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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero


Anne's boosted animal hero pick guide S4 edition:

Stuck in elo hell during this competitive season? Bad teammates got you down? Don't know which hero will help carry you to the stars? Let me help with that. These heroes are guaranteed to grant you 3k+ elo no problem. If you're favorite hero isn't on this list that doesn't mean they are too bad to pick. Probably. Sorry Reaper players.

Play Pharmercy and watch the enemy team implode as they blame their solo McCree for not killing both of them by hitting 30 consecutive 20 dmg long range shots.
Play Pharmercy and watch the enemy team implode as they blame their solo McCree for not killing both of them by hitting 30 consecutive 20 dmg long range shots.


I played a game on Dorado last night where we had a Zen, McCree, Soldier, and Lucio and everyone expected the other person to pick of Pharah.

I had to tell them the math behind it and that we can all shoot at her together.


I'm thinking Pooh and Komaru could be a frighteningly awesome Pharmercy combo. We need to try this in our group.


I was talking about this in the discord but I'll mention the protip here:

If you can't wipe with just 1-2 ults you need to take some serious time and consider your ult management.
Anne's boosted animal hero pick guide S4 edition:

Stuck in elo hell during this competitive season? Bad teammates got you down? Don't know which hero will help carry you to the stars? Let me help with that. These heroes are guaranteed to grant you 3k+ elo no problem. If you're favorite hero isn't on this list that doesn't mean they are too bad to pick. Probably. Sorry Reaper players.

Freelo tier:

Mercy: Rez buffs are hella real. This characters ability to survive and get off a high value rez is making or breaking tons of ranked games right now. So much so it's not uncommon to hear "we can't counter Mercy without our own Mercy" from my own teammates as they fail to get real value and maintain our own ult economy :^). Figure out who the best DPS player on your team is and live basically inside of them for minutes at a time until they die. Then just yell "die on point" and get that big value rez. (ask Antitrop how to actually play this character they know what's up)

Pharah: If Mercy is good, Pharah is probably also mad good. Ana is nerfed, more people are running dive heroes than hitscan, and you have a monkey buddy to help get in wherever you want. Seriously, you don't need to be named Mangachu or Valkia to make this hero work. If you can land rockets and just space decently, this character puts in crazy work. There are tons of team comps (read: dive) that are popular right now with no Pharah countermeasures on them, so don't be afraid to just go nuts.

Winston: Shield buff means that once you go in you can basically stay in forever now. If a DPS player on the enemy team has more mechanical skill than your entire team combined, don't worry. Pick up your gorilla friend and cause flashbacks to S3 D.Va all over again. Pair with a remotely competent Genji, Tracer, or Pharah just to be extra sure the enemy carry is removed from the game.

Season 3 Favorites:

Soldier: It's Soldier. He hurts. Pick him.

Reinhardt: Big square don't care. He's less good than last season because of all the flying monkeys, but he's still 1000x better than Orisa ever will be.

Zarya: Goes great with monkeys! Saves teammates from monkeys! That's enough to pick her nearly all the time still.

Tracer and Genji: These characters were already arguably better than Soldier in some situations, but with Winston being everywhere they just definitely are a good chunk of the time. Name a random character in team chat and be amazed as they disappear right before your eyes while never having swift strike on CD again. Tracer is a better tank buster than Reaper.
Lucio: #NerfLucio

Ana: #NerfAnaAgain

The "People thinking niche picks are dead" tier:

D.Va: lowkey broken again. DM buff is insane and she can negate several new things that she couldn't before. Big ones include Zarya, Roadhog, and even Genji. She's also very good with mobile dive comps because she has the best mobility in the game that nobody uses enough. She also murders Pharah. That last one is honestly enough to justify her existence right now.

McCree: People keep saying that McCree is murdered by dive. People also keep having very bad management of their flashbang cooldown. People keep standing in bad spots. With everything and their mom trying to jump on Mercy, flashbang is the god and M1 still "randomly" decides fights.

Widowmaker: Kills Pharah.

Zen: Dive is good, Pharah is good, thus Zen is good.

Addendum: Roadhog is still good at killing divers yeah pick him on defense.
Good guide.


git gud and carry


thanks to annes guide to ow


About 75 points from diamond now. Gonna try and get it tommorow. Kinda surprised how "easy" it's been. I got placed at like 2350 ish, so almost 600 below where I am now. And I've been trucking along steadily with a 60% winrate.


relies on auto-aim
Win 37
Lose 20
Win 36
Lose 20
Win 34
Lose 21
Win 33
Lose 22

Free SR ride ends soon. Regretting playing at the end of last season when no one was trying and myself not really trying either. Now have to make back the 150 SR I lost so I can be Diamond again.

I was pleased with playing Zarya again in Comp, good lord I felt effective and just dismantled Winston/D.Va and zoned Genji. Might actually give up my S76 instalock.
Pharah for free Einchwalde and Volskaya wins.



That was sooo good. I need to rewatch it.

The movement, the aim, the style, the voice lines, everything on point. I can't.

That deflect kill on the tracer, how, how do you track so well.
If you have the knowledge you can still easily climb with winston or rein.

If I wasn't stubborn I would. :p I absolutely can't stand playing Rein or Winston unless absolutely necessary. They are so depressingly boring for me. Ill just have to dedicate more time to quick play and training mode.
So I got all the way up to level 31 from lots of QP play and it might be time to get into competitive.

How do the rank limits in parties work when a player is unranked? That is the 1000 SR range limit, what SR is an unranked player considered to be?


So I got all the way up to level 31 from lots of QP play and it might be time to get into competitive.

How do the rank limits in parties work when a player is unranked? That is the 1000 SR range limit, what SR is an unranked player considered to be?

Placement can't play with diamonds or above. Plat and below is ok.


I'm having a fabulous Tracer game on Ilios, as one tends to on KotH. We're tied and it's the last round (the well), and - while they took it for about 15% - we're beating them so hard that the fighting for the last half of the last round takes places entirely in the little chokes just off the point, towards their spawn. We never push too far, but we're locking them down.

In a last-ditch effort to get on the point and make us break off (I suspect), one of them goes Tracer. As she zips up the main drive, my team shreds her a bit. She blinks into the little room with the large health pack about halfway between the point and the spawn, and I hear her rewind out of it. Did she not grab the health pack? Well I need some health, so I zip in there from the other side, grab the pack and hear her running back towards the room. And she just used rewind, so that means...

She swoops through the door and gets smacked in the face with a pulse bomb as I blink through her. Bewm. (Wave.) Hiya!

This is why I never finished my second playthrough of Horizon.

Edit: Oh, and I ended up getting teamed with a cool, communicative Hanzo main on Hollywood. Our Zarya was very chatty on the mic, setting up wombo combos with him that he would always capitalize on and always gett PotG off. It was like seeing a unicorn.


If you have the knowledge you can still easily climb with winston or rein.

My best climbers are winston and mercy. Rein next.

I suck at hit scan and i can admit that.

Edit: damn im hooked again cause ive been climbing. I even stopped playing botw.


So I got all the way up to level 31 from lots of QP play and it might be time to get into competitive.

How do the rank limits in parties work when a player is unranked? That is the 1000 SR range limit, what SR is an unranked player considered to be?

unranked can't queue with diamond or higher

oh I got beat


In quick play with lucio
QP Lucio is kind of an anomaly. He's really meant as an off-healer that spends more time boosting speed, but that requires coordinated teams and another primary healer, which you won't always have in QP.

So uh, it's hard to say what's a good average healing with Lucio in QP.

His regular healing aura is the weakest healing in the game, he's only effective as a healer when he Amps it Up, but Amp it Up has the longest cooldown of any ability in the game, so you usually want to be saving it for speed boosts.
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