I would like to know why I always get grouped up with level 18 players who only pick DPS/Widow against level 500 players who have stacks too. Seriously. I just had a shitty QP game where we almost won actually with four fucking DPS in my team, one Lucio who NEVER gave me a single sound barrier the whole match, and me as Winston (sole tank and I am worried about the lack of DPS if I picked Zarya or Rein).
Four DPS, one tank, one "healer". Two low level players who feed ults and never switch. Why does matchmaking hate me? And oh, the opposite team had a player who reached GM and is in high masters now. I just checked their stats and most of them were diamond and above. My 12+ winstreak with Winston in QP is now ruined :^(
Why Blizzard? Why me? Also, I had some dirty post fight chat with the other team's Mercy because I was chasing her all the damn match LOL. She was like "easy monkey", and then it kinda escalated.