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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".


So following a twitter and listening to a podcast is stalking now? Why are you even posting in this thread if you think it's so pathetic?

Yes. Following him on twitter and downloading podcasts
and soon watching a video on GTTV and maybe Spike. He is a celebrity
he is on just to bitch about how he hasn't learned "his lesson" is kind of odd.

Why do i post? It's fascinating. Pathetic and fascinating to see people follow him.
What on earth is up with all the interviews? Did people just realise this guy can't say "no" to attention and they all jumped aboard the spectacle?
Yes. Following him on twitter and downloading podcasts
and soon watching a video on GTTV and maybe Spike. He is a celebrity
he is on just to bitch about how he hasn't learned "his lesson" is kind of odd.

Why do i post? It's fascinating. Pathetic and fascinating to see people follow him.

I find fascinating following people who are fascinated by people who find fascinating and pathetic Paul.



I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a screencap of his twitter page in this thread right now, and earlier conversations about a podcast he was on where he "apologized"(of course not satisfying anyone.) Yup you guys are totally not following him.

Yup. Joke poster confirmed.

Yes. Following him on twitter and downloading podcasts
and soon watching a video on GTTV and maybe Spike. He is a celebrity
he is on just to bitch about how he hasn't learned "his lesson" is kind of odd.

Why do i post? It's fascinating. Pathetic and fascinating to see people follow him.
Doubly so.

You can't seriously think any of that is anything at all like stalking (next you'll be saying following the news is stalking. And keeping up to date with the goings on in your hobby. Better get off GAF man, we're all a bunch of videogame stalkers here)


Yes. Following him on twitter and downloading podcasts
and soon watching a video on GTTV and maybe Spike. He is a celebrity
he is on just to bitch about how he hasn't learned "his lesson" is kind of odd.

Why do i post? It's fascinating. Pathetic and fascinating to see people follow him.

I can definitely say it's fascinating to watch some loser follow an issue after saying he doesn't have any interest or understanding.

In fact it's happening right now, in this thread!



Wow. This tweet alone should put him behind bars. And that's POST apology.


Need to stop talking about this guy lest he actually receive some money out of five minutes of fame...if he really appears on GTTV my brain is going to explode

If there is any justice then hopefully Penny Arcade guys can spend some time talking about gamers with disabilities (they seem to like to call themselves Able Gamers). I have thought about working on some games made specifically adaptable for Able Gamers, actually I'm part of a working group about this at MSFT. It's taken very seriously, especially since lots of us in the working group have some personal connection to that topic.



Wow. This tweet alone should put him behind bars. And that's POST apology.

That's a fake account. It was either made by someone else or someone picked up his Twitter name after he changed it to oceandeepsea, I can't remember at this point. Either way, just another example of how the Internet/gaming culture mindset will always be stuck in the third grade.



Wow. This tweet alone should put him behind bars. And that's POST apology.

That's not his account any more.

That's a fake account. It was either made by someone else or someone picked up his Twitter name after he changed it to oceandeepsea, I can't remember at this point. Either way, just another example of how the Internet/gaming culture mindset will always be stuck in the third grade.

He actually said something along these lines earlier.


Yeah his current account is OceanDeepSea (as all us stalkers know because we stalk him. Not because he said so in an interview he did or anything.).

Need to stop talking about this guy lest he actually receive some money out of five minutes of fame...if he really appears on GTTV my brain is going to explode

If there is any justice then hopefully Penny Arcade guys can spend some time talking about gamers with disabilities (they seem to like to call themselves Able Gamers). I have thought about working on some games made specifically adaptable for Able Gamers, actually I'm part of a working group about this at MSFT. It's taken very seriously, especially since lots of us in the working group have some personal connection to that topic.
I think it'd be a great thing (PR wise and just a nice thing to do) if Avenger donated a couple of PS3/360 add-ons to Childs Play or something.
That's not his account any more.

@OceanStretagy was always a fake account. In the roughly 24 hour period after the story broke, Paul went from @OceanMarketting to @OceanStratagy to @OceanDeepSea. His first two twitter names have been registered by other users once they became available again and are now fake/joke accounts as well.
not if you're 50ppp scum

100ppp 4 lyfe.

anyway, what a shit storm. nobody comes out of these messes clean. The internet is like a bad, boring version of the Maury Povich show. People destroying each other and making each other look bad, not using any logic or attempting any official methods of dealing with things (paypal refund, credit card chargeback, etc) and instead opting to "reason" with each other (i.e. a penis waving contest.) Penny arcade was bored that day, marketer dude is a meat head who is probably used to being able to say tough shit to people and has an "image image image" business model, kotaku is just the parasite tabloid, with the original customer being the woman they are all fighting over.

Uh, the internet comes out great. They exposed this jackass.
It looks like the Ocean Marketing website is down & Oceandeepsea Twitter isn't around either.

The twitter's up, but you're right, it looks like oceanmarketinginc.com is down. Not surprising really; on the podcast a couple days ago he mentioned that now that he knows that his outsourced Indian freelancers built him a website with plagiarized content without his knowledge, that he would take the offending content down. I'm paraphrasing but that's essentially what he said.


The twitter's up, but you're right, it looks like oceanmarketinginc.com is down. Not surprising really; on the podcast a couple days ago he mentioned that now that he knows that his outsourced Indian freelancers built him a website with plagiarized content without his knowledge, that he would take the offending content down. I'm paraphrasing but that's essentially what he said.

His site still works for me.


Still up. He's currently trawling for interviews. Seems to believe he's some big internet celebrity who can leverage this situation to further his career, whatever that may be. I expect that's eventually going to blow up in his face, too.

What a weird spectacle this is.

Wow. He really is too. What a moron. Hey G4 would you like to interview me? I know the fawkin Mayor of Boston. Come on G4 please interview me. ROFLMAO.

You tube parody by me tomorrow , the warlock " Winning"

This guy really is delusional isn't he?


One thing to remember about his Twitter accounts is that when you change your username on Twitter, it automatically moves all your followers over to your new account. So his attempt to hide by changing his username both A) didn't work and B) demonstrated he has no idea what he's doing, because this behaviour is so well known amongst social media people that no one would ever try renaming their account to "hide".

It's also well known that if you change your username, your old username immediately becomes available and you should register it right then if you want to redirect customers to your new account (for instance if you have gaming news sites writing about you and referring to the old username). He didn't do that either - another sign that he doesn't know how Twitter really works. Now a lot of people are confused as to who the real Paul is and even if he was trying to correct the situation by apologising, people may not find out because the initial Twitter account is now controlled by others.

So if you ever want to rename your Twitter account, now you know what not to do!
Weird, it's down for me now, but it was definitely working before - most likely a DNS propagation thing.

Thanks for checking. I was thinking this might be related to what Moisés Chiullan mentioned about taking control of domain names/accounts from Paul, but I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions.
That's a fake account. It was either made by someone else or someone picked up his Twitter name after he changed it to oceandeepsea, I can't remember at this point. Either way, just another example of how the Internet/gaming culture mindset will always be stuck in the third grade.

Yeah, claiming some random stuff is a perfect example for your own opinion without providing any evidence or even trying to explain it. That does sound pretty childish.

No offense, but after being LTTP and reading the majority of this thread in one go today, the (few) comments like this struck me as even more insane than Paul Christoforo himself - and he is pretty crazy.

I cannot even begin to understand how some people can pick out "The Internet" and the gaming community as being the "bully" in this story. Hell, some people even seem to assume both terms (internet and gaming community) refer to the exact same group of people.

Exposing customer abuse is not "bullying", it's doing the right thing. And if Christoforo just keeps acting like an ass and provoking everyone, while voluntarily providing an endless supply of personal information all over the internet, there is nothing to feel sorry about. Not only did he both start and deserve the shitstorm that apparently cost him his job, but he is actively taunting people to keep going at him.

I am not even convinced this case has anything to do with the presumed internet mindset. If you screw, mock and threaten enough people on the street before pretty much just handing them your personal information, I am sure someone will eventually get back to you on it. And you know what? That is a good thing.

The only real difference is, that the internet is swift in its retribution, because you are pretty much exposed to everyone at once.


Need to stop talking about this guy lest he actually receive some money out of five minutes of fame...if he really appears on GTTV my brain is going to explode

Ya, that's already too late. It's pretty obvious that his personality was horrible even before this happened but he was in business due to his tenacity and (i'm guessing here) passion and intensity. N-control mentioned he was "rough around the edges" but some poeple feed off of limelight, bad or good. Paul obviously wanted to be infamous at first, but the bad side of that came when people started to attack him and do the phone shit against his family. In the end he'll ride the popularity.

My thoughts are that he's a douchebag and should lose contracts and his reputation should be in the shitter. Spread the story, let everyone know his a dick. That's where I'd end it. My problem is when people like reddit and 4chan get involved. Even tho it's just for fun, one-upmanship and laughs for these types, it's pretty obvious it turns into mass mob mentality. Get on their bad side and shit goes down. And no one deserves what they can dish out.

I never want to fuck up on the internet, the outcome would be terrifying.
Uh, the internet comes out great. They exposed this jackass.

having read it all, nope, not really. Ok, maybe they produced the positive ends, but not without a bunch of shitty internet vigilante tactics and needless saber rattling. Probably plenty of undeserved collateral damage in the way of privacy intruding, as per usual in these situations.

The best part is that if he's smart enough, he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation, so congrats on that, internet. Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.
having read it all, nope, not really. Ok, maybe they produced the positive ends, but not without a bunch of shitty internet vigilante tactics and needless saber rattling. Probably plenty of undeserved collateral damage in the way of privacy intruding, as per usual in these situations.

The best part is that if he's smart enough, he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation, so congrats on that, internet. Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.
hahahah, just because you're secretly attracted to him doesn't mean we were friend.

Projecting much?


hahahah, just because you're secretly attracted to him doesn't mean we were friend.

Projecting much?

Ah. So the thread had finally died and a defender decides to bump it. Gee Gotta love it. And yes we get it. We're so evil cause the net has picked on a poor defenseless guy who was just having a bad day. smh
having read it all, nope, not really. Ok, maybe they produced the positive ends, but not without a bunch of shitty internet vigilante tactics and needless saber rattling. Probably plenty of undeserved collateral damage in the way of privacy intruding, as per usual in these situations.

The best part is that if he's smart enough, he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation, so congrats on that, internet. Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.


1) You should re-read his emails to Dave.
2) He was fired thanks to the reaction on the internet and the published emails .... I think he got fucked already. TO me the reaction was very effective


Probably plenty of undeserved collateral damage in the way of privacy intruding, as per usual in these situations.
"I'm assuming there was plenty of undeserved collateral damage, and that's bad, and shame on you!"

The best part is that if he's smart enough, he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation
Let's say you haven't really read the topic.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
The best part is that if he's smart enough,

He's not.

he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation, so congrats on that, internet. Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.

having read it all, nope, not really. Ok, maybe they produced the positive ends, but not without a bunch of shitty internet vigilante tactics and needless saber rattling. Probably plenty of undeserved collateral damage in the way of privacy intruding, as per usual in these situations.

The best part is that if he's smart enough, he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation, so congrats on that, internet. Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.

Hrm. Others have responded to you, but since you did quote me:

1) What shitty vigilante tactics? As a PR guy, he should have known that putting all of his information online in an easily Google-able format would have repercussions.

2) No one invaded his privacy; all information used was public information, aside from the emails that he sent. Those were posted by his victims, which they had every right to post.

3) He's evidently NOT smart enough, as can be seen through his emails, calls, and interviews that he's given to publications and media outlets large and small. He looks worse and worse in each one.

4) Payment reversals and proper channels would have done shit because he a) does not produce the product, b) he was the highest authority at his firm and c) he would have continued bullying people in a relatively anonymous manner.

It's like you didn't even read the thread, dude.


This thread is huge...so what happened to the guy? Last post I read he went under and then tried to use different names on twitter or whatever.

What's the update?


I am Korean.
The best part is that if he's smart enough, he can turn it into a "no such thing as bad publicity" situation, so congrats on that, internet. Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.
So you're for punishing the company that makes controllers for disabled kids rather than the Docpan clone? Makes sense.


His site is down now but I got a decent capture from the wayback machine, I think.


I have seen this kind of behavior from other sites as well, but usually with HORI arcade sticks. I had to pay in advance for my HRAP EX, and it showed up, like, 7 months after the promised date or something.

They were just about as helpful too, but at least never condescended to me. I can't remember the site though...
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