Do any of you know if there's any youtubers that create videos similar to SovietWomble's bullshittery videos? -
Muselk and his friends are close, but not anywhere as funny.
Do any of you know if there's any youtubers that create videos similar to SovietWomble's bullshittery videos? -
Maybe the Mercy signed an exclusivity contract.So I was walking around as Winston in front of a Mercy who was pocketing her duo partner, McCree. Refused to heal anyone else.
Me: Mercy please heal Winston when he jumps back.
Mercy: No.
Me: Ok then. (dies)
Only healer on our team of course.
So I was walking around as Winston in front of a Mercy who was pocketing her duo partner, McCree. Refused to heal anyone else.
Me: Mercy please heal Winston when he jumps back.
Mercy: No.
Me: Ok then. (dies)
Only healer on our team of course.
So I was walking around as Winston in front of a Mercy who was pocketing her duo partner, McCree. Refused to heal anyone else.
Me: Mercy please heal Winston when he jumps back.
Mercy: No.
Me: Ok then. (dies)
Only healer on our team of course.
omgMaybe the Mercy signed an exclusivity contract.
I expect that people who play competitive in a team game have some inclination toward attempting to function as a team and win. If someone is bad, that's okay. I mean, we all have bad games/days.
The comparison I would make is if you started playing a pick up game of basketball or soccer and you had a guy who did nothing but try and run the ball in alone, never passed it to anyone, and got it taken from him every time. Then I say "Hey man, pass the ball a bit - let's play as a team", and he says "FUCK YOU NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO BLAGRFLAGENFLAGR!"
In-game, this is akin to the Bastion chilling in the background gunning down 20-30 people on my team as they all charge in like rag dolls one after another. I say "This isn't working, we need a new approach - Reaper, would you mind picking Pharah to help kill the Bastion?", and instead the Reaper feeds another 5 deaths before we lose. It's reasonable to expect people to want to function as a team in a team game, and I think your basketball/soccer example makes it pretty obvious what's reasonable. Unfortunately, unlike in basketball/soccer, we can't kick the selfish loser off of the Overwatch team.
Muselk and his friends are close, but not anywhere as funny.
When I play Mercy, I try to heal everyone. As soon as I see yellow silhouettes, I go top them off. I know some Mercys don't even bother until they see the red cross mark but I hate when I don't get healed until I'm critical.
Same. A Tracer with 2/3rds of her health bar is sitting on 100hp! That's a potential one-shot from way wayyy too many sources.
She's running around like an ambulatory Symmetra turret and your Rein's at 400hp, give the Tracer some love! (If she ever gets near you.)
Yea, been playing solo Qing in QP as Mercy and when everyone is doing their jobs, I keep them alive for easy wins. Defending has been like easy mode as long the group can take out potential flankers. If I don't get protected, I'll switch to Lucio cuz I'm tried of being killed by Genjis/Tracers/Sombras. So if you see me switching, you're not protecting me.
When I play Mercy, I try to heal everyone. As soon as I see yellow silhouettes, I go top them off. I know some Mercys don't even bother until they see the red cross mark but I hate when I don't get healed until I'm critical.
To be a true Mercy LiK you gotta be able to defend yourself or at the very least push them back for a bit.
Also having a mic helps as Mercy as you can notify of incoming attackers.
I prioritize my heals as Bastion > Tanks > Everyone Else; I think it's fun to try and manage everyone's health, but in Silver/Bronze they aren't always worth healing.I never get heals as Bastion or Torb
nevah. except from ana sometimes. mercy? never. mercy mains got the most tunnel vision in the game
Probably low because I would be so bored playing a digital sports game.I would like to see you play Fifa pro clubs game mode and measure the salt levels after that as a strict comparison![]()
A Rein with half hp is no way to live.
A Rein with half hp is no way to live.
Hey I gotta keep the DPS alive to keep us both alive bud.
Soon you'll need to keep Orisa alive for the entire match.
I've killed flankers myself as Mercy many times. And mic is never necessary if people had some game sense. I try to keep my eye on our support if I'm not in the frontlines killing things. Mercy automatically yells out "I'm being attacked!" and that's when I take a quick look around.
A Rein with half hp is no way to live.
So I was walking around as Winston in front of a Mercy who was pocketing her duo partner, McCree. Refused to heal anyone else.
Me: Mercy please heal Winston when he jumps back.
Mercy: No.
Me: Ok then. (dies)
Only healer on our team of course.
A Rein with half hp is no way to live.
Takes a lot of practice to get used to Genji and how to effectively use his shurikens, mobility, and ultWow I SUCK at Genji.
Up close I use right click but I rarely am able to hit all 3 of my Shurikens at once. I do so little damage up close it's pathetic.
The left click is so useless, the projectiles move so slow and the only way they get kills is if the player is standing completely still and you are able to hit them with 6. Usually, I am able to hit them with 3 before they run away to get healed.
Don't even get me started on his ultimate ability. The range on his blade is so small that once again, the other players have to be idiots and not run away from you for it to get any kills consistently.
Deflect is another pointless ability. Any intelligent player will stop shooting you and resume once your deflect ends.
Whenever I play Genji, it's an endless back and forth between medical packs so that I can stay alive to maybe steal some elims from the other DPS on my team so I feel better about myself. I spend more time running for health packs than I do engaging the enemy.
I have 8000 coins saved up, should be about time for a new event, right?
I have 8000 coins saved up, should be about time for a new event, right?
Normal game. Win.
Torb main. Lose.
Dc on anubis. Lose.
K thats enough for today lul
We made it through the hardships!
I'm glad they changed to no wallride limit. So good.
Alright boys, I beat Mass Effect and Horizon so I'm ready to come home
you beat ME already? jesus
better get used to robot cow.
you beat ME already? jesus
better get used to robot cow. beat ME already? jesus
better get used to robot cow.
We made it through the hardships!
✊Wow congrats man!
You're an inspiration to us console plebs.