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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Why are you pricks celebrating that the ring leader has been killed? That not a good thing at fucking all, he should have been captured alive, tried and milked of any important information he may have had.

I swear to god some of you people think you're living in a movie-like world.

Why are you so aggressive? Regarding whether the dude is dead or not (considering conflicting reports all over the place), if he is dead then it ultimately means no more potential massacres will be done by his hand.

I agree that the ideal situation would to be capture the dude alive for info, but having him dead is not a detriment.


Getting someone out a room who is willing to die or kill you in the process isn't an easy task. These guys aren't your run of the mill criminals who give up when SWAT shows up at the door. Not a whole lot you can do once someone starts opening up on you with a gun.


Why are you pricks celebrating that the ring leader has been killed? That not a good thing at fucking all, he should have been captured alive, tried and milked of any important information he may have had.

I swear to god some of you people think you're living in a movie-like world.

Getting the ring leader (dead or alive) is very significant. As in any human organization a leader has a very specific set of skills that are harder to find the more skilled and the higher that leader seats in the chain of command. Eliminating or removing those individuals is critical to hurt a terrorist organization.


Why are you pricks celebrating that the ring leader has been killed? That not a good thing at fucking all, he should have been captured alive, tried and milked of any important information he may have had.

I swear to god some of you people think you're living in a movie-like world.
Why are you calling us pricks?
Why are you pricks celebrating that the ring leader has been killed? That not a good thing at fucking all, he should have been captured alive, tried and milked of any important information he may have had.

I swear to god some of you people think you're living in a movie-like world.
Pffff, chill.
Nice moment on the thumbnail


a john woo movie.
are people still trying to get videos despite hearing and seeing shoot outs?


Would not be suprised at this point if their endgame was something totally psychotic like piss off literally everyone else to try and get a groundwar started, get as many troops on the ground as you can from as many countries as you can and then pop a nuke or something taking themselves and as many troops from as many countries as they can.


I still don't get what ISIS are trying to achieve with this. Like, they want to provoke a christian vs. muslim fight right? And after that build a world-wide caliphate of their religion and leadershipment. This is the part I don't get. They'd never win any sort of war...ever. Even if they'd achieve their goal. They are always so..."sure" that this is how it's going to end and how they will soon rule over their new caliphate and so on. I always thought people can't be that foolish and stupid.

But then I forget there was Hitler and many others already.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I still don't get what ISIS are trying to achieve with this. Like, they want to provoke a christian vs. muslim fight right? And after that build a world-wide caliphate of their religion and leadershipment. This is the part I don't get. They'd never win any sort of war...ever. Even if they'd achieve their goal. They are always so..."sure" that this is how it's going to end and how they will soon rule over their new caliphate and so on. I always thought people can't be that foolish and stupid.

But then I forget there was Hitler and many others already.

They are apocalyptic lunatics. They want the world to collapse because they want to make their eschatological prophecies come true in a grand battle between good and evil. That's the crazy thing that is so hard to grasp for normal people like us.


Has this been posted?

Police are hunting for three attackers who stabbed a Jewish school teacher in Marseille in what investigators say was an anti-Semitic attack. The assailants shouted support for Isis (Daesh) after the attack.


To cite Le Monde:
Cette agression a été confirmée mais aucun lien avec les attentats de vendredi dernier n'a été établi.
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/live/...-direct_4812231_3224.html#ftz6638eZmyTODrP.99

"This aggression was confirmed, but no link to the Paris terror attack has been identified for now."

Would not be suprised at this point if their endgame was something totally psychotic like piss off literally everyone else to try and get a groundwar started, get as many troops on the ground as you can from as many countries as you can and then pop a nuke or something taking themselves and as many troops from as many countries as they can.

That would be a bit surprising, they'll need at least some member alive after the battle if the want to follow their prophecy:
"The Islamic State awaits the army of “Rome,” whose defeat at Dabiq, Syria, will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse. [...] After its battle in Dabiq, Cerantonio said, the caliphate will expand and sack Istanbul. Some believe it will then cover the entire Earth, but Cerantonio suggested its tide may never reach beyond the Bosporus. An anti-Messiah, known in Muslim apocalyptic literature as Dajjal, will come from the Khorasan region of eastern Iran and kill a vast number of the caliphate’s fighters, until just 5,000 remain, cornered in Jerusalem. Just as Dajjal prepares to finish them off, Jesus—the second-most-revered prophet in Islam—will return to Earth, spear Dajjal, and lead the Muslims to victory."

Though how they expect to be confronted by the army of an empire that is no more (remember they take the Quran literaly) is beyond me.
"The Prophetic narration that foretells the Dabiq battle refers to the enemy as Rome. Who “Rome” is, now that the pope has no army, remains a matter of debate. But Cerantonio makes a case that Rome meant the Eastern Roman empire, which had its capital in what is now Istanbul. We should think of Rome as the Republic of Turkey—the same republic that ended the last self-identified caliphate, 90 years ago. Other Islamic State sources suggest that Rome might mean any infidel army, and the Americans will do nicely."

What's sad is even if they manage to force a battle at Dabiq (and get utterly crushed, having managed to alienate 99% of the world population), they'll still believe in it and say it wasn't the foretold battle, and restart anew...

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
carrying a passport in the name of Ahmad Almohammad, with the details of a long-dead Syrian soldier.

may seem silly but are they not checking passports or something ? surely these terrorists etc if they are carrying fake id how come it isnt getting spotted considering the photo wouldnt look anything like them either ?
uhm... that's nice that they killed him and maybe I got my facts mixed up but why was that Ahmad Almohammad guy back in Europe in the first place? I thought (Belgian) police knew he was recruiting people for such acts but could escape them by traveling to Syria?
Who fucked up that they let him back in w/o taking him in or at least put him on priority for surveillance?
I don't think this has been posted in the thread.

It's CCTV from a Pizzeria attacked on Friday night, no-one is thought to have died.

In the video you can see one of the attackers go to shoot a woman but his gun jams or he's out of ammo and he goes away.

She is probably the luckiest person alive.

Edit: Daily Mail links don't work but you can read more about it (with links) on the Guardian.



I don't think this has been posted in the thread.

It's CCTV from a Pizzeria attacked on Friday night, no-one is thought to have died.

In the video you can see one of the attackers go to shoot a woman but his gun jams or he's out of ammo and he goes away.

She is probably the luckiest person alive.

Edit: Daily Mail links don't work but you can read more about it (with links) on the Guardian.


That is fucking terrifying holy shit if his gun didn't stop....

The mental trauma....


I was listening this morning about many examples of bad snowball effect of social media, that stuff is so annoying.
For example when police controlled a parked car near the Galeries Lafayette, people around got nervous, and it propagated on the internet with rumors of bomb threats, shootings and even hostage situations.
I was listening this morning about many examples of bad snowball effect of social media, that stuff is so annoying.
For example when police controlled a parked car near the Galeries Lafayette, people around got nervous, and it propagated on the internet with rumors of bomb threats, shootings and even hostage situations.

I blame the "me first" mentality, fuck that shit, things are already harder than they should be but fucking social medias take it up to 11
Hey GAF, I am a bit out of the loop as far as everything that has been going on. I haven't been following it like I should be but I wanted to ask a question. What has the Muslim community's response been to the attacks? Has there been any large anti-ISIS protests or anything? I haven't seen much pop up on social media except for that negative soccer video and a positive story about 30 Muslims joining the masses to mourn.

I am a liberal and currently support the effort to bring refugees to the US if that makes any difference. Just mostly curious what the response has been because I haven't seen anything come up in my social circles. But then again, I am seeing a lot of anti-Muslim talk from my social network feeds so.....


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hey GAF, I am a bit out of the loop as far as everything that has been going on. I haven't been following it like I should be but I wanted to ask a question. What has the Muslim community's response been to the attacks? Has there been any large anti-ISIS protests or anything? I haven't seen much pop up on social media except for that negative soccer video and a positive story about 30 Muslims joining the masses to mourn.

I am a liberal and currently support the effort to bring refugees to the US if that makes any difference. Just mostly curious what the response has been because I haven't seen anything come up in my social circles. But then again, I am seeing a lot of anti-Muslim talk from my social network feeds so.....

Why does it matter? When will we start questioning the white community's response to school shootings and sex crimes?
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