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Paul Ryan: GOP will defund Planned Parenthood

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This attitude is fucking disgusting and utterly unacceptable. Smug-style liberalism is a large part of why Hillary and the rest of the Democrats lost this last election, especially when they had nothing to back it up except means-tested technocratic hogwash that did nothing but incite division.

The quote is disgusting.

Everything after your first sentence is nonsense.

"Means-tested technocratic hogwash" is science.


This statistic bothers me as well as the 30% of Latinos who voted for him.

The lesson- If you're one of the 'good' ones, you too can be goaded into hating your own people!

Remember when Dems were sure they were going to win Florida because of the early Latino voting? Good times.


Telling women they deserve being sexually assaulted isn't just smug, it's demented and disturbing.

Obamacare was a government mandate requiring people to pay for health insurance, with zero mandate for health insurance companies to provide adequate care. You have people being forced to pay for health insurance that only covered their bills if they were over $5000. Are you fucking kidding me? It was an absolutely nightmarish failure of an operation.

I don't think anyone deserves to be sexually assaulted but Republican women have proven time and again that they don't care about the hardships women in general face. Including rape. These people have no empathy for anyone. I don't blame having a "fuck-it" attitude in regards to Republicans. I know I have that attitude about them as a minority that is constantly targeted. Let's be real here, Republicans are nothing but a blight on human decency.

Furthermore, the ACA was much better than what we had before and that you even suggest wanting to get rid of healthcare for 10s of millions is disturbing. I know I would be dead or in debt for the rest of my life without it due to an unexpected circumstance. The only issue with the ACA was when Republican governors purposefully worked against it to ensure it would be as ineffective as possible in their states by denying certain segments of it that artificially raised the price rather than decrease like it would have. It's nothing but political measures done to put people's lives at risk while continuing to damn the economy.

Republicans are solely to blame for a lot of failures in this country.


The solution to dealing with people with no empathy isn't to get rid of your own.

I know it sucks and is a common reaction, but we have to try.
Telling women they deserve being sexually assaulted isn't just smug, it's demented and disturbing.

Obamacare was a government mandate requiring people to pay for health insurance, with zero mandate for health insurance companies to provide adequate care. You have people being forced to pay for health insurance that only covered their bills if they were over $5000. Are you fucking kidding me? It was an absolutely nightmarish failure of an operation.

This not only doesn't make any sense, it's a-historical bullshit. Congrats on lying to everyone, including yourself.
The GOP's idea of health care reform is going back to a system where pregnant women are encouraged to throw themselves down a flight of stairs.


The only good part about the gop holding majority in every branch of government is dems ability to keep them from skull fucking people that should have voted against them is limited. Hopefully the full brunt of a Republican screw job will wake them the fuck up. There's almost no way going forward any contravers5 legislation can be put at the feet of the dems.
It did though. You look at the numbers and the fact of the matter is Trump simply campaigned harder than Hillary did. He showed up in the Rust Belt when Hillary's campaign intentionally chose not to show up there as an attempt to psych Trump out. When Bernie supporters called up offering to help Hillary they were laughed off. When Hillary was fundraising with rich donors in the Hamptons, Trump was in Wisconsin.

It is about how ugly many people in this country are. They work in the Democratic Party and never thought to realize how quickly the "real Billionaires" and Silicon Valley would immediately jump into Trump's arms the second they lost the election. They offered nothing of substance to working class people, of all colors, and depressed the vote through bunk means tested policy instead of building unity via offering something of value. Yes, what Trump offered was complete bullshit, but he at least offered something.

Obamacare premiums jumping 20% did a hell of a lot more damage to Hillary than Comey's letter ever did, and until Liberalism as a whole realizes that, the extremist right will hold the throne in this country. The Democrats have lost, time and time again, on every level - when will they fucking realize that maybe they're doing something wrong.

No, the ugly people are the ones who voted for a rapist. The ugly people are the ones who stayed home because they didn't get their "revolution" and fucked over minorities and women.

You guys keep acting like this is a game. There was a candidate and party literally saying "We're going to ruin the lives of millions lives. This is our agenda.", and here we have "liberals" demanding that Clinton "make her earn their vote.". How ridiculous does that sound?

"Do a better job at convincing us to vote for you to save ourselves."

Insanity. Minorities, we didn't need convincing. We stood to lose it all. The privelaged sat it out.

Now, those same privelaged are wagging their finger at us, telling US to stop being smug and to work harder next time. Fuck that. We have the right to angry and we're tired of the smug left trying to tell us it was everything but racism and apathy.

"Liberals" who couldn't pull their heads outta their ass cost us the election. Hold THEM accountable.


Aftershock LA
The GOP really is full blown supervillain.

This country really needs to get its shit together because we are fucking up. Alol I know is that our liberal "allies" need to get off their fucking self righteous asses and vote during the mid-term elections. There is only so much marginalized groups can do to change this country for the better when the privileged majority that make up 75% of the population are okay with the status quo because they benefit the most from it.

No more "protest votes." Vote for the best interests of everyone, not at the expense of the minority. I've become increasingly frustrated with the left this election cycle. If I can give the right any credit, it's that they put their money where their mouths are, and get out and vote. The Bernie or Busters and the "Never Her," crowd really fucked the pooch. I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but he didn't win. The least I could do with my vote was try and put Hillary in the White House to stop "President Trump." Then again, in a black dude, so I was trying to put in office the person that hates me the least. As blacks make up only 16% of the US population, we quite literally need the votes of allies to move progression forward.

I was really disheartened when I saw that 52% of white women voted for Donald Trump. If there is one thing marginalized minorities and women have in common, it's that they are often under-estimated, undrappreciated, discriminated against, and looked upon as lesser than white male America. It really sucked to learn that 52% of white woken don't give a shit about not only the other 48% of white women and their best interests, but minority women as well. Not enough to keep the racist, sexist, fascist, tyrannical demagogue from becoming President. (The ones that didn't vote at all are in the same boat of not giving a fuck enough either)

Sigh. What a fucking nut punch.

I'll have to set up donations for PP as well, to name just one group that's going to need all the support they can get.
Telling women they deserve being sexually assaulted isn't just smug, it's demented and disturbing.

Obamacare was a government mandate requiring people to pay for health insurance, with zero mandate for health insurance companies to provide adequate care. You have people being forced to pay for health insurance that only covered their bills if they were over $5000. Are you fucking kidding me? It was an absolutely nightmarish failure of an operation.

Where did I say they deserve it?

I didn't say they deserve it.

I said their vote signified that they are okay with it and that they have no place to complain, because again, their vote says they are okay with women being sexually assaulted.

Nobody deserves to be sexually assaulted.

But if you are going to vote in support of a man who a dozen+ women said he sexually assaulted them, you lose any place to complain about it in my book if it happens to you.

Because again, your vote signifies that there is nothing wrong with what he did.

D i Z

From the people who brought you such hits as "Closing your knees" and " Honest Rape", and the best ever "Make rape legal" comes the ability to get uppity white women back under control, and away from other flavors that lure them away from their duties. Also, locking up those votes with threats of absolute control. Control the Uterus, control the future.


Reps doing heinous shit? It's the Dems fault!

Some people seem to consider the Republicans and their voter base as a force of nature like a tornado or a flood. Of course they're always going to fuck shit up, that's just in their nature; so it's on the dems to do something about it since you can't reason with a natural disaster.

I disagree with it but that's what it seems like to me.


Telling women they deserve being sexually assaulted isn't just smug, it's demented and disturbing.

Obamacare was a government mandate requiring people to pay for health insurance, with zero mandate for health insurance companies to provide adequate care. You have people being forced to pay for health insurance that only covered their bills if they were over $5000. Are you fucking kidding me? It was an absolutely nightmarish failure of an operation.

There are many MILLIONS of people whose lives and ability to access, much less afford healthcare, improved dramatically because of the ACA. Many of these people are Trump voters, and there have been a number of stories done since the election about these same people who are now worried about losing their health insurance because they voted in a president and a congress that campaigned on revoking their health insurance.

I have no idea where you're getting the idea that health providers weren't forced to provide quality healthcare services, that's patently false (and the prime reason for why so many bum policies offered between 2010 and 2013 were rendered void by the law).

It is about how ugly many people in this country are. They work in the Democratic Party and never thought to realize how quickly the "real Billionaires" and Silicon Valley would immediately jump into Trump's arms the second they lost the election. They offered nothing of substance to working class people, of all colors, and depressed the vote through bunk means tested policy instead of building unity via offering something of value. Yes, what Trump offered was complete bullshit, but he at least offered something.

Obamacare premiums jumping 20% did a hell of a lot more damage to Hillary than Comey's letter ever did, and until Liberalism as a whole realizes that, the extremist right will hold the throne in this country. The Democrats have lost, time and time again, on every level - when will they fucking realize that maybe they're doing something wrong.

Lying to people is not offering them something of value, it's just lying to them.

And for the majority of Obamacare enrollees (something like 80ish percent iirc), those 20 percent spikes in premiums were effectively canceled out by subsidies provided for by the law. I am not sure what the lesson there is for "Liberalism" to learn from.


52% of white women voted for him. All I can say is that people should handle the consequences and like Obama said a few days ago never help the Republicans fix the healthcare system after they completely destroy it.

This gets posted, anytime there's evidence that women's rights and wellbeing are under attack. It seems like an attempt to prevent any empathy towards women, by implying that any hardship is deserved. It's victim blaming on a massive scale. As if losing this election wasn't proof enough, here's further evidence that women are not well positioned in our society and may not be for a while.


Can’t stump the diablos
Completely defunding them is a terrible idea.
Negotiating how the taxpayer funding is utilized is a better idea.


I don't understand how PP isn't seen as part of a normal, functioning society?

I don't understand how women aren't seen as normal, functioning human beings. What, do guys think wanting to fuck people with no consequences is something only they should be able to do?


Unconfirmed Member
Completely defunding them is a terrible idea.
Negotiating how the taxpayer funding is utilized is a better idea.
The taxpayer dollars are used to reimburse them for preventative services they provide. We don't fund abortion services (we should) with taxpayer dollars, and we can't because of the Hyde Amendment.

Anyway the money we spend on this is a drop in the bucket compared to the other wasteful things that this administration and Congress are going to do, but yeah, let's go through it line item by line item shall we?
Some people seem to consider the Republicans and their voter base as a force of nature like a tornado or a flood. Of course they're always going to fuck shit up, that's just in their nature; so it's on the dems to do something about it since you can't reason with a natural disaster.

I disagree with it but that's what it seems like to me.

That's some Hobbesian logic, where the natural rule of man is to act like garbage, and it's somehow the responsibility of the left is to 'rescue' them'.


I don't understand how women aren't seen as normal, functioning human beings. What, do guys think wanting to fuck people with no consequences is something only they should be able to do?

I'm confused. Are you saying that women getting pregnant is just something they should live with? But even then you would be ignoring all the other services PP offers women. Or are you saying women and men are no different and there shouldn't a woman specific clinic?


I'm confused. Are you saying that women getting pregnant is just something they should live with? But even then you would be ignoring all the other services PP offers women. Or are you saying women and men are no different and there shouldn't a woman specific clinic?

Uh, no, I guess that was vague. I'm saying that men don't care about PP largely because they don't get pregnant, not that they're outraged over the rights of a fetus. The reason abortion is looked down upon at the highest levels isn't because babies are dying, it's because women having agency and being able to make decisions about their own sexuality and whether to carry the heirs of men goes against centuries of men having final say just because they're men.


I said their vote signified that they are okay with it and that they have no place to complain, because again, their vote says they are okay with women being sexually assaulted.

You have no idea why they chose to vote for Trump and you certainly can't make assumption about what their vote means. Although I strongly disagree, many Americans believe that Trump will bring more jobs to this country. For all you know, some of those women chose to vote for Trump, because their families are struggling and the wellbeing of their families is more important to them, than preserving their own individual rights.

Regardless, women are a group. You can't protect the rights of some, without the others. So you either care about all women's rights or you don't care about any women's rights. Anytime you justify a reduction in empathy to some, you hurt the cause for all. The more women that complain about sexual assault the better. Your idea that only some have a right to complain, only makes the fight to bring attention to the issue harder.
Completely defunding them is a terrible idea.
Negotiating how the taxpayer funding is utilized is a better idea.

There was already a "negotiation (on) how the taxpayer funding is utilized" called the Hyde Ammendment and standard Medicaid funding pathways for service. Stop being disingenuous and/or ignorant, or at the very least say what you mean instead of opaque one-liners.
There was already a "negotiation (on) how the taxpayer funding is utilized" called the Hyde Ammendment and standard Medicaid funding pathways for service. Stop being disingenuous and/or ignorant, or at the very least say what you mean instead of opaque one-liners.

He doesn't really give a shit. He only commented on it to appear human.


there is joy in sucking dick
He doesn't really give a shit. He only commented on it to appear human.



Is there anyone or any healthcare program they are looking to replace them with, or is this just a cut and dry defunding of healthcare provisions?


If only liberals voted in midterms... and Democratic Senators/Congressmen could connect with working class people...

Is there anyone or any healthcare program they are looking to replace them with, or is this just a cut and dry defunding of healthcare provisions?

All replacements will be faith-based healing, vouchers, HSAs and selling tinsurance across state lines. Welcome back to "Don't get sick, and if you do, die quickly" Conservative Healthcare


Is there anyone or any healthcare program they are looking to replace them with, or is this just a cut and dry defunding of healthcare provisions?

No more money to kill babies.

And all that other stuff, too, but they only care about the babies.


Read the thread title as "GOP will defend Planned Parenthood" for a moment, wish I could slip back into that parallel universe.
So we got another drive-by post from Diablos before he scurried away like a coward? Typical. Way to be the caricature we all knew you to be, dude.


This news makes me sick. I just made a donation to Planned Parenthood and updated my smile.amazon.com account for local PP donations. I didn't realize that was even an option for Smile. (Thanks to the original poster that pointed this out.) Hopefully this news motivates others to donate as well and allows PP to stay afloat... if by chance they do lose government funding.


Uh, no, I guess that was vague. I'm saying that men don't care about PP largely because they don't get pregnant, not that they're outraged over the rights of a fetus. The reason abortion is looked down upon at the highest levels isn't because babies are dying, it's because women having agency and being able to make decisions about their own sexuality and whether to carry the heirs of men goes against centuries of men having final say just because they're men.

Oh right, got ya. Agreed.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
we had a tone po-lice earlier, but nobody's gone full cape yet

doesn't anybody want to make the case against accessible, affordable women's health services? this is y'alls time to shine, come on


Planned Parenthood is amazing and it baffles me that people think otherwise.

I can believe this.

Look up the stats. If you ask Republicans especially if they support Obamacare, they most likely will respond on partisan lines. If you ask them about the ACA? Oh yes, they like that.

It's the same fucking legislation you ass-hats. Christ no wonder populism is on the rise. Everything's a fucking brand and nobody has an idea what they're actually voting for outside of catchphrases and dodgy hair styles.

See here: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/polling-obamacare-label-makes-big-difference-n102861

One state, but shows if you mention Obamacare, the knives are drawn, cite what the law actually achieved in their state without mentioning Obama and suddenly the scales tip.

This is another example. Ask Americans, including Republicans if they support Sexual Health services, contraception, cancer screening etc and they'll likely support it. Bring up Planned Parenthood and you'll get the partisan responses. It's desperately pathetic but people think that anything hated by their side is bad, even if they have no idea what they're meant to hate and may even support it if they are told the concept, rather than the tagline.

I wonder if PP could possibly to completely rebrand its name to confuse the nay-sayers.
You have no idea why they chose to vote for Trump and you certainly can't make assumption about what their vote means. Although I strongly disagree, many Americans believe that Trump will bring more jobs to this country. For all you know, some of those women chose to vote for Trump, because their families are struggling and the wellbeing of their families is more important to them, than preserving their own individual rights.
It makes no difference why they voted Trump

When it's said and done they were in full support of him


Federal dollars are already banned from being used for abortions except for life threatening cases or pregnancies from rape and incest thanks to the ever recurring Hyde Amendment. This exists solely to devalue women and sacrifice their health just to appear strong to pro lifers.

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