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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

i think when people go into Comp, they sometimes put too much pressure on themselves and end up overthinking things. people spend too much time worrying about team comp or what to do. totally destroys people's self esteem or cause people to just wig out.

Comp doesn't bother me, positioning and their inability to captialize on their characters does.

Fucking Soldiers that can't aim while I'm buffing them. Roadhog behind enemy lines and dies so I can't heal him. Zarya using their Ult on a single person. Zen not knowing who to protect while ulting.

All in my last game we had all of those and lost in the 5th round of KOTH.


Comp doesn't bother maximize Positioning and their inability to captialize on their characters does.

Fucking Soldiers that can't aim while I'm buffing them. Roadhog behind enemy lines and dies so I can't heal him. Zarya using their Ult on a single person. Zen not knowing who to protect while ulting.

All in my last game we had all of those and lost in the 5th round of KOTH.

Sometimes I feel like people pick heroes they're not good with and that's just death. Some hero they use probably got picked and they decide to just choose whoever. Seen some pretty braindead heroes in my games who don't seem to know what they're doing.


Sounds like a good idea.

I was lucky enough to carry to a draw. We had the opportunity to take it 2-1 but we had a widow one trick who got one pick and didn't switch off until the last minute to lucio, then switched to zenyatta when we needed speed boost the most.

We could have actually held them off at the first point but no one wanted to play Rein.I would have but I think it was best now that I stayed on Tracer.


Sometimes I feel like people pick heroes they're not good with and that's just death. Some hero they use probably got picked and they decide to just choose whoever. Seen some pretty braindead heroes in my games who don't seem to know what they're doing.

Hate when that happens - I've made sure I'm OK at one character in each sub set (Pharah, Zarya, Junk, Lucio (Ana/Zen at a stretch); but every now and then I'll end up having to play as someone I've barely played before.

Though sometimes it works out...was forced to play Soldier and ripped up.


Hate when that happens - I've made sure I'm OK at one character in each sub set (Pharah, Zarya, Junk, Lucio (Ana/Zen at a stretch); but every now and then I'll end up having to play as someone I've barely played before.

Though sometimes it works out...was forced to play Soldier and ripped up.

Yea, I'm good with at least one hero in each category. so i'm quite flexible now.
I don't understand why people play DPS if they can't kill anything. In three rounds of Lijiang I think I saw our Soldier and Hanzo come up on the kill feed like three times combined. Why the fuck are you playing DPS.


I don't understand why people play DPS if they can't kill anything. In three rounds of Lijiang I think I saw our Soldier and Hanzo come up on the kill feed like three times combined. Why the fuck are you playing DPS.

doing QP? i might be on soon
doing QP? i might be on soon

I'm doing one more comp match to see if I can break into Platinum tonight since I'm only 30 off (was only 10 off before that stupid Lijiang match) but then I'll be done with comp for the night and up for just QP.


I don't understand why people play DPS if they can't kill anything. In three rounds of Lijiang I think I saw our Soldier and Hanzo come up on the kill feed like three times combined. Why the fuck are you playing DPS.

Some people have off games where nothing lands?
anchor tank
gets killed in2 seconds


you know they're going to give her 400hp/400armour in the next patch


"Quick" play...

I can go play Titanfall 1, a game many people consider to be dead, and find a game faster than this. This is fucking broken.

Ha! Got Platinum. Numbani seems to be my map today, got two victories on it to boost me into Plat. Now on to Diamond, maybe.

Some people have off games where nothing lands?

Sure. But if you're not doing well against a particular comp, especially in competitive, maybe switch off and let somebody else try their luck instead of sticking on the same character for all three rounds and doing nothing except dying over and over?


I don't understand why people play DPS if they can't kill anything. In three rounds of Lijiang I think I saw our Soldier and Hanzo come up on the kill feed like three times combined. Why the fuck are you playing DPS.

Then ask to trade lol

tbh theres really no excuse in that situation. If its not working then trade roles with someone else

Only thing that makes me more heated then people not in the voice channel are people that can't admit it ain't working for them as whatever character. Especially the ones that auto lock DPS at the jump.
Nothing gives me more anxiety in this game than being on a long win streak and waiting for the loss

Win streaks must be nice. I don't think I've ever won more than three games in a row. MMR likes to pepper in absolutely horrible games for me to make sure I don't ever have too much fun.


Wow pulled off a win in comp, despite no comms we really meshed well as a team!

Btw is Team chat broken on PS4? I can't even join the channel.
I never get heals as Bastion or Torb

nevah. except from ana sometimes. mercy? never. mercy mains got the most tunnel vision in the game

I (as Zen) always give my little Torb buddies an Orb when needed. Those turrets of his keep me from getting ganked unawares by the Tracers and Sombras and Genjis of the world.
I'll Orb a Bastion but he is very needy and has self-heal, so I tend to leave him longer to heal the team.
My solo queue Zen/Rein relationship is pretty much if I ever let him fall below half he's going to pull a random dash into enemy lines, maybe kill one of them and then die.

Every. Single. Time.
Or you can put the orb on them at full health, in which case... "I HAVE ALL THE HEALTH IN THE WORLD!! *YOLO Charges. Dies.*
A Healing Orb is not an Ana Ult, Rein.
i had a game once where this sombra was in the perfect position and i was playing ana and i was gunna nano boost her but i was like "nah sombra? lol what a waste"

i felt so bad that i didn't nano boost that sombra that in the next round i went out of my way to nano boost her, it's not even like she asked or anything, i just felt so bad about having that inner dialogue and being mean in my head that i wanted to make it up to her.

We made it through the hardships!


Alright boys, I beat Mass Effect and Horizon so I'm ready to come home

Are you going to start ow immediately? Aren't you gonna rest first? Your face must be tired with all that gaming.

i had a game once where this sombra was in the perfect position and i was playing ana and i was gunna nano boost her but i was like "nah sombra? lol what a waste"

i felt so bad that i didn't nano boost that sombra that in the next round i went out of my way to nano boost her, it's not even like she asked or anything, i just felt so bad about having that inner dialogue and being mean in my head that i wanted to make it up to her.


Now we all know. Next time you nano-boost one of us we are going to assume that you thought bad things about us and are trying to make up for it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Most my quick play games feel like 'this is a good game'

and then either my team picks widowmaker or the enemy team picks pharah


This is probably a dumb question, but how do people get fresh accounts into diamond or above? It is solely based on placement performance?


This is probably a dumb question, but how do people get fresh accounts into diamond or above? It is solely based on placement performance?

I placed straight into diamond in S2 with a fresh account.
I'm doing my 2nd fresh account this season, I placed into silver (I wasn't throwing), and climbed 500 SR in 6 games. Reaching diamond should not be a problem either.
This is probably a dumb question, but how do people get fresh accounts into diamond or above? It is solely based on placement performance?

Like level 25 accounts? I have no clue how anyone does it at that starting point.I got diamond at around 35, haven't done shit since then...Started at 2460ish.


i had a game once where this sombra was in the perfect position and i was playing ana and i was gunna nano boost her but i was like "nah sombra? lol what a waste"

i felt so bad that i didn't nano boost that sombra that in the next round i went out of my way to nano boost her, it's not even like she asked or anything, i just felt so bad about having that inner dialogue and being mean in my head that i wanted to make it up to her.

Well...did the Sombra make you proud when she got nanoed?
Every match I lost today was because of a pharah that had no pressure applied to her. It's insane really

Same, and I've had some combo of Widow, Bastion, and Soldier on every team. And yet I'm solo-healing as Zen and am the only one targeting her. Pharahs are not to be trifled with, Boys!
Why was Owzers playing Zarya and batman Pharah? Why are you guys throwing?

Poor randoms.

I loved when the random Rein charged into his death and Pollux said "no Owzers" loool

Haha. Yeah. We all had a good laugh at that.

They actually did good as those things! I think he was about to go Orisa until I begged him not to.

Also Owzers is like a baby pro at Mercy now.

The McRee was good but I don't think our Rein knew when to charge and when not to.


sparkle this bitch
1-1-1 Tonight. The lost and draw should have easily been wins. The lost happened once I died. I knew if I died at the point, it was over because twice they had someone go right for the cart and I was the only one to respond. Got a bad hit, died, and exactly that happened. Our team folded in less than 10 seconds without me supporting. Yet held out 4v6, 5v6, 3v5 prior with me up.

Draw was pretty painful too. Another case of zero awareness going. I can handle the Dva breaking through, but a McCree literially walked through our tanks, dps, and back to me. Zero heals, zero tank, zero dps came. Actually got the McCree, but couldn't kill the Dva. Our turn again and I can't solo heal 3 people and myself while our Mercy just sticks on the Pharah for the entire time. Specifically, I can't fucking heal myself.

Win though was nice, our Mercy was good and our tanks always gave me those 2 or 3 seconds I needed to flank and kill their healers from behind. Communication was on point in that one.

It feels a lot like DOTA where the general awareness of players is extremely poor. I'm not particularly skilled as a player where I know most are better, but I do know I have high map awareness. So the babysitting role is what I get stuck in. It's why I prefer Ana support since Sleep is such a powerful tool. But when I fights are based on if I manage to beat the Dva who ran through our tanks again, it gets frustrating.
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