It's depressing
isp lagging tonight. lucky we still win with my handicap.
I was right, no one wants to be Orisa now lol
The mystery of why Owzers Rip Tire not killing people in the Gravitron is in the video!
he explodes on the backside of D.Vas mech.
No videos, sorry. I don't think I'm good enough with Tracer for anyone to want to learn from it lol. I mostly learned by watching videos from SoOn.
Hi friends.
I noticed that too...
Not gonna lie, but Orisa novelty wore off fast. I think we were in a few games where even the randoms didn't pick Orisa when she was available.
Not gonna lie, but Orisa novelty wore off fast. I think we were in a few games where even the randoms didn't pick Orisa when she was available.
Hopefully tomorrow night I'll get to play with the GAF group - did you guys ever set up the PS4 Discord?
I want to still play her some more when we do QP.
Was rocking a few rounds as the new Sombra... She's pretty rad.
Gotta still sink my teeth into some new Zen.
There is one... but it's rather small. I can add tomorrow if more people sign up. For some reason the link I send always says it's expired.
There is one... but it's rather small. I can add tomorrow if more people sign up. For some reason the link I send always says it's expired.
I wanted to play Sombra. But we ended up with tryhard 5-stack that were using gold weapons which was why I switched to Junk. I see a gold weapon in QP and it triggers me. Lol
You were doing pretty well as Mercy, it's interesting to watch a game from another point of view, like of my corpse on the ground and you not rezing me. All I needed was a chance at redemption.Haha. I wasn't trying to be my snarky self... genuinely thought you should know for uhhhh training purposes!
You were doing pretty well as Mercy, it's interesting to watch a game from another point of view, like of my corpse on the ground and you not rezing me. All I needed was a chance at redemption.
With Winston being picked alot right now Reaper seems to be a good counter against him.
Okay, weekday morning 3v3 is peak idiocy in Overwatch apparently. I cannot fathom how some of these guys manage to turn on the Playstation.
It's like I connected with the great overmind and leveled up my play for this one match. It felt incredible.
Is Reaper legitimately good against anyone right now? Even when I'm using him, I always get the feeling that some other hero would be doing a better job.
Statistically, the enemy team should have just as many idiots. I honestly feel like I have some insanely high hidden MMR in 3v3 that the game is compensating for with these teammates.People are always insanely stupid when it comes to matching up with randoms, but somehow the randoms on the enemy team always work together and play their roles properly.
Every time I play Orisa the whole enemy team focuses my shields immediately and their down instantly, every time I play against an Orisa my whole team runs away and ignores her shields making them effectively invisible and we lose every time thanks to it.
Statistically, the enemy team should have just as many idiots. I honestly feel like I have some insanely high hidden MMR in 3v3 that the game is compensating for with these teammates.
These kinds of observations are usually mostly due to confirmation bias or a stroke of bad luck but I really don't think those adequately explain what has been going on this morning. The difference between my teammates and enemies has been that absurd. I wish the game showed its justification for the teams in all modes, not just competitive.
With Winston being picked alot right now Reaper seems to be a good counter against him.
Orisa is a Reaper counter though. At close range she gets 300 dps with headshots. The "tank killer" still dominates Winston but struggles against a few other tanks.
Is Reaper legitimately good against anyone right now? Even when I'm using him, I always get the feeling that some other hero would be doing a better job.
Things I'm seeing as of the latest patch in private matches with some friends (Platinum and up), trying to keep Theorywatch to a minimum:
- Orisa needs teams with a strong front line.
- I was seeing a lot of flankers in response to this. And more McCree in response to the flankers.
- More Pharah showing up, which means more Widow and Hanzo in response.
- But Winston's buff and 23409384534 barriers seems like they will make Hanzo and Widow's life very difficult. So McCree and Soldier are my most versatile Pharah counters now (even though they're pretty soft counters).
There seems to be more chaos now, but it ends up also feeling more balanced. Only given it a handful of hours, though. Would love to see how this develops.