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Paul Ryan: GOP will defund Planned Parenthood

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Washington (CNN)House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday that Republicans will move to strip all federal funding for Planned Parenthood as part of the process they are using early this year to dismantle Obamacare.
Ryan made the announcement during a news conference on Capitol Hill.

Congressional Republicans have tried for years to zero out all federal funding for Planned Parenthood because the group provides abortion services. The issue helped trigger a 16-day government shutdown in 2013, and Democrats and President Barack Obama insisted any provision targeting the group be removed from a bill to fund federal agencies.


fun lil bonus

Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said "it's likely no accident that this attack was launched the day after Vice President-elect Mike Pence, a long-time opponent of Planned Parenthood, held a closed-door meeting with Speaker Ryan and the Republican leadership."
I started donating a $10 a month donation to them last month because I knew this would happen. It's not much but I figured it's the least I can do for an organization that does so much. :(
They can move to do this all they like.

It's not happening. They don't have the bodies to make it happen.

It's just a scare tactic to get PR from their mouthbreathing base and to position themselves against the dems.
You all have to keep pushing the narrative that PP only performs abortions.

My girlfriend and I have already discussed how we will start donating to PP this year.
What you need to talk about for PP is STD prevention (which brought down the HIV infection rate to historically low levels) and safe sex education.

Not abortions.

That's a battle that ain't getting won against them.


Honorary Canadian.
It's ok. It's just middle- and low-class women who can't afford to get taken care of at a doctor anyways. So between this and defunding Obamacare, we should be in a great spot to completely eradicate poor people. Just by breeding them out of existence.

Hooray Trump!


They can move to do this all they like.

It's not happening. They don't have the bodies to make it happen.

It's just a scare tactic to get PR from their mouthbreathing base and to position themselves against the dems.

Budget reconciliation. Anything financial, they can make happen.

That's assuming they don't nuke the filibuster entirely.
There's no way it doesn't happen honestly

Their base will go fucking crazy if they don't manage to get it done with all the power they currently have
They can move to do this all they like.

It's not happening. They don't have the bodies to make it happen.

It's just a scare tactic to get PR from their mouthbreathing base and to position themselves against the dems.

This is something they can easily pass via budget reconciliation.


PP has been getting the largest donations in its history over the last two months, so my hope is that will keep going. Hopefully bigger donations and states can get more active.

Unfortunately, this is just going to motivate people to do more desperate things to get abortions. They're not solving the problem, they're just removing options for people to make themselves feel better. It's sickening. Planned Parenthood is a fantastic resource for women, and it's horrifying that these men think this is in the best interests of women in this country.

I'm sure they'll be targeting Rowe v Wade next. This is fucking awful.


If they do indeed succeed and PP collapses in part due to lack of funds then history will likely find the lost lives and increased sick in a report damming the GOP. Don't think some numbers on a post mortem are much of a salve for the dead



This move shouldn't surprise anybody


will this just privatize abortion clinics more?

More than that it's one more health clinic to lower income individuals gone. Abortions are hardly what I think of when I think of PP. They've served a great deal of friends growing up with health screening and birth control.


This year is definitely off to a great start. I seriously cannot imagine what's still to come and Trump isn't even acting president yet.


If you use Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com and set your charity to your local Planned Parenthood, and use the Chrome extension to make sure you're always going to Smile.

It literally costs you nothing to do this.


The irony is that abortions will only increase due to this.
Republicans have never ever been anti-abortion. Every tile democrats give sensa be ways to reduce abortions, such as free IUD's, and increased sex ed, republicans reject the ideas.

Republicans are anti woman's health.


FYI - you can donate to Planned Parenthood here.

I've given in the past. This has just pushed me over the edge into setting up monthly donations.

Planned Parenthood does not just "do abortions". They provide a ton of important services. I constantly marvel at the stupidity exhibited by the Republicans (and especially their voters). Just.. Wow. The next few years are going to be a real shitshow.


They can move to do this all they like.

It's not happening. They don't have the bodies to make it happen.

It's just a scare tactic to get PR from their mouthbreathing base and to position themselves against the dems.

Uhm, they have MORE than enough bodies to do this. Maybe they will, maybe they won't - but they 100% have the votes to do it.
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