$900,000 in under 24 hours, amazing!
I'm pretty sure DFA put together 1M in their first 24 hours, so this is a bit ahead of that (they're on, what, 20 hours now?). I do wonder how much of it is simply the fact that they're *asking* for more money
$900,000 in under 24 hours, amazing!
Remember that when DFA was announced people didn't really think about kickstarters as a viable source of funding for video games (other than very small budget indie games). They didn't have the kind of campaign leading up to the reveal that Obsidian did, and a lot of people didn't hear about it at all until the campaign was well underway. I think the circumstances are pretty different.I'm pretty sure DFA put together 1M in their first 24 hours, so this is a bit ahead of that (they're on, what, 20 hours now?). I do wonder how much of it is simply the fact that they're *asking* for more money
Only 1.1 million? Don't these sorts of games cost like 20-30 million these days?
Only 1.1 million? Don't these sorts of games cost like 20-30 million these days?
Only 1.1 million? Don't these sorts of games cost like 20-30 million these days?
Only 1.1 million? Don't these sorts of games cost like 20-30 million these days?
why so low?$900,000 in under 24 hours, amazing!
Only 1.1 million? Don't these sorts of games cost like 20-30 million these days?
I guess we don't know everything... Do games REALLY cost 20-30m to make?
What have I done
I believe it's going to look like Inquisitor, just a bit smoother:I really want to see what their stretch goals are, since they'll likely need to put them up pretty soon.
I'm also really curious to see a sample screenshot of whatever engine they have in mind. If it looks like Infinity engine just at a higher resolution and better looking character models, I'll be thrilled.
I'm guessing that one of the higher stretch-goals will be VA.Probably depends on what you mean by "these sorts of games"? This isn't a BioWare RPG that'll have everything voice acted and have to work with a fully 3D engine with tons of cinematic cutscenes that'll need to accommodate the consoles and big budget marketing and publisher whims.
Pretty much, none of the big developers/publishers are making this kind of game these days. Which is basically why this Kickstarter exists in the first place.
I believe it's going to look like Inquisitor, just a bit smoother:
I'm guessing that one of the higher stretch-goals will be VA.
What is this ? First time i heard of it..
It's alread available on GOG:A new, Czech made iso CRPG. It came out last week I think, and it's on Greenlight for Steam release
They're not having voice over for every line of dialogue - for an RPG that's gonna cut a huge chunk of cost out of the total.
I hope they include them seeing as they're going to fly past the goal.
The game will not have full voice ever. They made that very clear in the interview. It's not just a cost issue, it also makes it far harder for them to improve/change/correct dialogue on the fly as they develop the game. For the best results and flexibility, voices will only for used partially for flavor.
That's kind of a bummer. I don't mind a silent main character(actually, I prefer it like in DA:O) but I much prefer side characters to be voiced, it helps immerse you in the world in my opinion.
Not for me its not, its the best way to make use of the resources available, doesn't squander the budget on something entirely superfluous, plus it allows for significant (non-voiced) mod content to be easily added to the game without it sticking out like a sore thumb while still allowing devs to selectively highlight/heighten critical parts of the game through voices. Fantastic choice imo.That's kind of a bummer. I don't mind a silent main character(actually, I prefer it like in DA:O) but I much prefer side characters to be voiced, it helps immerse you in the world in my opinion.
Also, I wonder if George Ziets is on this project or not.
Only 1.1 million? Don't these sorts of games cost like 20-30 million these days?
A new, Czech made iso CRPG. It came out last week I think, and it's on Greenlight for Steam release
It's basically doing exactly what Eternity is trying to do. Jury's out on how good it actually is though, I haven't heard much.
if they have voice acting for opening lines and important scenes it should be enough, not every NPC and every line need voice. I hope they have that.
Buck: Speaking of dialogue, are you also using the Infinity Engine games as a source of inspiration for how to handle dialogue trees and voiceovers? Will there be voiceovers for major cutscenes and for flavor at the start of a conversation, but vast branches of dialogue that are text-only? Will our attributes, abilities, or previous actions affect our dialogue choices?
Feargus: Our goal is to use voice over as flavor and not as something that exists for every written word in the game. We dont want to cut down on the depth of dialogs or the number of choices that players have because we are counting voice over dollars. That means, like practically every Obsidian project to date, we are going to push the boundaries of reactivity in our dialogs. And, the more we get funded the more we can do that.
Its probably going to be like Torment or the other IE games.if they have voice acting for opening lines and important scenes it should be enough, not every NPC and every line need voice. I hope they have that.
Um it's really not doing exactly what Eternity is trying to do. It's primarily a hack & slash game with a deeper storyline and mechanics, akin to Divine Divinity.
Wow did you really just pay 1000 for a game??
They might hit 1 million within 24 hours, but I'm not sure if they can hit 1.1 million in that time. Only 3 hours left to go.
These kickstarters are showing devs that people want these open ended RPG's. Maybe now they will realize that DAO sale numbers wasn't a fluke. THERE IS A FANBASE FOR THESE GAMES DAMMIT!
These kickstarters are showing devs that people want these open ended RPG's. Maybe now they will realize that DAO sale numbers wasn't a fluke. THERE IS A FANBASE FOR THESE GAMES DAMMIT!
Yes but I like to think that Bioware realized that soon after the release of DA:O but they had already committed to the 'Press A for awesome' turn for the franchise.
And now they can't get themselves to admit how wrong they were. And are.