doing.
that volskaya match ws so tilting for me because some random Rein was always behind when im trying to kill his team which leads me to get solo shattered or charge randomly. BS all around. lol at the pharah on hanamura tho. idk what she was doing.

That rein was crazy, and he even got rezzed behind enemy lines, it was really weird.

The pharah spent all the attack doing nothing. On defense killed me twice at close range inside the buildings, never seen a pharah like that, should've gone reaper to counter her lol

Also shield generator is annoying af as soldier, feels like I can't kill anyone unless they are super exposed. Lucky us that we got a flanking orisa that was destroying it, who needs tracer.
I had some young sounding dude go full berzerk on comms over some of the hero picks on our team last night. Hissing and screezhing and all. Then we went and won the match.

Thank you.

Felt a little bad for him afterhand.
I'm a Zen main in comp, I'm diamond. I honestly do not think any of the supports are not viable if you want to climb anywhere.

Aw, I was just kidding. I believe you can climb as Zen, maybe best of all the supports, simply because you can adjust your playstyle to team needs. The ability to go DPS or Heals is pretty valuable at times.
Orisa gonna become a decent pick next season I bet. She can really do some work if the positioning and team comp are good.

When you are hitting multiple headshots. The sound feedback is amazing, and your targets get totally melted. I'll probably start picking her more.


What is this trend of Reinhardt players in my games playing like a scared little dog? I put in almost 50 hours of Rein last season, I don't want to play him anymore!
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