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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".

But the likelihood of it happening are greater than it not. Far greater.

Not defending the defense force, but come on.

Yeah and if true, I think we all agree that it's a bad thing that should stop and never be done in the first place.

Not defending the attackers attacking defenders of the defense force, but come on.


How soon do you think it will be before the Avenger manufacturer sues Ocean Marketing (further) into the ground for lost profits? Could they?
Wait, he's been hacked now? Huh? And how is it ridiculous? If there was such rampant horrible abuse you would think you could find a shred of evidence somewhere no? Your argument isn't based on facts is your problem. No one is saying it's ok to harass his family, they are asking for proof instead of facts you pulled out of your ass about the "horrors of the internet".

Edit: :lol @ you stating things you made up in your head as "facts we all know".

You speak of goalposts, but you have torn down the goalposts well before I even had a chance to aim at them. Clearly, this Paul guy is a 100% pathological liar, so any time he suggest he has been harrassed, that cannot be believed? His testimony is a shred of evidence, even if it is one you later discard.

And what evidence? Who's going to publish evidence on the internet of themselves taunting and trolling Paul's family, or C/P the emails they send, or record the calls they bombard him with?

Of course he has been harassed and threatened, but your argument is that because there is no at hand evidence, it never happened? Please. Let's hope you're an athiest.
You speak of goalposts, but you have torn down the goalposts well before I even had a chance to aim at them. Clearly, this Paul guy is a 100% pathological liar, so any time he suggest he has been harrassed, that cannot be believed? His testimony is a shred of evidence, even if it is one you later discard.

And what evidence? Who's going to publish evidence on the internet of themselves taunting and trolling Paul's family, or C/P the emails they send, or record the calls they bombard him with?

Of course he has been harassed and threatened, but your argument is that because there is no at hand evidence, it never happened? Please. Let's hope you're an athiest.

Ah, so you're going down the "absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence" route.

Good luck with that.
You speak of goalposts, but you have torn down the goalposts well before I even had a chance to aim at them. Clearly, this Paul guy is a 100% pathological liar, so any time he suggest he has been harrassed, that cannot be believed? His testimony is a shred of evidence, even if it is one you later discard.

And what evidence? Who's going to publish evidence on the internet of themselves taunting and trolling Paul's family, or C/P the emails they send, or record the calls they bombard him with?

Of course he has been harassed and threatened, but your argument is that because there is no at hand evidence, it never happened? Please. Let's hope you're an athiest.

:lol What? So we can just make wild conjectures now with no proof and it's ok? I guess I should start making wild unsubstantiated accusations too since that's apparently what you're supposed to do. And WTF at the religious comment? Are you just trolling now then? What does that have to do with anything besides you trying to make petty attacks because you can't prove your own claims. Childish. Why would I believe someone who's lied constantly and has been PROVEN he lied those times not even counting him IMPERSONATING someone through and email that isn't his just to try and spin things to his advantage. That's really who I should be believing? Ok...


You speak of goalposts, but you have torn down the goalposts well before I even had a chance to aim at them. Clearly, this Paul guy is a 100% pathological liar, so any time he suggest he has been harrassed, that cannot be believed? His testimony is a shred of evidence, even if it is one you later discard.

And what evidence? Who's going to publish evidence on the internet of themselves taunting and trolling Paul's family, or C/P the emails they send, or record the calls they bombard him with?

Of course he has been harassed and threatened, but your argument is that because there is no at hand evidence, it never happened? Please. Let's hope you're an athiest.

The same dumbasses that decide it's a good idea to harass his family? People routinely post personal info when they find it and post recording of phone conversations when they call to harass people.


The same dumbasses that decide it's a good idea to harass his family? People routinely post personal info when they find it and post recording of phone conversations when they call to harass people.

O come on, you know this isn't true. It's also known that people would never use twitter to do something like that either or any other public medium that other people could see. Stop lying.



You're the ones demanding the evidence. Given you're not budging on the fact he lies everytime he speaks, how else can I prove he's beem hacked? My argument is that any of this impacting his family is going too far, and going on the history of Internet vigilantism, and the fact his personal information is public, then the natural conclusion would be that this Paul guy has been privately harassed. Which is going too far.

Let's be honest, we all know that morons have trolled him privately and still are, and threats have been made against his family, but it doesn't help your argument to agree, so you will not.

I just...I just don't understand this bullshit. Who here is harassing him privately? Who here has harassed or threatened his family? Who here has hacked and exposed his personal information?

Basically I'm asking, who the hell are you talking to? WTF are you talking about? What are you trying to stop? Do you just want this thread closed? Why? Why does it matter to you so much that some people want to keep up with this story or keep discussing it? Because that's all I see going on, yet you keep pretending like this thread and posters within it are responsible for targeting his family when nothing but the exact opposite seems to be taking place.

Has his family been harassed? Have boundaries been crossed? I'll concede to a maybe since we have no solid evidence to point to a conclusive verdict. But no one in here appears to be perpetrating such acts. Everyone in here agrees that his family should be left alone. Even Gabe, the apparent king of bullies and master of the power trip according to some, has stated that his family should be left out of it.

The main problem I have with this whole "boo hoo internets goes too far" rhetoric is that it's a subtle jab at everyone involved in the discussion without pointing any specific fingers. You know why? Because it's really fucking tough to point fingers. It's the goddamn internet. Of course there are going to be assholes who take things too far, and if we knew who those people were, perhaps we could hold them accountable, but guess what? We can't. So who are you trying to point the finger at? An incorporeal, hive mind entity that while capable of very objectionable acts is virtually incapable of being held accountable by nature of anonymity. In cases like this, I much prefer to think of the internet mob as a force rather than a collective, because who knows where its motives start and end and how things get out of hand. You can't point to anyone specifically, you can only point to the results of "its" actions.

I'm not saying that deplorable acts committed by people within the internet mob should be overlooked but that it's near impossible to hold those people accountable.

So what's the solution? Well there really isn't one. The best possible reaction is stating that there are certain lines and people shouldn't be crossing them, which has been stated and repeated constantly over and over again since this whole thing began. The internet mob is a force to be reckoned with, and who brought on its fury? Paul of course. He even goaded Dave into releasing the emails.

LOL Thanks for the Free PR...Send that over to Engadget you look like a complete moron

The asshole played with fire. If you get burned by sticking your hand in the furnace, you don't blame the fucking furnace, you blame the idiot who stuck his hand in there. And then if he catches on fire and then burns his family, you know who's to blame? It's not the fire.

To be perfectly clear, I empathize with any invasion into their personal life his family may have had to endure, but the fact of the matter is that they're going to be negatively impacted by this no matter what simply because they're his family. That's how relationships work, and it's Paul's fault for putting them in such a horrible situation. His family is probably miserable right now, and that's definitely unfortunate, but it's more or less impossible to avoid (and no, I'm not talking about invasion of privacy, I just mean of course it's going to suck for them because they're so closely tied with the douchebag that caused this mess).
:lol What? So we can just make wild conjectures now with no proof and it's ok? I guess I should start making wild unsubstantiated accusations too since that's apparently what you're supposed to do. And WTF at the religious comment? Are you just trolling now then? What does that have to do with anything besides you trying to make petty attacks because you can't prove your own claims. Childish. Why would I believe someone who's lied constantly and has been PROVEN he lied those times not even counting him IMPERSONATING someone through and email that isn't his just to try and spin things to his advantage. That's really who I should be believing? Ok...

Wild conjecture? My argument was that he and his family have been harassed, which I think is unjustified.

And despite the fact his Twitter feeds and FaceBook have been inundated with hatred and personal attacks, including threats against his family, the Amazon page loosely relating to the saga has been bombed, he himself personally stating he has been harassed, all this worsened by his personal details being released to the Internet, and you think it's not fair to make the conclusion that he's been privately harassed, given the nature of Internet trolls, and such past examples?

I feel that's illogical, and naive.

The atheist commen was related to your 'seeing is believeing' mentality, nothing more sinister than that.


Wild conjecture? My argument was that he and his family have been harassed, which I think is unjustified.

And despite the fact his Twitter feeds and FaceBook have been inundated with hatred and personal attacks, including threats against his family, the Amazon page loosely relating to the saga has been bombed, he himself personally stating he has been harassed, all this worsened by his personal details being released to the Internet, and you think it's not fair to make the conclusion that he's been privately harassed, given the nature of Internet trolls, and such past examples?

I feel that's illogical, and naive.

The atheist commen was related to your 'seeing is believeing' mentality, nothing more sinister than that.

Care to back that up? Fair warning, if you post that 800 number with his business address, you might be retarded.

If you have evidence of actual personal info being leaked then yes, his family likely got dragged into this.
So is the current discussion whether something that has no proof either way is true or not? This guessing game is what's been the hot topic for the past 10 pages? Great.


So is the current discussion whether something that has no proof either way is true or not? This guessing game is what's been the hot topic for the past 10 pages? Great.

It's more as to whether a known liar can be trusted when he's trying to weasel his way out of a distressing situation.
Wild conjecture? My argument was that he and his family have been harassed, which I think is unjustified.

And despite the fact his Twitter feeds and FaceBook have been inundated with hatred and personal attacks, including threats against his family, the Amazon page loosely relating to the saga has been bombed, he himself personally stating he has been harassed, all this worsened by his personal details being released to the Internet, and you think it's not fair to make the conclusion that he's been privately harassed, given the nature of Internet trolls, and such past examples?

I feel that's illogical, and naive.

The atheist commen was related to your 'seeing is believeing' mentality, nothing more sinister than that.

Again, what personal information? How many pages have people been spouting this horseshit without even attempting to back it up. I'm assuming the personal information there's no proof of got leaked right? That must be pretty damaging.


How is trawling the Internet and reporting him to authorities for alleged steroid abuse a matter of public record?

And the PeopleLikingPeople blog has posted his home address.

In any case, who cares... stupid people do stupid things...

Nobody can be held responsible for the action of some guy on the other side of the ocean... Everybody is till responsible for the things they do them self...
How is trawling the Internet and reporting him to authorities for alleged steroid abuse a matter of public record?

And the PeopleLikingPeople blog has posted his home address.

Huh? What authorities? You linked to a domestic violence report. I'm assuming you have no idea what public record actually means then? This argument is pointless if you don't know what public data is.

Edit: Nvm, it was sorted by "best" instead of by date. I guess he did report him? The comment is deleted so it's hard to tell but I guess that guy did.


Huh? What authorities? You linked to a domestic violence report. I'm assuming you have no idea what public record actually means then? This argument is pointless if you don't know what public data is.

Edit: Nvm, it was sorted by "best" instead of by date. I guess he did report him? The comment is deleted so it's hard to tell but I guess that guy did.

Yeah, he did. The guy admitted to alerting police which caused the backlash in there about crossing the line.

Not sure if you realise, but I'm referring to two issues here. One, that someone reported to authorities alleged reports that he takes steroids, based on people following his email address trail to a steroids discussion forum and then a drug store (the guy responsible was boasting he would have his child taken away), and Two, that a separate blog has now posted his home address.

That's where it crosses the line into harassment, and where his innocent family is affected.
Yeah, he did. The guy admitted to alerting police which caused the backlash in there about crossing the line.

Not sure if you realise, but I'm referring to two issues here. One, that someone reported to authorities alleged reports that he takes steroids, based on people following his email address trail to a steroids discussion forum and then a drug store (the guy responsible was boasting he would have his child taken away), and Two, that a separate blog has now posted his home address.

That's where it crosses the line into harassment, and where his innocent family is affected.

I agree, that is crossing the line, for myself ... not for many. I also find it funny people have been saying this for 20 pages and until NOW I haven't seen any proof.

But again, was it wrong that a citizen reported a crime? Dude broke the law, exposed himself in a public manner, and now is reaping what he sews. A lot of people in the public eye get called out for things like this because they are under scrutiny by many people. Such is life.

So, he can commit crimes and people aware of it shouldn't report him? That's what you're saying correct? Plus, his wife isn't "innocent", she was part of this business. The only "innocent" person is the child.

I'm probably going to get lynched for this next statement ... but I don't mind any of this shit happening to him. He is now wallowing in a pile of shit he has created for himself over what seems to be a lifetime of treating others like shit.


All this angst from the defense force, pages and pages later, and still not a shred of evidence that he's been victimized in any way at all.

Keep up the fight though guys.
All this angst from the defense force, pages and pages later, and still not a shred of evidence that he's been victimized in any way at all.

Keep up the fight though guys.

Then you should probably read. He's being accused of steroid abuse and taunted with the loss of his newborn based on little more than an email trail.

That's victimisation.


I honestly don't know what kind of harassment to expect given the guy's home address. Internet nerds are petty, yes, but they are lazy, which is why they are comfortable with harassing others from the comfort of their computer. Let's rule out any sorts of physical abuse because who would seriously go to such lengths over a matter that does not affect them personally?

That pretty much leaves the harassment of ordering pizza to their house, again from the comfort of their own home. It's a dick move, but I can't imagine more than a couple people with gall enough to go through with it.

I'm not saying it's okay to dig up a guy's home address (even if it is public), I just think nothing will come of it.


Then you should probably read. He's being accused of steroid abuse and taunted with the loss of his newborn based on little more than an email trail.

That's victimisation.

If by accused you mean "public posts about steroids made by him were found in public forums", then yeah, he's totally being harassed.

There are real victims out there, why waste your breath and keystrokes being a defense force for someone who hasn't been victimized at all?


I'm still conflicted on this.

Part of me knows where mob justice can lead, and what is happening now is certainly mob justice.

Sometimes though, making an example of someone and bringing out the tar and feathers is necessary.

I know where the line is on this sort of thing, and it's when innocents get hurt.
i just find it very difficult to feel sorry for someone who basically said to a customer of his that he was dicking over instead of helping 'What are you going to do about it? You're just one little guy and I have all these powerful friends and connections.'

The poor me act is definately exagerated, even if he HAS been harassed and even if his wife and kid have too. he's milking it. doesn't mean he isn't hurt, doesn't mean he hasn't been a victim of harassment that's crossed the line...

but it does mean that i don't pity him at all. yeah, take whatever legal action against anyone that's done anything illegal that they deserve... but feel sorry for this schmuck?

no sir.


i just find it very difficult to feel sorry for someone who basically said to a customer of his that he was dicking over instead of helping 'What are you going to do about it? You're just one little guy and I have all these powerful friends and connections.'

The poor me act is definately exagerated, even if he HAS been harassed and even if his wife and kid have too. he's milking it. doesn't mean he isn't hurt, doesn't mean he hasn't been a victim of harassment that's crossed the line...

but it does mean that i don't pity him at all. yeah, take whatever legal action against anyone that's done anything illegal that they deserve... but feel sorry for this schmuck?

no sir.

But he was having a bad day :( Also, he didn't realize who he was shitting on :/

MC Safety

Trust me, gaming age, it's not your job to punish the bad PR man.

He lost his job. That he doesn't get it isn't anybody's business but his own. It's clear he's not going to learn his lesson, and you all look like creepos hunting him down and demanding more blood over -- what? -- a stupid game controller and the guy's idiot behavior.

Leave it alone now.


Trust me, gaming age, it's not your job to punish the bad PR man.

He lost his job. That he doesn't get it isn't anybody's business but his own. It's clear he's not going to learn his lesson, and you all look like creepos hunting him down and demanding more blood over -- what? -- a stupid game controller and the guy's idiot behavior.

Leave it alone now.

Who is punishing him in gaming age? Who is demanding more blood, and how have they done this?
Trust me, gaming age, it's not your job to punish the bad PR man.

He lost his job. That he doesn't get it isn't anybody's business but his own. It's clear he's not going to learn his lesson, and you all look like creepos hunting him down and demanding more blood over -- what? -- a stupid game controller and the guy's idiot behavior.

Leave it alone now.
I don't think is this actually happening.


Trust me, gaming age, it's not your job to punish the bad PR man.

He lost his job. That he doesn't get it isn't anybody's business but his own. It's clear he's not going to learn his lesson, and you all look like creepos hunting him down and demanding more blood over -- what? -- a stupid game controller and the guy's idiot behavior.

Leave it alone now.

wait are people still going after him?


But again, was it wrong that a citizen reported a crime? Dude broke the law

What law? Everyone wants proof that he's getting personal harassment. Where's the proof that he broke the law? Registering on a steroid forum and posting that he took steroids is not breaking the law. Hell, we already know he's a pathological liar.
hahaha love it

People defending the dude against attacks which haven't are are completely unlikely to happen from people who aren't even involved.
Penny-arcade.... Isnt that a webcomic that had an episodic game that was cancelled in the third chapter over a year ago (recently revived somehow)and I remember that some at GAF were pretty disappointed about it because the way they handled it (i believe some paid for the full thing that would bring some sort of comic or artbook and never delivered and stuff). pretty distant stuff I can only vaguely remember.

So aside from the stupidity of some of the answers from the other dude, we're talking about people that gave their characters for a game then royally screwed the fans for over a year, fans who waited the next PAA game as much as they waited for a controller. And they publish e-mails that are supposed to be private between two (or three) parties.
Penny-arcade.... Isnt that a webcomic that had an episodic game that was cancelled in the third chapter over a year ago (recently revived somehow)and I remember that some at GAF were pretty disappointed about it because the way they handled it (i believe some paid for the full thing that would bring some sort of comic or artbook and never delivered and stuff). pretty distant stuff I can only vaguely remember.

So aside from the stupidity of some of the answers from the other dude, we're talking about people that gave their characters for a game then royally screwed the fans for over a year, fans who waited the next PAA game as much as they waited for a controller. And they publish e-mails that are supposed to be private between two (or three) parties.

That's certainly one way of looking at it.

Completely misses the point of course, which is that Christoforo had appaling customer relation skills and is a complete jackass who refuses to offer an actual apology for his absurd behaviour, but it is a perspective.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Penny-arcade.... Isnt that a webcomic that had an episodic game that was cancelled in the third chapter over a year ago (recently revived somehow)and I remember that some at GAF were pretty disappointed about it because the way they handled it (i believe some paid for the full thing that would bring some sort of comic or artbook and never delivered and stuff). pretty distant stuff I can only vaguely remember.

So aside from the stupidity of some of the answers from the other dude, we're talking about people that gave their characters for a game then royally screwed the fans for over a year, fans who waited the next PAA game as much as they waited for a controller. And they publish e-mails that are supposed to be private between two (or three) parties.

Game getting canceled due to poor sales (and it's only getting revived after firesale prices on XBLA/PSN/Steam, admit it) != controller getting delayed with no answer of a new updated time-table of arrival. Bzzzt. Sorry, you fail. Try again.
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