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Path of Exile |OT| Loot 3.0


oh man, been playing this with a friend lately and we're at act 3 cruel and the game is really beginning to bust our nuts. We just fought piety for the first time and she face stomped us pretty badly, I'm guessing now is when we need to start seriously equipping up? We haven't really had much trouble just using equips that have the right sockets/links.


oh man, been playing this with a friend lately and we're at act 3 cruel and the game is really beginning to bust our nuts. We just fought piety for the first time and she face stomped us pretty badly, I'm guessing now is when we need to start seriously equipping up? We haven't really had much trouble just using equips that have the right sockets/links.
Yeah. Now is where you need to start thinking about capped resists (at 75%), otherwise everything will do crazy damage. When you hit Merciless your base resists will all go from -20% to -60%, so it can get pretty tough unless you have the proper gear.

Hopefully you've been grabbing life nodes all this time, as well.


So, I decided to play PoE for the first time today. I got a Unique Buckler at the end of Act I. This is going to change how I play my character now.


Yeah. Now is where you need to start thinking about capped resists (at 75%), otherwise everything will do crazy damage. When you hit Merciless your base resists will all go from -20% to -60%, so it can get pretty tough unless you have the proper gear.

Hopefully you've been grabbing life nodes all this time, as well.

yeah I've been following a freezing pulse/CI guide for my witch which has a heavy focus on life at the start. My friend hasn't and he's a duelist with only at about 400~ hp, pretty much the moment he walks past an elemental mob and he's dead.

Sacrificed some dps for elemental resists and with purity of elements I'm running close to the cap, each resist is at least 65%. Everything is a lot more manageable now.


yeah I've been following a freezing pulse/CI guide for my witch which has a heavy focus on life at the start. My friend hasn't and he's a duelist with only at about 400~ hp, pretty much the moment he walks past an elemental mob and he's dead.
wtf, 400 HP at the end of cruel?

He should start using whatever passive respec points he has right now and go for life. Otherwise it's a wasted character and he'll have to reroll or receive some very generous donations. Also, use poe.xyz to get gear that has high life rolls.

Most of what he'll want to get on the tree is defensive stats. Damage nodes are only if you're specializing in a certain type of weapon/crit/skill, etc, but you don't just grab every single damage node you come across. Most of that will come from leveled gems, gear and auras.


Yeesh. Yeah, he should have more than that by the end of Act 1 in normal... He's basically playing a racing build. But even those pick up life nodes eventually.
So I just started playing this, nearly done with Act 1 as a Witch.

I just want to say that holy fuck this game is great. I feel like the biggest idiot putting so much money into D3 when this game is free.


So I just started playing this, nearly done with Act 1 as a Witch.

I just want to say that holy fuck this game is great. I feel like the biggest idiot putting so much money into D3 when this game is free.

welcome man, what league/mode are u playing be happy to give u some free loot


So I just started playing this, nearly done with Act 1 as a Witch.

I just want to say that holy fuck this game is great. I feel like the biggest idiot putting so much money into D3 when this game is free.

Once I got my head around the gear and crafting system it clicked for me. There's just so much more to it than D3. There are a few things that GGG could do, useability wise to match up though.


Important information incoming regarding Domination / Nemesis leagues ending in less than two weeks and how the transition is going to be handled.

The four-month Domination and Nemesis challenge leagues will end at 8pm PST on February 23 (this is 5pm NZT on February 24). This news post describes how the process works and what properties of those leagues will make their way into the core game afterwards.

The characters in these leagues will transfer to their parent leagues. Domination characters will transition to Standard and Nemesis characters will transition to Hardcore. Please note that this process is not instant - it can take some time.

Your stash tabs from the challenge leagues will also transition to their parent leagues as remove-only tabs. This is so that you aren't penalised for not having enough stash tabs. Remove-only tabs will last until the items are removed from them. Once you remove an item from a remove-only stash tab you cannot return it to that stash tab.

New challenge leagues will start on March 5 (when the 1.1.0 mini-expansion is deployed), so there is a period where the only leagues are Standard and Hardcore. This is a good opportunity to consolidate your long-term wealth and share items between characters from different past challenge leagues.

One of the purposes of the challenge leagues is to trial new game features that may later be incorporated into the game as a whole. There are some previously trialled changes which will be applied to the permanent leagues, but these changes will not be made until the 1.1.0 update on March 5th.

Here are the set of changes related to Domination/Nemesis that are being made to the main game:

The new base types introduced in the challenge leagues will be joining the main game. Two-Stone Rings, Sanctified Life and Mana Flasks, Quartz Flasks and Jade Flasks will drop in all leagues from 1.1.0 onwards.

Prismatic Rings will no longer drop, but can still be obtained from vendor recipes.Which means that the Taming will still be obtainable -edit

The Unique items from the challenge leagues will not drop any more, but may return as race rewards or drops at some later time.

Item quantity will be revisited in 1.1.0. We are highly likely to prevent the Item Quantity support gem from dropping in 1.1.0 and to prevent the Item Quantity mod from spawning on magic or rare items. Item Quantity will continue to exist on Unique items, but we may review its magnitude.

Old mods and items will not be removed or changed for players who currently have them. Powerful legacy items are a feature of the permanent leagues.

Nemesis mods will start to occasionally spawn on rare monsters in the core game. When a rare monster spawns, there's a percentage chance that it receives a Nemesis mod. It will still be in addition to prefixes and suffixes. Some Nemesis mods will be adjusted, removed, or transformed into a regular prefix or suffix.

Shrines will be added to the core game. They will not spawn as frequently as in the Domination league and some may be rebalanced.

The new challenge leagues begin on March 5, and will include exciting new league mods, challenges, unique items and base item types. In addition, the substantial changes in the 1.1.0 mini-expansion (which is deployed as the new leagues start) bring new game features to all leagues.

Players who completed all eight challenges in Domination and Nemesis will be sent a special t-shirt. We'll announce the winners and collect their details once the leagues have ended.

The new challenge leagues will have their own sets of challenges and a similar prize for people who complete them all. We've taken extensive feedback into account when designing these challenges. Many of the challenges relate to either new league-specific properties of new 1.1.0-specific content. More information on this (including the names of the new leagues) will be available in the coming weeks!


Just made it into merciless and geez, the dominus fight was a mess. Partied up for it and there were 6 of us, each of us probably died at least 20 times each. Once we hit his second form any chance of keeping any experience we got from running through the sceptre was gone. That blood rain mayne.

Hopefully I'll be able to push through to the ledge without issue and start farming for ES gear so I can actually spec into CI like I was meant to a few levels ago.


I just 6Linked my first chest today since playing the game at nemesis launch. probably used about 2000+ fusings.

Got it linked on a Solaris Lorica =/ Ghetto shavvs!

syko de4d

Oh wow http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/793831/page/1


Looks like i am back in PoE in 2,5weeks. Mini Expansion + new leagues :)


Fucking finally. Now to see if they drop that way or if there's a recipe. It says 'corrupted' on the item, too. Wonder what that's about.


fucking goddammit.

Spent the last 45 mins fighting merveil by myself in merc, even with 75% cold resistance she was freezing me every 1-2 hits, being a cold witch made it even worse. Kiting, letting off a spear/cold snap got her down to 1/2 health, the game starts desyncing like crazy and the game just boots me back to the login screen. I get back in and my tp is gone, head back into the caverns and everything is reset :/


fucking goddammit.

Spent the last 45 mins fighting merveil by myself in merc, even with 75% cold resistance she was freezing me every 1-2 hits, being a cold witch made it even worse. Kiting, letting off a spear/cold snap got her down to 1/2 health, the game starts desyncing like crazy and the game just boots me back to the login screen. I get back in and my tp is gone, head back into the caverns and everything is reset :/

The freeze duration is based on your health, so your health could be too low.


The freeze duration is based on your health, so your health could be too low.

Well I've specced into CI, so running around with 1HP.

I'm done for tonight, that whole ideal was far too frustrating. Packed a Fireball with concentrated effect and faster projectiles. It did what took me 30 minutes before in 5, about to get her to her second form and my internet drops out. Get back on and the game has decided to wipe the instance. On the way back through the cavern of anger, drop a TP just incase, get booted again back to the login screen for seemingly no reason, log back in TP is gone altogether, I still have the scroll in my inventory and the instance has reset again. 3rd time lucky, managed to get my way through and kill merveil with no issue. Hopefully the next few boss fights aren't as frustrating as that for me :/


Well I've specced into CI, so running around with 1HP.

CI have some serious problems with stun and status ailments

The chance of being and duration of both being stunned and status ailments is based on your base life before CI takes effect.
Characters with CI are more susceptible to stun and status ailments because of their low base life.

Unique items may help (even as a temporaty solution)

Well I've specced into CI, so running around with 1HP.

I'm done for tonight, that whole ideal was far too frustrating. Packed a Fireball with concentrated effect and faster projectiles. It did what took me 30 minutes before in 5, about to get her to her second form and my internet drops out. Get back on and the game has decided to wipe the instance. On the way back through the cavern of anger, drop a TP just incase, get booted again back to the login screen for seemingly no reason, log back in TP is gone altogether, I still have the scroll in my inventory and the instance has reset again. 3rd time lucky, managed to get my way through and kill merveil with no issue. Hopefully the next few boss fights aren't as frustrating as that for me :/

If you're in Domination, maybe I can catch up to you before the league ends and help out. I'm currently trucking through Round 2 (difficulty names escaping me at the moment) with my army of unfair minions.
Uhm......desynch is on servers, not on the connection.

Wow, I can't believe you just said that. =(

I can't find Chris' post on desync, but this is at least a well thought out post on what desync is.

Chris has post somewhere on Path of Exile's forums where he talks from a Lead Designer's perspective, the design choices they made on client/server synching, the inherent issues they face, and ideas about what they can do to combat it, but I don't know if they ever implemented any of them.

Edit: Found Chris' thoughts in this youtube video, but I know I've seen it in text somewhere too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y-QFqRHoPM


I am sorry, but defending desynch is absolutely the blind fanboy territory in my book. The blindest territory, to be more precise.

Diablo 3's netcode is superior.
Even Marvel Heroes's netcode is superior. It is snappy as fuck, allows me to dodge stuff at very last moments, servers do not crap out of me, etc.

Meanwhile, on PoE land, their code is "so complicated" you just gotta have constant desynch? Nope. Just nope. Just nope.

1. Tons of times, me and my buddy had multiple seconds of lag/rollbacks AT THE SAME TIME, which were confirmed by both of us through Skype (so we experienced it at the same time). That is SERVERS CRAPPING OUT, nothing else. And we were not even pushing them via COTC discharges or something crazy like that, nope.

2. There are alternatives. More servers, less distance, improved server stability is one thing. Localizing some combat code while verifying the loot and the inputs is another - this can be combined with some form of p2p to ensure that both players stay in the same realm. Other games do this.

Look, there were online games before PoE and there will be. It represents a negative spike in terms of netcode. That is fact. I understand the love surrounding GGG, but it is their mess now, and they refuse to budge any way other than "Slowly, maybe, just maybe, getting less and less desynch but not really".

I mean... if there is a game where certain builds are just no-nos thanks to desynch, then that is on GGG. Not on the players, not on the net, not on the genre. DO not make fucking Cyclone if you are not able to deliver it. Do not make leap slam. Forget Lightning Warp. Ignore flicker stricke. Remove them all, but do not pretend they are supposed to work when you warp folks back to previous packs regularly in order to kill them.

3...2...1....someone will reply to this, saying "I run cyclone, and I see no problems, wut". Well, yeah.

Edit: Gaming Truth, I meant no disrespect here, even with the blind fanboy thing, I consider myself almost one to PoE as well at this point. But they are not invincible to criticism on that part, imho.
: Gaming Truth, I meant no disrespect here, even with the blind fanboy thing, I consider myself almost one to PoE as well at this point. But they are not invincible to criticism on that part, imho.

None taken, and your points are valid, but, umm, did you watch the YouTube video? He explains why it's happening and even uses your example to compare and contrast.

You also have to realize that they're independents (but probably venture funded). You can't just put new servers in better locales. That means new equipment for extra servers they don't currently need (they don't have load issues, only latency ones). New locations means new IT staff, and without a subscription model, who's paying for that?

I love the guys at GGG because they're transparent and I understand the decisions they're making. I lived through D3 Year One. I was part of the SimCity debacle. They're doing great with what they have to work with.


CI have some serious problems with stun and status ailments

Unique items may help (even as a temporaty solution)

Yeah, Eye of Chayula and Dream fragments are on the shopping list. Yay at both being at least 10-15c each.

How is the desync?

Not that bad IMO, it could have been designed better. It just makes you play the game a lot more conservatively - no rushing through maps. Bosses are okay as well as you can generally get an idea of when desync will occur and how they'll move if you fight them for long enough. Happened to me with merveil yesterday, it got to the point I'd know it was going to happen and I'd start heading the other way.

If you're in Domination, maybe I can catch up to you before the league ends and help out. I'm currently trucking through Round 2 (difficulty names escaping me at the moment) with my army of unfair minions.

I've got a few characters spread throughout dom, I think my closest in cruel is my elemental scion. I've got another week and a bit off anyway, so PoE will probably be taking up most of that time.


How's your internet?

(username quote)

I get 100 down and 20 up. Though latency is crap with Poe. No issue in other games though.

Not that bad IMO, it could have been designed better. It just makes you play the game a lot more conservatively - no rushing through maps. Bosses are okay as well as you can generally get an idea of when desync will occur and how they'll move if you fight them for long enough. Happened to me with merveil yesterday, it got to the point I'd know it was going to happen and I'd start heading the other way.

I ask caused I played the crap out of this since closed and it was always there. Never lost my characters to my own mistakes but to desync.


That's Sarn, isn't it? There's something going on with Burning Arrow too. It's greyed out and has a counter, like traps. Nothing linked to it though.


Well I've specced into CI, so running around with 1HP.

I'm done for tonight, that whole ideal was far too frustrating. Packed a Fireball with concentrated effect and faster projectiles. It did what took me 30 minutes before in 5, about to get her to her second form and my internet drops out. Get back on and the game has decided to wipe the instance. On the way back through the cavern of anger, drop a TP just incase, get booted again back to the login screen for seemingly no reason, log back in TP is gone altogether, I still have the scroll in my inventory and the instance has reset again. 3rd time lucky, managed to get my way through and kill merveil with no issue. Hopefully the next few boss fights aren't as frustrating as that for me :/

If you had CI, it count your original health before you take CI, but it is still a serious problem. Do you have pots that remove frozen? May be get like 3 of them? You can also get a cheap unique that prevent frozen states. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Freeze

I took a long break from the game, so I don't know which one is cheaper, Shiversting could be pretty cheap, and great leveling weapon for low level.
Desync is killing my enjoyment of this game and the latest skill set I've been using seems to have made it exponentially worse. Using flicker strike, melee splash, and multistrike with blood rage I'm getting desync every 15 - 20 seconds for up to 15 seconds at a time. The sad thing is this is the most effective melee build I've made. (I dont use other people's builds, the experimentation is my favorite part of the game).

I've really enjoyed the game so far and have bought $40 worth of points but I think I'm done until they get this stuff ironed out. Losing 4-5 bars of xp do to network issues is not something I'm ok with.


Generally, the faster you move, the worse the de-sync becomes. If you're two screens away in one second and you became de-synced at that moment, then it's going to yank you back that distance. Also, if your motions are somehow interrupted by stuns, random objects on the map, enemies blocking the way, trying to jump/whirl around corners, etc. Basically, high mobility builds are just generally more prone to disastrous de-sync.

It's unfortunate, but the business model demands an online connection, so this is what we're stuck with. They've said months (years?) ago that they're looking into ways to mitigate the effects, but so far nothing concrete has come of that.
As far as I know only a major re-write or massive changes to the way the game works would 'fix' de-sync. I've seen nothing to suggest that this is going to happen, so yeah...

syko de4d

a video!!!


Looks like there are corrupted areas and that corrupted spells recharge with kills (look how it gets red after the kills), has a counter for how many uses you have (changes from 1 to 0 after use) and has some kind of different effect, a cyclone that sucks enemies in!!!

If every spell has something like this this is huge!!!


I think I played the most out of GAF in this thread in the Domination (5 lv80~ chars), but even I cant handle the "league is ending now" boredom part. Will be back in two weeks, of course.
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