At this point, that's kinda cool. It's still getting recognized.
E. Coles forward O and Down Triangle are nothing to sleep on though. They both have great tools for 1v1. E. Cole can actually set up his lvl 1 through a grab.
They should release the DLC characters now to make the wait for Feb 20th so much easier.![]()
The DLC is right around the corner. Tomorrow's friday and it's supposed to be a blizzard so that'll make the weekend go by fast. Next thing you know it'll be Tuesday and I'll be katted out.
Haha yup those were some fun matches and yes everyone who was in them was from GAF; Alpha-Male is TimeEffect
The kill was actually pretty funny I knew I wouldn't have been able to dodge your level 2 so I had to counter it I was betting on you not expecting it.
That's great to hear! Hopefully there's some "Fighting Game of the Year Edition" packaged with all the DLC at some point.
Glad for them, it's my most played game of 2012, for sure.
I own both All-Stars and TTT2, and I definitely like All-Stars better. Most people don't agree with that, though.
It’s time for the next round of Beat the Clock!
On Tuesday, February 12, Kat from Gravity Rush and Emmett Graves from Starhawk will join the PlayStation All-Stars roster! To ring in this day, our Community Manager, Daniel Maniago (aka Clockw0rk) is once again taking challengers! Daniel will be playing free-for-all matches on PSN as “Strider_Doom” from 6-7PM PST.
He’ll be showing off all the new moves with Kat and Emmett, who—don’t forget—will be free to download for two weeks! If you find yourself in a match with Strider_Doom and win, we’ll post that match on our YouTube channel and you’ll be etched into PS All-Stars history!
Good luck!
It'll be so nice to have some fresh blood in the game, I'll even welcome Emmett to the party.
Probably been asked before, but are we getting the new stage along with Kat n' Emmett?
Ooo balance discussion. Ima join it.
Quite frankly the best thing they could(at first) do is removing certain kill confirms. Remove EvilColes Giga Punch kill confirm and BOOM he would be very average. Same with Raiden. Forward Square and forward circle are way too good.
Sly's is just so ridicioulus being hardest one to interrupt. You have 0.5 secs to interrupt Sly's level 1. Ridicioulus.
Im beginning to think that a lot of the level 1s should be nerfed. Why are some level 1s better than level 2s? Hell, They can even match some level 3s!
I also released this nerf list i made earlier.
As for multiple supers... maybe not. But i think Sir Dan is good example. You can aim it Up and Sideways. More supers should have directional aim. Like what if Parappa could attack horizontally and vertically?
Also, since level 2s are really awkward in sequel ALL level 2s should be able to get ATLEAST 4 kills.
Prepare for a couple of weeks with only Kat and Emmett! (Also Kratos, Raiden)
I think they that the entire package of TT2 is better than All Stars and although I do love TT2 I do enjoy All Stars more I think because its so different to everything game play wise.
Did superbot try to sabotage this game with a hotfix or something? The glitches are FIERCE tonight.
That would actually be pretty hilarious. This game has had a rough life.
Oh yea! Congrats Superbot and may there be many many more years of All-Star games!!!... oh... oh yea... nevermind... too late.
Also my friends at SSM state they haven't seen anything of Allstars yet. Also, most people are going on 3 month break
Oh yea! Congrats Superbot and may there be many many more years of All-Star games!!!... oh... oh yea... nevermind... too late.
Also my friends at SSM state they haven't seen anything of Allstars yet. Also, most people are going on 3 month break
Alright I'm officially done. I love the fighting system, but I've reached my wits end with this game tonight, it's been a steady down hill slope for this game, and superbot has fumbled it over and over and over again, patch after patch, they haven't addressed any of the real issues, nerfed the wrong characters, and somehow the netcode is worse. Just played ANOTHER round where despite hitting the character (I was versing ratchet) and starting a combo on my screen, I would appear in his cannon as if he had grabbed me and I would be hit confirmed. This happened 4 times in the round, one of the times he failed to kill me. The game is no longer worth the time spent in it whatsoever. Pretty disappointed :-/ considering the beta was SIGNICIANTLY smoother, and far less issues occured with lag.
You'll probably get over it. I can't count how many times I've almost given up on the game.
The fighting system is fun. But it has also proven that supers only is bad design, or at least closer to bad design than good.
Also getting hit isn't as much as a penalty as it should be.
It's still a fun game. I just think I'd be playing it a lot more if it had a health system and ranked 1v1. Both of these seem like things that could be patched in, too... but I doubt they will.
I feel like a dick because after defending the super KO system so strongly before release, insisting that people at least give it a shot, I've finally decided that it's more annoying than fun.
This is mainly because the supers are just so damn unbalanced. Some guys have easy hit-confirms, while other guys can barely land theirs.
But it's also just extremely frustrating that if you whiff a super, it means everything you've done up to that point was pointless. It doesn't matter if you've been kicking ass and building meter like crazy. You whiffed that super because you didn't choose a character with a great hit-confirm, so now you're back to square zero.
In this more than any other fighting game I can think of, you are at a severe disadvantage if you don't choose a top tier character, and it's entirely because of the super system. I've basically found myself giving up on my characters of choice, Sir Dan and Big Daddy, entirely because their supers are absolute garbage. I'm used to playing mid- or even low-tier characters and needing to make up for it by playing harder, I'm used to that. But in this game, it's just ridiculous.
I also hate how FFA is the default online mode for this game. It's hard to get good at the game when someone comes from behind you and kills you while you're trying to do a combo.
It's still a fun game. I just think I'd be playing it a lot more if it had a health system and ranked 1v1. Both of these seem like things that could be patched in, too... but I doubt they will.
That's my main issue right now,there is no punishment for getting caught on a combo and instead you get 30 AP for free, AP burst should remove the victim some AP instead of giving them, it should have been a bit like Dissidia.
On another note, I think Superbot has done a tremendous job with integrating each characters unique feel from their respective games. Playing through the new Sly Cooper now, it's great to see a large portion of the moves in Sly's game in PS All-Stars. Same with Dante, Raiden and so on.
Trying to think of a better way to explain this, as clearly each character is going to have their signature moves, but, at least for me, when I play a character it feels like playing the character from that game, not some character in PS-All Stars who has those moves. With the exception of some, of whom we've had little experience of, such as Radec.
Watching videos of Kat after having recently completely Gravity Rush emphasises how, once again, they've gotten it spot-on.
completely agree....Superbot did a fucking amazing job at keeping the character true to their franchises