Will you guys accept a 2100ish mercy main. Im EST.
Edit: this is PC right?
This is open to all PC player regardless of skill level. Just looking to do some fun community games. We'll do our best to balance the teams out.
Will you guys accept a 2100ish mercy main. Im EST.
Edit: this is PC right?
This is open to all PC player regardless of skill level. Just looking to do some fun community games. We'll do our best to balance the teams out.
I thought High DPI, Low Sens is how most peeps play OW?
I feel that quality of matches recently has really deteoriated in comp for me. People throwing very often now, and I don't mean people picking Torb on attack, but people literally announcing in team chat that they are throwing and yelling at the top of their lungs at people. The yelling and whining has increased by about 1000%.
But will it be comp or just QP and arcade? Im up for whatever on sundays, anytime.
Forgot my battle.net id right now.
It's customs with comp rules probably. The inhouse ideally should be 6 GAF vs 6 GAF :>
Im having the opposite experience actually. s3 was full of throwers and leavers. Rarely am i getting that now.
In bronze and low silver, you either roflstomp the enemy or they roflstomp you. Now that im in gold, their is so much more communication and every game is close.
Oh oh, thats what you mean by in house.
I thought High DPI, Low Sens is how most peeps play OW?
It's customs with comp rules probably. The inhouse ideally should be 6 GAF vs 6 GAF :>
If it's all in-house, is there a way where we can all be in the same voice chat? I would need to vent my frustrations toward you directly while you dance all around me.
If you have a nvidia card then use shareplayIs there a good way to get highlights / potgs out of Overwatch itself, or do I need FRAPS or something else?
That just sounds like qp in generalbeen playing with orisa in qp. when it goes well it goes really well. when it goes bad it goes really bad.
been playing with orisa in qp. when it goes well it goes really well. when it goes bad it goes really bad.
That's just QP in a nutshell. The amount of "it's QP bro ill throw if I want to" bullshit has skyrocketed in recent weeks.
This is open to all PC player regardless of skill level. Just looking to do some fun community games. We'll do our best to balance the teams out.
It's something that needs to be looked at for sure. Overwatch can't be a full time job.This SR decay for sub-3500 players is such bullshit.
Me me me. Am I too late?
we're still scheduling everything so no it's not too late.
Also trying to get together PS4 customs as well! I think we have plenty to pull it off!
I made a poll below so we can setup the best night. Please vote PS4 people! Don't let all the PC folk have the fun!
I'm only level 16, and pretty new.
Y'all are welcome to use the discord for any of this stuff too if you want.
They are open invite, it's all about fun. If you're that new we'll try our best to balance teams, or you can come spectate until you feel ready to play.
Y'all are welcome to use the discord for any of this stuff too if you want.
Last game we probably could have used a hog to hook Winston/dva behind my shield.Had some good matches in comp with GAF tonight. Held it down as Pharah for a bit.
Probably should have switched back to Mercy in our last game tho...
Also trying to get together PS4 customs as well! I think we have plenty to pull it off!
I made a poll below so we can setup the best night. Please vote PS4 people! Don't let all the PC folk have the fun!
Last game we probably could have used a hog to hook Winston/dva behind my shield.
2 win streak. I feel a loss coming. Blizzard plz. I just want to get back to close to diamond
If it's all in-house, is there a way where we can all be in the same voice chat? I would need to vent my frustrations toward you directly while you dance all around me.
So who is the hero with the swords? Is this just promo art?
Looks like a really cool hero.
So who is the hero with the swords? Is this just promo art?
Looks like a really cool hero.
Think so, because her pulse bomb looks like winston's shield projectorDid Winston design Tracer's pistols? His Tesla Cannon has the same reload mech as Pulse Pistols.
thanks to annes guide to ow