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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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sputum-flecked apoplexy
The middle east seemed better off with the Ottomon Empire. Even now, Turkey is the most "civilized" Islamic country, though it is technically a European country. Why can't we just steamroll ISIS, though? If Nazism and Facism died, why can't Islamic extremism?

i'm no IR major but i think there's something of a difference between a nation state with a clearly codified structure and state apparatus (nazism and fascism) and terrorist groups such as ISIS


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I'm sorry, didn't the west fuck Germany? Bombed it into dust, them gave most of Prussian possessions to Poland? not only that, broke Germany into two, and persecuted the Nazis?

Dropped TWO nuclear bombs into Japan, fucked with the Japanese religion of 'The emperor is the descendant of the Sun God' and dictated the constitution of 'Japan is not allowed to declare war'?

I'm not sure what your point is.


I'm pretty sure a friend died. Sent a million messages to her facebook and she hasn't replied...

I hope that is not the case. Note that she may be asleep, hung over, with someone, etc. Don't assume the worst until you have facts. Hard to practice, but worth trying.

Hope all works out, keep us updated.


I'm pretty sure a friend died. Sent a million messages to her facebook and she hasn't replied...
Oh man.. Let's just hope she's busy, let's hope.

My friend always visits her family in France for long periods of time and I called her on Skype immediately when I heard of this. Thankfully she was in the states.


came back from a Fear Factory concert and found out about this at home. that was some crazy s#*t, but i'm more afraid of the reaction. history taught us that the loudest people will be the ones who are the most extreme, and because of that escalation will be the course of action.
this will serve the purpose of the terrorists.the main purpose of the attacks is to enforce a mindset of violence. a mindset that the terrorist leaders are hoping to get, so they could keep their power. for the leaders, religion has nothing to do with it. religion is the excuse, they have managed to warp and use to manipulate the mind of the people, who are in a very impressionable state, due to dire circumstances. there are always people take advantage of these situations, and sadly, again as history taught us, people will react violently.

i hope i will be mistaken, and the taken course of action will be just finding the people responsible for this, arresting them, and put them on trial.

little footnote - the world still hasn't found the ultimate solution against terrorists attacks. it was always here, and as long as people think that the only way to act against something is through violence, it will always be here.


Human death and suffering, poverty, health, etc are all better today than at any time in recorded history.
I don't mean to knit pick, but I would argue "recorded history" only accurately dates back several centuries or so. With that said, there is no question that we have improvements when it comes to health and poverty. By "mess" I meant the general division between people groups & the various proxy wars going on across the globe.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You just said it was a result of Western Meddling.

I gave you 2 examples of even worse meddling.

Yeah from traditional wars that dont exist anymore. Also, we didnt meddle with Japan with the intent to destablize it. And Germany, well I think we all know how it went after the first world war. Also I'm not sure how we grade a scale of political meddling.


This is absolutely crazy. I just got email after email about new casualties, new incidents, new updates on this...

All the best to Paris in this time, this sort of ordeal is frightening and I can't imagine the thoughts going throughout the populace there...


Yeah from traditional wars that dont exist anymore. Also, we didnt meddle with Japan with the intent to destablize it. And Germany, well I think we all know how it went after the first world war.

Dude, not only the U.S. invaded Japan, they changed what Japan believed in.

It's akin to invading Saudi Arabia, marching into Mecca, and then declaring Allah doesn't exist.

AYF 001

I'm pretty sure a friend died. Sent a million messages to her facebook and she hasn't replied...
Hope that's not the case and they're alright.
You just said it was a result of Western Meddling.

I gave you 2 examples of even worse meddling.

The U.S. and Western Europe basically set the stage for WWII with the conditions of The Treaty of Versailles imposed upon Germany. And Japan was extremely isolationist before Commodore Perry "convinced" them to open up under threat of artillery bombardment.


How specific were the posts?



The one from a week ago was fake, an edited version of the original.

I see

original pretty eery still tho :/


I'm pretty sure a friend died. Sent a million messages to her facebook and she hasn't replied...
I'm sorry, can't imagine what you are going through right now. Don't give up hope, could be many reasons why she is unable to respond. Hope and pray she is alright.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Dude, not only the U.S. invaded Japan, they changed what Japan believed in.

It's akin to invading Saudi Arabia, marching into Mecca, and then declaring Allah doesn't exist.

So lets ignore the context of the defeat of Japan in WWII and the long, ongoing destablization of the middle east largely aided by western powers. I'm sure it will be a useful comparison and discussion to distract us from the fact fucking around in the middle east continuously blows up in our faces at the benefit of warhawks, religious extremists and arms dealers. Yeah, the religious extremists love this too. If they can get boots on the ground, it means they get to kill western devils.


I know this... I can see your point.

But you seem to imply being Westernized means you'll automatically respond positively to Western occupation. I'm not sure, is that true?

I do think there are differences in the Japanese cultural character compared with Muslim societies. The Japanese attitude is to find order in the group and accept authority, while the Islamic character is to righteously struggle.
Hell, even American values would probably ensure that an occupier of America would never attain perfect control... "Don't tread on me" and self-defense mythology, etc. Underground militia groups would struggle without end against occupation.

Ideas dictate behaviour, and different societies cherish different ideas.

I know it is a bit silly to do historical what ifs, but I believe that:
If japan had taken Hawaii hostage like it intended, the US would have folded, because you don't sacrifice the population of an entire state just to keep supplying a war you are not even formally part of yet.
If the offensive on Europe had failed and two atomic bombs had dropped on the US, they would have surreendered, because you don't keep going on a lost war when the opponent can keep dropping nukes.

The problem is not a culture of defiance versus a culture of obedience, but a culture that identifies itself with the state and the general notion of a nacional identity and a culture that identifies itself with a book of crazy people about talking bushes and dubious prophecies and other insanities. As much as conservatives like to talk about how they are one nation under god, they don't really actually act like it because of all the crazy shit I have seen conservatives defending, I don't think I ever saw the notion that not being christian also makes you not a citizen in a way that your basic human rights are denied. A lot of american religious crazy talk is just talk, they act according to human law first and crazy old talking talking bush book law, at best, as a distant second.

The state might not be entirely reliable, it can be used for a lot of evil, etc and such, but at least it's not a crazy fairy tale about phantoms, undeads and sorcery which can be seen as either messages of peace or call to arms against people who maybe believe the other sorcery book.

There is a passage in Simone de Beauveoir's book "the blood of others" where they question the validity of a resistance that has very little chance of success and yet provokes the nazis into killing innocents. An Isis member faced with this dilema would just go "our crazy phantom guy in the cloud will do magic to protect you after death!" and continue their insane whatever they do.


Hope that's not the case and they're alright.

The U.S. and Western Europe basically set the stage for WWII with the conditions of The Treaty of Versailles imposed upon Germany. And Japan was extremely isolationist before Commodore Perry "convinced" them to open up under threat of artillery bombardment.

I was pointing to what happened after the war. The West fucked the identity of Germany and Japan after the war. That's enough meddling in the German/Japanese affairs to produce terrorists from these countries.
Care to explain? Last I check Isis is not a political.

If you are referring to Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas, those groups are from earlier time and have limited objectives.
Most of ISIS were ex Muslim Brotherhood as stated by some of the Muslim Brotherhood themselves.
ISIS and others extremist exists in the Middle East exists in area were the parties like the Muslim Brotherhood or other parties has a presence
like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait and Syria.

Some of these countries are fighting openly or silently political form of Islam, for me the Arabic Spring was an indicator on how destructive political Islamic parties can become.

For example some of ISIS members followed the advice of an MB imam in Saudi Arabia into going to Syria for Jihad. This particular Imam was called and jailed by Saudi authorities. This particular Imam became famous for his speech in Egypt during the MB reign of terror where he asked Egyptians to go join there Brothers in Syria for Jihad and then went to London for his Summer vacation. Egyptian media called him out that "Why doesn't he go to Syria and set an example to others?"

I believe as a Muslim that all political parties should be seculiar since you can't group a religion under a party.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I bring up Japan because their culture was and still is very different from the west, yet they were still able to be conquered and stabilized after the war.

...Because the US (the occupiers) dropped TWO atom-bombs on them. What do you think they're going to do? "Oh yeah, fuck the US! We're still going to be an axis power! Nukes? What are those, we can shrug them off. RAH-RAH-RAH?"

Times are different. You can't simply "wipe the enemy off the face of the map" in regards to the Middle East. While the US may have "weakened" Al Quada (at how much of a cost of her military/civilian volunteers to go over?) another "terrorist" faction (ISIS) has formed because of the actions of the US/"world."

Wiping ISIS out will not but the same as making Japan surrender. Unless you are able to completely remove the resentment some people in the region feel toward the US (or whoever invades) and stabilize the country, it's pointless.


The problem is that you will never get people to accept reality, that the ME is so volatile that not messing around with it is the best option. But now that isn't an option anymore, how are you going to get Sunnis and Shiites extremist to be in peace with each other and then you have the Kurds that are a time bomb as well, specially with the Turkish kurds that are basically an invitation for a NATO intervention in the region and further escalation to new highs.

People will need to start to understand WHY this is happening and not just "we invaded Iraq and there was a vacuum power" there has to be a clear vision of the region and the difference between the ethnicity and religion. And then try to look for a solution or at least understand what you could or not achieve with military action so at least there isn't another Iraq situation again or at the very least you aren't lie to again as how removing a ruthless dictator in the region would affect said region (anyone remember Netanyahu talking about the benefits of removing Saddam from power?)

Of course, it's like I said, a quagmire. I am well versed in regional demographics. America destabilized the region, which would probably have eventually occurred even without our involvement to begin with once the power of dictatorship changed hands. Our involvement in Iraq catalyzed a process in which the vacuum left after our occupation has been filled with an entity that celebrates itself by flexing lawlessness under the guise of religion. The only solution that has ever worked in the past is waring until both sides have no taste for it. I would assume that this was the prevailing sentiment during the middle ages. Unfortunately the tools in which they chose to engage in war are largely American made and developed. Even by leaving it alone America is still in a position to influence sentiment due to our MIC that Eisenhower warned against.

There is no vision for that region except for war and the millions of innocent people who fled to European countries undoubtedly harbor with them some who wish ill against the west, also likely unknown to them. These events will usher in a calcified wave of nationalism. I hope that the mistakes in WW2 are not repeated. I also hope that nationalism does not spread to here and lend any credence to Trumps campaign platform.

The only real agreement the rest of the world can muster about the region is that nuclear weapons must be contained at all cost, which sadly was the justification for the invasion of Iraq, yet the implications are even more dire then were previously.


What a fucking godawful situation. Fuck these terrorists. Stay strong France. All those poor people and their families. Jesus fucking christ.



If that is not fake, I hope authorities are made aware of this.

This is a forum where people underage like to get lots of replies for saying shit. Also he says pretty much "don't go anywhere you'll get killed" and didn't see the january attacks. Nostradamus is back to life it seems.

The january attack was a much smaller operation though. The events that took place tonight likely have been in development for a long time.
I know it is a bit silly to do historical what ifs, but I believe that:
If japan had taken Hawaii hostage like it intended, the US would have folded, because you don't sacrifice the population of an entire state just to keep supplying a war you are not even formally part of yet.
At least pick counterfactuals that have some plausibility to them. But If the alien space bats had done this for Japan it wouldn't have ended anything. The US with it's unrivaled industrial might would have still ground Japan into submission. Except more atomic bombs would have probably been dropped.


I'm sorry, didn't the west fuck Germany? Bombed it into dust, them gave most of Prussian possessions to Poland? not only that, broke Germany into two, and persecuted the Nazis?

Dropped TWO nuclear bombs into Japan, fucked with the Japanese religion of 'The emperor is the descendant of the Sun God' and dictated the constitution of 'Japan is not allowed to declare war'?

sorry, but the problem is that usually what happens after these kind of things is more years of chaos in the crushed countries.

i think the best way is explain that is by comparing a country to anything living person/creature: if it doesn't have the right support system, it will deteriorate and resort to anger, violence, and bad behavior to get what it want/need. a country is no different, usually because after a devastation it is in the easiest state to be taken by extremists.
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