That's what you get for playing QP.LEGENDARY!
Non-event skin for Genji. FML
You guys are playing in the am hours. Insomiac!Comp officially started tomight cuz QP is a mess. The gold heroes are gone. Buttchin hates me for taking him into this hellish world.
Thanks shit Mercy random for just dancing through the whole match. Nice waste of time.
So I messaged that guy to ask him why the hell he would do something like that. Out of character for me, but I dunno, it's 3 AM and it's been a frustrating night.
To my pleasant surprise, he said he was just trying to have fun, and then apologized. Not what I was expecting at all
I wouldn't mind shit like that if it weren't for the fact that we were actually against a team that was trying to win and had some good players. Man, I hope these dance emotes don't start a new trend of trolling.
I'm surprised he responded and apologized. OW community is weird.
I fell asleep last night after i saw you were spectating my amazing qp match.That's what you get for playing QP.
I'm on my weekend. The climb to master begins.I fell asleep last night after i saw you were spectating my amazing qp match.
I was drunk as shit. Good to go today though!
I can't help you nuno unless I know what your comp was too. If you're solo D.Va against that life just sucks.
I hope that team enjoyed my Junk, hahahaha
I'd definitely be diving on the Winston, can't let him kill the supports. The Pharmercy isn't going to be defeated by a Dva in any timely manner.
Can't remember all of them, only that we had a Rein, Soldier and Mercy.
I felt like I should've just committed to one target (widow or winston) and try to finish him off before losing my mech, hoping that in the meanwhile the pharah didn't kill the soldier/mercy. Taking more risks and go for it playing less passively with the DM.
I'd definitely be diving on the Winston, can't let him kill the supports. The Pharmercy isn't going to be defeated by a Dva in any timely manner.
Against Winston you're kinda not going to really do all that much as D.Va, and if you have Rein + Soldier they should handle that tbh. Basically means you have to decide on Pharah or Widow, which is situational. You can directly deny damage to Pharmercy in a real fight with DM and look to make a turn on them once space is open for DPS. This is almost always the best thing to do with D.Va: pick the most threatening DPS that is pressuring your team and stop the damage. Pharah is the most valuable in a lot of cases since few characters outside of D.Va can get to her.
The Widowmaker just depends. Once fights start where she has LOS plus a dive happens, people kinda just have to deal unless Genji/Tracer are up. If you are close enough to deny Widow LOS for an extended period of time it's worth, but Pharah is usually more important. Hell, you could actually pull Pharah and widow aggro at the same time if you space things well enough.
Good luck DMing out Winston for your supports :T If you have Rein+Soldier your supports should be good between that alone. IMO focusing on protecting supports over just denying space/damage is a big common mistake tanks make. Supports can take care of themselves better than most people think.
Anytime I ever disagree with you I end up the fool. But ah well. Winston has no chance to kill Dva especially one surrounded by two supports. I'm not sure exactly what you were saying but Dva vs Winston 1v1 goes to Dva every time it's not even close.Against Winston you're kinda not going to really do all that much as D.Va, and if you have Rein + Soldier they should handle that tbh. Basically means you have to decide on Pharah or Widow, which is situational. You can directly deny damage to Pharmercy in a real fight with DM and look to make a turn on them once space is open for DPS. This is almost always the best thing to do with D.Va: pick the most threatening DPS that is pressuring your team and stop the damage. Pharah is the most valuable in a lot of cases since few characters outside of D.Va can get to her.
The Widowmaker just depends. Once fights start where she has LOS plus a dive happens, people kinda just have to deal unless Genji/Tracer are up. If you are close enough to deny Widow LOS for an extended period of time it's worth, but Pharah is usually more important. Hell, you could actually pull Pharah and widow aggro at the same time if you space things well enough.
Good luck DMing out Winston for your supports :T If you have Rein+Soldier your supports should be good between that alone. IMO focusing on protecting supports over just denying space/damage is a big common mistake tanks make. Supports can take care of themselves better than most people think.
I've been meaning to ask this a long time ago but I forgot about it, this happened in one of my placements games last season:
Playing D.Va on volskaya point A defense, enemy team has Pharmercy / Winston / Widowmaker.
We are defending on point, Pharmercy is right above it, Winston is harassing the supports and widow is taking shots from the higher ground while being unconstested for the most part from what I could tell.
Who should be the highest priority target here for me?
I prioritized pharmercy using my dm as much as I could to help the soldier, shooting winston in between when he was right in my face. Used my boost to try to keep pressure on the mercy when she was within range.
I felt like I didn't achieve much and was only delaying the inevitable there.
Should've I "abandon" the team fight to chase the widow and spend like 20-30s killing her instead? Or focused on the winston as much as I could since he wasn't receiving that much healing?
Communication with the team wasn't possible since the three persons on chat besides me, while good players (they all reached top 500), didn't speak english at all (were speaking french between them). Putain.
Tonight I'm sneaking in some sym play in comp, hopefully at the same time Ned decides to give comp another try.
Damn I love when this game pairs you up with a group that has a Silver rank when youre a Plat. So awesome.
so what's the deal with people turning off then turning on reduced buffering?
Do it.
That way I might be able to do placements with you guys again.
Get into a comp match, select hero, get disconnected, reconnect, gets kicked and locked out of comp. FUCK OFF. How is this still an issue?
"Owzers, thank you for carrying us to masters with your superior symmetra play, putting a teleporter on the payload was unexpected yet brilliant. " - everyone tonight.
In just upset I got back in the game and then it decides to ban me.From Blizz's side I don't think they can tell the difference between an honest DC and someone ragequitting etc. Sucks balls.
Also does anyone have that visual someone made a couple of months ago about the meta/which hero was most picked per season?
If you alt-tab out of the game it supposedly stops working so you have to disable it and then re-enable it.
I made a smurf to play Sombra on. Only took about 15 games to get it at the same QP MMR as my main.