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plane crew almost lets man die because they refuse to believe black woman is a doctor

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I'm sure many of my fellow young, corporate America working women of color can all understand my frustration when I say I'm sick of being disrespected.
Was on Delta flight DL945 and someone 2 rows in front of me was screaming for help. Her husband was unresponsive. I naturally jumped into Doctor mode as no one else was getting up. Unbuckle my seatbelt and throw my tray table up and as I'm about to stand up, flight attendant says "everyone stay calm, it's just a night terror, he is alright". I continue to watch the scene closely.

A couple mins later he is unresponsive again and the flight attendant yells "call overhead for a physician on board". I raised my hand to grab her attention. She said to me "oh no sweetie put ur hand down, we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel, we don't have time to talk to you" I tried to inform her that I was a physician but I was continually cut off by condescending remarks.
Then overhead they paged "any physician on board please press your button". I stare at her as I go to press my button. She said "oh wow you're an actual physician?" I reply yes. She said "let me see your credentials. What type of Doctor are you? Where do you work? Why were you in Detroit?" (Please remember this man is still in need of help and she is blocking my row from even standing up while
Bombarding me with questions).

I respond "OBGYN, work in Houston, in Detroit for a wedding, but believe it or not they DO HAVE doctors in Detroit. Now excuse me so I can help the man in need". Another "seasoned" white male approaches the row and says he is a physician as well. She says to me "thanks for your help but he can help us, and he has his credentials". (Mind you he hasn't shown anything to her. Just showed up and fit the "description of a doctor") I stay seated. Mind blown. Blood boiling. (Man is responding the his questions and is seemingly better now Thank God)

Then this heifer has the nerve to ask for my input on what to do next about 10 mins later. I tell her we need vitals and blood sugar. She comes back to report to me a BP of 80/50 (super low, to my non medical peeps) and they can't find a glucometer. We continue down that pathway of medical work up, but the point is she needed my help and I continued to help despite the choice words I had saved up for her. The patient and his wife weren't the problem, they needed help and we were mid flight.
She came and apologized to me several times and offering me skymiles. I kindly refused. This is going higher than her. I don't want skymiles in exchange for blatant discrimination. Whether this was race, age, gender discrimination, it's not right. She will not get away with this....and I will still get my skymiles....




Oh, look..it's in the news!
When asked for comment, Catherine Sirna, spokesperson for Delta Air Lines, emailed that the incident was under investigation and Delta had contacted Cross.

“Discrimination of any kind is never acceptable,” Sirna said. “We’ve been in contact with Dr. Cross and one of our senior leaders is reaching out to assure her that we’re completing a full investigation.”


Update from delta:

Delta continues to investigate a story surfaced by Dr. Tamika Cross in a recent post on Facebook.

We are troubled by any accusations of discrimination and take them very seriously. The experience Dr. Cross has described is not reflective of Delta’s culture or of the values our employees live out every day. We are in the process of conducting a full investigation. We’ve reached out to Dr. Cross to speak with her directly, talked with our crew members and we’re reaching out to customers who were on board to gather as much information as we can.

While there is much we can’t share because our investigation involves confidential personnel matters, we do want to share what we can.

Three medical professionals identified themselves on the flight in question. Only one was able to produce documentation of medical training and that is the doctor who was asked to assist the customer onboard. In addition, paramedics met the flight to assist the customer further.

Flight attendants are trained to collect information from medical volunteers offering to assist with an onboard medical emergency. When an individual’s medical identification isn’t available, they’re instructed to ask questions such as where medical training was received or whether an individual has a business card or other documentation and ultimately to use their best judgment.

Delta's commitment to diversity, inclusion and respect of all of our customers worldwide is rooted deeply in our company’s values and culture. As a global carrier with a diverse workforce, serving a diverse customer base, we are committed to treating all passengers with kindness and respect.




I'd have flipped my shit right that second.

"Why were you in Detroit"

That's when I would've just walked past her


"oh no sweetie put ur hand down, we are looking for actual physicians"

just that part would flip a switch for me, what an idiot of a flight attendant.


The woman should have to go on national TV and be shamed by answering questions about this if she wants to keep her job.


Whose first response would be condescension when someone is having a medical emergency.

Ask for credentials fine but don't dismiss a physician before she even gets a fucking word out.


Sister graduated from there (Meharry). She was pissed to hear this, but she also said some of her patients assume she's not a doctor when they first see her. Can't really understand how this still happens.
That flight attendant is probably a trump supporting buffoon by the way this article reads.

I'm glad the doctor is getting her skymiles! :)


Are you young? I really find it hard to believe anyone could be stupid enough to believe black women can't be doctors :( Could understand if you look young why she might have responded that way, but eh, probably is just a case of someone being an unredeemable cretin.
This is disgusting. My mother is a doctor, and while we're not black (which probably contributed along with the fact that she was a women), the idea that a person would not trust someone is a doctor due to race or gender is disgusting and demeaning. If someone tried to question and belittle my mom in a situation like this, I'd be fuming, and this is worse because it's probably race AND gender, rather than just gender


No fucking way. Imagine if that man lost his life. Some law must have been broken by this? Like, "denial of assistance" or something? Does something like that exist?
Whose first response would be condescension when someone is having a medical emergency.

Ask for credentials fine but don't dismiss a physician before she even gets a fucking word out.

Judging by everything I've seen in the news lately...white people.

Sister graduated from there. She was pissed to hear this, but she also said some of her patients assume she's not a doctor when they first see her. Can't really understand how this still happens.



The hell! Why didn't the passengers near her say anything?!

A person could have died because some idiot thinks black people can't be doctors!? Seriously, just throw her out of the damn plane next time. What a waste of oxygen.
I really want to make a Detroit joke, but I'll let it go.

Such an idiotic flight attendant, I'd hate to think what could've happened if that other guy wasn't there.


If I was the wife of the man I'd tell the flight attendant to fuck right off, I don't want my husband to die because you think people of different skin color are dumber than you. Hope they get fired.

Skymiles..go fuck yourself..


Holy shit, I would have clocked that woman right then and there. A medical emergency and you're gonna go "Nah ,we looking for REAL doctors" . She deserves to be humiliated and fired


Whether this was race, age, gender discrimination, it's not right. She will not get away with this....and I will still get my skymiles....


Sister graduated from there (Meharry). She was pissed to hear this, but she also said some of her patients assume she's not a doctor when they first see her. Can't really understand how this still happens.

You want the short answer or the long? Because both point to the same; RACISM
I'd be curious if the white guy showed a work badge or copy of his license or something where another flight attendant saw it, as it is pretty standard to ask for credentials before letting one passenger medically treat another (my mother, a nurse, was once barred for doing so because she didn't have her license with her on the plane), but it sure sounds like just standard racial profiling, unfortunately.


I'm sorry but which year is it again in America?

I have a hard time believing that I'm reading this shit 16+ years into the new millennium.

I mean I'm not saying that I don't believe the person, but rather I am just floored that there are still people like that out there. It's almost some sort of archaeological type of shit given their worldview is just so stuck in the past you could consider putting them into a museum at this point.
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