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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

I wonder how much more of a focus there would be on protecting your support if the game was in third-person. Without communication it can be really easy to lose sense of whats happening around you with a first person perspective. On consoles anyway.


Mercy's the 2nd best support right now and the best 'primary' healer

Number 1 is Lucio and its not really for his healing like usual

Mercy is only strong with Pharah. You take that away and she's gotta be babysat the whole game. Zen would be a better choice because he can at least defend himself. And Lucio healing is a lot better now, Lucio/Zen was always good, now it's even stronger. Ana's healing is still the same. Nano combined with visor or blade is still gamechanging, and that's ignoring her two other standard abilities.


Dive comp works because the initiative gives you the ability to dictate the terms of the team fight. With that in mind, two things:

1. The healers aren't necessarily going to survive a fight and that's not always bad. It often doesn't make sense for DPS or even tanks to shift focus to try to kill a Tracer to save Zen because in the time it takes to kill a competent Tracer a dive comp can probably wipe out half the team. If you're playing Zen in a dive comp you need to be cogniscant of that; I often see Zens in dives waste time trying to kill a flanker when discord is sorely needed elsewhere.

2. Because your team isn't a pro team you can make some ideological concessions to get better results. It's true that, as Anne says, in a 2/2/2 dive you should get some coverage but you might not in your average comp game. This, coupled by the fact that Zen is by far the most helpless as an individual of the healers means that you are often better served just playing someone else. Lucio, Ana and to a certain extent Mercy all play just fine with dives and are all less vulnerable to being flanked.

The issue is when a flanker is specifically targeting Zen on his way from spawn. And I strongly disagree with you. Zen provides sustain, debuff, and a crazy amount of DPS against the right targets. With a Lucio, a 2/2/2 comp is potentially running a team with 6 competent damage dealers. That's not something Mercy or (console) Ana can provide. It is absolutely crucial Zen stay alive as long as possible, and if that means peeling another player to kill a harassing Tracer, then so be it. And obviously, if one healer is Lucio, the other can't be. That leaves Ana, Zen and Mercy. Ana on console is just as vulnerable to flankers as Zen, probably even more so cause she can't land headshots. And I hate playing Mercy.


I wonder how much more of a focus there would be on protecting your support if the game was in third-person. Without communication it can be really easy to lose sense of whats happening around you with a first person perspective. On consoles anyway.

The problem with a lot of players esp DPS OTP/Mains from my experience is they have tunnel vision and don't ever look around. I always scan around me esp near the Support for flankers. Never hurts to do a quick sweep if you're not shooting someone.
Different perspectives for people in different ranks regarding Mercy. She's really good in lower ranks especially where aim is an issue for Ana players. At higher levels, Ana all the way unless Pharah is present.


The issue is when a flanker is specifically targeting Zen on his way from spawn. And I strongly disagree with you. Zen provides sustain, debuff, and a crazy amount of DPS against the right targets. With a Lucio, a 2/2/2 comp is potentially running a team with 6 competent damage dealers. That's not something Mercy or (console) Ana can provide.

Ana damage is still good because of nade. Throw it into a group of 4 and that's 240 damage. Perfect time to dive them especially since they have no heals.
This, I think, is by far the reason why dive comps fail. The tanks are weird. You get Winston and D.Va together and all of a sudden your Zen is fish food. He can't run away like Lucio can, and the tanks have both fucked off into enemy territory. Then Zen dies and suddenly your flanker DPS lose their sustain, and everybody loses discord. So while Zen pairs the best with Winston, he still needs a buddy to watch over him. Probably like a Zarya or something.

I see there's a lot of discussion about Zen on the last page.

The best way to protect Zen while running dive is to have Soldier protecting him OR have Lucio protecting if you're running two flanker as your DPS.

HOWEVER do not run Zen if the enemy team is running multiple flanker such as Tracer and Genji, you would be better switching to Ana instead.

At the very least this is how the pro teams do it.


The issue is when a flanker is specifically targeting Zen on his way from spawn. And I strongly disagree with you. Zen provides sustain, debuff, and a crazy amount of DPS against the right targets. With a Lucio, a 2/2/2 comp is potentially running a team with 6 competent damage dealers. That's not something Mercy or (console) Ana can provide. It is absolutely crucial Zen stay alive as long as possible, and if that means peeling another player to kill a harassing Tracer, then so be it. And obviously, if one healer is Lucio, the other can't be. That leaves Ana, Zen and Mercy. Ana on console is just as vulnerable to flankers as Zen, probably even more so cause she can't land headshots. And I hate playing Mercy.
Ana has a grenade and a sleep dart. Having said that, I play on PC and I'd imagine that makes a big difference.

The strength of dive is based entirely on quick picks. If you're wasting time on tracer, you're not getting picks. If your team dives but somehow you are still dying first, you need to work with your team more and/or switch.


I see there's a lot of discussion about Zen on the last page.

The best way to protect Zen while running dive is to have Soldier protecting him OR have Lucio protecting if you're running two flanker as your DPS.

HOWEVER do not run Zen if the enemy team is running multiple flanker such as Tracer and Genji, you would be better switching to Ana instead.

At the very least this is how the pro teams do it.

In pro games you see Zen into these comps more often than Ana really. They don't really switch.

And as I said few pages back, good positioning on your part can make it tough for flankers to get the drop on you. You kill Tracer very easily with Zen, two headshots, 3 bodyshots with discord. Stopping that threat of harassment gives your team a lot of leeway, you no longer have to be looking behind. She doesn't even have to be dead. If she recalls, good. Now the next time she is at low health, she has to retreat.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
When Overwatch first came out I mained Reaper, but I haven't used him for several seasons now. I don't even know why, because I decided to give him another whirl and got 59 eliminations on King's Row. I forgot how little respect I give to pretty much any enemy as Reaper. He's SO FUCKING POWERFUL. I close in on Reinhardt and I feel bad watching him trying to shield up as I'm directly in his grill. Goddamn, I am going to go back to using Reaper for a while. If you can land those shots no one stands a chance.
Main account placements done. Managed to eke out 4 wins and squeak through to Plat at 2519. Funny how I did that by just going DPS with Soldier/Pharah/McCree instead of futilely trying to play as tank or support.

I mean that's how I quickly got to Diamond with my alt account so I really should just keep insta-locking DPS for now.


Is it me or the loot boxes for this event kind of bad. Like it's similar to Halloween event where every character has something but im getting nothing lol :(


Ana damage is still good because of nade. Throw it into a group of 4 and that's 240 damage. Perfect time to dive them especially since they have no heals.

Then her self sustain goes out of the window, and you're back to needing a babysitter for those 11 seconds


Then her self sustain goes out of the window, and you're back to needing a babysitter for those 11 seconds
11 seconds is better than the entire round.

on console she isn't, especially after the biotic rifle nerf and the mercy, zen and lucio buffs
Console is a different ballgame. There is a similar phenomenon visible on PC where Ana's viability tanks in lower ranks because she's useless without very good aim.

See: Ana's Overbuff stats


Then her self sustain goes out of the window, and you're back to needing a babysitter for those 11 seconds

This is why you have two supports. And it's going to be really hard for a team recover from a nade like that. You'll have it back by the time they push again, even if they disengage and come back.


I see there's a lot of discussion about Zen on the last page.

The best way to protect Zen while running dive is to have Soldier protecting him OR have Lucio protecting if you're running two flanker as your DPS.

HOWEVER do not run Zen if the enemy team is running multiple flanker such as Tracer and Genji, you would be better switching to Ana instead.

At the very least this is how the pro teams do it.

We didn't have a Soldier. The randoms last night tended to choose Reaper or McCree. Buttchin was a tank when I was Zen in one match, iirc. It went as expected. Pretty shocking how no one picked Soldier in Plat level in our teams. I'm gonna be picking Soldier from now on just cuz I can't rely on randoms for the DPS. People can't seem to kill tanks fast enough.


Went 4-5 in placement and got 3100. Matches were okay except for this duo stack trolling by playing heroes they no time on ( like Widow and Symm)


The problem with a lot of players esp DPS OTP/Mains from my experience is they have tunnel vision and don't ever look around. I always scan around me esp near the Support for flankers. Never hurts to do a quick sweep if you're not shooting someone.

I get tunnel vision as bad as anyone. But as soon as I hear my baby gril yell out "I'm being attacked," I immediately sweep around, find her, and send a bubble her way. I think it's why I usually end up getting pocketed by Mercys.
>Reaper Ults
>Wipes enemy team
>Mercy Ressurects them
>Pop my Graviton Surge
>Re-wipe them and win the round

Welp currently 1-2 in comp, keep getting fucking Hanzo mains when we desperately need a second Heal or Tank. Had them in all 3 of my games so far (And they were all different players)

4th game, another Hanzo main. What even is this, is it national Hanzo trolling day? He has 20 hours as Genji in quick and 15 last season, yet only 3 as Hanzo.......
Every time someone says HOTS has better skins than OW I just shake my head.

I mean


The tracer skin is at least a novel idea though I wish the alternates didn't add stupid hair colors but whatever

That Azmodan skin might look lame, but then you realize they retool his spell animations so the fireballs he throws are now basketballs that get dunked.
Why is the Ana sleep loop still a thing? Those fuckers at blizzard are quick enough to penalize you for other shit, but don't seem to bat an eye at absolute twats trying to ruin your fun with Ana. If you've engaged in this sleep loop thing, you're a twat.


Placed gold. I felt like I played poorly for the first few games but a lot better for the rest of them. Won most of my games after as well so moved up to mid gold. Platinum would be nice. I usually hover at high silver.


11 seconds is better than the entire round.

Zen is not useless by himself any more than Mercy is. Yet most people accept that protecting the Mercy is an optimal strategy for sustaining the team.

And really, a 300 HP Ana on console really isn't going to do much against a Tracer or Genji focusing her. She can't hit shit at that range, so she'll still need a bodyguard.

I'd say Lucio is the only consistent self-reliant support in the game. Cause he can always heal himself and always has a way to get out of dodge.

This is why you have two supports. And it's going to be really hard for a team recover from a nade like that. You'll have it back by the time they push again, even if they disengage and come back.

Unless you're running triple tank the risks of playing Ana are too high for the nade alone. Especially on dive - half the time you're looking at Lucio solo healing the lithe, flanky DPS characters.


We play on console and Ana doesn't exist 99% of the time. I've only seen a few good Anas and they usually have gold guns.


Unless you're running triple tank the risks of playing Ana are too high for the nade alone. Especially on dive - half the time you're looking at Lucio solo healing the lithe, flanky DPS characters.

Ana and Zen work interchangeably in dive comps. I know her viability is different on console, I play on PS4 too. You most likely will see Zen on offense and Ana on defense. You got two dive tanks that are going to be taking lots of damage, couple that with a Genji or Soldier on DPS to nano, it works.

I don't think Ana needs buffs for console, they just need to tweak her so it's easier to hit allies with heals on a controller. She also has to fight the aim assist to heal allies if everyone is fighting.
Is the matchmaking getting worse? In the placement matches we were with like one level 10 and one level 13.

Now in a normal comp match, we had 2 people who played around level 10-20, while all enemies were level 200-300....


Zen is not useless by himself any more than Mercy is. Yet most people accept that protecting the Mercy is an optimal strategy for sustaining the team.

And really, a 300 HP Ana on console really isn't going to do much against a Tracer or Genji focusing her. She can't hit shit at that range, so she'll still need a bodyguard.

I'd say Lucio is the only consistent self-reliant support in the game. Cause he can always heal himself and always has a way to get out of dodge.

Unless you're running triple tank the risks of playing Ana are too high for the nade alone. Especially on dive - half the time you're looking at Lucio solo healing the lithe, flanky DPS characters.

We play on console and Ana doesn't exist 99% of the time. I've only seen a few good Anas and they usually have gold guns.
My comments pertain to the PC, where Ana is a much stronger character. Honestly, in a world where everyone is using the controller I can't see how Ana fits in unless you're some kind of wizard considering even at the diamond level on PC players have, on a macro level, failed to play Ana at a level that makes her as viable a choice as other supports. My evidence for this, by the way, is Ana's rather poor win rate at all but the highest levels of play.

My suggestion on console would be to not dive or dive with Pharmercy. You guys are playing in a universe where times to kill are much higher; Mercy must be some kind of golden God.


We play on console and Ana doesn't exist 99% of the time. I've only seen a few good Anas and they usually have gold guns.

I've been playing ranked on PC these past few days and I'm seeing Mercy way more than Ana. This is in mid-masters btw.


Neo Member
I've been playing ranked on PC these past few days and I'm seeing Mercy way more than Ana. This is in mid-masters btw.

I play on xbox so I don't have any first hand knowledge of PC, but my impression from watching streams is that Mercy's pick rate went way up after they buffed her ult, even when shes not combined with Pharah.
I love when super janky team comps somehow magically work and steamroll the enemy team.

Had a Hanzo+Torb on Offense with Ana as solo healer, we pushed the point on Kings Row with 4:15 minutes to spare. Someone on the other team rage quit too


When Overwatch first came out I mained Reaper, but I haven't used him for several seasons now. I don't even know why, because I decided to give him another whirl and got 59 eliminations on King's Row. I forgot how little respect I give to pretty much any enemy as Reaper. He's SO FUCKING POWERFUL. I close in on Reinhardt and I feel bad watching him trying to shield up as I'm directly in his grill. Goddamn, I am going to go back to using Reaper for a while. If you can land those shots no one stands a chance.

He's going to be incredible after the patch I think. His old method of healing was zero help against someone being healed because he needed dead bodies for globes. But now getting 20% of damage as lifetap means he has sustain vs someone getting healed. It's like he will always have harmony orb on him.
Why is the Ana sleep loop still a thing? Those fuckers at blizzard are quick enough to penalize you for other shit, but don't seem to bat an eye at absolute twats trying to ruin your fun with Ana. If you've engaged in this sleep loop thing, you're a twat.

I chain slept a winston that got greedy all by himself. Mainly because fuck having winston bubbles everywhere.

Yes, I'm a twat.

Edit: and a tracer too.


Ana and Zen work interchangeably in dive comps. I know her viability is different on console, I play on PS4 too. You most likely will see Zen on offense and Ana on defense. You got two dive tanks that are going to be taking lots of damage, couple that with a Genji or Soldier on DPS to nano, it works.

I don't think Ana needs buffs for console, they just need to tweak her so it's easier to hit allies with heals on a controller. She also has to fight the aim assist to heal allies if everyone is fighting.

Do you use Ana on PS4? What SR are you? I'm low-mid diamond and I never see her
When two dickheads in team chat tell me that Sombra is a terrible pick on point A Hollywood <<<<<<<<

I wasn't even playing her, it was a teammate! At least we won pretty convincingly.


When two dickheads in team chat tell me that Sombra is a terrible pick on point A Hollywood <<<<<<<<

I wasn't even playing her, it was a teammate! At least we won pretty convincingly.

Love when people bitch about picks only for our team to win handily, seems like it happens every other match.
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