I hope so too, it's long overdue at this point.Reporting system getting an overhaul...... Hopefully they implement something on PS4...
God I would have loved it back when the Mei bug ruined 3v3 for weeks.
I hope so too, it's long overdue at this point.Reporting system getting an overhaul...... Hopefully they implement something on PS4...
Hold left-click after the hook.So post patch I'm not enjoying Ana as much as I did. Not that she's been overnerfed but I miss being on Pharah duty or having a bigger impact on offense.
With Roadhog ,I seem to be incapable on landing the combo after the hook. I don't know if it's latency on my end but there's a clear delay between the hook and firing the shot which is terribly annoying and render me useless. .
So... trying to learn how to play Zarya now.
Any pointers/tips ?
I seem to be awful at using ult unless I coordinate with Hanzo/Pharah/Hog/Genji.
With Winston being picked alot right now Reaper seems to be a good counter against him.
I've noticed the amount of people landing a headshot with like 80% accuracy within half a second of me entering their LOS skyrocketing recently on PS4. Feels like everyone is using KB&M these days or have become unreasonably good with a controller.I think I ran into my first noticeable KBM on Xbox yesterday. Of course he was playing Widow. He seemed a little too accurate but he only time he killed me he gave it away by doing a quick half circle down to reset his cross hair.
Hold left-click after the hook.
Roadhog just does Reaper's job as a counter to Winston as well as being this constant looming threat in his hook radius.
Roadhog doesn't really counter Winston well for other various reasons though. If you want to get down to nitty gritty Reaper is a lot better at fighting Winston on a 1v1 basis, but Roadhog is better against Winston type team comps while he doesn't fight the monkey too well on his own.
People better learn real quick how these highly mobile team comps work. The name of the game this patch is looking like you don't wanna be stuck somewhere whenever it becomes time to fight.
Any roadhog who can't 1 on 1 winston should not be playing roadhog lol.
Oh but I do. That's the troubling part :/
There's a definite delay, maybe as long as half a sec. Can't figure out where it comes from. I usually play on US servers with around 120ms latency but I'd never experienced such "input lag" before.
Reporting system getting an overhaul...... Hopefully they implement something on PS4...
Reporting system getting an overhaul...... Hopefully they implement something on PS4...
Roadhog doesn't really counter Winston well for other various reasons though. If you want to get down to nitty gritty Reaper is a lot better at fighting Winston on a 1v1 basis, but Roadhog is better against Winston type team comps while he doesn't fight the monkey too well on his own.
People better learn real quick how these highly mobile team comps work. The name of the game this patch is looking like you don't wanna be stuck somewhere whenever it becomes time to fight.
I wanted to play Sombra. But we ended up with tryhard 5-stack that were using gold weapons which was why I switched to Junk. I see a gold weapon in QP and it triggers me. Lol
I had a team that used Winston, Genji, and Pharah. I really don't know how to handle that kind of setup running around with Roadhog. :-/
Why is osira locked in ranked?
I feel Junkrat has become more valuable now after Orisa has been added, and with the abundance of shields. Yesterday I went all gold leading with 43 kills. Probably because you can play him aggressive now since he doesnt take damage from his own bombs.
Don't you think it's silly to have a new hero who 90% of the community hasn't played yet available?Why is osira locked in ranked?
Don't you think it's silly to have a new hero who 90% of the community hasn't played yet available?
Ranked shouldn't be a place where you practice new heroes. She'll unlock in a week. One of the best decisions they've made. When sombra released it was a complete disaster in ranked
Think I saw Seagull running Junkrat in one of their scrims. Was on Hollywood I think. Wonder if they were just trying him out or actually gonna use him there.
Seagull does use Junkrat on Holywood defence on his streams so it's probably something they're testing out.
How can Orisa be bad when Reinhardt is good? Most of the criticisms I see applied to her apply to him as well. I think of Orisa as a more versatile but less sturdy Reinhardt.
I had a team that used Winston, Genji, and Pharah. I really don't know how to handle that kind of setup running around with Roadhog. :-/
i actually think thats lame. a gold weapon on qp shouldnt trigger anyone. people can play their fav characters for fun
so is Orisa queen of pop?
Same. I'm thinking of doing solo queue only tracer on my alt account just to get used to picking her on not-kothNo throwers today so got back to masters. 65-8 last game using zarya and tracer. Should use tracer more.
You'd be a GM mercy main by now then.There was an undocumented change to the way support assists work in the last patch and now people are speculating it's causing the system to calculate SR gains and losses for support players improperly.
Some say it's affecting only Mercy, some say it's affecting all supports, Blizz says they're looking into it.
I want an alt for Tracer and Sombra practice.Same. I'm thinking of doing solo queue only tracer on my alt account just to get used to picking her on not-koth
There was an undocumented change to the way support assists work in the last patch and now people are speculating it's causing the system to calculate SR gains and losses for support players improperly.
Some say it's affecting only Mercy, some say it's affecting all supports, Blizz says they're looking into it.
You'd be a GM mercy main by now then.
If it did affect all supports would make sense. Lost 30 then gained 15 when we stomped when I was on support.
I want an alt for Tracer and Sombra practice.
There was an undocumented change to the way support assists work in the last patch and now people are speculating it's causing the system to calculate SR gains and losses for support players improperly.
Some say it's affecting only Mercy, some say it's affecting all supports, Blizz says they're looking into it.
Supports never catch a break.
I lost my one Comp game yesterday and lost 30SR after being on a huge win streak, I was expecting to only lose like 10-15. I played Mercy on defense and Lucio on attack.
So finding out about this wasn't really surprising to me.
I was on a 4 win streak when I lost 30. Dunno if 4 is even a streak. At least I got back to Masters.
Which is so sad, because the supports bring me the most Joy.
If Blizzard would move Sym to a more reasonable category, I could say that I am pretty good with all of them.
If you don't get triggered by constantly dying trying to practice a hero you're not good at then good for you. Which is why I go gold hero as well and we obliterate them. Getting steamrolled ain't fun for anyone in our group. Fave hero or not, they were playing serious cuz it was a stack. This ain't random solo q in QP where everyone is messing around.
There was an undocumented change to the way support assists work in the last patch and now people are speculating it's causing the system to calculate SR gains and losses for support players improperly.
Some say it's affecting only Mercy, some say it's affecting all supports, Blizz says they're looking into it.
Top 10 Mains at each Rank.
Support is number 1.
1 in 10 GMs are Ana mains... Dunno how they calculated that but thats what they said :S
welp going by this lucio usage is going to drop when hes nerf/buff hits live.
but how do you know they were playing serious just cause they were stacked? that's an assumption more than anything. just cause they maybe steamrolling doesnt mean they are playing serious. they could just be playing well even when they arent try harding.
qp isn't just for practicing a hero you arent good at. its literally for anything. and honestly, if someone did want to try hard in qp, nothing wrong with that either.