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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

Honestly, you probably need to stop with character specific criticisms. No one is gonna listen to you and your tone might get people off their game. Like in your Mei example, it might of been a simple mistake (every Mei has done a bad wall), but what if she puts up an awesome wall that actually helped your team, did you thank her for that? There's too many people that are quick to point out mistakes, but very rare that people actually say "hey that was a good ____". All your examples show constructive feedback on what they need to work on, it's not really constructive if you're not giving out good feedback for what they do right. I guarantee you that Mei probably has had 15 other people tell her how much her walls suck and to get off the character because she sucks. **Maybe** had one occasion where someone told her that she put up a nice wall.

You have to low key tell people how to play via teamwork, you can't just tell people essentially to play their character better or switch off to a different character. Example: f the D.Va never users her DM, let's say I'm Rein.. I would say "Hey D.Va can you use your DM for a bit my shield is getting hit hard, I need to regenerate it". Chances are higher that they start using the DM more often because they feel more involved in the teamwork/strategy. Did I directly tell them how to play? Indirectly yes, but they don't know that, they think they're contributing to the team (which they are).
I try to be nice, but I think I might need to be more mean. I played a match last night where someone said "If anyone picks Hanzo or Widowmaker I will fucking throw the game. I will make sure we lose." Everyone then picked a proper 2/2/2 comp. COINCIDENCE?

Keep getting sucked into playing Solider in comp instead of heroes I actually like cos he's the only one I seem to climb with consistently :(
I know that feeling. I really want Soldier and Pharah nerfs.


I can feel it.

I try to be nice, but I think I might need to be more mean. I played a match last night where someone said "If anyone picks Hanzo or Widowmaker I will fucking throw the game. I will make sure we lose." Everyone then picked a proper 2/2/2 comp. COINCIDENCE?

I've had someone pull that empty ass threat on a team once, and someone called his buff and threw harder with spawn turret torbjorn. After one round everyone went QP meta for the rest of the game, all because some guy decided to be a dick right at the start. But by all means go ahead and try it :)
Anyone who hard-mains a hero and can't/won't swap is awful and constantly gimping their team. I wouldn't even say mercy or roadhog mains put a blip on the radar compared to Sym and Torb mains who actively fuck up your offenses constantly, or a Widow one trick who can be totally ineffective against different team comps but still sticks to it.

I noticed with tanks in general there usually is two groups, people who only/mainly play Rein and people who can jump around but can't play Rein. I can play Roadhog/Zarya/Winston/Dva fine but I am terrible on Rein and would never want to swap to him. But I think most people want to be excused from playing Rectangle because he's boring as hell.

I can play all Tanks but Zarya and all Healers but Ana at a competent or better level. Unfortunately Zarya and Ana are the two easiest characters in those categories to climb with from where I'm at.

Whenever I'm Rein or Zen and we have a Zarya and an Ana, I know we're going to win. Unfortunately we're in the Mercy/ Arisa meta down here right now, and there's not much oxygen (or healing) left for any other play-style. And I was all excited to play Zen and Winston and dive some fools.
I've had someone pull that empty ass threat on a team once, and someone called his buff and threw harder with spawn turret torbjorn. After one round everyone went QP meta for the rest of the game, all because some guy decided to be a dick right at the start. But by all means go ahead and try it :)

Sounds like they were worse than the guy who threatened them.
Sounds like they were worse than the guy who threatened them.

It's hard for me to tell, I'll upload a video tonight featuring an unfunny trolling duo with the names, PROBABLYGENJI and PROBABLYLUCIO. I can't tell who was worse, these guys who were just cringe unfunny/annoying or the one guy who tilted told them to leave (which one did leave for half a round) and then proceeded to call him a f*gg*t throughout the entire match when he returned. We somehow managed to win, but games like that make me want to quit sometimes, until I rewatch and see the comedy gold after I endured it.


Roadhog: "We really need a Winston counter. He is annoying me!"
Reaper: "Killed the Pharah" (1v1 mind you)
Widow: " Dva's out of mech"
Widow: "Dva dead"


some things in afternoon QP just dont make sense
Played a real session for the first time in over a month. Still good. Went 2-2 in placements (solo) and 3-0 in QP with some of the old gang. Orisa seems fun but without team coordination (i.e. Lik sticking on me like glue as Mercy) she dies quick. Gun is hard to use, but feels great when you are landing shots.

Have absolutely no feel for the meta or anything, but had an awesome Lucio game in comp that felt great, and an amazing Zen game in QP. Saw a lot of good Genji play too, is he 'in' again?

It was good to get back. I'm still in full Zelda mode, and Persona 5 will probably steal a lot of time as well. But if the urge to 'relax' with some Overwatch comes every couple days, I won't fight it.

Thanks for the games boys.
It's hard for me to tell, I'll upload a video tonight featuring an unfunny trolling duo with the names, PROBABLYGENJI and PROBABLYLUCIO. I can't tell who was worse, these guys who were just cringe unfunny/annoying or the one guy who tilted told them to leave (which one did leave for half a round) and then proceeded to call him a f*gg*t throughout the entire match when he returned. We somehow managed to win, but games like that make me want to quit sometimes, until I rewatch and see the comedy gold after I endured it.

I just had a match where our 6th player picked after the match started, and he picked Sombra.

Cue the entire time flipping out, and one guy switching to Hanzo in protect.

Dude turns out to be a true-to-the-name smurf and makes pro calls the entire match and dominates the entire time. We won with 1 tank and 1 healer.


Blizz just needs to get rid of 2cp now

I draw on it EVERY TIME, and not in the hyperbole sense. Like literally 100% of the time
played qp. numbani defense. just wanted to play widow. pocket pharah and widow up top. switched to Orisa but pocket mercy was annoying me so i went pharah. mind you we also have a mercy. so it was basically pocket mercy vs me alone. i don't think mercy even TRIED To heal me. she was just hanging out at the ground. so i'm up here having a dog fight against two people basically which is fine because it helps me practice my aim. but fuck you mercy. give me some heals

Blizz just needs to get rid of 2cp now

I draw on it EVERY TIME, and not in the hyperbole sense. Like literally 100% of the time
won't be long before they put in the new 2cp update.

EDIT: watching replay. she healed but don't even cap it off. whatever.


I try to be nice, but I think I might need to be more mean. I played a match last night where someone said "If anyone picks Hanzo or Widowmaker I will fucking throw the game. I will make sure we lose." Everyone then picked a proper 2/2/2 comp. COINCIDENCE?
But did you win that game?

Have absolutely no feel for the meta or anything, but had an awesome Lucio game in comp that felt great, and an amazing Zen game in QP. Saw a lot of good Genji play too, is he 'in' again?
Since the tank meta is pretty much gone (not that triple/quad tank is bad), Genji is being played again (and so is Tracer)


I mute the shit out of critical players. I'm not trying to hear your whiny little voice backseat gaming. I just want to have fun and get used to this fucking character.


I try to be nice, but I think I might need to be more mean. I played a match last night where someone said "If anyone picks Hanzo or Widowmaker I will fucking throw the game. I will make sure we lose." Everyone then picked a proper 2/2/2 comp. COINCIDENCE?


Whenever someone says this, I just want to fuck around for the entire game because I'm so annoyed.

Being nice gets you a long way. Of course, some people will be dicks no matter what, but if you start being hostile then it's no surprise when people are hostile back.

I just played a comp game last night where we were quite obviously dominating but there was 1 guy giving running commentary on everything his teammates were doing wrong. It was infuriating. I don't want to play this game just to be told how to play by a whiny teenager.

Why do people play games? To have fun, right? That shit ain't fun.
Whenever someone says this, I just want to fuck around for the entire game because I'm so annoyed.

Being nice gets you a long way. Of course, some people will be dicks no matter what, but if you start being hostile then it's no surprise when people are hostile back.

I just played a comp game last night where we were quite obviously dominating but there was 1 guy giving running commentary on everything his teammates were doing wrong. It was infuriating. I don't want to play this game just to be told how to play by a whiny teenager.

Why do people play games? To have fun, right? That shit ain't fun.

Some people value winning over fun
Losing because people pick Hanzo and do nothing isn't fun. The feeling of futility is not fun.


Got tilted for the first time in a while bad due to this 2 stack I was grouped with back to back games that couldn't do shit at all with one switching to mei every 5 seconds

It's always the 2 stack that don't join voicechat/in party chat by themselves that gets me heated more then character picks


I think you're probably right, he's been missing more Rein charges than usual.
How did you know....

I thought this Rein was outplaying my Rein because he charged me off the map but he stopped himself but then I got the better of him for most of the round after.


Losing because people pick Hanzo and do nothing isn't fun. The feeling of futility is not fun.

I genuinely don't understand people who solo queue in competitive games and expect to get a team that gels together. It's a crap shoot. It will always be a crap shoot.

I don't mind suggestions - i.e. you saying 'oh, Hanzo is probably a bad pick on this map because ___'. But people who immediately start berating you because you picked a certain character are morons and have forgotten why they started playing games in the first place.

The comparison i'd make is if you started playing a pick up game of basketball or soccer and started berating someone who wasn't playing great ( according to you ) - everyone would think you're a complete asshole, right? Why is it different online?

I love Rocket League and I love Overwatch but the salt factory is ruining both of them. The funniest thing is that those that complain the loudest are usually the ones who orchestrate their own teams downfall. As soon as you start complaining, everyone else's morale drops and they become irritated. This leads to an almost certain loss. I feel like you can carry a bad player, but you can't do anything as soon as someone starts being toxic. It spreads quickly.


Went 2-3-2 tonight.

Amazed we managed to get a 1-1 draw on Anubis after getting rolled almost immediately on the first point and having the 2nd one contested before I even spawned back in.
I genuinely don't understand people who solo queue in competitive games and expect to get a team that gels together. It's a crap shoot. It will always be a crap shoot.

I don't mind suggestions - i.e. you saying 'oh, Hanzo is probably a bad pick on this map because ___'. But people who immediately start berating you because you picked a certain character are morons and have forgotten why they started playing games in the first place.

The comparison i'd make is if you started playing a pick up game of basketball or soccer and started berating someone who wasn't playing great ( according to you ) - everyone would think you're a complete asshole, right? Why is it different online?

I love Rocket League and I love Overwatch but the salt factory is ruining both of them. The funniest thing is that those that complain the loudest are usually the ones who orchestrate their own teams downfall. As soon as you start complaining, everyone else's morale drops and they become irritated. This leads to an almost certain loss. I feel like you can carry a bad player, but you can't do anything as soon as someone starts being toxic. It spreads quickly.
I expect that people who play competitive in a team game have some inclination toward attempting to function as a team and win. If someone is bad, that's okay. I mean, we all have bad games/days.

The comparison I would make is if you started playing a pick up game of basketball or soccer and you had a guy who did nothing but try and run the ball in alone, never passed it to anyone, and got it taken from him every time. Then I say "Hey man, pass the ball a bit - let's play as a team", and he says "FUCK YOU NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO BLAGRFLAGENFLAGR!"

In-game, this is akin to the Bastion chilling in the background gunning down 20-30 people on my team as they all charge in like rag dolls one after another. I say "This isn't working, we need a new approach - Reaper, would you mind picking Pharah to help kill the Bastion?", and instead the Reaper feeds another 5 deaths before we lose. It's reasonable to expect people to want to function as a team in a team game, and I think your basketball/soccer example makes it pretty obvious what's reasonable. Unfortunately, unlike in basketball/soccer, we can't kick the selfish loser off of the Overwatch team.


Hahaha, yea! Finally got the Bastion quad kill trophy. Snuck behind the attacking team while they Ulted and killed them. My cute spray collection is currently complete. ^^
Overwatch world cup again later this year!!

USA is in top 5, at third spot and South Korea not surprisingly at number 1


I am honestly not that excited about USA's top players since most of them are streamers... I am however more excited about players from countries like the UK, Poland, and Singapore. I also hope this time there aren't any professional players in the world cup.

There needs to be the equivalent of fighting games' online warriors in overwatch world cup! (Players that only play online and not in tournaments).

US could be pretty good if it's something like this:

Hitscan DPS: GrimReality
Flex DPS: Jake/Silkthread (or Seagull I guess)
Flex Tank: Harbleu
Main Tank: Super/Mesr
Ana/Zen: Rob420
Lucio: Adam
Overwatch world cup again later this year!!

USA is in top 5, at third spot and South Korea not surprisingly at number 1


I am honestly not that excited about USA's top players since most of them are streamers... I am however more excited about players from countries like the UK, Poland, and Singapore. I also hope this time there aren't any professional players in the world cup.

There needs to be the equivalent of fighting games' online warriors in overwatch world cup! (Players that only play online and not in tournaments).

Didnt expect UK to be up to 5 already lol higher than canada and finland im not sure who we have have here apart from Stylosa,Valkia, Numlocked as well i think.


Overwatch world cup again later this year!!

USA is in top 5, at third spot and South Korea not surprisingly at number 1


I am honestly not that excited about USA's top players since most of them are streamers... I am however more excited about players from countries like the UK, Poland, and Singapore. I also hope this time there aren't any professional players in the world cup.

There needs to be the equivalent of fighting games' online warriors in overwatch world cup! (Players that only play online and not in tournaments).
Looks like South Korea is now 1 lol I'm surprised about China being 2 though.
They need up tick rate on consoles, number of times I rewind with Tracer and die even though I should be safe is unreal. I get hit round corners a lot too.

My ping and net are fine.

They upped it for PC right? Why not consoles too?


They need up tick rate on consoles, number of times I rewind with Tracer and die even though I should be safe is unreal. I get hit round corners a lot too.

My ping and net are fine.

They upped it for PC right? Why not consoles too?

It still happens to me to die as Sombra after using the translocator. I press it just before the Rein's hit and after 1 sec. i die. I hear sound and later in kill cam i see animation that i "used" translocator but i am killed. I am on PC.
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