People who regularly make calls for their team: what hotkey is your mic set to?
I just use v for voice.
People who regularly make calls for their team: what hotkey is your mic set to?
Open-mic is fine on consoles, but nobody on PC wants to hear someone's loud-ass mechanical keyboard clicking and clacking for 15 minutes.
A lot of people will just automatically mute open-mics, if there's any background noise coming through constantly.
Everyone else's ult is good for taking the point in the first place, lol.RH and mcrees ult are great for getting people off the point during overtime.
I auto-mute anyone whose mic goes off from background noise pre-match.In a game like OW you don't want a PTT key at all. Just have it be voice-activated.
For WoW you need it because holy shit 30 people can't be talking at once.
I like hearing the kb in the background. The faster the tempo i will know how hard they are working to win.
Standing still with shield up will be a better pick than Orisa.Just gonna try Orissa whenever people say we need Reinhardt
People are going to come around to the team-wipe potential of Supercharger.Standing still with shield up will be a better pick than Orisa.
You mean when enemy team supercharges Ults from your Orisa and wipes your team shortly after?People are going to come around to the team-wipe potential of Supercharger.
Rez, drop Supercharger, wipe.You mean when enemy team supercharges Ults from your Orisa and wipes your team shortly after?![]()
Rez, drop Supercharger, wipe.
I really like playing Mercy with Orisa. I always have Rez, because she's always taking damage, and her primary fire is pretty good with the damage boost.
But most use it like this... (This happened literally the game after reading your post).
No man that's totally normal, you just aren't contributing enough/ /sI think it may be affecting the other healers too, I seem to be gaining less than I should be with Zen. Currently riding the threshold between plat and diamond. I was a mid-diamond Zen main in S3.
People are going to come around to the team-wipe potential of Supercharger.
It's actually a pretty nutty ult. Orisa isn't trash.
How's your SR doing, my guy? I haven't been on in like two weeks.
Finally just did my placements for season 4 and ended up with 3998. Then proceeded to lose 2 in a row and lost 50 points. Love how overwatch dangles the carrot in front of you. Anybody on ps4 want to run pharmercy today?
It's on one of my thumb buttons. The other thumb mouse button is meleeHas anyone bound their PTT key to a mouse button?
It's on one of my thumb buttons. The other thumb mouse button is melee
Trying Tracer out. That pulse bomb is some weak shit. Some British dude called me a bell pepper for my fail. Or a bellend whtever the fuck
Don't be that guy lmao
Just make sure you soften up the tank a little before you stick them to make sure you get the kill
Lmao what the hell.
You can even see that the shatter went up the wall once you died, I've never seen that happen before.
How do I get matched with better players on Quick Play? I am in Plat but keep getting games with bronze/unranked players. I cannot really enjoy Quick Play because it's too easy to dominate. I feel bad trying hard honestly because I feel like I ruin the game for the other players.
Same with Arcade. For once I'd like to play 1v1 against someone where I need to try my very best in order to win.
Mercy is particularly frustrating since people expect so much of you and you are somehow even more worthless in combat than Lucio. You're also counting a lot on your team giving you the cover and space to work; if they don't, you're just going to end up dead a lot and will probably end up getting blamed for the lack of heals.Playing a bit more as mercy. I see why people tilt as support lul
maybe efi designed her primarily as a body shield so that she could run away while every bullet within 300m lands on orisaOrisa takes damage so fast lmao holy shit. Mercy can't save you girl
earth shatter has a crazy aoe that i feel rarely makes sense tbh
It hits pharah's clearly in the air. It's silly.
Guys I am 3 for 3 with new Junkrat.
I love him so much more now.
Although my last game on Dorado I played him on defense and the whole team kept asking me to switch despite me having gold elims and damage.
At the end of the game they compliment everyone else but me.
"Talynn I hope I never play with you again but GG."
Funny thing is I muted one of them from last game due to toxicity. So eh.
Y'all sleeping on the Rat.
Secret rein buff!