Naisu. Was Ender the genji or the mccree?
I want to make a dart montage but I can't edit stuff
Did these darts last week which were pretty good
Also I hate Mercy
So much hate
That 180 on soldier was pretty damn slick nice
Naisu. Was Ender the genji or the mccree?
I want to make a dart montage but I can't edit stuff
Did these darts last week which were pretty good
Also I hate Mercy
So much hate
That 180 on soldier was pretty damn slick nice
I'm getting better with Zarya from my QP games. It's pretty fun how people kinda run away from you in most cases compared to playing other heroes. Once you get charged, people seem to panic when you run in close. I also enjoy the mind games with another Zarya player on who initates their bubble first to stay alive longer. Those 1v1 duels are mad fun. She's def the other tank I will end up playing more.
Ya, Offensive Assist cards are far more common for all heroes that can get them, after the last patch. It's also bugged not to show Kill Participation % like it used to.Almost positive there's something going on with post-match cards for Zenyatta now. When I get a card it's always for offensive assists, every time. Definitely seems like it changed at some point. Some matches with gold healing or high transcendence or gold obj kills or whatever, card is still for offensive assists even if that number is low.
I keep playing lol and the new hero possibilities in Overwatch are endless. Come on Blizzbizz you only need to copy others ;_:
Kinda hard to keep the game balanced if they put out too any heroes at once.
If you guys like seeing nice sleepdarts you should check out Dummys Ana montages
In fact he uploaded 1 today
Sleeps trigger me so much. I also hate when I'm the main target of it every time in a match. Doing too much bamage.
Sleeps trigger me so much. I also hate when I'm the main target of it every time in a match. Doing too much bamage.
I make it my mission in life to trigger specific players with sleep.
D.Va is a favorite of mine. As are Tracer and Winston.
Still working on my Genji timings.
Been trying Orissa a bit in QP, is there a secret to aiming with her? Seems next to impossible to hit stuff that isn't very close
On that note, when Ana sleeps me after I get Nano'd and ult as Roadhog. :-/
If you guys like seeing nice sleepdarts you should check out Dummys Ana montages
In fact he uploaded 1 today
I know it is not sporting, but let me have this!
Ana is the only hero I am genuinely good with in QP since no one is coordinated enough for Lucio.
On that note, when Ana sleeps me after I get Nano'd and ult as Roadhog. :-/
Hog is a big fat target, makes it easy. I hate being slept as Soldier and Junk. Aim for the fatties please.
Lead your shots.
I do, still feels impossible though, the projectiles are so slow
Kinda hard to keep the game balanced if they put out too any heroes at once.
Hook tank -> get nano'd ->one shot them.STOP
I do, still feels impossible though, the projectiles are so slow
Yeah, I can understand how you would find it hard.
I make it my mission in life to trigger specific players with sleep.
D.Va is a favorite of mine. As are Tracer and Winston.
Still working on my Genji timings.
I'm getting tired of having to babysit Orisa on my team just to have a chance at winning. She sucks so bad...
She's a pain in the ass to keep healed. They need to give her more armor and health. She's too much of a liability in her current state.
You could have both a Zen healing orb and a Mercy healing beam on her and she'll still melt like butter.
New Tracer skin.
An Overwatch montage is NOT where I thought I would discover good music.
I think I might start following Dummy: I have much to learn from his Ana and his taste in music.
New 2cp map? Please also
Agree. Her crit hitbox is gigantic. Easily melted by snipers and Soldier.
I must be the worst Reinhardt in existance to get a negative score on overbuff.![]()
I must be the worst Reinhardt in existance to get a negative score on overbuff.![]()
I must be the worst Reinhardt in existance to get a negative score on overbuff.![]()
Lol how?![]()
I must be the worst Reinhardt in existance to get a negative score on overbuff.![]()
They can't even keep it balanced with the heroes they currently got.
I guess no harm in adding more heroes then.
Leave that stuff to Skii, back to Sombra for you.