I was kicking ass with Pharah, I'll have you know.Why was Owzers playing Zarya and batman Pharah? Why are you guys throwing?
Poor randoms.
I loved when the random Rein charged into his death and Pollux said "no Owzers" loool
Every match I've had so far with Owzers, I have failed him.
I was kicking ass with Pharah, I'll have you know.
I wanted to win that Eich game, I could have declared myself a Zarya pro but our defense just couldn't keep them back. I will settle for being a Mercy and Rein pro. 3 games played and no Orisa for me...
Also it's possible I would have made that first charge as Rein, hard to tell when I'm not him. The charge on defense though that he made past the choke I probably wouldn't have done, that doomed us.
Here is the comp game that I thought we did pretty well on attack wise... I was with Batman, Owzers and Pollux.
Sucks that we ended up losing the match... I blame our random Rein.
Why was Owzers playing Zarya and batman Pharah? Why are you guys throwing?
Poor randoms.
I loved when the random Rein charged into his death and Pollux said "no Owzers" loool
Every match I've had so far with Owzers, I have failed him.
One of those rare nights where the games in Competitive were actually better overall than Quickplay - had a 5-stack of GAF in QP and the one random was a Winston who would just jump into the enemy team and say hello. One random. And the other team was a six-stack. Argh!
This was a good match. Too bad my internet went laggy during defense and I had to switch to Lucio instead of Ana - although not sure it would have helped.
Also kicking myself I didn't save our attack round on Anubis - I was at peak performance as Winston in that game. Probably one of the best rounds I've ever played as him. The shield buff is real and helps a ton.
Yeah I'm just used to either me being Rein or Owzers being Rein. It was reflex - I even usually call people by characters instead to prevent that sort of thing but Owzers = Rein in my head apparently.
I'm more upset that I played as Orisa twice and lost both times. I'm never going to prove I'm better at Orisa than Owzers at this rate!
I'm moving to china soon, anyone know if there much a community on PS4 in the Asian region? My guess would be pretty much everyone is on PC over there...
I would like Lucio to get a victory pose that isnt boring
Well, ND and I played some QP together and won them all. Lowered Tracer sensitivity just a bit and it's much better for me now. My Rein also kicked some ass.
Edit: I have 68GB worth of video clips. Shit, time to import them lol
I told you to send him to diamond and instead you send him to GM. SMH. He out Lucio'd you.
I've just checked mine and I've done 62 hours in comp on PC from season 2, 3 and 4 lol. Do you even QP? lol.
If I played as much comp as I do QP, I'd definitely be masters by now (I'd hope).
Yup, was also experimenting with Lucio sensitivity. Getting ready for the new dps lucio, it's going to be fun.
I noticed the All Heroes tab is broken. Some of my heroes were still at like 46/46 even tho I set it at 70/70 a few times but it didn't save it for all which explained why they felt so sluggish. I was fixing them between matches. Didn't notice for a while because I haven't played some of them in a while.
Sometimes I have problems with that too. Made some changes in the all heroes tab to use the d-pad for emotes and voice lines and it only worked with a few of them. Had to correct the others one by one, boring.
In sensitivity, let's say you have 46/46 in the all heroes tab, if you change that to 70/70 it will only affect the heroes that had that sensitivity set in their tabs. If one of them is at 50/50 for example he won't be affected.
I would have been 1-3 so far that night, but as we were about to win decisively on Route 66, someone DDOS'd the server or something, because everyone teleported around for 30 seconds, then it sent us to King's Row and we got a draw. So, instead, I was 0-3.
Next game I broke my losing streak bringing me to 1-3, and the following game was this:
We lost badly. Thanks so much, Blizzard.
Edit: It was a 3380 level game. And the Symmetra main criticized our hero choices. She never switched.
Sounds like something a Junkrat main would say. >.>Like, everyone is this thread is complaining about other players as if they themselves are never the fucking problem lol
Like, everyone is this thread is complaining about other players as if they themselves are never the fucking problem lol
Like, everyone is this thread is complaining about other players as if they themselves are never the fucking problem lol
I finished higher than you last season I think and won same amount of placements and got placed in 2700s I don't get it5-5 in placements. 3053.
I expected lower.
When are you guys going to invite me?
5-5 in placements. 3053.
I expected lower.
I finished higher than you last season I think and won same amount of placements and got placed in 2700s I don't get it
New Transcendence record: 3,801
Worst matchmaking I've had was a few days ago. Everyone is masters except two people on the enemy team. They are duo queuing together but one is still in placements and the other is gold. Match lasted 5 minutes.I would have been 1-3 so far that night, but as we were about to win decisively on Route 66, someone DDOS'd the server or something, because everyone teleported around for 30 seconds, then it sent us to King's Row and we got a draw. So, instead, I was 0-3.
Next game I broke my losing streak bringing me to 1-3, and the following game was this:
We lost badly. Thanks so much, Blizzard.
Edit: It was a 3380 level game. And the Symmetra main criticized our hero choices. She never switched.
Like, everyone is this thread is complaining about other players as if they themselves are never the fucking problem lol
Play competitive with me I need to get out of where I'm at. They have been the absolute worst matches I've ever hadI'll be on today for sure.
You get bonus SR in the first 25 games or so.
I think he lost a lot of points from decay, they probably count those in a different way.
Or maybe it's just because he's batman.