Maybe the Mercy signed an exclusivity contract.
Maybe the Mercy signed an exclusivity contract.
I work one a week-long rotation, so I've been off since Saturday. Plenty of time to kill
You know ive probably won about 4 or 5 out of 7 of the matches i had orisa on
Honestly i feel like i got GM mostly from being able to put more hours into the game than others here im sure the rest of you guys can do it!
You just need the game sense down and hope the MM gives you decent team mates
i took 2 weeks off and i've played nothing but OW and Zelda.![]()
i took 2 weeks off and i've played nothing but OW and Zelda.![]()
Yeah me not playing comp enough is my biggest problem. There is no way I'd have learnt Rein to a diamond standard by playing QP for example. I just really hate losing SR and go on tilt sprees lol. Maybe I need a smurf just to play comp without worrying about my SR.
How many hours have you played this season so far?
You know ive probably won about 4 or 5 out of 7 of the matches i had orisa on
Honestly i feel like i got GM mostly from being able to put more hours into the game than others here im sure the rest of you guys can do it!
You just need the game sense down and hope the MM gives you decent team mates
Boom. Turns out all I needed to do was play Soldier 90% of the time ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I will die a happy man
Boom. Turns out all I needed to do was play Soldier 90% of the time ¯_(ツ_/¯
I will die a happy man
i took 2 weeks off and i've played nothing but OW and Zelda.![]()
I go on those tilt sprees aswell.
Its whenever i type a post about how much i hate xType players lol
I just checked and ive put 65hours on comp this season so far.
We made it through the hardships!
Congrats guys!Boom. Turns out all I needed to do was play Soldier 90% of the time ¯_(ツ_/¯
I will die a happy man
I'd say you can't really learn Rein, compared to other characters, without the structure of comp. He only works well when people are playing as a team.Yeah me not playing comp enough is my biggest problem. There is no way I'd have learnt Rein to a diamond standard by playing QP for example. I just really hate losing SR and go on tilt sprees lol. Maybe I need a smurf just to play comp without worrying about my SR.
You beat Caeser to GM. If Caeser had won that Volskaya game he could've been GM.
I think 65 hours is more than I've played in every season combined. I end up just playing enough a week to avoid decay.
I can only tolerate qp for 2 or 3 games unless I'm in a stack. I don't mind people not trying as hard but it's just annoying when nobody ever wants to play support.
Saw a someone with a gold portrait for the first time today, they had 1000 hours in qp. That's some commitment!
Baha well Zelda is a natural timesink and OW is... well... OW.
Did you even buy MEA? I never saw you play it
I can only tolerate qp for 2 or 3 games unless I'm in a stack. I don't mind people not trying as hard but it's just annoying when nobody ever wants to play support.
Saw a someone with a gold portrait for the first time today, they had 1000 hours in qp. That's some commitment!
I can only tolerate it for warmup or when playing with GAF'ers, but it's my least favorite mode! Well, next to no limits, I can't believe the game used to be like that... good lord is that a shitty game mode unless you're team is willing to do some suspect comps.
I can only tolerate qp for 2 or 3 games unless I'm in a stack. I don't mind people not trying as hard but it's just annoying when nobody ever wants to play support.
Saw a someone with a gold portrait for the first time today, they had 1000 hours in qp. That's some commitment!
Kind of got that Overwatch itch back. I want to finish my placements, so I can play with Gaffers when the opportunity arises. There have been Masters in all of my placement games so far, not sure if that matters.
Wanna do placements bro?!
I played so much in Season 1, I had a Golden weapon before the season even ended. (And then I got a second one, because I was rank 65)
I think I had 120 hours in S1, 90 in S2, 25 in S3, and only 10 so far in S4.
Playing Competitive appeals to me less and less over time.
Buttchin out here getting my hopes up.
You are awaited. I'll just be staring at the home screen while I play Zelda.
Kind of got that Overwatch itch back. I want to finish my placements, so I can play with Gaffers when the opportunity arises. There have been Masters in all of my placement games so far, not sure if that matters.
I have been misled!Er, I won't be free until later tonight... if that's okay?
You beat Caeser to GM. If Caeser had won that Volskaya game he could've been GM.
I think 65 hours is more than I've played in every season combined. I end up just playing enough a week to avoid decay.
Wow I SUCK at Genji.
Up close I use right click but I rarely am able to hit all 3 of my Shurikens at once. I do so little damage up close it's pathetic.
The left click is so useless, the projectiles move so slow and the only way they get kills is if the player is standing completely still and you are able to hit them with 6. Usually, I am able to hit them with 3 before they run away to get healed.
Don't even get me started on his ultimate ability. The range on his blade is so small that once again, the other players have to be idiots and not run away from you for it to get any kills consistently.
Deflect is another pointless ability. Any intelligent player will stop shooting you and resume once your deflect ends.
Whenever I play Genji, it's an endless back and forth between medical packs so that I can stay alive to maybe steal some elims from the other DPS on my team so I feel better about myself. I spend more time running for health packs than I do engaging the enemy.
I told you to send him to diamond and instead you send him to GM. SMH. He out Lucio'd you.The funny thing is we were like one kill off of drawing that game. If that had happened Newtype would have tilted off the face of the earth lol. But yeh I gotta put more hours in myself.
This is ridiculous though, probably my worst few days ever.
Top column is qp but look at the middle row 6-11:
This is why I get annoyed when I cant dps. 4-0 with soldier lmao, the other gengu and mccree games where when we were already losing so we made last min desperation changes.
I go on those tilt sprees aswell.
Its whenever i type a post about how much i hate xType players lol
I just checked and ive put 65hours on comp this season so far.
We exist, Asia is huge.I'm moving to china soon, anyone know if there much a community on PS4 in the Asian region? My guess would be pretty much everyone is on PC over there...
i think when people go into Comp, they sometimes put too much pressure on themselves and end up overthinking things. people spend too much time worrying about team comp or what to do. totally destroys people's self esteem or cause people to just wig out.
I got matched up with Dog, you may remember him as guy who played Nintendo songs on a melodica from Seagull's stream a few weeks back.
did you win
Nope, but the melodica made it ok.
Sounds like a good idea.Should I hop into comp at this time and risk losing ELO?