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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Annnnd I think I'm done with FB for awhile...didn't expect to see the murder scene at the Bataclan on my feed so someone could make a fucking political point. So fucking insensitive, I'm pretty pissed.


Apartment building where the terrorists were hiding today.

More pictures: https://twitter.com/peggybrug/status/666999294227038209 + https://twitter.com/peggybrug/status/667003139774676992


Salah and Brahim Abdullah have been interrogated by the Belgian police a couple of months ago after they've unsuccessfully tried to to get into Syria. They were considered not to be a threat....

Side note : Salah had already been convicted for armed robbery

Source: deredactie.be
So, not trying to talk out of my ass but

the likely hood that the men who shot up paris a few days ago came from this apartment is likely?

Same guns, same suicicde bombing tactics etc

And the ones who escaped or helped are probably the ones they captured as well

This is all quite likely in my mind and I'm sure the shooters had more help other than the shooters or bombers themself at the time of the shootings.


The terror threat level in Sweden is being raised to level four on a five grade scale.
the national security police will hold a press conference at 18:00, local time. That's in fifteen minutes
Wait, wait, wait. What's happening in Sweden? Anything particular yet or do we need to wait for the conference?


Wait, wait, wait. What's happening in Sweden? Anything particular yet or do we need to wait for the conference?

From SVD.se:
enligt Säkerhetspolisen så krävs det ett konkret hot mot svenska intressen för att detta ska kunna ske. Säpo gjorde en bedömning att inte höja nivån direkt efter terrordåden i Paris, så därför är det något som skett nyligen som Säpo agerat på – och därför höjt nivån
Säkerhetspolisen har höjt hotnivån för eventuella terrorhandlingar i Sverige från nivå 3 till nivå 4. Nivån höjdes till nivå 3 år 2010, men efter att Säpo nu uppger att man tagit emot konkret information om ett hot, så höjs nivån från "förhöjt hot" till "högt hot".
Det innebär det att det med stor sannolikhet finns ett konkret hot mot svenska intressen, det är nämligen kravet för en sådan höjning.
Vi vet inte vad det här innebär, eller vem/vilka som ligger bakom hotet. Men det har inletts en förundersökning om förberedelse av terrorhandling i Sverige.
Säpo har inte gett några specifika direktiv till allmänheten.

Dn.se will broadcast live
Annnnd I think I'm done with FB for awhile...didn't expect to see the murder scene at the Bataclan on my feed so someone could make a fucking political point. So fucking insensitive, I'm pretty pissed.
I saw that too. Deleted that person immediately. I have no problem with an image like that objectively, but some people don't have any tact. At all. Not everybody likes to scroll through pictures of dead bodies.


That they have concrete information that terror threat against Sweden is highly probable.
They have information about one man from Iraq that have traveled from Germany to Sweden.
They have raised security at several places.

"Be vigilant and aware but don't worry and live your life as usual" is their recommendation to Swedish citizens...

An increased police presence will be noticeable at strategic places as well as public places where big gatherings of people are usual.


That they have concrete information that terror threat against Sweden is highly probable.
They have information about one man from Iraq that have traveled from Germany to Sweden.
They have raised security at several places.

"Be vigilant and aware but don't worry and live your life as usual" is their recommendation to Swedish citizens...
Thank you! This fear is really terrible. You can't ignore them, but preparing all the time is like losing something.


CNN reports that French Police is performing DNA tests to confirm if one of the killed terrorists could be Abdelhamid Abaaoud the alleged mastermind of the Paris attacks.


ISIS has apparently executed a Norwegian and a Chinese hostage :( They really want to piss off everyone, don't they?


That they have concrete information that terror threat against Sweden is highly probable.
They have information about one man from Iraq that have traveled from Germany to Sweden.
They have raised security at several places.

"Be vigilant and aware but don't worry and live your life as usual" is their recommendation to Swedish citizens...

An increased police presence will be noticeable at strategic places as well as public places where big gatherings of people are usual.

Heard it on P1 while driving home.

Not surprising, hope they catch him. Switched channel as soon as Sahlin started talking.
Säpo must be overburdened these days, like the rest of the police force.
Heard it on P1 while driving home.

Not surprising, hope they catch him. Switched channel as soon as Sahlin started talking.
Säpo must be overburdened these days, like the rest of the police force.

Sahlin, should be sent down to ISIS and then maybe she will change her tune. Horrible ideas from this person.


I don't think he had any intention of being taken alive.
They had no intention of being taken dead either.
Don't get me wrong, I am okay with him dead since it happened during the raid, no need to risk valuable police lives, but I would've preferred if he was among those who they took in alive. He isn't worth anything dead, alive there might have been the chance of salvaging crucial information. Knowledge is very important. The more the police knows about methods and contacts, the better.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
They're booing Western double standards.


Where is all this solidarity when ISIS bombs killed 102 people in Ankara last month? Russian plane bomb? Or whenever ISIS kills innocent people in the Middle East?

Bullllllllllshit. You know why so many were booing and many shouted "Allahu Akbar" and it's not a Western double standard.

Also...talking about solidarity with Russia over the plane bomb is a bit of a mistake because there was quite a bit of it, as well as some attention given to the recent Lebanese attack which happened around the same time. But if you're wondering why an EU attack in Paris would garner more attention in the West then another attack in a world trouble spot then I don't know what to say....



They had no intention of being taken dead either.
Don't get me wrong, I am okay with him dead since it happened during the raid, no need to risk valuable police lives, but I would've preferred if he was among those who they took in alive. He isn't worth anything dead, alive there might have been the chance of salvaging crucial information. Knowledge is very important. The more the police knows about methods and contacts, the better.

I don't get what you're saying. Do you expect them to take someone alive while he is actively trying to kill them?


I don't get what you're saying. Do you expect them to take someone alive while he is actively trying to kill them?
No, I said that I would've preferred the outcome that he was taken alive, not that the police should've went out of their way, it was bloody and dangerous enough.


They had no intention of being taken dead either.
Don't get me wrong, I am okay with him dead since it happened during the raid, no need to risk valuable police lives, but I would've preferred if he was among those who they took in alive. He isn't worth anything dead, alive there might have been the chance of salvaging crucial information. Knowledge is very important. The more the police knows about methods and contacts, the better.

I don't think you understand how these people work... if you think he was going to give information... lol


French press conference right now, doesn't say anything about the target Abdelhamid Abaaoud being killed (or captured).

It does say they had solid evidence of him being in France on the 16th, with the crosschecked with both phone and banking records.

Also says French police fired over 5,000 rounds of ammo.


François Molins : "Au total, il y a huit gardes à vue – sept hommes et une femme. Leur identité n'a pas été établie ; Abdelhamid Abaaoud et Salah Abdeslam ne font pas partie des personnes en garde à vue."
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/live/...-direct_4812231_3224.html#GQVQo4cYmhVhzXXT.99

Eight people arrested, seven men and one women. Neither Abdelhamid Abaaoud nor Salah Abdeslam are among them.

François Molins : "Les premiers éléments de l’enquête laissent penser que l’explosion est consécutive à une femme portant une ceinture explosive. Mais il faudra encore le vérifier. Il n'y a pas de bilan précis du nombre définitif et des identités des personnes décédées, si ce n’est qu’il y a au moins deux morts."
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/live/...-direct_4812231_3224.html#GQVQo4cYmhVhzXXT.99

No definitive death count or identification of the dead. All that is confirmed is at least two dead, one man and one woman.


No, I said that I would've preferred the outcome that he was taken alive, not that the police should've went out of their way, it was bloody and dangerous enough.

Yes, I wish the guy was afraid of death so he would surrender but these extremists are so warped they believe their death leads to an utter paradise.


A low chance is better than nothing.

And yet they managed to capture a bunch, last I heard.

Some are obviously more commitment than others, I would suspect the head of the cell would at least die for his murderous cause. I'm finding it a moot point to discuss at any rate, the guy is dead - that is the end of it.


Unconfirmed Member
5,000 rounds of ammo the first hour, it was a 7 hours assault.

so they prevented another massacre today by stopping this group. The amount of ammo and bombs they had it could've happened at any moment.

I hope everyone they picked up rots in jail forever. The landlord with his bs story too. Anyone who even knew (or suspected by did nothing about) what they were doing is just as guilty.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
when you turn on the news to see world events, and they're running the sports segment.
can sports reporting on news stations go away please.
Why are you pricks celebrating that the ring leader has been killed? That not a good thing at fucking all, he should have been captured alive, tried and milked of any important information he may have had.

I swear to god some of you people think you're living in a movie-like world.


So Abaaoud is actually dead? How credible is this confirmation?

There's nothing official yet. If he was in the appartment during the raid, he must be the dead guy they found killed by explosion, but they said he wasn't in a state to be identified (at the moment).
There were rumors about DNA testing, maybe the WaPo got insider information, or maybe it's another one of those false rumors that spread too fast.

Best thing is to wait for official word. That corpse isn't going anywhere, and better keep looking for the guy just in case it wasn't him they killed.


So Abaaoud is actually dead? How credible is this confirmation?

WaPo is fairly credible, but no one else has picked up on this so far. Le Monde and others are saying the opposite.


Ce qu'il faut retenir de la conférence de presse du procureur de la République :

• L'opération de Saint-Denis a fait "au moins deux morts". Le procureur a dit ne pas être en mesure de donner un bilan précis. La femme qui s'est fait exploser n'a pas été identifiée.
• Après l'assaut, huit personnes ont été placées en garde à vue. Ni Abdelhamid Abaaoud, le commanditaire présumé des attentats, ni Salah Abdeslam, un auteur présumé des attaques actuellement en fuite, ne figurent parmi ces huit personnes.
• L'assaut a été extrêmement difficile : 5 000 munitions ont été utilisées.
• "Tout laisse à penser" que le groupe de personnes interpellées ou abattues lors du raid pouvait commettre un nouvel attentat.

Important points from the latest press conference:
- at least two dead during the raid, potentially more. No id on the woman suicide bomber.
- eight arrested after the the raid. Neither Abdelhamid Abaaoud nor Salah Abdeslam are among them.
- ~5 000 rounds used during the assault
- "everything leads us to believe" that the people arrested or killed during the raid were plotting another attack
There's nothing official yet. If he was in the appartment during the raid, he must be the dead guy they found killed by explosion, but they said he wasn't in a state to be identified (at the moment).
There were rumors about DNA testing, maybe the WaPo got insider information, or maybe it's another one of those false rumors that spread too fast.

Best thing is to wait for official word. That corpse isn't going anywhere, and better keep looking for the guy just in case it wasn't him they killed.

I'll be really curious to see how all this plays out.

Was he there the entire time, and was never in Syria to begin with? Did he manage to heroically get himself into France after the attacks?

Maybe he actually took part in the attacks and was one of the ones to escape?

Maybe he wasn't even the mastermind after all!
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