You're the ones demanding the evidence. Given you're not budging on the fact he lies everytime he speaks, how else can I prove he's beem hacked? My argument is that any of this impacting his family is going too far, and going on the history of Internet vigilantism, and the fact his personal information is public, then the natural conclusion would be that this Paul guy has been privately harassed. Which is going too far.
Let's be honest, we all know that morons have trolled him privately and still are, and threats have been made against his family, but it doesn't help your argument to agree, so you will not.
I just...I just don't understand this bullshit. Who here is harassing him privately? Who here has harassed or threatened his family? Who here has hacked and exposed his personal information?
Basically I'm asking, who the hell are you talking to? WTF are you talking about? What are you trying to stop? Do you just want this thread closed? Why? Why does it matter to you so much that some people want to keep up with this story or keep discussing it? Because that's all I see going on, yet you keep pretending like this thread and posters within it are responsible for targeting his family when
nothing but the exact opposite seems to be taking place.
Has his family been harassed? Have boundaries been crossed? I'll concede to a maybe since we have no solid evidence to point to a conclusive verdict. But no one in here appears to be perpetrating such acts. Everyone in here agrees that his family should be left alone. Even Gabe, the apparent king of bullies and master of the power trip according to some, has stated that his family should be left out of it.
The main problem I have with this whole "boo hoo internets goes too far" rhetoric is that it's a subtle jab at everyone involved in the discussion without pointing any specific fingers. You know why? Because it's really fucking tough to point fingers. It's the goddamn internet. Of course there are going to be assholes who take things too far, and if we knew who those people were, perhaps we could hold them accountable, but guess what? We can't. So who are you trying to point the finger at? An incorporeal, hive mind entity that while capable of very objectionable acts is virtually incapable of being held accountable by nature of anonymity. In cases like this, I much prefer to think of the internet mob as a force rather than a collective, because who knows where its motives start and end and how things get out of hand. You can't point to anyone specifically, you can only point to the results of "its" actions.
I'm not saying that deplorable acts committed by people within the internet mob should be overlooked but that it's near impossible to hold those people accountable.
So what's the solution? Well there really isn't one. The best possible reaction is stating that there are certain lines and people shouldn't be crossing them,
which has been stated and repeated constantly over and over again since this whole thing began. The internet mob is a force to be reckoned with, and who brought on its fury? Paul of course. He even goaded Dave into releasing the emails.
LOL Thanks for the Free PR...Send that over to Engadget you look like a complete moron
The asshole played with fire. If you get burned by sticking your hand in the furnace, you don't blame the fucking furnace, you blame the idiot who stuck his hand in there. And then if he catches on fire and then burns his family, you know who's to blame? It's not the fire.
To be perfectly clear, I empathize with any invasion into their personal life his family may have had to endure, but the fact of the matter is that they're going to be negatively impacted by this no matter what simply because they're his family. That's how relationships work, and it's Paul's fault for putting them in such a horrible situation. His family is probably miserable right now, and that's definitely unfortunate, but it's more or less
impossible to avoid (and no, I'm not talking about invasion of privacy, I just mean of course it's going to suck for them because they're so closely tied with the douchebag that caused this mess).