all's i'm sayin' is 7 is the lowest number
Are you sure something that creepy should be condoned?
There's a difference between deciding which COOP SL is the best and discussing why that is, and deciding which girl in a video game is the best 'wife material', a pretty big difference. And some people don't want to deal with that in a main OT.
I believe so.
As long as you don't go full "HARU BEST GIRL" It's annoying at best and creepy at worst.It gets sexist, weird, and uncomfortable fast. The characters aren't even adults honestly. Tbh I think having it's own thread just encourages it more in general anyway and is just going to turn the community thread into a disaster zone but whatever.
It does make sense when you put it this way, but there may be teenage posters here, too. If a horny 17 year old wants to dream about a digital character, just let him, I'd say. Now, I don't need to read posts like that, and honestly, this will be my first Persona game, so I don't know what to expect, but it's not anything that would bother me.
As long as you don't go full "HARU BEST GIRL" It's annoying at best and creepy at worst.It gets sexist, weird, and uncomfortable fast. The characters aren't even adults honestly. Tbh I think having it's own thread just encourages it more in general anyway and is just going to turn the community thread into a disaster zone but whatever.
Ask yourself the question: Which game would you give a 5 or 6 you've played lately?
The plan is to have a separate companion thread to the OT for people to put all of their waifu and relationship stuff. Trying to stamp out the conversation entirely isn't going to work when we have a membership this large, anyway, so we're just recommending that people keep it out of the OT where a lot of people would prefer not to deal with it.
It does make sense when you put it this way, but there may be teenage posters here, too. If a horny 17 year old wants to dream about a digital character, just let him, I'd say. Now, I don't need to read posts like that, and honestly, this will be my first Persona game, so I don't know what to expect, but it's not anything that would bother me.
Because Persona ain't that serious. There are countless other franchises with a deeper and more nuanced focus on characters where people outwardly claim their favourite characters too.
you clearly don't understand what waifu talk is
It gets really pervy sometimes. I think the mods know where to draw the line before it gets anywhere near that point.
there's going to be a dedicated thread where all horny 17 year olds can congregate and do so. what's the problem now?
Why wouldn't I be? I was the one that proclaimed "No mo waifus" in Persona threads before. Gonna happen again.
As long as you don't go full "HARU BEST GIRL" It's annoying at best and creepy at worst.It gets sexist, weird, and uncomfortable fast. The characters aren't even adults honestly. Tbh I think having it's own thread just encourages it more in general anyway and is just going to turn the community thread into a disaster zone but whatever.
It's a volume thing. The waifu/husbando thread is quite possibly going to be longer than the OT, perhaps by a very significant margin.Yeah, I've said so before. And the only answer that I've got is that you are not allowed to say which romance character you like. It's a little weird since this game is coming out right after ME:A and no one is mad or offended by people talking about which romances they like in that game.
I guess Persona fans must've gone to some pretty bad extremes in the past, for mods to set a strict rule like that.
1. Yeah? I think it's especially worse in Persona given the message behind the games. I certainly don't read people going to war on Chloe vs Elena on regular basis. But maybe I haven't stared into the abyss.
2. I would love for you to share these other countless franchises. Cause I'm pretty fucking sure that I could make my own list and it probably would get super hard to get beyond 20.
Most games I play are sooooo bad about characters like even FF can't seem to get it right in over a decade a franchise that taught me what it means to fall in love with characters to begin with.
In for the husbando wars then :3
Europe version doesnt include Japanese VO?
I'm not sure if I'm getting this straight. Talk of female characters is fine, as long as the romantic aspects of their Confident story is not brought up right?
No husbandos either!
Yeah, I've said so before. And the only answer that I've got is that you are not allowed to say which romance character you like. It's a little weird since this game is coming out right after ME:A and no one is mad or offended by people talking about which romances they like in that game.
I guess Persona fans must've gone to some pretty bad extremes in the past, for mods to set a strict rule like that.
.No husbandos either!
It does make sense when you put it this way, but there may be teenage posters here, too. If a horny 17 year old wants to dream about a digital character, just let him, I'd say. Now, I don't need to read posts like that, and honestly, this will be my first Persona game, so I don't know what to expect, but it's not anything that would bother me.
In fairness, some of the romance-able characters in this one are, in fact, adults.
Yeah I'm sure discussing characters is fine. It's just strange and rather annoying to see people weirdly obsess over them and to consistently pit the female characters against one another.
Like "CHIE BEST GIRL YUKIKO DEAD IN A DITCH" posts that aren't productive and are unnecessarily sexist. It's like how FF7 threads almost always have people arguing over Tifa and Aeris/th with posts like "TIFA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AERITH lellllllllll" Why the hell is it so hard to appreciate these female characters without having to bring down the other ones.
Oh shit I honestly did not think it was going to review so well. PS4 has yet another killer exclusive.
Are some of you trolling? If you're creating a volatile conversation about female characters that offer no insight whatsoever then that would be a bannable offense.
I wasn't even thinking about video games. More along the lines of franchises in general.
And I'd argue Persona's calendar system only allows you to invest selectively. Usually people have to pick favourites based on initial impressions and stick with that. You don't find out about every character because you won't have the time to.
I'm interested to see what my real-laifu waifu thinks of a Persona game.
I played 3/4 before we were really together (It has been a long time since 4 came out on PS2!)
real-laifu waifu
Are the time limits in games like this as atrocious as a game like say Dead Rising (i just don't like time limits). Or is it more like you can only do x amount of things per day. Combat / Art / Music have me wanting to play it but I really don't like time limits.
Gravity Rush 2. Which is, I believe, at 80 on Metacritic ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Are the time limits in games like this as atrocious as a game like say Dead Rising (i just don't like time limits). Or is it more like you can only do x amount of things per day. Combat / Art / Music have me wanting to play it but I really don't like time limits.
Are some of you trolling? If you're creating a volatile conversation about female characters that offer no insight whatsoever then that would be a bannable offense.
Animal/mascot wars?
The torture devices shall be prepared.I won't comment on this, I'll let the Gravity Rush Fans judge you.
It's not a real-time time limit. It's just that you can choose X number of activities in the day.
I haven't played this one yet, but I think Persona 3 and Persona 4 both had some limits in dungeon that required you to progress to a certain point by a certain in game calendar day. I think.
They are extremely generous limits though
I mean relationships are a part of the game so the developers are condoning it anyway.
best phallic persona wars
Whatever ended up happening with all those pre order cancellations?
Nice reviews
That doesn't make it triple AAA
Whatever ended up happening with all those pre order cancellations?