Wondering why so many people are angry about this prediction.
Microsoft have been better on all fronts than Sony in 2014 and deserve to outsell the PS4, even if it's just for one month.
Microsoft have D4, FH2, Halo MCC and Sunset Overdrive launching almost within a month of each other. While the latter haven't been reviewed, it's safe to say MCC will be as well received if not better than D4 and FH2 already have. SO is a bit of a wild card.
Microsoft have showed far, far more support for the Xbox One than Sony have for the PS4. Microsoft have actively been listening to their community and implementing features people want - and very quickly.
They've actually set out to be the console they promised the Xbox One would be; an "all in one" media device with lots of games. The "GAMES GAMES GAMES" mantra Sony was running with in 2013 has seemed to fizzled out. Where are they? DriveClub looks disappointing.
PSN, by all accounts, is pretty bad. I don't own a PS4 so I couldn't tell you first hand - I don't own an Xbox One either, but it doesn't take long to find many an unhappy PSN subscriber on Reddit and other forums.
I think a lot of people really wanted Sony to succeed this generation and the atrocious couple of months following the reveal of the Xbox One just cemented that, but somewhere along the line Sony have started to drop the ball and nobody has really noticed.
Why shouldn't the Xbox One beat the PS4 in sales for September?