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Paul Ryan: GOP will defund Planned Parenthood

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So whats their women's healthcare plan?


honest question though, i thought obam'er did something to prevent this from happening?

there were tons of headlines about it but i didn't actually read any of the articles, anyone know what that was about / if it was of any worth / truth?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
At PP, the financials of using Medicaid, governmental grant money like Title X, etc is clearly off limits from usage for abortion, only in cases of rape.

There are multiple audits that PP goes through yearly. The main audit, A-133 audit and any other audit of which you might be a direct grantee or a subgrantee in regards to public assistance grants..

If PP were using federal funds for abortions, that would have been found out a long time ago.

I know this because I handle the financials for one of the affiliates


Federal dollars are already banned from being used for abortions except for life threatening cases or pregnancies from rape and incest thanks to the ever recurring Hyde Amendment. This exists solely to devalue women and sacrifice their health just to appear strong to pro lifers.

It's a meaningless ban because money is fungible. Shutdown makes sense to keep them from redirecting funds.


Pretty much campaigned on this so it's gonna happen. America wants this. Dudes on this forum unfortunately don't matter


Federal dollars are already banned from being used for abortions except for life threatening cases or pregnancies from rape and incest thanks to the ever recurring Hyde Amendment. This exists solely to devalue women and sacrifice their health just to appear strong to pro lifers.



PP isn't just an abortion assembly line. They provide STI testing, birth control, and basic health screening for women AND men. This is just going to place a higher burden on local clinics, which tend to be already overcrowded and have less confidentiality. Also not every local clinic has reproductive specialist on staff or accept Medicad. Depending on the area, PP is often less expensive than the local clinics.

Defunding PP directly affects women who are unemployed or working hourly/part-time with no employer insurance. Ivanka Trump wants to be an advocate for working moms, but this directly contradicts this unless she only wants to advocate for"executive-level" mothers.

That said, I vaguely remember Trump during the campaign saying positive things about PP. As a businessman, he probably likes PP because it eases the burden of his companies from having to provide healthcare/services for its low-wage employees. This definitely smells like a Pence move.


It makes no difference why they voted Trump

When it's said and done they were in full support of him

You have no way of knowing that. Plenty of people end up voting for a candidate that they do not support, on every issue. Regardless, people should stop using the amount of women who voted for Trump as a justification for abandoning all women. I feel like it's usually liberals who express this view and it's disappointing to see my own party, ready to abandon women, right along with the conservatives, just because they found a new reason why women deserve whatever happens to them.


You have no way of knowing that. Plenty of people end up voting for a candidate that they do not support, on every issue. Regardless, people should stop using the amount of women who voted for Trump as a justification for abandoning all women. I feel like it's usually liberals who express this view and it's disappointing to see my own party, ready to abandon women, right along with the conservatives, just because they found a new reason why women deserve whatever happens to them.

Whether someone who voted for Trump was 100 percent in support of his platform or just 30 percent doesn't change anything. These aren't line-item votes; you don't choose to elect parts of the candidate you like and reject the parts you don't like.


Fuck these fuck-ass paleolithic regressive motherfuckers.

Fucking douchebag dipshit fuckwad backward-ass assholes.

In short, this is a bad move.


Whether someone who voted for Trump was 100 percent in support of his platform or just 30 percent doesn't change anything. These aren't line-item votes; you don't choose to elect parts of the candidate you like and reject the parts you don't like.

You could say the same thing about the other side then, can't you? Hillary has plenty of stuff I'm sure this forums doesn't agree with like supporting Israel, pro-death penalty etc.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You could say the same thing about the other side then, can't you? Hillary has plenty of stuff I'm sure this forums doesn't agree with like supporting Israel, pro-death penalty etc.

Yes, stuff I disagreed with Hillary on I would have to own if she got elected and it would be my responsibility to fight on and vote for other people who would oppose her on them


You could say the same thing about the other side then, can't you? Hillary has plenty of stuff I'm sure this forums doesn't agree with like supporting Israel, pro-death penalty etc.

Yeah no shit; but it comes down to one of two at the end.

Obama voters need to accept the horrible record of innocent life taken with drone strikes.

Trump voters need to accept the horrible shit that is going to happen to American women and minorities, and also whatever bullshit war ends up happening and taking American and foreign lives overseas.


You could say the same thing about the other side then, can't you? Hillary has plenty of stuff I'm sure this forums doesn't agree with like supporting Israel, pro-death penalty etc.

Right, and that's the calculation I made when I voted for her. That doesn't preclude me from being opposed, to use your examples, to the death penalty (an increasingly shrinking problem for this country anyway) or Israeli settlement construction. On that note, I wonder how many Republicans or Trump voters who don't have a problem with PP are now donating to the group or calling their elected officials to vocalize their opposition to a bill that defunds PP?
You could say the same thing about the other side then, can't you? Hillary has plenty of stuff I'm sure this forums doesn't agree with like supporting Israel, pro-death penalty etc.

This is a pretty big false equivalency. Trump campaigned on bigotry, not policy. What you listed is actual political difference of opinion.

Stop trying to absolve these people. Hate-speech isn't something that you dismiss as "just an issue I don't agree with".

I don't care if a candidate promised black Americans reparations for slavery, I wouldn't vote for him if he were talking about banning Christians from the country. I wouldn't vote for him if he was saying that white people were rapist and criminals (with some good ones of course). The fact that these people can look past that, says a lot about them. That's something we need to talk about, openly. Stop making excuses.

I'm tired of everyone trying to paint their issues as something special, unique to them. How long have minorities been in poverty in this country? How long have we faced real discrimination from employers and housing committees? Despite all of that, we never sold our souls to leaders and politicians that played on deep rooted resentment towards other demographics. Of course there will always be bigots in every pocket of society, but as a whole, we always took the high road. What makes Trump voters so special? What happened to moral standards? Do we not expect this of them?


I wonder how many Republican lawmakers have used PP for their mistresses' abortions? He easy it is to make an exception when it happens to you
I signed up for a $5 monthly donation. It's about all I can afford.

I remember Planned Parenthood had a huge influx of donations after the election. Maybe this will continue. I won't pretend I have any idea how much money it takes for PP to operate and if its feasible for small donations like mine to make up the difference, but this is turning out to be an extremely difficult week.
I mean do these people think they can pick and choose the parts of a candidates policy they like and ignore all the bad stuff?

I do not understand this thought process
Yeah no shit; but it comes down to one of two at the end.

Obama voters need to accept the horrible record of innocent life taken with drone strikes.

Trump voters need to accept the horrible shit that is going to happen to American women and minorities, and also whatever bullshit war ends up happening and taking American and foreign lives overseas.
The difference is a lot of Trump voters aren't gonna feel bad about his decisions.


From the people who brought you such hits as "Closing your knees" and " Honest Rape", and the best ever "Make rape legal" comes the ability to get uppity white women back under control, and away from other flavors that lure them away from their duties. Also, locking up those votes with threats of absolute control. Control the Uterus, control the future.
I have no problem with others having different political views from mine but the links you posted makes me feel like I'm reading from articles that have to be fake. My brain can't understand how any of that can be real! It has nothing to do with political viewpoints and everything to do with being a sane human being, how are those republicans able to justify those statements and believe in them?
It blows my mind that people can be so defensive of embryos and fetuses that they'll tear away womens' rights in order to save the precious potential babies.

Absolutely. Unreal.


Trump voters need to accept the horrible shit that is going to happen to American women and minorities, and also whatever bullshit war ends up happening and taking American and foreign lives overseas.

The fact that 52% of white women voted for Trump, is being used as a justification for policies that attack women's rights. People are citing this fact, to imply that women deserve what happens to them. You seem to be saying the same. The women who voted for him, "need to accept the horrible shit that is going to happen to [them]."

Basically, we live in a world where now people on both sides of our political spectrum believe that women deserve what will happen to them, if Planned Parenthood is defunded and abortion outlawed. Conservatives believe it, likely due to religious reasons. And now liberals believe it, because 52% of white women voted for Trump.

So, the only thing we can be 100% sure of, is that a lot of women are probably going to die in the next few years, due to inadequate health care and no one will care. It's extraordinarily depressing.
The fact that 52% of white women voted for Trump, is being used as a justification for policies that attack women's rights. People are citing this fact, to imply that women deserve what happens to them. You seem to be saying the same. The women who voted for him, "need to accept the horrible shit that is going to happen to [them]."

Basically, we live in a world where now people on both sides of our political spectrum believe that women deserve what will happen to them, if Planned Parenthood is defunded and abortion outlawed. Conservatives believe it, likely due to religious reasons. And now liberals believe it, because 52% of white women voted for Trump.

So, the only thing we can be 100% sure of, is that a lot of women are probably going to die in the next few years, due to inadequate health care and no one will care. It's extraordinarily depressing.
Then why did they vote for the candidate who's affiliated with the party that's been trying to get rid of abortion clinics for years now?

This idea that they should be absolved any blowback Cuz there on the chopping block is nonsense, they voted and now there gonna learn there vote has consequences


Then why did they vote for the candidate who's affiliated with the party that's been trying to get rid of abortion clinics for years now?

This idea that they should be absolved any blowback Cuz there on the chopping block is nonsense, they voted and now there gonna learn there vote has consequences

You seriously don't get it do you? You're absolutely fine, using the percentage of women who voted for Trump as a basis for encouraging apathy towards all women? All women are going to suffer, but you and many others have no problem coming into threads like these and diverting the conversation, to focus on how some women totally deserve to suffer the "blowback."

Don't worry everyone, a significant increase in maternal mortality and increased deaths due to illegal abortions are fine...some women deserve it. They need to learn there are consequences to their actions.

Wait. That sounds familiar...


The only good part about the gop holding majority in every branch of government is dems ability to keep them from skull fucking people that should have voted against them is limited. Hopefully the full brunt of a Republican screw job will wake them the fuck up. There's almost no way going forward any contravers5 legislation can be put at the feet of the dems.

It can easily be done when you have state sponsored media like Breitbart.
Yup. I have the right to believe whatever I want, which means I have the right to have some say in your life because of what I believe in. But you don't have the right to have some say in my life because you don't believe in the supernatural.

Is it possible to use the Religious Freedom Act to circumvent these limitations? I know members of the Satanic Temple were trying to do that at one point. There's no mention of abortion in the bible, but that doesn't stop these assholes from conjuring this shit up whole cloth. Couldn't prochoicers play to that same ambiguity when arguing their case?


Is it possible to use the Religious Freedom Act to circumvent these limitations? I know members of the Satanic Temple were trying to do that at one point. There's no mention of abortion in the bible, but that doesn't stop these assholes from conjuring this shit up whole cloth. Couldn't prochoicers play to that same ambiguity when arguing their case?
I think they'll probably try to bring a case before the Supreme Court if this happens. The court could say its a legal procedure and you can't discriminate against an organization because they perform a legal procedure you disagree with... I think?

But it won't. Stupid liberal judges should have retired 4 years ago so they could be replaced with someone non-ancient. Now they'll probably die and get replaced by Trump.
Donated $500 to PP today and my work matched it 100%.

$500? Damn. I wish I could draw paychecks to match that sum? $10 is the best I can do. I feel gutted. Futile. It's like no one gives a shit, and you know if it were them in this type of jam that they would spare no expense to get a safe abortion.


You seriously don't get it do you? You're absolutely fine, using the percentage of women who voted for Trump as a basis for encouraging apathy towards all women? All women are going to suffer, but you and many others have no problem coming into threads like these and diverting the conversation, to focus on how some women totally deserve to suffer the "blowback."

Don't worry everyone, a significant increase in maternal mortality and increased deaths due to illegal abortions are fine...some women deserve it. They need to learn there are consequences to their actions.

Wait. That sounds familiar...

I don't believe that all women should suffer, but you have to admit to a certain justice in having the women who voted for a candidate and party that clearly hates women get exactly what they voted for.

To be fair a large percentage of women in the US are pro-life, and don't know what planned parenthood is.


I don't believe that all women should suffer, but you have to admit to a certain justice in having the women who voted for a candidate and party that clearly hates women get exactly what they voted for.

To be fair a large percentage of women in the US are pro-life, and don't know what planned parenthood is.

I doubt those women are consciously voting in favor of a higher maternal mortality rate (which will be the result, when fewer women have access to prenatal care). I don't wish that on anyone and I don't consider that justice, but even if you disagree, you have to concede that there is no way to parse out those women, from the 48% of white women and minority women who did not vote for Trump (or the next generation of women who are currently only children). So, the pleasure that many are taking in punishing some women, is going to be at the expense of all. Each time someone rushes to post the "52%" statistic, in threads like these, what they're really doing is encouraging apathy (at best) or a gross sense of satisfaction (at worst).
I doubt those women are consciously voting in favor of a higher maternal mortality rate (which will be the result, when fewer women have access to prenatal care). I don't wish that on anyone and I don't consider that justice, but even if you disagree, you have to concede that there is no way to parse out those women, from the 48% of white women and minority women who did not vote for Trump (or the next generation of women who are currently only children). So, the pleasure that many are taking in punishing some women, is going to be at the expense of all. Each time someone rushes to post the "52%" statistic, in threads like these, what they're really doing is encouraging apathy (at best) or a gross sense of satisfaction (at worst).

I honestly think this is a case where these women believe that they'll never need to have an abortion until they do. If one looks deep within themselves, they know that this policy is one that is not worthy of any consideration or respect. If I were personally in the a predicament of an unwanted pregnancy or one that could compromise my health or life, I would move mountains to get that abortion. I suspect that this is the case with many of these prolife politicians.

If abortion is tantamount to murder, why aren't they calling for the prosecution of women who get them? That there alone could upend this whole debate if they wanted to, but they know they don't have the high road here, so they instead craft these piece of shit laws and regulations that are designed to penalize and inconvenience the "others" who are directly affected by this.

This is about the GOP throwing a bone to their base. It's also a way to hobble one of their political opponents. I also sense that the democrats downplay their options in order to keep this issue ongoing too. I fucking hate that we're still fighting over this issue nearly 50 years since Roe Vs. Wade.
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