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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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How do you fight something like ISIS that hides amongst the innocent? Not like they have a treehouse we can nuke.

I mean, it sucks, but likely total ground war. Literally troops marching systematically on cities doing sweeps one mile at a time. Followed by a long-term Japan style occupation/infrastructure/education/support plan.

It probably creates a WWIII. I don't think the will exists for such a thing, however. And it won't unless there are even more and larger scale attacks like this. So absent that, no matter what, any interim actions simply aggravates the issues and contributes to more terrorism.


I feel bad. Not for the dead and injured. But for the refugees fleeing Syria. I expect that after this Europe will shut their borders to all.

Not all countries, but I do see some closing their borders in reaction.

Many people were saying that this could happen, terrorist sneaking in with the refugees.

But we don't know all the details yet to make those conclusions.


Stage is set for a massive escalation in extremist ideological bullshit on all sides.

Fundamentalism Islamic jihad-ism, right wing European neo-fascism. Everyone loses, including the nuanced-thinking moderates who can only sit idly by and watch hate-filled nutters of all sides spill each other's blood.
I mean, it sucks, but likely total ground war. Literally troops marching systematically on cities doing sweeps one mile at a time. Followed by a long-term Japan style occupation/infrastructure/education/support plan.

Haven't the last 15 years in Afghanistan shown that you can force a country / people to want the same things you do? 15 years after the end of WWII Japan was a leading exporter and industrialized country. You just can't compare that country to Syria / Lebanon / etc.
How do you fight against people who are willing to blow themselves up?

That's not the issue. We dealt with Kamakazis in ww2. The issue is how do you fight cowards that will just dispurse into a population to fight another day?

These pieces of shit think they are all mighty killing unarmed civilians or under equipped militia type units. As soon as these fucks feel the wrath of any real military, they run like the cowards they are. They won't stand and fight, because in the end, they know they don't stand a chance on this planet.


I cannot believe this is happening. I know my friend was in fear that her friends had possibly been killed by this attack. 100+ is an insane number. I hope the souls victim of this terrible attack rest in peace and I pray for the families left to pick up the pieces and hopefully we can be there to help them.
That's not the issue. We dealt with Kamakazis in ww2. The issue is how do you fight cowards that will just dispurse into a population to fight another day?

These pieces of shit think they are all mighty killing unarmed civilians or under equipped militia type units. As soon as these fucks feel the wrath of any real military, they run like the cowards they are. They won't stand and fight, because in the end, they know they don't stand a chance on this planet.

Too true.

Bastards going after civilians, I'd like to see them try that shit against law enforcement or the military - they'd get their heads pulled up their asses in no time


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
6:10, still haven't slept... can't sleep.


What does this mean? Start arming the "moderate rebels" alongside the Americans too? They're fighting ISIS after all so makes sense.
The rebels aren't much better then Assad, apparently Afghanistan hasn't taught us much. Cant see this leading to anything but a proxy war with Russia.


Just horrible. Noticed the news coming in through my phone at work and I couldn't believe it. Paris will never be the same. This is surely a nightmare for France.

Obviously the attack as a whole is a tragedy but I can't stop thinking about the concert for some reason... the small atmosphere and how quickly the terrorists probably took control is just so disturbing... I can't imagine what it must have been like for those who were getting executed one by one, not to mention anyone stuck in there wondering if it was the end for them. The death toll there is just pure mindfuckery.

It's sick irony that Eagles of Death Metal were playing too because of the name... even if it's tongue in cheek, most of the world does not know that. (For those who don't know the band name is a joke stemming from a conversation with Josh Homme where he made the comment that the band Vader sounds like The Eagles of death metal)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Haven't the last 15 years in Afghanistan shown that you can force a country / people to want the same things you do? 15 years after the end of WWII Japan was a leading exporter and industrialized country. You just can't compare that country to Syria / Lebanon / etc.
Sometimes I think people took the wrong lesson from Japan.

They are a cohesive, obedient and pragmatic people. They responded to occupation by accepting their new overlords and getting to work.

The ideas that many other cultures cherish would urge them to fight against intervention and occupation for years, decades and even centuries...

Japan was the model that guided the next 70 years of military operations abroad, but I think it was actually an anomaly....


Not all countries, but I do see some closing their borders in reaction.

Many people were saying that this could happen, terrorist sneaking in with the refugees.

But we don't know all the details yet to make those conclusions.

What details do you need to know? How could you practically confirm what you want to confirm?

If people born and raised in western countries are willing to commit terrorist acts, then I say there is a 99.99% chance that some people with terrorist inclinations (lone wolf or from terrorist organisations) would take the opportunity to travel as a refugee.

I agree though, this will give some countries more excuses to tighten up their borders.
Don't allow this horrific act allow you to be drawn into the loss of your humanity or tolerance. That is the intended outcome. #ParisAttacks

— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) November 14, 2015


Canadians burned my passport
Ugh. I need to stay away from any social internet platforms for a while. Some of the shit I've read on Reddit has been just vile.


Ugh. I need to stay away from any social internet platforms for a while. Some of the shit I've read on Reddit has been just vile.

What are you doing that is making Reddit so vile? Are you sorting by New, or intentionally heading to shithole subreddits?


Too true.

Bastards going after civilians, I'd like to see them try that shit against law enforcement or the military - they'd get their heads pulled up their asses in no time

Yep, I said a long time ago that ISIS can be defeated by ground forces easily but the US was already leaving Irak so there was no political will to do it.

At least this tragedy should (hopefully) get the "allies" together again. Proper ground forces and a long multinational occupation of Syria and Irak should do the trick. If anything, ISIS has grown this much because no one wants to deal with the problem properly, the US and Russia are too busy playing chess with the Middle East.
How do you fight something like ISIS that hides amongst the innocent? Not like they have a treehouse we can nuke.

I dont think its possible to beat their ideology with a military force. Reports on this Aljazera suvey said 80% of the people who responded to it (over 38 thousand) supported IS.


If possible, I think Western countries should keep their military out of the Middle East altogether, drastically cut Islamic immigration and have a 5-10 year "trial period" for ALL refugees they do take in (not just muslim ones) and deportation or indefinite/permanent detention should be mandatory if a serious crime is committed.
Im happy for the West to help the Middle East with aid and stuff. Just do it from a distance, because getting too involved with dangerous countries and people, has made the future of Europe (in particular) a potentially very scary one.
I dont think its possible to beat their ideology with a military force. Reports on this Aljazera suvey said 80% of the people who responded to it (over 38 thousand) supported IS.


If possible, I think Western countries should keep their military out of the Middle East altogether, drastically cut Islamic immigration and have a 5-10 year "trial period" for ALL refugees they do take in (not just muslim ones) and deportation or indefinite/permanent detention should be mandatory if a serious crime is committed.
Im happy for the West to help the Middle East with aid and stuff. Just do it from a distance, because getting too involved with dangerous countries and people, has made the future of Europe (in particular) a potentially very scary one.

Just let these guys completely take over and do evil shit to the innocent people that are living there?
Haven't the last 15 years in Afghanistan shown that you can force a country / people to want the same things you do? 15 years after the end of WWII Japan was a leading exporter and industrialized country. You just can't compare that country to Syria / Lebanon / etc.

I bring up Japan because their culture was and still is very different from the west, yet they were still able to be conquered and stabilized after the war. Of course terrorism is different because rather than a state and fighting in traditional rules of war, they hide among the general population.

I'm not sure Afghanistan was ever a truly full-scale total war effort. Not sure if enough ground troops were ever committed. Not sure if the occupation plan and government installation/infrastructure building was that good.


I dont think its possible to beat their ideology with a military force. Reports on this Aljazera suvey said 80% of the people who responded to it (over 38 thousand) supported IS.


If possible, I think Western countries should keep their military out of the Middle East altogether, drastically cut Islamic immigration and have a 5-10 year "trial period" for ALL refugees they do take in (not just muslim ones) and deportation or indefinite/permanent detention should be mandatory if a serious crime is committed.
Im happy for the West to help the Middle East with aid and stuff. Just do it from a distance, because getting too involved with dangerous countries and people, has made the future of Europe (in particular) a potentially very scary one.
This. We need more ideas like this.
I dont think its possible to beat their ideology with a military force. Reports on this Aljazera suvey said 80% of the people who responded to it (over 38 thousand) supported IS.


If possible, I think Western countries should keep their military out of the Middle East altogether, drastically cut Islamic immigration and have a 5-10 year "trial period" for ALL refugees they do take in (not just muslim ones) and deportation or indefinite/permanent detention should be mandatory if a serious crime is committed.
Im happy for the West to help the Middle East with aid and stuff. Just do it from a distance, because getting too involved with dangerous countries and people, has made the future of Europe (in particular) a potentially very scary one.

Are you using Washington times to use a survey was an online unscientific poll...

So use religion as a basis for letting or not letting immigrants within countries..
How many amendments will that break if US does this


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Don't allow this horrific act allow you to be drawn into the loss of your humanity or tolerance. That is the intended outcome. #ParisAttacks

— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) November 14, 2015

Mischaracterized intent, emotional appeals. Comments look exactly like the responses to another terrorist attack I know. This train is gonna go off that same cliff, isnt it?
I'm only just hearing about this. Hard to wrap my head around after being out drinking for a bit. Damn, man. This is so fucked up. Condolences to all of the victims in this. I'm sad about this happening. And I'm angry about what the response will be.


Just let these guys completely take over and do evil shit to the innocent people that are living there?

There is no easy solution to the middle east. What we have now is basically a Religious Civil War being fought via proxies. We pull back and the real danger is it goes beyond proxies into Nation vs Nation.

No matter what the Middle East is fucked.
I just can't stop thinking about the people who were gunned down, that they woke up yesterday living their everyday lives going about their day. Out with friends, maybe meeting up for a date, just living life only for it to be taken away.



That's not the issue. We dealt with Kamakazis in ww2. The issue is how do you fight cowards that will just dispurse into a population to fight another day?

These pieces of shit think they are all mighty killing unarmed civilians or under equipped militia type units. As soon as these fucks feel the wrath of any real military, they run like the cowards they are. They won't stand and fight, because in the end, they know they don't stand a chance on this planet.

Agreed. They're cowards for targeting innocent civilians.
Haven't the last 15 years in Afghanistan shown that you can force a country / people to want the same things you do? 15 years after the end of WWII Japan was a leading exporter and industrialized country. You just can't compare that country to Syria / Lebanon / etc.

Japan was industrialized before the war, fyi.

Sometimes I think people took the wrong lesson from Japan.

They are a cohesive, obedient and pragmatic people. They responded to occupation by accepting their new overlords and getting to work.

The ideas that many other cultures cherish would urge them to fight against intervention and occupation for years, decades and even centuries...

Japan was the model that guided the next 70 years of military operations abroad, but I think it was actually an anomaly....

Like I said they were industrialized and "Westernized" before the war, some time in the late 1800s. They were industrialized by the time the Russia-Japan war started in 1905. They're not some chosen race; they opened up to the West in 1868.


Ugh. I need to stay away from any social internet platforms for a while. Some of the shit I've read on Reddit has been just vile.

Times like these give people with horrible beliefs freedom to spill their hate.

Because normal people that are traumatized by events like this, are vulnerable enough to be taken in by anger, and they join in on the hate.

It happens every time. :(
That's not the issue. We dealt with Kamakazis in ww2. The issue is how do you fight cowards that will just dispurse into a population to fight another day?

These pieces of shit think they are all mighty killing unarmed civilians or under equipped militia type units. As soon as these fucks feel the wrath of any real military, they run like the cowards they are. They won't stand and fight, because in the end, they know they don't stand a chance on this planet.

Yeah, but look at how we "dealt" with the Japanese in WW2 — by bombing the shit out of their cities and killing a fuckton of innocent people. And even then, a lot of them didn't want to surrender. We aren't prepared to do that sort of thing in order to defeat ISIS. And ISIS isn't a country like Japan was; you can't lash out at them as effectively even if you want to. And they won't surrender and leave us a country to go in and set straight, like what happened with Japan and Germany. This is a way more fucked up situation.


I dont think its possible to beat their ideology with a military force. Reports on this Aljazera suvey said 80% of the people who responded to it (over 38 thousand) supported IS.


If possible, I think Western countries should keep their military out of the Middle East altogether, drastically cut Islamic immigration and have a 5-10 year "trial period" for ALL refugees they do take in (not just muslim ones) and deportation or indefinite/permanent detention should be mandatory if a serious crime is committed.
Im happy for the West to help the Middle East with aid and stuff. Just do it from a distance, because getting too involved with dangerous countries and people, has made the future of Europe (in particular) a potentially very scary one.

What an absolutely terrible idea.
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