...Jesus. I thought I was doing good work with my lucio too lol put my hype down alotI am improving my Mercy:
My average tho... :/
...Jesus. I thought I was doing good work with my lucio too lol put my hype down alotI am improving my Mercy:
My average tho... :/
I have 15,998 best healing for Zen! LOLI am improving my Mercy:
My average tho... :/
6.2K average isn't bad, if that's QP.
Mine is 8.4K, but I've never seen another Mercy with higher average healing than me in QP (and I check). Most are usually between 5-6K, so 6.2K is just fine.Yes, it's QP.
Also i have to say that it's really, really not easy to do this and have more than 10k with Mercy these days. Some teams are just... my god.
There are some good teams too, that know wery well what are they doing. And actually help me with their positions and protect me. But most of the time i am healing alone and some ppl just won't accept that i can't heal everyone at once or come to them.
Many times ppl blame me for dying, "why didn't you heal me??" and they are alone on the other side of the map... ???
Or "res, res, save me!" and i just resurrected 2 or 3 ppl few seconds ago...
Don't look at medals to judge your performance, they are very deceiving. Or numbers. They are relevant but damn.
Sometimes gold elims and damage are all I got and you can't take it away from me.Don't look at medals to judge your performance, they are very deceiving. Or numbers. They are relevant but damn.
Pretty much the only thing that stops the knock back is Orisa's Fortify.Does Roadhogs ult not knock people back if they have Lucio's ult shield on them?
Pretty much the only thing that stops the knock back is Orisa's Fortify.
Sound Barrier won't stop it.
They confirmed yes last year.Based on other Blizzard games, will seasonal event rewards be repeated ever the next season?
Team locks in Zen/Lucio/Tracer/Genji/Winston
Random 6th: "surely this is the moment for my Junkrat skills to shine"
wow highlights really fuck up the game (on PS4) if they load at the wrong time. So many glitches happen because of them and they take forever to load. is it like that on PC
I'm just gonna throw this out there. I know hero ideas are dumb but
Support hero- Edgier than Reaper- Necromancer.
Team locks in Zen/Lucio/Tracer/Genji/Winston
Random 6th: "surely this is the moment for my Junkrat skills to shine"
That's kinda gdlk but if there's a fight there you're missing out on 100 hp :/hmmm
Hey jumping on a concussion mine resembles a diving motion
That free time. Mercy god confirmed.
Cool, and cheers.They confirmed yes last year.
What about an ability that allows heros to phase through a specific section of a wall or teleport to the other side? Like a deployable device you stick on a wa that will glow blue if the wall will allow for that and glow red on invalid surfaces?With that in mind, I'd like to see something based off of like rainbow six type games and Breaching. This is unrealistic as they'd have to redesign their engine around this one hero which won't happen, but a hero who can breach any wall as his Ulti. the Breach would be like...the size of Reinhardt.... and the wall stays breached for the rest of the game. and if enemy heros are near the wall when it's breached they will not only get knock backed but take significant damage based on how close they are, and even fragged if they are close enough. I didn't have time to think about the other abilities. but I think that would be kind of cool...especially for chokes. but, the rest of his kit would have to make him more viable during non choke points as being able to breach walls is kinda pointless, like, when moving the payload (tho there could be instances where it isn't.)
What about an ability that allows heros to phase through a specific section of a wall or teleport to the other side? Like a deployable device you stick on a wa that will glow blue if the wall will allow for that and glow red on invalid surfaces?
Could be a mercy main streamer. If not...That free time. Mercy god confirmed.
That's pretty much the Teleporter exactly.I just think there's opportunity for the revive mechanic outside mercy. A twist on it where instead of a large range full revive, faster, more frequent revives that are lower impact to the team.
So a Teleporter.
I use it to judge my team. If I get gold healing or damage on Sombra somethings up. There's been games when I had 5 golds.
Jackal and Mecha are my favs, by default and Anubis are up there.her default and anubis skins look better with it tho
Yeah just don't blame the healer immediately. He might be doing a poor job because noone is protecting him from flankers, which might just be the fault of tanks/dps.
Something I've been curious about since I started getting more unto comp play: What constitutes 'good callouts'?
Is it simply saying "McCree is flanking" or "Mercy is one hit" or is it more in-depth than that?
Ya, position is very important. You can't just call something out and expect your team to start doing 360s until they see who you're talking about.Typically location.
McCree Right Top, Pharah Above Center, Tracer Behind, etc.
Ya, position is very important. You can't just call something out and expect your team to start doing 360s until they see who you're talking about.
Learning map-specific locations for call outs is important too. If someone says "Mercy hiding jail" on Hollywood, you need to know which building is actually the jail.
Pretty much the only thing that stops the knock back is Orisa's Fortify.
Sound Barrier won't stop it.
People who regularly make calls for their team: what hotkey is your mic set to?
Shields like Rein's and's as well.
Roadhog might have the worst ult in the game next to Mcree.
In a game like OW you don't want a PTT key at all. Just have it be voice-activated.
For WoW you need it because holy shit 30 people can't be talking at once.