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Pitchfork.com: The Top 50 Albums of 2010

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Kodiak said:
It really is as good as everyone is saying.

Will be looked back at as one of the definitive albums of this new decade.
After a few listens, I'm still on the fence. It's okay.

But claiming this will be a definitive album of this decade is rather bold. It's been out for maybe a month? Hyped up rap and hip-hop albums always see the most reactionary opinions from both sides.


Foxtastical said:
After a few listens, I'm still on the fence. It's okay.

But claiming this will be a definitive album of this decade is rather bold. It's been out for maybe a month? Hyped up rap and hip-hop albums always see the most reactionary opinions from both sides.

The hiphop kingpins of 2000-2010 are Fishscale and Madvillainy. If anyone can prove me wrong, that would be a great day indeed.


Foxtastical said:
But claiming this will be a definitive album of this decade is rather bold. It's been out for maybe a month? Hyped up rap and hip-hop albums always see the most reactionary opinions from both sides.

It's a great album, but they'll probably go back and delete that blurb if it doesn't age well or something when they do their half decade list....and throw in a bunch of albums they didn't review and act like a bunch of stuff they heavily promoted in the earlier part of the decade didn't exist.


Foxtastical said:
Hyped up rap and hip-hop albums always see the most reactionary opinions from both sides.
But would you rather be underpaid or overrated?

Get those number ones on 2010 lists, Kanye.
theBishop said:
The hiphop kingpins of 2000-2010 are Fishscale and Madvillainy. If anyone can prove me wrong, that would be a great day indeed.
Fishscale isn't even the best Ghostface record in that time period.


Shake Appeal said:
Fishscale isn't even the best Ghostface record in that time period.

Supreme Clientele fashaw but I won't argue with Madvillainy. Any ways we're talking about 2010 and this dude is bringing up Led Zeppelin's IV like the 70's and 80's didn't exist. Stop talking before I drug you and force feed you Talking Heads, XTC, and The Cure. You are silly so stop acting like you have any real opinion on music.


I really would've liked to see Girl Talk - All Day on here, but maybe that doesn't count since there isn't any actual NEW music on that.

The hiphop kingpins of 2000-2010 are Fishscale and Madvillainy. If anyone can prove me wrong, that would be a great day indeed.

That's really saying a lot. I like both of those albums quite a bit, but they don't seem like they really broke new ground or changed the genre at all.

If I were to pick a few of my favorite hip hop albums though, it'd probably be Labor Days, Deltron 3030, or White People.


see5harp said:
Not a single rock or rap album is just wrong. Broaden your listening patterns, it's not that hard.

The point is that there are albums on RA's list that should be on everyone's list. Show me another list with Black Noise, Crooks and Lovers and North. It takes a completely edm list to give those albums the credit they deserve


I'll put my hand up and say that I don't follow music like I used to.
Can people start posting youtube links to some of their favourite tracks from their favourite albums on the list?

Obviously I could just type the band names into Youtube for myself, but it would get the thread back on track if people were actually posting about their favourite albums/tracks and including links to those tracks for non-music GAF to listen to (and hopefully discover some cool new bands the lazy way) :D


rdelaney said:
If I were to pick a few of my favorite hip hop albums though, it'd probably be Labor Days, Deltron 3030, or White People.

...because Deltron 3030, White People, and Labor Days (I love this album) TOTALLY CHANGED THE GAME.


joelseph said:
The point is that there are albums on RA's list that should be on everyone's list. Show me another list with Black Noise, Crooks and Lovers and North. It takes a completely edm list to give those albums the credit they deserve

Black Noise, Mt. Kimbie, and Darkstar all got EXTREMELY positive review on Pitchfork. Pantha Du Price was a great album and it was recognized as a Honorable Mention.


joelseph said:
The point is that there are albums on RA's list that should be on everyone's list. Show me another list with Black Noise, Crooks and Lovers and North. It takes a completely edm list to give those albums the credit they deserve

I've seen Black Noise on quite a few lists to be fair. It also got an honorable mention in Pitchfork's.


rdelaney said:
I really would've liked to see Girl Talk - All Day on here, but maybe that doesn't count since there isn't any actual NEW music on that.

That's really saying a lot. I like both of those albums quite a bit, but they don't seem like they really broke new ground or changed the genre at all.

If I were to pick a few of my favorite hip hop albums though, it'd probably be Labor Days, Deltron 3030, or White People.

I don't see how you could say they don't break new ground. The song structures on both are remarkable. Madvillainy with its short, dense, chorus-free flows over some of the strangest, most original, and most consistent production ever. Fishscale with its longform storytelling that commits to the details without sacrifice the flow.

If these records didn't change rap it's because nobody else can operate on that level.


joelseph said:
The point is that there are albums on RA's list that should be on everyone's list. Show me another list with Black Noise, Crooks and Lovers and North. It takes a completely edm list to give those albums the credit they deserve

thanks for reminding me to check out RA's list....gotta say I was pretty disappointed in the Darkstar and Mt.Kimbie albums though.


modernkicks said:
thanks for reminding me to check out RA's list....gotta say I was pretty disappointed in the Darkstar and Mt.Kimbie albums though.

I wasn't blown away by North either but I think it was because it was so hyped. Aidy's Girl a Computer will always be good though.
modernkicks said:
thanks for reminding me to check out RA's list....gotta say I was pretty disappointed in the Darkstar and Mt.Kimbie albums though.
They were decent, but a letdown if you were expecting them to deliver more of what they teased in singles/EPs before; there is nothing on the Kimbie album as good as 'Maybes', nothing on the Darkstar album as good as 'Need You'.

The best thing of the year that falls within Pitchfork's remit and yet was completely ignored/unnoticed by them is the Paul Cary album. It isn't even all on youtube, but for fans of indie/garage rock: 'Yes Machine', 'Angel from Heaven'.


kylej said:
Excuse me sir, Pitchfork has VERY poor coverage of K-Pop and anime soundtracks, both of which comprise most of my music collection. How can I take a website like that seriously?

This post wins.


Just listened to that Deerhunter album. It sounds like it was recorded in a garage by junior high kids. Soothing synths and inscrutable lyrics do not make for memorable songs! I feel really out of step with modern music.


JeTmAn81 said:
Just listened to that Deerhunter album. It sounds like it was recorded in a garage by junior high kids. Soothing synths and inscrutable lyrics do not make for memorable songs! I feel really out of step with modern music.

Must every song be memorable?


Flynn said:
Must every song be memorable?

I think if your music is really interesting and pushing boundaries, that will make it stick with the listener. So while I wouldn't say every song must be memorable, it's certainly something to shoot for.


JeTmAn81 said:
Just listened to that Deerhunter album. It sounds like it was recorded in a garage by junior high kids. Soothing synths and inscrutable lyrics do not make for memorable songs! I feel really out of step with modern music.

Dude I don't like that album much either, even though I am usually a fan of their work. Anyway, you can't listen to one album out of a list so varied and decide that you won't like other stuff in it. Well you could, but that would kind of irrational IMO.

Flynn said:
This post wins.
Yeah if you're a complete nerd :lol


JeTmAn81 said:
Just listened to that Deerhunter album. It sounds like it was recorded in a garage by junior high kids. Soothing synths and inscrutable lyrics do not make for memorable songs! I feel really out of step with modern music.

take it back. i'll get my cousin to fuck you up.


List looks interesting to me, I've only heard about a fourth of these albums... but all my favorite albums of the year except 'Causers of This' are present. These lists should really only help people find new music. I'll have to check out some of these albums I didn't hear and some of the ones listed in the thread that didn't make it.


JeTmAn81 said:
I think if your music is really interesting and pushing boundaries, that will make it stick with the listener. So while I wouldn't say every song must be memorable, it's certainly something to shoot for.
Certain music attaches itself to a certain mood, deerhunter is obviously not a mood you usually would attach to music.


HiResDes said:
Dude I don't like that album much either, even though I am usually a fan of their work. Anyway, you can't listen to one album out of a list so varied and decide that you won't like other stuff in it. Well you could, but that would kind of irrational IMO.

Yeah if you're a complete nerd :lol

Alright, this is Pitchfork so I know it's going to skew way indie but I still feel weird never having heard of half the bands on this list. I get the same feeling whenever I visit one of the new music threads on GAF.

I do try to listen to as much new music as possible, but I've felt a sense of slowing momentum with this stuff as I fail to find any new artists who really excite me. For the record, I really dug the LCD Soundsystem and Big Boi records, but those are the only two in that list I could say that about.

Actually I did enjoy the Arcade Fire album. All in all I've only heard nine albums in the list, but everything I read and hear about/from new indie music just fails to grab me in a significant way. I think I just want a new album from Muse :/.


Differences of opinion will always exist when it comes to subjective art, so I don't really care whether or not anyone else likes Muse. I love that band just as I love many other bands (Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Outkast, etc.). What annoys me is that the bands I'm into are nowhere near new. They all tend to be at least 10+ years old, even if they came into their full creativity more recently.

I'm a musician, and the prospect of becoming that guy who only likes old music kinda scares me. I always told myself I'd keep up with music as it changed, though I decided never to approve of something just because it was new.

edit: On first listen, I thought The Resistance was Muse's worst album, but I started to like it a lot more on repeat listens.


No How I Got Over is pretty odd, good to see The Suburbs in there tho. I've listened to a few albums from there but yeah.... Swim is not that great outside of a few tracks...

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Some of you might find NPR's coverage of interest: overall top 50, staff lists, reader picks, genre lists, overlooked albums... All of which contain nearly every band mentioned in this thread as "forgotten" or "without ___ this is crap!"

I generally find that trying to be so all-encompassing when it comes to music styles is more of a hindrance than a help (which is why Pitchfork is smart to mostly choose albums with maximum crossover appeal for their readership) but NPR does a really great job keeping things evenly covered, and even I manage to find hidden gems there that I wouldn't have otherwise.
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