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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".


It is when you trawl through forums and try and stick him with stuff years old, of questionable credibility, and only to pile misery on some who's been publicly humiliated.

Again with this cart before the horse nonsense. Do you think people that originally Googled him expected to find what they did? And then, once found, expected them to just "oh well, guess I'll sit on this" instead of putting it up?

I'm not supporting him at all, this incident is just the latest example of lonely, bitter morons who don't know when to hang up the towel. I thought it was apt he lost his job and got publicly called for it. Anything beyond that and I think the line between the good side and the bad side blurs.

What was done to him after he lost the job? Besides the parody video, I really can't think of much; there's the supposed "he's using steroids!" bit, but I'm not sure how relevant that claim is. Everyone agrees that personal attacks (to him or his family) is crossing the line but there's still a lack of any real evidence of it short of "well, he's on the internet and his information is on the internet so people must be skullfucking his child."

Paul Christoforo said:
Well, I'm gonna call them. The reason why I did that, just so you know, Brandon Leidel was fired by N-Control. He didn't fire N-Control, which he said in a statement at Kotaku which is 100% false. Brandon Leidel ripped off the company for $35,000. He was fired from the company for his actions. He was disrespectful to [Avenger creator David Kotkin]. He left him at PAX East Boston. He left me at the show to clean up the mess. I had to bring back the televisions. He left David at the hotel and went to the airport without him. Brandon Leidel was fired from the company because he was robbing them. You can put that on the record, too. I don't give a shit what he says. Because that's the truth. I can get a confirmation on that from the owner if you want one.

Great, a he said, she said situation.


I can see both sides on this. I agree that people should not be going after his family (and honestly I don't think anyone is saying this should happen) but at the same time the realist in me understands when people say he should have considered his family before mouthing off and acting like a big shot who couldn't be touched.

That said, I think he deserves what's coming to him, and only him.

Almost right off the bat. Dumbshit still hasn't fucking learned. Goddamn at this point I want to reach through the net and slap him silly. He's simply not going to fucking learn.

This leads me to believe he needs serious help or is just hopeless entirely. If he can't learn from this mistake, nothing will change in the end.


I wish Gabe would apply this terror to bigger fish then just one marketing schmuck. Say what you will about the morality of this, but it's pretty damn effective, and one of the few ways to truly scare someone powerful.

I mean, what if he did this to some of the folks supporting SOPA, or some big-name lobbyists? Some good might happen.

Oh no, we couldn't have that. That would require some commitment and effort from the readers. Dogging this guy is easier and has no repercussions so lets just stick with that.


Junior Member

We're bored of this now. Bring on the next Drama!

And seriously, while the backlash has gone too far, welcome to the Internet. Why the hell don't people see how dangerous it is to simply lay your life open on the net? And then you piss off the neticens. Welcome to a hell not known 10 years ago.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
This is still going on? 2000+ posts of creepy mob behaviour. You don't know this person, why do you hate him? what's your business with him exactly?
Really dissapointed in the gaf community and the 4 or 5 front runners in this thread. These kind of shows always have a very small core of sociopathic ringleaders that seem to really get a kick out of these public stonings. Look at yourselves for a moment and reflex on why are you so involved in this. Watch them quote me and post something about "b-but he's a bad person!! you white knight why do you care!" dissmissing this post anyway...
I care because this is wrong. You guys have 0 authority to judge and attack anyone. That's the only truth here.
This is still going on? 2000+ posts of creepy mob behaviour. You don't know this person, why do you hate him? what's your business with him exactly?
Really dissapointed in the gaf community and the 4 or 5 front runners in this thread. These kind of shows always have a very small core of sociopathic ringleaders that seem to really get a kick out of these public stonings. Look at yourselves for a moment and reflex on why are you so involved in this. Watch them quote and post something about "b-but he's a bad person!! you white knight why do you care!".
I care because this is wrong. You guys have 0 authority to judge and attack anyone. That's the only truth here.

O shut the fuck up, god, go find something else more important to defend. Let us have some god damn fun, jesus fucking christ. People here are way too god damn sensitive.

By the way, as it has been asked by mods even, there is no proof that any single person on this forum has crossed the line. We are all merely discussing and poking fun at the guy and the situation. Then all of a sudden you god damn turds came in and starting shitting all over everything. Just go away and be a hypocrite somewhere else.
This is still going on? 2000+ posts of creepy mob behaviour. You don't know this person, why do you hate him? what's your business with him exactly?
Really dissapointed in the gaf community and the 4 or 5 front runners in this thread. These kind of shows always have a very small core of sociopathic ringleaders that seem to really get a kick out of these public stonings. Look at yourselves for a moment and reflex on why are you so involved in this. Watch them quote me and post something about "b-but he's a bad person!! you white knight why do you care!" dissmissing this post anyway...
I care because this is wrong. You guys have 0 authority to judge and attack anyone. That's the only truth here.
Yeah we're getting to the point where we're beating a dead horse, it's all in good fun though (most of it anyway).


Hey defense force - in his new interview he doesn't mention his wife and kid being harassed. If that were happening to my wife and kid, I'd be losing my shit about it. But hey, it's not like he's a liar or anything.

He also tries to blow off impersonating that dude and LYING about it.

So pathetic. Keep defending him though.

No one is defending him. The people you THINK are defending him, just aren't defending the continued harassment. There's a difference.
It is when you trawl through forums and try and stick him with stuff years old, of questionable credibility, and only to pile misery on some who's been publicly humiliated.

I'm not supporting him at all, this incident is just the latest example of lonely, bitter morons who don't know when to hang up the towel. I thought it was apt he lost his job and got publicly called for it. Anything beyond that and I think the line between the good side and the bad side blurs.

so who google fucked you? if no one did, i'm really struggling to understand why exactly you are sympathizing with a fuckaroo.

i don't know that there is a good side and a bad side, but wether the side trolling Paul is bad or not, he certainly is. googling an email address and finding it on a suspect webpage is not 'trawling through forums'. certainly not when you have good reason to google that e-mail address.

Kotaku tried to confirm who was using that e-mail address and something caught their eye. they reported something publically posted on the internet.

somehow you have turned that into a bunch of nerds trawling through forums in an attempt to dig up dirt.

what it was, was a journalist who had been lied to, having the gall to follow up on that suspicion.

if it was apt he lost his job for his shitty customer service behaviour, why is it not apt that subsequent crap would happen to him directly in response to subsequent crap he pulls? kotaku ran that story because he lied to them and pretended to be someone else. losing your job doesn't mean you can then do whatever the fuck you want and expect nothing to happen in return.

he fucked with a customer, and got fucked. then, seperately, he tried to fuck with the press, and he got fucked again.

you feel sorry for him for some reason.


This is still going on? 2000+ posts of creepy mob behaviour. You don't know this person, why do you hate him? what's your business with him exactly?
Really dissapointed in the gaf community and the 4 or 5 front runners in this thread. These kind of shows always have a very small core of sociopathic ringleaders that seem to really get a kick out of these public stonings. Look at yourselves for a moment and reflex on why are you so involved in this. Watch them quote me and post something about "b-but he's a bad person!! you white knight why do you care!" dissmissing this post anyway...
I care because this is wrong. You guys have 0 authority to judge and attack anyone. That's the only truth here.

I've already done that joke dude. It wasn't believable then either.
No one is defending him. The people you THINK are defending him, just aren't defending the continued harassment. There's a difference.

they aren't defending the continued harassment, but they're also seemingly ignoring Paul's continued shitty behavior, and continued refusal to apologize for what he did, as he does interview after interview, and throws around accusations at other people.
Questionable credibility? He talks about it in his interview. Just stop dude.

Speaking of lonely bitter morons who don't know when to hang up the towel....

All I'm attempting to do here is highlight the absurdity of Internet vigilantism when it goes too far, and the gross hypocrisy of some of the vigilantism. It's not an argument specific to this case. The Ocean Marketing incident is just the latest example of people going too far. Look at the 'Bully gets destroyed' example for further evidence.

I'm not trawling the Internet to find some dirt on people, so the lonely, bitter bit doesn't really stick. The type of people who dig for that stuff have serious fucking problems, and need a kick up the arse. I shouldn't be able to Google his name and get his home address, or be informed of a 4 year old steroid problem he apparently had, etc, none of which were typically accessible to me 48 hours ago. The guy's a Class A dickhead suffering from delsions of ganduer, who probably has a few mental issues, but he's no child molester as some of the vigilante antics would have you believe.

I will say though that his continual acceptance of media interviews is detrimental to his wish to be left alone. Either shut the fuck up and let this become a horrid memory, or don't complain when it continually gets dredged up.
Yeah it seems totally legit. Dont fuck with us, we pile up over 50 million followers on our websites. I personally think that he could've got fired for the PAX thing alone keeping it private. (by the way, don't use the he agreed to it being public, because in a situation where the other person is threatening you in such a fashion, you would probably do the same instead of "please, no!")

However, the influx of visits to the websites were probably too juicy to let go.


This is still going on? 2000+ posts of creepy mob behaviour. You don't know this person, why do you hate him? what's your business with him exactly?
Really dissapointed in the gaf community and the 4 or 5 front runners in this thread. These kind of shows always have a very small core of sociopathic ringleaders that seem to really get a kick out of these public stonings. Look at yourselves for a moment and reflex on why are you so involved in this. Watch them quote me and post something about "b-but he's a bad person!! you white knight why do you care!" dissmissing this post anyway...
I care because this is wrong. You guys have 0 authority to judge and attack anyone. That's the only truth here.

You hear that guys? We should stop our attacks now and...


Wait, nobody here is doing anything besides discussing new news.


Try to be less judgmental next time. You'll look like less of an asshole then.


No, I don't fail. I'm talking about the attitude of both parties.

Don't quiote me on this because I fail to use the search criterias properly. But I can remember a poster here saying that he shouldve gotten something that he paid for but he never did because the next installment was cancelled.

In other words, maybe not the best conductor for this story.

This has a striking resemblance to an Ad hominem. This seems more like attacking the messenger than the message.

I have a fairly strong dislike for Penny Arcade as well, but this PR guy made a couple of mistakes before PA ever got involved in the issue.
It's not right to hand your money over to a company, and then have them spit in your face and belittle you for asking them to come good on their promise for a good or service.

This PR/marketing guy is clearly unfit to perform his job, and also seemingly hasn't learned a single thing from this experience.


Santa May Claus
I wouldn't exactly say that the other parties did an exemplar use of diplomacy.

But yeah, that's why I said he looks like an evildoer in the conversation. Everyone can have a day he gets more sensible and answers less politely (and degrading in every answer).

However this is a case where someone who acted like a big fish was eaten by a bigger fish without knowing it. However, this whole bullying and lobbying is not mature either.

Here's the kicker.

Neither Gabe nor Dave with a V were required to use diplomacy. That's not either of their jobs. It IS, however, Paul's job. It's what he does for a goddamn living. You're the one with the skewed perspective.

Gabe doesn't control the internet. You're extending way too much authority and power to him. He posted the information on his blog, which he is perfectly free to do, because it's a hilariously bad story. If someone showed that to me, I'd post it on a blog too. The e-mail exchange is unbelievable. The internet did the rest.
This has a striking resemblance to an Ad hominem. This seems more like attacking the messenger than the message.

I have a fairly strong dislike for Penny Arcade as well, but this PR guy made a couple of mistakes before PA ever got involved in the issue.

Yeah I realize I was wrong at the beginning. I thought it was them from the start.


I will say though that his continual acceptance of media interviews is detrimental to his wish to be left alone. Either shut the fuck up and let this become a horrid memory, or don't complain when it continually gets dredged up.

He wants the exposure, whether good or bad. He doesn't give a damn. Thats the rub. He loves it.

For as long as he can, he will keep it running. He'll milk it. He doesn't want to be left alone, thats a lie. Don't buy into his lies.
All I'm attempting to do here is highlight the absurdity of Internet vigilantism when it goes too far, and the gross hypocrisy of some of the vigilantism. It's not an argument specific to this case. The Ocean Marketing incident is just the latest example of people going too far. Look at the 'Bully gets destroyed' example for further evidence.

I'm not trawling the Internet to find some dirt on people, so the lonely, bitter bit doesn't really stick. The type of people who dig for that stuff have serious fucking problems, and need a kick up the arse. I shouldn't be able to Google his name and get his home address, or be informed of a 4 year old steroid problem he apparently had, etc, none of which were typically accessible to me 48 hours ago. The guy's a Class A dickhead suffering from delsions of ganduer, who probably has a few mental issues, but he's no child molester as some of the vigilante antics would have you believe.

I will say though that his continual acceptance of media interviews is detrimental to his wish to be left alone. Either shut the fuck up and let this become a horrid memory, or don't complain when it continually gets dredged up.

the person who dug up that Steroid shit was a journalist that Paul had tried to dupe. they didn't trawl through anything, they googled the suspicious e-mail address that Paul had used when posing as someone else and found that steroid post, which you'll notice has the e-mail address in the body of the post. they weren't trying 'to dig up shit' they were trying to confirm the identity of the owner of that e-mail address.

but keep ignoring that. keep acting like he only did one thing wrong and that the continued crap he's getting is exclusively because of that.


He wants the exposure, whether good or bad. He doesn't give a damn. Thats the rub. He loves it.

For as long as he can, he will keep it running. He'll milk it. He doesn't want to be left alone, thats a lie. Don't buy into his lies.

I wonder if the "stop talking about this you creeps" crowd will jump on Paul now for....continuing to talk about this.

That would be so meta
the person who dug up that Steroid shit was a journalists that Paul had tried to dupe. they didn't trawl through anything, they googled the suspicious e-mail address that Paul had used when posing as someone else and found that steroid post, which you'll notice has the e-mail address in the body of the post.

but keep ignoring that. keep acting like he only did one thing wrong and that the continued crap he's getting is exclusively because of that.
Facts are hard. He's being haraaaaaaaaaassed.


Amazing that this guy just doesn't get that all he needed to do initially after the story broke was apologize for how he handled the situation, chalk it up to a learning experience, and not respond to the people tweeting/e-mailing him


I shouldn't be able to Google his name and get his home address, or be informed of a 4 year old steroid problem he apparently had, etc, none of which were typically accessible to me 48 hours ago.

Actually, I think there's recent posts at that forum about him currently using. But I suppose that's dredging up details I shouldn't know.

And, yes, one shouldn't be able to do a simple Google search and get that information. But that's less about us and more about the fact it's out there. He put it out there. It's part of the public record. Likewise, his DV charge is a matter of public record. You seem to think there was real investigative power and thought through this; that people were sifting through until something fell from the cracks. It started with just Googling his email. That's as far as it went then.

I agree that if it crosses the line then it's all kinds of fucked up. I just don't think it's done so yet. Perhaps I'm terrible naive or just an infinitely worse human being than you but that's how I see it. Nothing has gone over the top yet. If we get into digging up real personal information that isn't publically available or start fucking with his family, I'm all the way with you on the Internet mob going too far.

The guy's a Class A dickhead suffering from delsions of ganduer, who probably has a few mental issues, but he's no child molester as some of the vigilante antics would have you believe.

Now how in the hell...?


they aren't defending the continued harassment, but they're also seemingly ignoring Paul's continued shitty behavior, and continued refusal to apologize for what he did, as he does interview after interview, and throws around accusations at other people.

So, he should be harassed until he apologizes? Have fun, that's never going to happen. If he hasn't figured out that he did something wrong by now, he's never going to figure it out.
so who google fucked you? if no one did, i'm really struggling to understand why exactly you are sympathizing with a fuckaroo.

i don't know that there is a good side and a bad side, but wether the side trolling Paul is bad or not, he certainly is. googling an email address and finding it on a suspect webpage is not 'trawling through forums'. certainly not when you have good reason to google that e-mail address.

Kotaku tried to confirm who was using that e-mail address and something caught their eye. they reported something publically posted on the internet.

somehow you have turned that into a bunch of nerds trawling through forums in an attempt to dig up dirt.

what it was, was a journalist who had been lied to, having the gall to follow up on that suspicion.

if it was apt he lost his job for his shitty customer service behaviour, why is it not apt that subsequent crap would happen to him directly in response to subsequent crap he pulls? kotaku ran that story because he lied to them and pretended to be someone else. losing your job doesn't mean you can then do whatever the fuck you want and expect nothing to happen in return.

he fucked with a customer, and got fucked. then, seperately, he tried to fuck with the press, and he got fucked again.

you feel sorry for him for some reason.

I feel sorry for him as a human being, but I'm over-empathetic by nature. The vitriol with which you speak of him does not match his supposed ills. He's a tit, not the chainsaw murderer of an 9 year old girl. He was horrible at customer service and lost his job for it. Fair. Lying to a Kotaku "journalist" is dickish, not a grave sin.

Basically, I think he has paid aptly for his ridiculous behavior. All this added vigilne backlash saddens me on a humanistic level.
the person who dug up that Steroid shit was a journalist that Paul had tried to dupe. they didn't trawl through anything, they googled the suspicious e-mail address that Paul had used when posing as someone else and found that steroid post, which you'll notice has the e-mail address in the body of the post. they weren't trying 'to dig up shit' they were trying to confirm the identity of the owner of that e-mail address.

but keep ignoring that. keep acting like he only did one thing wrong and that the continued crap he's getting is exclusively because of that.

But this supposed journalist is seperate from the Reddit fellow who alerted the authorities of his steroid-taking past, and then boasted that his kid would be taken away.

It's also seperate from the websites posting his home address, which has been overlooked by many. Because yes, it IS unusual to have your home address viewable to anyone in Google, especially when it's not of your doing.


So, he should be harassed until he apologizes? Have fun, that's never going to happen. If he hasn't figured out that he did something wrong by now, he's never going to figure it out.

If by "harassed" you mean "keeping him from getting another marketing/PR gig again" then, yes, I kind of it continues. He really shouldn't be anywhere near the industry in that capacity. Maybe it's going a bit far but I'm horrible like that. I don't want this to occur again with some other product and causing damage again because he's an idiot and the Internet is filled with horrible people.

Speaking of damaging products, any word on PA, reddit, etc. doing anything to help out David Kotkin and The Avenger's damaged reputation?

Lying to a Kotaku "journalist" is dickish, not a grave sin.

It's more than just lying, though. He masqueraded as someone else to try and squelch the issue. He was trying to kill the problem. Just like how he thought switching from OceanMarketting from Twitter would stop things. It was part of his solution; instead of trying to fix things himself, he decided to pretend to be someone else and say the issue has been taken care of.
I feel sorry for him as a human being, but I'm over-empathetic by nature. The vitriol with which you speak of him does not match his supposed ills. He's a tit, not the chainsaw murderer of an 9 year old girl. He was horrible at customer service and lost his job for it. Fair. Lying to a Kotaku "journalist" is dickish, not a grave sin.

Basically, I think he has paid aptly for his ridiculous behavior. All this added vigilne backlash saddens me on a humanistic level.

ah yes, the vitriol. i called him a 'fuckaroo' i must think he's as bad as a child murderor. i think he deserves being reported to the police for suspected steroid abuse. do you think for one second that i think a child murderor should only receive a report of suspected drug abuse and some hate mail and death threats from the internet?

So, he should be harassed until he apologizes? Have fun, that's never going to happen. If he hasn't figured out that he did something wrong by now, he's never going to figure it out.
so nothing should happen to him as he continues to lie and posture and the rest of it? i suppose once someone is convicted of their third crime, we shouldn't do anything in response to their fourth or fifth.

yes, if someone continues to be a dick, continues to lie, continues to throw insults, continues to throw accusations, then people should continuing reacting to that.

if he wants it to stop all he has to do is actually apologise and shut the fuck up, and the nerd police will move on to someone else in a few days.

the most recent thing he did was accuse someone of stealing $35,000 dollars. i hope for your sake that he has proof of that, because he's gone from being mean to someone in customer support, to impersonating someone. the former is not smaller than the latter. if he's now falsely accused someone of stealing $35,000 that's certainly not smaller than insulting a customer he was supposed to be helping.

you want people to stop treating you like you're a giant dick? then you've got to be prepared to stop acting like one in public.


But this supposed journalist is seperate from the Reddit fellow who alerted the authorities of his steroid-taking past, and then boasted that his kid would be taken away.

It's also seperate from the websites posting his home address, which has been overlooked by many. Because yes, it IS unusual to have your home address viewable to anyone in Google, especially when it's not of your doing.

His "past" is as recent as November of this year, actually. There's posts about him on it again I believe. This is a little iffy, though; it does seem to cross a line but, at the same time, steroids + newborn child is a pretty awful combination. I'm on the fence here :|

Also, home addresses are part of the public record, actually, unless you go out of your way to make it private. There's nothing private about your address, like it or not. It shouldn't come up from a simple Google search, though, but be a matter of, yes, real investigation.

Of course, it's publicly available via social media sites for many people too but that's more a user error issue.

the most recent thing he did was accuse someone of stealing $35,000 dollars. i hope for your sake that he has proof of that, because he's gone from being mean to someone in customer support, to impersonating someone. the former is not smaller than the latter. if he's now falsely accused someone of stealing $35,000 that's certainly not smaller than insulting a customer he was supposed to be helping.

The guy he masqueraded as and this thief are the same person, too. In fact, the stolen money is why it's okay that he pretended to be him to try to get himself off the hook!
I agree that if it crosses the line then it's all kinds of fucked up. I just don't think it's done so yet. Perhaps I'm terrible naive or just an infinitely worse human being than you but that's how I see it. Nothing has gone over the top yet. If we get into digging up real personal information that isn't publically available or start fucking with his family, I'm all the way with you on the Internet mob going too far.
Well that's a matter of opinion, and I respect your stance either way. I can fully understand our point of view, I simply disagree.

Now how in the hell...?

Apologies for the typos, I'm on my iPad. And I was referring to the death threats on Twitter, his address being public, dredging of the past, public humiliation, etc, the types of "justice" we typically extend to child rapists and murderers.

Paul is horrible at customer service and a liar and exaggerator. Some perspective.
Yeah it seems totally legit. Dont fuck with us, we pile up over 50 million followers on our websites. I personally think that he could've got fired for the PAX thing alone keeping it private. (by the way, don't use the he agreed to it being public, because in a situation where the other person is threatening you in such a fashion, you would probably do the same instead of "please, no!")

However, the influx of visits to the websites were probably too juicy to let go.

How does that even make any sense? So it's not Paul's fault that he was a fucking douche nozzle, it's the fault of the customer who pointed out that he was a douche nozzle?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.
How does that even make any sense? So it's not Paul's fault that he was a fucking douche nozzle, it's the fault of the customer who pointed out that he was a douche nozzle?

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

Douche. Did I call you anything? What's with the hostility man.

If anything, before turning hostile you could ask me what I was trying to say with it. I mean stuff like the fact he was being warned that he would appear in PA, how do you answer that? Either way, you're going there. And seeing how the argument escalated in a "you more" fashion, it's not surprising to see that he says go ahead. Seems like he did not know the power of internet bullying. He has learned it the hard way.
Well that's a matter of opinion, and I respect your stance either way. I can fully understand our point of view, I simply disagree.

Apologies for the typos, I'm on my iPad. And I was referring to the death threats on Twitter, his address being public, dredging of the past, public humiliation, etc, the types of "justice" we typically extend to child rapists and murderers.

Paul is horrible at customer service and a liar and exaggerator. Some perspective.

honestly... what the fuck are you even talking about? that isn't 'typically' what we do to child rapists and murderers. AT ALL.


Well that's a matter of opinion, and I respect your stance either way. I can fully understand our point of view, I simply disagree.

Much of the "it's excessive!" divide is down to opinion there, though I think the extremes of it (i.e., death threats) are things we're all in agreement on.

Apologies for the typos, I'm on my iPad. And I was referring to the death threats on Twitter, his address being public, dredging of the past, public humiliation, etc, the types of "justice" we typically extend to child rapists and murderers.

Paul is horrible at customer service and a liar and exaggerator. Some perspective.

No, I think it was more me misreading it; thought you were saying that the Internet has decided he was a child molester and I was seriously confused. Thought that maybe the Internet forgot my memo. I did forget my dues last month and I'm down on my death threat quota.

Though, to be honest, death threats on Twitter or YouTube or whatever are hard to take seriously. I mean, I've gotten some seriously demented shit over PSN and I don't even play online to warrant it or anything!

If the Internet goes too far, I'm with you 100% that, well, it's gone too far. We'll just differ on where the tipping point is.

If anything, before turning hostile you could ask me what I was trying to say with it. I mean stuff like the fact he was being warned that he would appear in PA, how do you answer that? Either way, you're going there. And seeing how the argument escalated in a "you more" fashion, it's not surprising to see that he says go ahead. Seems like he did not know the power of internet bullying. He has learned it the hard way.

It was the perfect opportunity for him to take a step back and just apologize. Of course, stopping the stampeding bull mid-charge is a bit close to impossible so stating it was more of a formality than giving an actual opportunity.

Christoforo-defense-GAF says "Hey stop talking about it! Let it die, jeeeeez guys"

Christoforo does another interview this morning claiming he did nothing wrong

Christoforo-defense-GAF replies "Hey stop talking about it! Let it die, jeeeeez guys"
People digging up personal info on this guy are pathetic and creepy. These people have no ethical compass and no concept of how reasonable people behave.

Yes, the guy was a douche on some emails. That doesn't mean he should have his life ruined over it. Fucking weirdos.
ah yes, the vitriol. i called him a 'fuckaroo' i must think he's as bad as a child murderor. i think he deserves being reported to the police for suspected steroid abuse. do you think for one second that i think a child murderor should only receive a report of suspected drug abuse and some hate mail and death threats from the internet?
Notwithstanding your inability to deduce my argument in a single facet, there's a reason why people like yourself will never hired in jobs requiring perspective and a semblance of reality. You're too hotheaded. Step back, and think about this incident rationally.

Christoforo-defense-GAF says "Hey stop talking about it! Let it die, jeeeeez guys"

Christoforo does another interview this morning claiming he did nothing wrong

Christoforo-defense-GAF replies "Hey stop talking about it! Let it die, jeeeeez guys"

and accusing the guy he impersonity of stealing $35,000 dollars.

which is weird, because if i knew some guy had stolen $35,000 dollars and i impersonated him as a result, i don't think i'd write a polite e-mail that didn't make the guy look bad at all.
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