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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0

BerlinDota for one.

Okay, I got you this time. Invite sent.

Anyways, I haven't been around the thread much this league. Just hit 90 on my Marauder/Juggernaut in EHC. EQ is my skill, but I have some interesting mechanics going on with it, it's not just a cookie-cutter build. I had a blast so far with it. I'm trying to decide if I should re-roll a new character or keep pushing past 90. I'm doing 12-13 maps okay, but it's just a bit slow on the clear time.

All-in-all, this league has been pretty good, and because I didn't play in Prophecy, there's a lot of new stuff for me to bite into.


Finally made the switch to CI, and I beat Uber Izaro. Sitting with 8k ES, and about 14k damage with BV on a 5 link. Only real upgrades I can get are a 6 link 800+ ES Chest, Taste of Hate, and maybe a better dagger. Went Master Surgeon, Natures Boon , and Master Alchemist route. The added survivability with the 8% flat reduced ele damage, and not having to worry about status ailments is great. Now I save for the dream the 6 link ES chest and Taste of Hate. I can see why BV was so hyped and played. I feel really tanky so long as I have pots, and when I don't I just dash out for a bit and come back. Going to farm Uber Lab today before they change the layout. Today is a really nice and easy layout.


So I downloaded this around 18 months ago, played for a few hours, and then stopped for reasons I can't even remember. I liked what I played, but think I got distracted by other things.

Anyway, it taunted me for far too long in my Steam library so I fired it back up the other day, and having a pretty good time. Currently futzing around normal act 3 with a level 34 shadow, blowing everything up with fire traps. Lots to figure out, but I'm slowly getting a basic idea of how things work. Also, pretty impressed at 24 character slots for a FTP game like this. Was expecting 5 or 6. As something of an alt-a holic in other similar games, that bodes well.

Couple of questions

- Re the guild, is there some sort of activity level that needs to be maintained? I'll take an invite (character name same as here), but at the same time there's a few other 'long term' games I play that I come and go from, so there'll likely be extended periods of absence

- Is there a threshold on just how ftp the game is? I know its not p2w at all but what I mean is there a point where you just need more stash or anything of that nature? The 24 character slots sounds like it will be more then enough at least, and the stash, at least for now, seems quite generous as well

- Re gearing at higher levels, I hear a bit about how most of its done via trading and the like. Not real big on the idea of that, and prefer the game rewards me occasionally for playing with a nice drop or 2. So is playing self found viable for end game, or will I be forced to trade to get some nice stuff?

I've read some takes on the last two, but interested in what people here think
No activity limit required for the guild. Half of us are split between hardcore and softcore.

The game does not require you to purchase any mtx or stash tabs but I'd recommend getting some premium tabs when they're on sale only if you like the game enough to support the developers. I didn't have stash tabs for the first few months I started playing the game but it was a good investment and for the 4+ years I've played the game they more than deserve my money. We also have a guild stash that people put items into to help with leveling and what not so you can use a tab if you need extra space I'm sure.

Trading is a pretty big part of the game but you can get most builds up and running for a few chaos. All you need is to go to poe.trade type in item/items stats look at what you want and whisper that person. Most people respond withing seconds and you'll be on your way. Solo self found is viable but unless you are very familiar with the game and have put time into it can be pretty discouraging. Most builds I like to run usually don't cost any more than an exalt worth of total gear pieces bought.

Feel free to ask any of us questions whenever. The guild has been the most active it has been for a long while.


Also, still looking for a guild invite. Main char atm is BCUSR

- Re gearing at higher levels, I hear a bit about how most of its done via trading and the like. Not real big on the idea of that, and prefer the game rewards me occasionally for playing with a nice drop or 2. So is playing self found viable for end game, or will I be forced to trade to get some nice stuff?

Self found does work but only so far (vs amount of time played), even if you're lucky enough to get to the higher tier maps self found you'll run into issues sustaining that map pool. Trading is pretty straightforward as Hellshingu mentioned though. A lot of dudes don't even talk and for the most part the only interaction you'll get is a 't4t'


No activity limit required for the guild. Half of us are split between hardcore and softcore.

The game does not require you to purchase any mtx or stash tabs but I'd recommend getting some premium tabs when they're on sale only if you like the game enough to support the developers. I didn't have stash tabs for the first few months I started playing the game but it was a good investment and for the 4+ years I've played the game they more than deserve my money. We also have a guild stash that people put items into to help with leveling and what not so you can use a tab if you need extra space I'm sure.

Trading is a pretty big part of the game but you can get most builds up and running for a few chaos. All you need is to go to poe.trade type in item/items stats look at what you want and whisper that person. Most people respond withing seconds and you'll be on your way. Solo self found is viable but unless you are very familiar with the game and have put time into it can be pretty discouraging. Most builds I like to run usually don't cost any more than an exalt worth of total gear pieces bought.

Feel free to ask any of us questions whenever. The guild has been the most active it has been for a long while.

Yeah, the premium stash tabs are god tier for listing items on poe.trade. Made around 2 exalt worth of currency so far in the few days I've had it.
So what actually does being in a guild get you? I've been playing a lot lately and there's still a lot about the game I don't really know.

Also I'm like 100 points from getting Tora to rank 2, and I want to invite her to my hideout since my main character I play is a bow ranger, but fuck me if I can find her anywhere. Are there parts of the map she's more likely to spawn in?


Its more the social aspect of it. Not much benefit otherwise, you do get access to a guild stash but that'd be it.

Masters spawn randomly, you'll have Tora and the others up to level 5-6 pretty quickly no need to go out of your way to find them unless you're grinding them up to 7/8.


Was cruising along till the act 3 boss, and he turned out be a real dickhead. And some of this act 4 stuff. Yeesh. Did. Not. Like. Kaoms. Strong.......Hold. Also, failed the trial twice, due to 2 stupid deaths. I need to start paying proper attention to defenses I think

No activity limit required for the guild. Half of us are split between hardcore and softcore.

The game does not require you to purchase any mtx or stash tabs but I'd recommend getting some premium tabs when they're on sale only if you like the game enough to support the developers. I didn't have stash tabs for the first few months I started playing the game but it was a good investment and for the 4+ years I've played the game they more than deserve my money. We also have a guild stash that people put items into to help with leveling and what not so you can use a tab if you need extra space I'm sure.

Trading is a pretty big part of the game but you can get most builds up and running for a few chaos. All you need is to go to poe.trade type in item/items stats look at what you want and whisper that person. Most people respond withing seconds and you'll be on your way. Solo self found is viable but unless you are very familiar with the game and have put time into it can be pretty discouraging. Most builds I like to run usually don't cost any more than an exalt worth of total gear pieces bought.

Feel free to ask any of us questions whenever. The guild has been the most active it has been for a long while.

Thanks. Yeah, more then happy to support a game like this. Especially given they're a small indy company thats (sort of) local to me. Well Kiwi, but I'm Aussie and half of em live here anyway ;) Re extra stash, is there any difference between between a normal stash tab and a premium, outside of being able to customize them?

A little bummed about self found not being completely viable later, but that's not something to worry about for a while. I guess I'll see when I get there how much I wanna push content, and then if I have to, I'll take to trading. For now I'm having fun leveling and figuring out the game. And playing as a trapper with this toon, I'm already thinking I need to make someone melee based, and a proper caster as well, so there's prob gunna be a little while till I have someone who I want to take into endgame anyway.

And then there's hardcore... I really want to, but a few thousand HC hours on D3 I'm pretty sure has help contribute to these grey hairs I seem to be growing lately

Self found does work but only so far (vs amount of time played), even if you're lucky enough to get to the higher tier maps self found you'll run into issues sustaining that map pool. Trading is pretty straightforward as Hellshingu mentioned though. A lot of dudes don't even talk and for the most part the only interaction you'll get is a 't4t'

Cheers. Not sure I understand the bolded though
You can play solo self found and do well. A streamer Project PT does it but he has very good game knowledge and can theory craft builds pretty good. It'll just take some time.

Premium stash tabs are the best imo because they are customizable and if you every want to start selling items that's the best way to do it. The premium tabs let you price items individually or as a whole.

In regards to map pool pretty much how the end game works is items drop that are called maps. They are broken up into tiers 1-16 and that's how you will level up, find gear, and unlock uber labyrinth. Doing maps solo can be kind of a pain as the higherror tiers are pretty hard to sustain as to dump currency into them to get good rolls and hopen you at least get your investment back plus the same tier or higher map. Playing with a group gives everyone an increased item quantity bonus per person which translates into more items dropping and a higher chance of good loot and higher tier maps.


In regards to map pool pretty much how the end game works is items drop that are called maps. They are broken up into tiers 1-16 and that's how you will level up, find gear, and unlock uber labyrinth. Doing maps solo can be kind of a pain as the higherror tiers are pretty hard to sustain as to dump currency into them to get good rolls and hopen you at least get your investment back plus the same tier or higher map. Playing with a group gives everyone an increased item quantity bonus per person which translates into more items dropping and a higher chance of good loot and higher tier maps.

Roger that. Understood. Nice way to encourage group play as well I suppose.

I'm not completely adverse to trading either, its just I would prefer to gear up from playing rather then a trade meta-game, but it is what it is. I tend to enjoy leveling more and tinkering with builds rather then min-maxing and getting best endgame stuff in a good arpg anyway.There seems of be plenty of scope for that here, so I'll be good for a while I think. Bridge to cross when I get there

Oh, and don't think I have a guild invite yet either (I asked somewhere in a wall of text sorry). Character name is Cracklox


Man, I've probably spent around 5k fusings in total across all the leagues and never managed to 6 link myself. I picked up a crude bow yesterday and figured why not, did it in <200. Feels good man.


I have had two lucky fusings so far. One was around 100~, the other was in 20 fusings, if I remember properly. In this thread, I talked about one of those :D
Edit: oh yes, it was surreal indeed:

I actually six-linked my random 6s chest in this league by my FIRST fusing.I could not believe it. It is a shitty rare, but it is 6l now.

And I got it the same time I got the achievement "use a fusing in the league", lol.


Who are the current guild officers btw? Is the guild post linked in the OP still accurate? Hard to tell when both users are banned. Asking since I still need an invite for my character, docbon.


Been trying out a 2hander cyclone duelist. Working better than expected. Got 1 shot by cruel malachai and merc malachai/dominus/vol. No trouble with anything else.
Sent invites to those who asked for them. Sorry I didn't get to it sooner. Been having pretty long work days and haven't really been able to get on like I usually do.

If anyone still needs/wants one just post in here and one of us will take care of it ASAP.


^got the invite, put a few complete div card sets in the stash (flora's gift - 5 link staff, Hyaon's fury set and a storm cloud set).

Just linked another bow lol, this time for my MF'er. Under 40 fuses, this league has been very good to me.
Sent invites.

Thanks for being on top of all this Kk!

p.s., any tips on map sustainment? I swear there was a manifesto or a Chrisism a while back where they were guaranteeing a map drop of some level if you meet some conditions. My guesses are:
- kill the boss: A map of the map tier and/or higher/lower is guaranteed to drop
- full clear: Maybe another way to get a map guaranteed?

And maybe it's just me, but the SE side of the Atlas almost never drops for me. I've had to buy from Zana for most of them. I'm at Tier 8, and I finally got my first Grotto and Pit last night. It's weird.


You shouldn't have too much issue with sustaining maps at that tier, general rule of thumb I follow is get 10 maps of the tier before diving into that tier. Once in yellow maps, use your transmutes/alts to try and roll pack size on the maps. That changes once I'm in red maps and I start to use alch's and chaos for nice pack size (30%+), as well as starting to use some of the mods on the map machine. Worst case, hop on trade and see if you can't find someone selling maps, yellows maps (T6-10) should only be a chisel or two each at this stage, if that.

As far as unlocking more maps goes, just check out the atlas mechanics post. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1714099



If you insert a cast when damage taken gem into a dancing dervish, you can swap out of it and still maintain a rampage. Much better than switching gloves. You lose the dancing dervish effect though, which is a tiny tradeoff since it can't even keep up.


Question about cast on crit. I'm mucking around with a setup where I want to proc lightening traps from blast rain. Its all linked on my weapon, however after 10 minutes of using nothing but blast rain, I didn't see 1 trap proc. Lightening trap also isn't disabled on my skill bar, so I thought maybe they weren't linked properly. However I can take another spell (I tested with frostbolt) and put it in where I have lightening trap and it works ok.

So I guess traps can't be procced on crit? Its tagged as a 'spell' which the way the description reads, should work, but I guess there's some rules around what can and can't proc?


The trap casts a spell, but is itself not a spell. However, your character's spell damage does scale their damage, even though it's being cast by the trap.

That is confusing, yes. There are a couple of pitfalls like these.


Ah, I see. The character is using a trap, but it's the trap the casts the spell. Makes sense when you look at it that way.



GZ. Always a great feeling.

I'm currently playing an RF Totem Chieftan. Pretty nice, actually. And I'm not even using any 'gimmicks' (Elemental Overload and/or Equilibrium) yet, just straight damage and curses. Decoy Totem is the MVP in my set-up. It's actually kind of nuts how well it works.


Today was a good day. Had a fishing rod drop for me today, and I had soul taker drop. Can anyone recommend me a good soul taker build. I have about a 250 chaos budget for a new build, and since soul taker dropped for me I figured I might as well make a soul taker build.


Neo Member
If possible I'd like a guild invite as well. Not super active ( I play every 2-3 days) but shouls be around for a while.

Currently learning and levelling up.
GZ. Always a great feeling.

I'm currently playing an RF Totem Chieftan. Pretty nice, actually. And I'm not even using any 'gimmicks' (Elemental Overload and/or Equilibrium) yet, just straight damage and curses. Decoy Totem is the MVP in my set-up. It's actually kind of nuts how well it works.

Try out Searing Bond instead of Decoy. The skills benefit from the same buffs and it allows for an extra totem.

If possible I'd like a guild invite as well. Not super active ( I play every 2-3 days) but shouls be around for a while.

Currently learning and levelling up.

Drop a character name in here so we can find you


Gratz! FWIW you can just spam fusings, once you 6L the game won't allow you to use anymore on the item.

I wasn't even going for the 6, just wanted a 5 because with my usual lack of luck I didn't think I would even get 6 (with a reasonable amount of orbs). That's why I took it slow.
I wasn't even going for the 6, just wanted a 5 because with my usual lack of luck I didn't think I would even get 6 (with a reasonable amount of orbs). That's why I took it slow.

You might hate me, but I've prophecized three 5Ls so far. In fact, I put one of them in the GS (Soul Mantle) because I'm not strong enough to use it


I wasn't even going for the 6, just wanted a 5 because with my usual lack of luck I didn't think I would even get 6 (with a reasonable amount of orbs). That's why I took it slow.

Oh joy. Odds of getting a 6L are apparently around 1/1500. Now I see why all the gratz. Gratz btw

Starting to see the potential in linking skills as well. I just linked decoy, trap support, and cluster trap and now I get like 4 decoys that spring from traps. They don't do great damage, but they're a good distraction. Now I wanna see what else can be done with that with more links.

Stupid fusing and jewellers orbs. Why don't they drop more often :(


Try out Searing Bond instead of Decoy. The skills benefit from the same buffs and it allows for an extra totem.
I know, but I didn't like it. I might take it with me just for bosses, but in most cases RF is doing just fine by itself. And as I said, I'm not even buffing it fully. I went for jewel slots before I grabbed Equilibrium or Overload.

I was surprised to see an achievement tied to having three totems out, btw. The noise made me jump a little.


GZ. Always a great feeling.

I'm currently playing an RF Totem Chieftan. Pretty nice, actually. And I'm not even using any 'gimmicks' (Elemental Overload and/or Equilibrium) yet, just straight damage and curses. Decoy Totem is the MVP in my set-up. It's actually kind of nuts how well it works.

Can you describe this build? I loved my RF characters in the passed, but dont know current meta :)


I started as 2H melee (GS, Sunder, EQ), then suppllemented with Ancenstral Warchief. Once you can do cruel lab you go Chieftan and grab Tukohama, which makes your totems immune to fire damage, which is when you can switch to RF. Pick up Ancestral Bond somewhere before then. Stack totem life as a priority on the tree. It's cheap to get on jewels as well, which is why I got five slots.

I think I might go CI eventually. 5.8k life (with 2k armour and flask for defense) feels too sketchy in Tier 9 maps.
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