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Paul Ryan: GOP will defund Planned Parenthood

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If you use Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com and set your charity to your local Planned Parenthood, and use the Chrome extension to make sure you're always going to Smile.

It literally costs you nothing to do this.

I didn't know about that at all.
I'll use this from now on.


Just told this to my girlfriend and she was baffled that they could actually do this. She's not really gonna be affected by this but still....makes me wonder how many people could be affected by this and don't even know it's on the cards.


there is joy in sucking dick
....makes me wonder how many people could be affected by this and don't even know it's on the cards.

Killing the ACA has been their warcry for years, and yet, people were caught off guard by the fact that their shiny new health insurance is possibly in jeopardy. Those 51% of white women voters are gonna have themselves a good self reflection in 2017, or we'll see straight up cognitive dissonance. Betting on the latter.
Thankfully this bitch boy has cried for cutting a lot of things in the past and ninety nine percent of the time, his bullshit goes nowhere. Evidence: see every budget he's ever touted.

But to use this as a political mechanism is fucking cunt status.


Killing the ACA has been their warcry for years, and yet, people were caught off guard by the fact that their shiny new health insurance is possibly in jeopardy. Bet those 51% of white women voters are gonna have themselves good self reflection in 2017, or we'll see straight up cognitive dissonance.

In the end, it's good for the souls of America because of Jesus.

yes religious beliefs is a driving force behind this. Which means, there will be no reflection. They'll find out if they were right or not when they die, basically.

Mind you I don't like abortion for my own reasons, but going after PP is STUPID. They do so much good.


I love living in a country where other people's religious dogma dictates the law.

Yup. Have no problem what a person believes. But unless you are prepared to change laws that will go along with all religions, keep it out of politics. But that's impossible when God is mentioned as a question in a Republican debate.
When men walk up to them and grab them, they have no place to complain. They are ok with it. They made it ok by voting for this man.

This attitude is fucking disgusting and utterly unacceptable. Smug-style liberalism is a large part of why Hillary and the rest of the Democrats lost this last election, especially when they had nothing to back it up except means-tested technocratic hogwash that did nothing but incite division.
This attitude is fucking disgusting and utterly unacceptable. Smug-style liberalism is a large part of why Hillary and the rest of the Democrats lost this last election, especially when they had nothing to back it up except means-tested technocratic hogwash that did nothing but incite division.

The quoted post is disgusting, but "smug literalism" didn't lose the election. Completely bogus narrative and treats voters like children; as if saying mean things influence people to vote against their own self interests.

Racism and apathy lost cost us the election. People don't want to admit how ugly many people in this country truly are. I would be ashamed.
This attitude is fucking disgusting and utterly unacceptable. Smug-style liberalism is a large part of why Hillary and the rest of the Democrats lost this last election, especially when they had nothing to back it up except means-tested technocratic hogwash that did nothing but incite division.

I'm not smug.

I just simply couldn't give two shits about these people anymore. Same goes for the idiots celebrating the repeal of the ACA aka Obamacare, not realizing they are fucking themselves.

Why should I care about these people and their complaints anymore?

I mean, fuck, I've spent my entire life as a Latino hearing on the TV that we are bad. That we take people's jobs. That we are drug dealers, rapists, anchor baby, blah blah blah.

But please, call me smug. Please tell me why I should waste anymore of my energy on these idiots that obviously couldn't give two shits about me?

Why do these people deserve my sympathy and empathy?

The women that have already been walked up to and groped by trump supporters because they were Hillary or Bernie supporters, they deserve my sympathy/empathy.

At some point the left is going to have to get down and dirty and stop playing this high road bullshit which obviously no longer works. We are no longer trying to compromise with republicans from 20+ years ago that had some semblance of a soul. This is now a battle for what is right and wrong and we are losing this battle.


Gold Member
I love living in a country where other people's religious dogma dictates the law.

"Religion doesn't hurt anyone, let people believe what they want." How often do we not hear that shit even here on GAF? It's definitely gonna be hurting America for the next few years.


This attitude is fucking disgusting and utterly unacceptable. Smug-style liberalism is a large part of why Hillary and the rest of the Democrats lost this last election, especially when they had nothing to back it up except means-tested technocratic hogwash that did nothing but incite division.

it is extreme but these people voted for the pussy grabber when all the evidence was there. And why? Hillary F Clinton and her damn emails. I'm pretty sure most people don't even know why they hate Hillary if you asked them, they just don't like her for some reason. So when Trump ends up doing exactly what we all know he does, who is to blame? I'd say the people that voted him in that should have known better.

Obviously crime is crime though and I'm sure the poster wasn't serious.

And what hogwash exactly? Trump and the Republicans were the ones filled with hot air this election. You really think we're getting a damn wall?


Killing the ACA has been their warcry for years, and yet, people were caught off guard by the fact that their shiny new health insurance is possibly in jeopardy. Those 51% of white women voters are gonna have themselves a good self reflection in 2017, or we'll see straight up cognitive dissonance. Betting on the latter.

No they are killing Obamacare not ACA!
"Religion doesn't hurt anyone, let people believe what they want." How often do we not hear that shit even here on GAF? It's definitely gonna be hurting America for the next few years.

Religious freedom to these people means having the freedom to impose their religious beliefs on others.


Facts have never stopped them before. Hell, I'm sure many think abortion should be a dangerous procedure for those who dare to get it.

Yeah, they won't care. At least they then can punish those who do/perform abortions. They don't care it increases abortion, they just want to be able to punish any who do them. They want to have the law say they are right so they can lord it over everyone else.

Basically, they just want to force their beliefs on everyone else and they don't care if it actually increases abortions.

Nor would they listen to any stats saying abortion increased (That's just false media/liberal lies). At this point they have their base well trained to only listen to what they want to hear. Even if one of them goes rogue and says differently, they have the base well trained to think that just means they are part of the false media.

So even if they did care, it wouldn't matter cause they won't believe you. They wouldn't believe Hannity if he told them.. they'd just write him off as showing he's one of those false media people (I saw my stepmom do this yesterday when Megan Kelly announced she was leaving Fox News. Within 15 minutes she went from defending Kelly to my dad to deciding that she was going to chastize my dad for giving her Kelly's book cause she didn't want her to get any book sales or support. And she's been reading this book for a week and totally enjoying it and admiring Kelly. My dad predictably has decided Glenn Beck is irrelevant because he can't stay on message... used to watch Beck all the time).

(and my parents aren't too anti-abortion except as much as Fox news tells them they should be. If Fox News makes a big stink about it they will. My step mom certainly went on a thing about how evil Planned Parenthood was last year when that video came out).


What you need to talk about for PP is STD prevention (which brought down the HIV infection rate to historically low levels) and safe sex education.

Not abortions.

That's a battle that ain't getting won against them.
You can't talk if they refuse to listen. Forget safe sex education, many Republicans are still pushing abstinence. They only way they'd listen is if Democrats obstruct them with the support of many Americans, who in turn vote these Republicans out of office.


Religious freedom to these people means having the freedom to impose their religious beliefs on others.

Yup. I have the right to believe whatever I want, which means I have the right to have some say in your life because of what I believe in. But you don't have the right to have some say in my life because you don't believe in the supernatural.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So whats their women's healthcare plan?

Well in the good old days we didn't talk about our problems, you see, we just pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps and got on with life.


Gold Member
Yup. I have the right to believe whatever I want, which means I have the right to have some say in your life because of what I believe in. But you don't have the right to have some say in my life because you don't believe in the supernatural.

So utterly disgusting. I'm so, so happy to be living in a very secular country (Sweden), and I'm truly sorry for all Americans who don't subscribe to what they're about to get shoved down their throats and have their lives ruled by.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Republicans with kids, especially daughters, are just fucking them over. They must feel all sorts of unicorns and rainbows.


Republicans with kids, especially daughters, are just fucking them over. They must feel all sorts of unicorns and rainbows.


It is a sad state of affairs though. I suppose they figure their daughters will be wealthy and won't have issues or whatever.


I'm not smug.

I just simply couldn't give two shits about these people anymore. Same goes for the idiots celebrating the repeal of the ACA aka Obamacare, not realizing they are fucking themselves.

Why should I care about these people and their complaints anymore?

I mean, fuck, I've spent my entire life as a Latino hearing on the TV that we are bad. That we take people's jobs. That we are drug dealers, rapists, anchor baby, blah blah blah.

But please, call me smug. Please tell me why I should waste anymore of my energy on these idiots that obviously couldn't give two shits about me?

Why do these people deserve my sympathy and empathy?

The women that have already been walked up to and groped by trump supporters because they were Hillary or Bernie supporters, they deserve my sympathy/empathy.

At some point the left is going to have to get down and dirty and stop playing this high road bullshit which obviously no longer works. We are no longer trying to compromise with republicans from 20+ years ago that had some semblance of a soul. This is now a battle for what is right and wrong and we are losing this battle.

Because you make yourself just as bad as them?

Because it's not cool to endorse sexual harassment regardless of the person being harassed, it's just not cool period. It's not cool to put a group that it is ok to do this with. Sexual harassment is wrong. It's not ok to do to anyone. You can't even say it removes any danger either (at least with something like murder if some one is a dangerous person you could argue you save other people from that person). Sexual harassment only serves the harasser, no one else. There is no case where it actually does anyone any good except the harasser.

There is absolutely no case where it is ok/good/has any good benefit other than to the perpetrator. And it is disgusting to imply that it is ok in some cases. Regardless of who it is.
The quoted post is disgusting, but "smug literalism" didn't lose the election. Completely bogus narrative and treats voters like children; as if saying mean things influence people to vote against their own self interests.

Racism and apathy lost cost us the election. People don't want to admit how ugly many people in this country truly are. I would be ashamed.

It did though. You look at the numbers and the fact of the matter is Trump simply campaigned harder than Hillary did. He showed up in the Rust Belt when Hillary's campaign intentionally chose not to show up there as an attempt to psych Trump out. When Bernie supporters called up offering to help Hillary they were laughed off. When Hillary was fundraising with rich donors in the Hamptons, Trump was in Wisconsin.

It is about how ugly many people in this country are. They work in the Democratic Party and never thought to realize how quickly the "real Billionaires" and Silicon Valley would immediately jump into Trump's arms the second they lost the election. They offered nothing of substance to working class people, of all colors, and depressed the vote through bunk means tested policy instead of building unity via offering something of value. Yes, what Trump offered was complete bullshit, but he at least offered something.

Obamacare premiums jumping 20% did a hell of a lot more damage to Hillary than Comey's letter ever did, and until Liberalism as a whole realizes that, the extremist right will hold the throne in this country. The Democrats have lost, time and time again, on every level - when will they fucking realize that maybe they're doing something wrong.


And now thousands of woman country wide will loose access to wellness exams to check for infections, diseases, and cancers. I have a friend at work who I know will be directly affected.
I'm not smug.

I just simply couldn't give two shits about these people anymore. Same goes for the idiots celebrating the repeal of the ACA aka Obamacare, not realizing they are fucking themselves

Telling women they deserve being sexually assaulted isn't just smug, it's demented and disturbing.

Obamacare was a government mandate requiring people to pay for health insurance, with zero mandate for health insurance companies to provide adequate care. You have people being forced to pay for health insurance that only covered their bills if they were over $5000. Are you fucking kidding me? It was an absolutely nightmarish failure of an operation.


So, this is a two-prong attack against women:

The ACA provides a lot of preventative medicine and health benefits for women. Get rid of that, you fuck women over.

Now, get rid of PP funding, and you get rid of the ability of low income women to get the same benefits.
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