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plane crew almost lets man die because they refuse to believe black woman is a doctor

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This infuriates me. My mother has been a nurse for 25 years, and I couldn't imagine if some ignorant flight attendant were to get in her way in that situation. I hope the attendant is fired.

They would. My mother is also a nurse, and had a flight crew stop her from helping a passenger in favor of someone that had their credentials on them. It's a legal liability question. The flight attendant's initial behavior, however, seems inexcusable, as is the purported taking of the white guy's word at face value.
That someone's prejuidices would go so far as to deny another from recieving needed medical attention deserves an automatic firing. Fucking disgusting.
God DAMN the people writing this off as unbelievable were predictable as fuck

Anyway, hope sister gets her sky miles and good look at avoiding Air Marshal action.


Based on the story, it sounds like she would have let the woman attend to the guy had the other doc not been there, as she was in the process of confirming her identity. It's more that she didn't even consider the possibility that the woman is a doctor that infuriates, not so much the possibility that the guy was going to die, which doesn't appear to have been the case, here.

Based on the story, She asked "why were you in detroit?"

How you miss that, and somehow conclude that she was on the up and up isn't really shocking.

Literal blinders.
Unrelated, but I wonder what kind of doc the other dude is. I'd like to think he's either a proctologist or has a PHD in little-people studies.
Based on the story, She asked "why were you in detroit?"

How you miss that, and somehow conclude that she was on the up and up isn't really shocking.

Literal blinders.

Uh, I said several times in the thread that that, as well as her not even thinking to identify the woman as potentially a doctor and taking the white guy's word at face value (if indeed that is what happened, and the woman didn't just miss another flight attendant verifying that guy), was very likely racism.

My point was to contradict the notion that she "put someone's life at risk by denying them needed medical attention", because by the time the other doc showed up, the flight attendant was going through the usual protocols of verifying credentials, and she prob was gonna be up there in like 10 to 15 seconds.

But don't let that stop you from jamming me into some narrative you have about me, or the situation, or whatever. I'm pretty limber, breh, I can take it.


Can't believe she had to put up with that shit in any situation, let alone while someone's life was in danger. Sickening.


Uh, I said several times in the thread that that, as well as her not even thinking to identify the woman as potentially a doctor, was very likely racism.

My point was to contradict the notion that she "put someone's life at risk by denying them needed medical attention", because by the time the other doc showed up, the flight attendant was going through the usual protocols of verifying credentials.

But don't let that stop you from jamming me into some narrative you have about me, or the situation, or whatever. I'm pretty limber, breh.

its hard to keep up. Cheerfully withdrawn.

I'm sorry.


Wasn't it Delta Airlines which had a flight attendant who humiliated Mo Farah, seemingly because she didn't believe that a black man could have a business class ticket? Same flight attendant? Unlikely I would have thought, but I wonder if it could be indicative of a wider culture of racism within the company.


Wow I expected to have to wait a bit before someone replied but it's already a graveyard lol.

Protip to people genuinely skeptical about a story like this (which could have turned out to be false possibly I guess): say something like "disgusting "If true"" or whatever instead of immediately calling potential victims liars n stuff. It makes you come off as less of a butthole that way


Makes you wonder what would have happened if the "seasoned" male physician wasn't on the flight to assist. The man would likely have died right then and there.
Pretty sure "helping people" is on the list of things you can't do while Black.

Tried to help an old lady who busted her ass once. She didn't scream from the fall but she sure did when she looked up and saw my ass. I just gave up.

Glad this doctor had the decency and tact to keep it professional during the incident yet still had enough dignity to make sure this airline is held accountable.

I swear some people think minorities can only be walking stereotypes or they don't exist. Fucking sickening

Yup. Some motherfuckers downright shocked when they learn what we do. Ain't possible for us to work outside the service industry.

I went to visit my friend and his wife. His wife's parents happened to be there. We chatting. And the wife's dad turns to my wife and asks "Oh, didn't you work at the catering for my daughters wedding?"

Hot shit my wife was pissed. She wanted to say "No, I'm a I work as programmer at the school your son-in-law flunked out of." But she just had to take it in the chin and fake-smile and be humble. Can't be angry in the face of shitty assumptions now, can we?


God DAMN the people writing this off as unbelievable were predictable as fuck

Anyway, hope sister gets her sky miles and good look at avoiding Air Marshal action.

We all know racism has limits, like they might call you a nigger but they will still help you move or hold the door open for you.
Hot shit my wife was pissed. She wanted to say "No, I'm a I work as programmer at the school your son-in-law flunked out of." But she just had to take it in the chin and fake-smile and be humble. Can't be angry in the face of shitty assumptions now, can we?

Sometimes stuff just needs to be said.. I kind of wish she said that!
You are already implying that racism took place here. I'm not even at that stage yet, and don't see any reason to be at that stage until there is more proof.

Because believing everything you read is the hallmark of the unintelligent.

Right? Story sounds fishy as hell.

This. We should wait until we hear both sides of the story. It would be unprecedented that racism could explain this sort of series of events. For all we know, the flight attendant might have been black, too.

Don't bother. Really. Questioning a story with a racism angle will get you ripped apart on this forum. Doesn't matter if it's just a Facebook post.

Are we actually reporting Facebook posts as real news? Is there any actual news source story about this that isn't simply quoting her post? Any evidence at all? A response from the airline? This reads like utter bullshit.

These heifers right here!

Read it well, GAF. Anyone still wondering why we still have racism - this is an example right here. You can't even talk about your personal experiences without suspicion. You think the story sounds crazy, just imagine how the person that lived through it felt. Racism isn't just the Klan burning crosses on your lawn, it's a form of disruption in your daily life. You don't look for it, it looks for you. Sometimes you need to vent when it happens without getting 21 questions (and without someone criticizing your demeanor or word choice).


The "sweetie" part is the most infuriating.

Unless, maybe, you look/are too young? Maybe the attendant thought you were too young to be a doctor and that's why she didn't take you seriously?

That's about the only thing i can think of that would make some sense and somewhat restore my faith to humanity.

Edit: Ah, nevermind, i just saw the facebook entry. This doesn't seem to be the case (to me at least).
These heifers right here!

Read it well, GAF. Anyone still wondering why we still have racism - this is an example right here. You can't even talk about your personal experiences without suspicion. You think the story sounds crazy, just imagine how the person that lived through it felt. Racism isn't just the Klan burning crosses on your lawn, it's a form of disruption in your daily life. You don't look for it, it looks for you. Sometimes you need to vent when it happens without getting 21 questions (and without someone criticizing your demeanor or word choice).

Problem is people conceptualize racism and bigotry as active acts born of hate and nothing else. You could be a "good" person and still say racist shit due to plain old ignorance and bias. Doesn't make it less racist.

People act like you gotta be wearing sheets and burning a cross to say dumb bigoted and racist shit.

Someone says they a doctor and you don't believe them when a White man walks up you believe him off the bat. Given everything I've seen and experienced in life this story lines up with that.
That's also terrible about Mo Farah and Oprah Winfrey. Why did Oprah apologise in that linked story? They were in the wrong. The store assistant's reason for not showing her the bag sounded like a weak excuse.


As someone whose girlfriend is a doctor and POC, I don't doubt this story for a second and I'm looking sideways at anyone who does.
The days of people looking at a woman doctor and seeing a nurse are far from gone.
As are the days of people making assumptions about POC.

Another girl I knew was a mid-level surgeon, and had the same experience multiple times basically every day. Walk into a room as the most qualified of 3-4 doctors present, begin leading ward round, have patient assume one of the men was in charge.




^ Basically my reaction to this story, maybe swap in 'protesting' for 'having to deal with' or 'hearing about' (this shit).

So infuriating to read, also lmfao at people earlier on calling this story 'fishy'. The story fits right in with how women of color have been treated for, well, centuries. Shameful.
Bloody ell, this sounds ridiculous just to read, it must have been super infuriating to actually be there.

To be fair, the question "why were you in Detroit?" is always a fair one to ask :p
I fully understand asking for credentials part. My mom is a nurse and my dad works for an airport, so I've heard this type of conversation before.

As for that other shit... what fucking year is this.
"I'm sorry sweetie, you're much too black to save this man's life." Pure insanity.

She didn't even have the wit to ask "Why the hell would anyone have a wedding in Detroit?"


While there's some obvious racial prejudice here there are similar stories of flight attendants–of yup, Delta–not cooperating with physicians during in-flight emergencies. There was an article posted not long ago about one such incident that was met with a ridiculous amount of resistance from the attendant. White female doctor btw.

During the flight a man's face was bleeding, he was spilling bloody feces onto the floor and in the aisle yet the attendant refused to allow any of the four (4!) physicians on board the emergency kit until they showed their licenses (something the airline later stated wasn't protocol and unnecessary if the person seems reasonably competent). Only the author had a license on her since she was on her way to a conference. The attendant in charge told the rest they'd need to return to their seats but the author was insistent one stay to help.

We met an alarming amount of resistance to moving the man because the flight attendant was afraid we would disturb other passengers (as if having an aisle full of feces was not enough). We asked for the overhead lights in that area to be turned on so we could get IV access and place the AED, and were once again told that we could not because it might disturb other persons on the flight. My boyfriend then held his cell phone light over the site while I placed an IV. Another physician, an ophthalmologist, held the IV fluids under pressure.

She then describes how while talking to the pilot, who had come to inquire about the situation, the attendant took back the emergency kit to the end of the plane and they had to retrieve it again.

She became angry with us for needing to have access to it in spite of our very clear explanation that we needed to have it available if any further deterioration happened.

A mess.


Does that poster have a history of doing so? I'm genuinely unaware, but on what basis do you say he or she dismisses ANY AND ALL stories about racism?

This is not even a news story. This is a Facebook post. If you think all Facebook posts merit discussion, I don't even know what to say to you.

I know you're banned now(which is quite amusing) but I never actually addressed the ridiculous part of this post in my response.
I didn't write anything about it being a "news story" but ignoring that, why does something need be reported by a news site to be worthy of discussion to you?

I have plenty of stories of the racism I've experienced. Are they less worthy of discussion because some news outlet didn't report on them. So black people need validation from news sites before are experiences are believed?


UPDATE on this story-


From Delta-

Three medical professionals identified themselves on the flight in question. Only one was able to produce documentation of medical training and that is the doctor who was asked to assist the customer onboard. In addition, paramedics met the flight to assist the customer further.

Flight attendants are trained to collect information from medical volunteers offering to assist with an onboard medical emergency. When an individual’s medical identification isn’t available, they’re instructed to ask questions such as where medical training was received or whether an individual has a business card or other documentation and ultimately to use their best judgment.

There you go. While the attendant's questions to the doctor sounded stupid, I guess she did it because of the policy. So it definitely about having credentials on you.


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